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Some more experiences

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Nikhileshwarm Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram




Regret,regret & regret. That is what goes into the mind of a person

who misses the opportunity.


Some one should have told me, someone should have grabbed my hand

and pushed me to do sadhana.

Some one should have motivated me... oh its too late ...

what use of understanding the value of something when so much loss

is already done...

Alas! if only some other sadhak had told me how powerful tantra

sadhnas can be.

He/she will always keep on thinking if only I was told this, if

only I was told that and so on so froth. They mean to say that

responsibilty lies on others, not on them.


In case of person who in the state of indecisveness about doing

sadhna or reluctantly starting sadhna because of push from others,

goes through following states of thought process in mind.

(By sadhna we here mean doing any actvity suggested by Guru using

proper procedure, regularly and atleast the amount of actvity must

be equal to minimum recommended by Guru)



Why they(sadhkas) should be doing all this?

Nothing is coming. The experiences and results I am expecting are

not coming...

May be I was fooled...

May be they also wanted to push me into the same ditch in which they

have already fallen....

May be they felt I should also feel the frustration of not getting

results through sadhna.............................

......and many similar thoughts keep on overwhelming that person.



When the thinking has reached this level then it becomes very

difficult for the person who had initially suggested him strongly to

do sadhnas. That is the reason most persons will not press others

beyond a point for doing sadhnas.



Until a person starts on this path on his own, he may not go too far.




Unfortunately a person wakes up to the reality only after he/she

looses something which was very valuable for him, which was most

dear to him. Then only he realises how powerful the sadhnas are

and what they can achieve.


Even a sadhak/sadhika who had not understood the urgency of

circumstances and the importance of valuable time he had in acting

upon the words of Guru thinks in somewhat similar manner.

with delay in understanding the value of knowledge he could have

gained & delay in action to utilise means available with him,a

sadhak finds himself in similar situaion.




We just want to remind you that these are the experiences, which

many have gone through.By reading this do not think that it is

negative comment on other people's lives. These are just the

feelings expressed by so many persons in real life and they surely

must have something for all of us to learn. Not only us but many

persons amongst you in this group must have come across people with

these kinds of experiences in their lives.


No one of us is answerable to one another for our actions,intentions

or words.



Every person is answerable to God only, even though his/her actions

seems to be directed at individuals around him/her.



For a disciple God means his Guru and for others it is just a image

created by their own imagination.




Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

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