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[Nectar] New Scientific Hare Krishna website

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By Caitanya Caran das




'The Hare Krishna Views On science' website is dedicated to His

Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada who out of his

compassion came to share the timeless spiritual wisdom of Vedic India

with the Western world.


Most people today have been led to believe that science can explain -

or soon will explain - all natural phenomena - including the origin

of life and the universe. Not many of them get to know that this notion

is a belief that is only a few centuries old. Or that is being

increasingly challenged by scientific research. This site will

systematically present the pioneering research that promises to herald

a spiritual revolution within science. Indeed eminent thinkers

throughout the world, including leading scientists such as Nobel

laureate Richard R. Ernst, peace workers such as Nobel laureates Oscar

Arias Sanchez and Betty Williams, and spiritualists such as Nobel

laureate the Dalai Lama, firmly believe that only a synthesis of

science and spirituality can lead the world out of the present troubled


History in the making - and remaking


Since the time Newton attempted to explain planetary orbits through the

laws of gravity and Motion, the scientific belief that the totality of

existence can be explained through science has been gaining momentum.

Correspondingly the hand of God on the canvas of the universe has been

becoming dimmer and dimmer. Prior to Understanding GodNewton, God was

understood to be the creator and controller of the universe. Newtonian

physics relegated Him to the role of a creator, a mere clockmaker who

had no power over nature, which was governed by laws. Darwin's origin

of natural species proposed in 1859 provided the intellectual

justification for removing God even from the role of the creator. The

intellectual climate of that time embraced Darwinian evolution not so

much because of its scientific basis, but because of its ideological

implications. This covert agenda to exile God from the academic world

was made explicit by Frederic Nietsche through his jolting "God is

dead" proclamation. Today almost all the academic textbooks

scienceand journals as well as commercial science fiction novels and

movies portray evolution as a proven fact, as an unquestionable

scientific reality. Timescience2 and time again we get to hear recycled

versions of the same old tale of human and universal origins: the

universe originated with a big bang, unicellular life evolved

fortuitously on the earth in a primordial soup, life forms evolved to

increasing levels of complexity, and gradually


All the flora and fauna on our planet - including we humans - came

about. And concomitantly the religious world reviews of universal

origins involving God are almost instantly rejected as pre-scientific



This materialistic worldview has gained widespread acceptance not so

much due to its scientific validation as due to its vigorous

propagation. Moreover the impressive technological accomplishments of

science - catering to the mass demands for instant relief and

pleasure - have created among people a naïve, unquestioning faith

that whatever science says must be true.


But as the harmful effects of technology are being increasingly

recognized, so also are the fallacies of the scientific worldview that

underlies these technologies.


More and more people - including acclaimed scientists - are

realizing that thinkersreductionistic theories overlook a cardinal

principle of science: theories should be based on objective evidences,

no matter how unexpected, and not subjective beliefs, no matter how

popular. The evidence uncovered by science - both at the macroscopic

and the microscopic level - portrays a picture of the universe that

is strikingly different from what most of us have been taught to

believe as science.


Observation of the fine harmony of the universal laws, the amazing

complexity and the purposeful, wonderful organization of animate and

inanimate life on different levels, has started a progressively

strengthening movement for the respiritualization of science.


This website is not anti-science, it is pro-humanity. Our human race

deserves to know the truths about its origin and purpose and that is

what this site will provide -by combining modern scientific research

with timeless Vedic wisdom. The value and glory of Vedic wisdom has

been recognized by many eminent thinkers. We give here just a few



Einstein"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to

count, without which no worthwhile scientific

discovery could have been made. "


~ Albert Einstein


"After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas

of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more


W. Heisenberg (German Physicist, 1901-1976)


"The Vedanta and the Sankhya hold the key to the laws of mind and

thought process which are co-related to the Quantum Field, i.e. the

operation and distribution of particles at atomic and molecular



Prof. Brian David Josephson (1940 - ) Welsh physicist, the youngest

Nobel Laureate


" It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing all

numbers by ten symbols, each receiving a value of position as well as

an absolute value, a profound and important idea which appears so

simple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its very

simplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, puts

our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shall

appreciate the grandeur of this achievement the more when we remember

that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Appollnius, two of the

greatest men produced by antiquity."


Pierre Simon de Laplace, French mathematician, philosopher, and



"Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I haveThoreau

felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated

me. In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no

touch of sectarianism. It is of all ages, climbs, and

nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment

of the Great Knowledge."


~ Thoreau (American Thinker)


"The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of

life's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion."


~ Herman Hesse (1877-1962), German poet and novelist, awarded the Nobel

Prize for literature in 1946,


In the great book of India,the Bhagavad-gita, an empire spoke to us,

nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene,

consistent, the voice of an old intelligence, which in

another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed

of the questions that exercise us.


~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Eminent American Thinker


On our website you can read articles about the origin of the universe,

the chemical evolution or beginning of life, the critiques of modern

scientific methodologies; the evolution of species and much more, all

in the light of such opinions, which though written by respected

scientists and philosophers, are not placed in the school books,

scientific journals and media programs due to the process of

"knowledge filtration" through which the ruling paradigm blinds the

public to all evidence that challenges its supremacy.


Come, open your intellects to new realms of knowledge and experience.

Read articles that inform, challenge, provoke, enlighten, inspire, -

and, most of all, stimulate the shaping of a more scientific science

and a more human humanity.


Caitanya Caran das - ISKCON Pune






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