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Consejo/Board of International Yoga Sports Federation

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International Yoga Sports Federation

Federación Internacional de Yoga Deportivo


Executive Board of International Yoga Sports Federation

By continental yoga organizations

Consejo Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Yoga Deportivo

por organizaciones continentales



Chairperson Mirta Bardo (2003-2007) (delegate Latin America Union of Yoga)

President: Dr Gopalji (2001-2007) (delegate Asian Union of Yoga)

Vicepresident: Pietro Bonvini (1989-2007) (delegate European Federation of Yoga)

Secretary General: Arturo Garcia (2006-2007) (delegate North America Yoga Federation): Sivakovskaya Oksana .... (delegate European Yoga Alliance): Swami Gauri (delegate Latin America Union of Yoga)


Coordinator: Dr. Jaydeepsinh Jadhav (South Asian Yoga Federation)

Coordinator: Viara from (delegate European Yoga Alliance)

Coordinator: Ashok Kumar Aggarwal, (Yoga Federation of India)


Executive Board of International Yoga Sports Federation

By national yoga organizations

Consejo Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Yoga Deportivo

por Organizaciones Nacionales de Yoga


Chairperson Mirta Bardo (2003-2007) (Yoga Federation of Argentina)

President: Dr Gopalji (2001-2007) (Yoga Confederation of India)

Vicepresident: Pietro Bonvini (1989-2007) (Yoga Schools Federation of Italy)

Secretary General: Arturo Garcia (2006-2007) (Yoga Alliance Mexico): Sivakovskaya Oksana .... (Vasudeva Association of Ukraine): Swami Gauri (Yoga Association of Uruguay)


Coordinator: Dr. Jaydeepsinh Jadhav (Yoga Confederation of India)

Coordinator: Viara from (Yoga Federation of Bulgary)

Coordinator: Ashok Kumar Aggarwal, (Yoga Federation of India)




Arturo Garcia

Secretary General of International Yoga Sports Federation



Prof. Mirta Bardo (Vidyananda)

(Chairperson) International Yoga Sports Federation



Prof. Mirta Bardo is Advisor and Member of Olympic Committe of

Argentina and Olympic Academy of Argentina


of National Yoga School at Presidency of Republic, Sports

Secretary of Argentina




e-mail: chairperson (AT) yogasports (DOT) org








Dharma Deva (Arturo Garcia)

Communications Director of International Yoga Federation (http://www.internationalyogafederation.net)

Honorary Secretary for Mexico and Central America IYF (http://www.worldyogafederation.net/secretariat.htm) of North American Yoga Federation (http://www.nayf.org)


President of Dharma Yoga Association of Mexico (http://www.yogadharma.org)


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