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The importance of diet when doing Sadhna

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Yogis are recommended to have a Sattwic diet. This helps keeps Tamogun

out of mind & body, & hence makes it easier to go into Samadhi. But

there are other reasons for proper diet as well.


One of the problems faced by Yogis(& by normal people as well) is

Ayurvedic Dosha imbalance. The 3 Ayurvedic Doshas are Pitt, Vat &

Kaph(wrongly translated as bile, phlegm & gas, which are merely the by



Pitt is the fire element in us- it digests not just food, but thoughts

as well. Vat is the air element- it not only moves blood around, but

gives new ideas. Kaph is the Earth element- it provides stabilty &

support- both physcial & mental.


Most people have one or the other dosha main. So Pitt people are

fiery, imaginative,agressive, they always feel hot. Kaph people are

strongly built, feel cool most time, slow thinkers. Vat people are

restless, &need to constantly try new things. To find your Dosha, try:




For Yogis, the imbalance of these Doshas creates problems in Sadhna.

Too much Vata will make your restless & easily bored. Too much Kaph

might make you lazy & easily satisfied. Too much Pit might make you

angry when you dont see results.


Even on the physical level, the Doshas disturb. You might feel too

much heat if you are a Pitt type, which means you wont be able to

concentrate. Similarly Kpah types will feel uncomfortable in cool

places. Changing location isnt always possible. Most diseases are also

caused by imbalance in Doshas.


For this reason it is important for a Sadhak to take correct diet. You

must first know your Ayurvedic type, then find the correct diet for

that.(Again this can be found on many books, websites, including one

given above).


Once you start Sadhna, these Dosha might be disturbed(as Sadhna brings

out latent Tamogun), & you have to carefully monitor them with proper



Based on personal experience & experience of others, I can say that if

you are doing Sadhna corretly, your diet will automatically change.

You wont eat too much or too little, you might develop appetite for

things you didnt like earlier, & start disliking things you did like.

The last point happens as the body tries eat only those things which

will keep Mind & Body in balance for proper Sadhna.


If your diet is wrong, you still might be able to do Sadhna, but you

will face a lot of obstacles.

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