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VaduvUr KodhaNda Ramaswamy Temple SamprOkshaNam , Jan 27- 31 , 2007

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Dear Raama BhakthAs :


The dhivya soundharyam of Sri Kothandha Raaman ,

SithA PirAtti and LakshmaNa Swamy at VaduvUr

is unforgettable . VaduvUr is 25 miles from Tanjore

in ThiruvArur district .


You may wish to browse the following URL to have

the darsanam of Sri SithA LakshmaNa SamEtha

Sri Kodhandha Raaman with an ardha chandra BhANam

on His right hand :






and other images relating to VaduvUr Temple .

You will have the bhAgyam of seeing here, Prakrutham

Srimath Azhagiya Singar's MangaLAsAsanam

at this abhimAna Sthalam .


VaduvUr is known for hte Veda PaatasAlaa run by

Sri GhanapAdi DesikAchAr Swamy on behalf of

HH Srimath Srirangam Andavan . Veda GhOsham

is always heard here .


adiyEn would like to invite Your attention to contributing

a Total of $1,000 for the construction of the special

Yaaga Saalai for use in the MahA SamprOkshaNam

and for future use in PavithrOthsam , Sitaa KalyANam

and all Vaidheeka Ceremonies at this famous Temple .


Please contact me if you wish to contribute to

create the Special Yaaga Saala from Aaasthika

Raama BhakthAs from India and overseas .



Moderator , Raama Bhakthi List




Some Reflections of KodhaNdha Raaman at VaduvUr



Sri ThyAgabrahmam's Karahara Priyaa Krithi ,

Sri Raama KodhaNda Raama comes to my mind

when I think of VaduvUr Temple :


The moving prayer of Thyaga Brahmam Takes on

the form of a Krithi with 6 CharaNams :


Pallavi :


Raama KodhaNdha Raama Paahi ,

Raama Pattabhiraama


Oh Lord with the powerful Kodhandam in

Your hand for Bhaktha SamrakshaNam and

Dushta Nigraham , please bless me and

protect me !




yee-mahini BhommalAdda juchi

kammagAnu oka maaDa lEdhA ?


While You are enjoying this puppet play

in this world of samsAris , wont You speak

one sweet word to me ?


The Six CharaNams continue in a spirit of

Dhainyam . The gist of the charaNams are :


Why this indifference to show me Your

youthful and beautiful face ? Why do You

look away from me ? I am longing for Your

darsanam and pine for You and yet You

who knows my desperate condition would not

come to me quickly. My adoration of You as my

Lord has no let up and I do not know which ignorant

folk has cursed me not to have Your grace .It is

also possible that You do not consider me

worthy of being embraced by You tightly to

Your chest and hold me by Your sacred hand .

I have devoted my entire life to Your kaimkaryams

and have stayed away from the termptations of

this world and my mind is totally filled with

Mahaa ViswAsam for You as my protector .

Oh KodhaNda Raama! Please come to my rakshaNam !


Saint ThyagarAja was 25 miles away at VaduvUr

singing about the Vaibhavam of the Lord at

ThiruvayyARu on the banks of Cauvery .

In hundreds of Raaga Satha MaalikAs ,

the Raama BhakthA poured out his heart-felt

feelings about Lord Raamachandra in many moods

as he went about his daily AarAdhanams and Unchivruthti

Bhajans. Here are soem excerpts :


1. Nidhi chAla sukhama ? Raamuni sannidhi sEva sukhamaa?

nijamukha Bhalku manasaa ( Raagam KalyANi , where he asks

his mind to tell the truth about which gives grater happines --

the possession of material wealth or kaimkaryam to Raamachandra).


2. DahrmAthmaka ! dhana dhAnya dhaivamu neevai yunDaka

( Ranjani Raagam , where he declared without any doubt that

Lord Ramachandra is his material wealth and his sole God ) .


3. Saint Thyagaraaja will be overcome by the great beauty of

the Lord and will be raptourously involved in enjoying that bliss

in BindhumAlini Raagam ( yenthamuddhO ! yentha sogasO?

yevarivalla varNimpa tagunE? What a beauty and what a sweet

charm ? Who can adequately describe the Lord 's soundaryam

and souseelyam ?) .


4. He will have nirvEdham over the fleeting time at other times

and would beg his mind to engage itself in Raama AarAdhanam:

ThOdi Raagam : prOddhu pOyyEnu , Sri Raamuni BhUni

bhajimpavE manasaa ! ( Time is fleeting by . The hour glass

is being emptied rapidly . Oh my dear mind ! hurry and engage in

earnest to worship Raama ) .


5. As he sung Raamaa to sleep at the end of a day's worship ,

the Saint will sing in the soothing NilAmbhari Raagam ,

" yennaga manasuku raani PannagasAyi sogasu pannuga

ganugOnani kannulElE kaNDiminnalElE ?" ( What is the use of

our eyes and their lustre , if they are not blessed to feast on

the soundaryam of the Lord resting on AdhisEsha in a manner

beyond the comprehension of our minds ?) .


6. He will fret over the wayward habits of samsaaris in Raaga

NaaTanAma Kriya and seek the Lord's blessings to show the way

for redemption : " KaruNAjaladhE ! DhAsaraTE ! kamaneeyAnana

SuguNanidhE ! manasAraga poojinthurE ninu maDi maadiki

yOjinthurE " ( Oh Ocean of Mercy ! Oh Lord with the most beautiful

face ! the abode all kalyANa GuNAs ! will the people worship You

to their heart's content and meditate on Your Vaibhavam frequently ?

What a pity that they lead such empty lives bereft of You? ) .


7. In Raagaa Naagaanandhini , the Saint will protest against

the machination of the Kali Yugam and what it does to people :

" No doubt this is the first part of Kali Yugam . Should people on

account of that pay neither respect to their parents and AchAryan

and indulge in different kinds of misdeeds ? ".


8.In PantuvarALi , he will celebrate the boon of Raama Bhakthi

and recognize its matchless greatness : " appa! Raama Bhakthi yenthO

gOpparaa ?".


9. In Kannada Raagam , the Saint would declare "idhE bhAgyamu gaaka -

yEmi unnadhirA? Raama !" ( This alone is the real bliss to be coveted --

incessant worship of Your lotus feet with the whole heart . What is loftier

than that ? ).


10. In Raagam SupOshiNi , the saint will declare : Oh RaghUtthama !

who else in this world that can transport one to transcendental joy

but You ?: " RaminchuvArEvaruraa? RaghUtthamaa ! ninu vinaa )."


11. In Sri Raagam , the Saint from ThiruvayyARu will point out

that human existence becomes blessed only if one worships the sacred

feet of Raamachandran with the flowers of His names ( Naama

kusumamulachE pUjinji nara janmamE janmamu !).


12. In Janaranjani Raagam , Thyagabrahmam will reveal the greatness

of performing Raama Naama Japam and the sukham that results from it

( smaraNE sukhamu Raama Naama naruDai BhuDDi nandhuku --naama) .


As the divine Raama BhakthA was engaged in singing about the Vaibhavam of

KodhaNda Raaman and expressing his longing to have the Lord's darsanam ,

His archaa Moorthy at VaduvUr was listening ; He could not wait

any more at His sannidhi . He walked with His DEvi and LakshmaNa

Swamy to ThiruvayyARu and blessed the Saint with His darsanam

at his residence in the Thriumanjana Veethi of ThiruvayyARu .

The saint was raprurous and sang his famous krithi : alakalalla .


If the Archaa Moorthy at VaduvUr would not present Himself at

our houses , the best for us to do is to travel to His sannidhi

at VaduvUr and feast our eyes on His dhivya MangaLa vigraham

there .


Please participate in the construction of the Yaaga Saalai , attend

the SamprokshaNam on Jan 31 , listen to the Veda PaarAyaNam

and enjoy the TadhiyArAdhanam from Jan 27-31 , 2007.


Please contact me for help in forwarding your samarpaNams

on this grand ocasion of Mahaa SamprOkshaNam for

Sithaa SamEtha Kodhandha Raaman at VaduvUr .


NamO NamO RaaghavAya anisam ,

Raama Dhaasan , V.Sadagopan





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Dear Sri Raama BhakthAs :


Few days ago , I invited your attention to take part in

the Kaimkaryam for the creation of the permanent

Yaaga Saala for Sri Jaanaki Sametha Kodhanda Raaman

Sannidhi at the AbhimAna Sthalam of Vaduvur .


The SamprOkshaNam arrangements are proceeding

and it will be nice for overseas sishyAs to have the blessings

of links to the creation of the Yaaga Saalaa . We have pledges of

$250 sofar . We need another $750 . I will wait to hear form interested

AasthikAs until this Friday before closing this Kaimakryam .


Sri Raghuveeran's glories are brilliantly eulogized by

Swamy Desikan in His Mahaaveera ( Raghuveera Vaibhavam) :




Which is the 4th book in that series .Please listen to the audio

rendering of this Sri Sookthi in MP3 format in prapatti.com of

Sri Sundar Kidambi .


Please take part and each time the PoorNaahUthi is made there ,

the sacred smoke from the offered Havis willreach you to bless You all .


Sri RaamachandrAya Nama:

Daasan , V.Sadagopan


The AasthikAs in India desirous of participatign in this Kaimakryam

are requested to contact Ghana Paadi Sri DesikAcchAr Swamy of

VaduvUr directly ( Tel: 04367-267476). Thank you .


Please send your samarpaNams to me so that I can forward them

on your behalf . I am at :

Apt 6B-1, Scarborough manor

P.O Box 307

Sacrborough , NY 10510






Dear Raama BhakthAs :


The dhivya soundharyam of Sri Kothandha Raaman ,

SithA PirAtti and LakshmaNa Swamy at VaduvUr

is unforgettable . VaduvUr is 25 miles from Tanjore

in ThiruvArur district .


You may wish to browse the following URL to have

the darsanam of Sri SithA LakshmaNa SamEtha

Sri Kodhandha Raaman with an ardha chandra BhANam

on His right hand :






and other images relating to VaduvUr Temple .

You will have the bhAgyam of seeing here, Prakrutham

Srimath Azhagiya Singar's MangaLAsAsanam

at this abhimAna Sthalam .


VaduvUr is known for hte Veda PaatasAlaa run by

Sri GhanapAdi DesikAchAr Swamy on behalf of

HH Srimath Srirangam Andavan . Veda GhOsham

is always heard here .


adiyEn would like to invite Your attention to contributing

a Total of $1,000 for the construction of the special

Yaaga Saalai for use in the MahA SamprOkshaNam

and for future use in PavithrOthsam , Sitaa KalyANam

and all Vaidheeka Ceremonies at this famous Temple .


Please contact me if you wish to contribute to

create the Special Yaaga Saala from Aaasthika

Raama BhakthAs from India and overseas .



Moderator , Raama Bhakthi List


P.S : AasthikAs from India are requested to contact

GhanapAdi Sri De sikAcchAr Swamy at VaduvUr

(Tel: 04367-26 74 76) to send their contributions .


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