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Are you fixed in your resolve to follow your Guru's order to preach KRSNA Consc. ???

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Srila Prabhupada once told his disciples that in the 1950s he read the commentary on this verse written by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur. He said he was struck by the commentary, which further fixed him in his resolve to follow his guru's order to preach KRSNA consciousness in English. The commentary is as follows:


"The best kind of intelligence I can have, is intelligence used in the service of KRSNA. That intelligence is defined as 'fixed' when it is intent upon my spiritual master's instructions; such as chanting the name of KRSNA, remembering His activities and performing service to His lotus feet. Those instructions are my sadhana and my life both in the beginning stages of bhakti as well in bhakti's perfectional stage. I desire only to follow his instructions, I accept nothing else in my life's work, even in dreams. Whether I am happy or distressed, whether the material world remains or is destroyed, I don't care. There is no loss for me. I simply must carry out the orders of my spiritual master. Being fixed upon his order is determined intelligence and devotional service and only by being fixed on his orders can such determined intelligence prosper." :pray:

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Srila Prabhupada said :


"'I desire only to follow his instructions, I accept nothing else in my life's work, even in dreams".


I can relate to the follow his instructions part, but what did he mean with the dreams part ?


Somebody ?

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