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the appearance day of Shrila Advaita Acharya

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The Philosophical Truths About Shrila Advaita Acharya Prabhu


'advaita acarya' bali' katha kaha ya'ra sei 'nada' lagi mora ei avatara


The Supreme Lord Gauranga said: "This incarnation of Mine in Kali-yuga was induced by Nada, whom you all call as Advaita Acharya."


Shrila Advaita Acharya is the original cause for the advent of the most merciful incarnation of Lord Krishna as Lord Gauranga. Thus if we do not worship and celebrate with great enthusiam the appearance day of Shrila Advaita Acharya - Advaita Saptami - which falls on Thursday 25th January 2007, we will find if very difficult to achieve the mercy of Lords Nityananda- Gauranga. By celebrating the festival of Advaita Saptami, we try to express our gratitude to Shri Advaita Acharya for the greatest service ever rendered to the conditioned souls of inducing the Lord to appear in His most magnanimous incarnation along with His elder brother Lord Nityananda Balarama (je anilo prema dhana karuna prachura). Recommended reading: Cc Adi Chp 12 and other references given below from CBh and Cc.


Prayer of this day:


doya koro sitapati advaita gosai

tava kripa bale pai chaitanya-nitai


"O Lord Shri Advaita Acharya Prabhu, husband of Shrimati Sita Thakurani (incarnation of Goddess Durga or Katyayani), please be causelessly merciful on me, so that I can achieve the shelter of the lotus feet of Lords Nityananda and Lord Gauranga by the strength of Your mercy, which is the only way."



maha-visnur jagat-karta mayaya yah srjaty adah

tasyavatara evayam advaitacarya-isvarah


Lord Advaita Acarya is the incarnation of Maha-Visnu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of maya. (Cc. Adi 6.4)



advaitam harinadvaitad acaryam bhakti-samsanat

bhaktavataram isam tam advaitacaryam asraye


Because He is nondifferent from Hari, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acarya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord's devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him. (Cc. Adi 1.13)


Mahavisnu is the Efficient Cause and Advaita is the Material Cause of Mundane Creation



apane purusa visvera 'nimitta'-karana

advaita-rupe 'upadana' hana narayana

'nimittamse' kare tenho mayate iksana

'upadana' advaita karena brahmanda-srjana


Lord Visnu is the efficient cause (nimitta) of the material world, and Narayana, in the form of Sri Advaita, is the material cause (upadana). Lord Visnu, in His efficient aspect glances over the material energy, and Sri Advaita as the material cause, creates the material world. (Cc. Adi 6.16,17) Advaita is Sadasiva



bhaktavatara acaryo 'dvaita yah sri sadasivah


He who was Sri Sadasiva is the bhakta-avatara, Sri Advaita Prabhu.


(Gaura-Ganoddesadipika, 11)


The Meaning of the Name Advaita 6.5


maha-visnura amsa advaita guna-dhama

isvare abheda, teni 'advaita' purna nama


Sri Advaita, who is the reservoir of virtues, is the main limb of Mahavisnu.


His full name is Advaita, for He is identical in all respects with the Lord.


(Cc. Adi 6.26)


Advaita Acarya is a Preacher of Krsna-bhakti



jiva nistarila krsna-bhakti kari' dana

gita-bhagavate kaila bhaktira vyakhyana


He delivered all living beings by offering the gift of krsna-bhakti. He explained Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-bhagavatam in the light of devotional service. (Cc. Adi 6.28)


He is the Avatara of Mahavisnu and a Devotee of Lord Caitanya 6.7 advaita-acarya-gosani saksat isvara

prabhu guru kari' mane, tinho ta' kinkara


Lord Advaita Acarya is directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Lord Gauranga accepts Him as His preceptor, Advaita Acarya is a servant of the Lord. (Cc. Adi. 5.147)


Advaita and Nityananda are Servants of Lord Gauranga



eka mahaprabhu, ara prabhu duijana

dui prabhu sebe mahaprabhura carana


There is one "Mahaprabhu" and two Prabhus. The two Prabhus serve the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu. (Cc. Adi 7.14)


Two Branches Among the Followers of Advaita



advaitanghry-abja-bhrogams tan sarasara-bhrto 'khilan

hitva 'saran sara-bhrto naumi caitanya jivanan


The followers of Sri Advaita were of two kinds. Some were real followers (saragrahi) and the others were false (asaragrahi). Rejecting the false followers, I offer my respectful obeisances to the real followers of Sri Advaita Acarya, whose life and soul was Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (Cc. Adi 12.1)


The Saragrahi Followers of Advaita are Devotees of Gauranga



prathame ta' eka-mata acaryera gana

pache dui-mata haila daivera karana

keha ta' acarya ajnaya, keha ta' svatantra

sva-mata kalpana kare daiva-paratantra

acaryera mata yei, sei mata sara

tanra ajna langhi' cale, sei ta' asara


At first all the followers of Advaita Acarya shared a single opinion, but later they followed two opinions as ordained by providence. Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi-maya.


The opinion of the acarya is essential. Anyone who disregards his order is useless (asara-grahi). (Cc. Adi. 12.8-10).


The Useless Followers of Advaita Acarya were cut off From Gauranga's Mercy



ihara madhye mali pache kona sakha-gana

na mane caitanya-mali durdaiva karana

srjaila, jiyaila, tanre na manila

krtaghna ha-ila, tanre skandha kruddha ha-ila

kruddha hana skandha tare jala na sancare

jalabhave krsa sakha sukaiya mare


After the disappearance of Lord Gauranga, the gardener of the tree of love of Godhead, some of the sub-branches of the Advaita branch, for unfortunate reasons, deviated from His path. Some branches did not accept the trunk that vitalized and maintained the entire tree When they thus became ungrateful, the trunk was angry at them. Thus Lord Caitanya did not sprinkle upon them the water of His mercy, and they gradually withered and died. (Cc. Adi 12.67-69)


Thus ends the Sixth Jewel of Gaudiya Kanthahara, entitled Advaita-tattva.


compiled by Om Visnupada Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada


CBh Madhya Chp 5:




saghane dhulaya sira, 'nada', 'nada' bale

nadara sandarbha keha na bujhe sakale


The Lord vigorously shook His head while calling, "Nada, Nada," but no one understood the actual meaning of the word Nada.


The word sandarbha means "purport,confidential meaning," or "mystery." It is stated: "Those statements that reveal a most confidential meaning, that are the essence of a subject, and that give various meanings to understand a subject matter are known by learned scholars as sandarbha."




sabe balilena,-"prabhu, 'nada' bala kare?"

prabhu bale,-"ailun muni yahara hunkare


Everyone inquired, "O Lord, who is this Nada You are calling?" The Lord replied, "He by whose loud cries I came.




'advaita acarya' bali' katha kaha ya'ra

sei 'nada' lagi mora ei avatara


"This incarnation of Mine was induced by Nada, whom you all call Advaita Acarya.




mohare anila nada vaikuntha thakiya

niscinte rahila giya haridasa laina


"Nada has brought Me from Vaikuntha, but now He is living free from all cares with Haridasa.


Lord Gauranga Himself holds the feet of Shrila Acharya


Text 41


Lord Caitanya always thought Advaita Acärya His spiritual master. At this Advaita would feel very unhappy.


Text 42 Advaita was not able to serve Lord Caitanya directly. While Lord Caitanya slept, Advaita would grasp the Lord's feet.


Text 43 In His heart He meditated on Lord Caitanya's feet. Advaita always desired to serve Lord Caitanya directly. That was His constant desire.


Text 44 Although He did not have the power to serve Him directly, Advaita yearned to serve Lord Caitanya. Therefore Advaita resorted to stealing the dust from Lord Caitanya's feet.


Text 45 When Lord Caitanya fainted in ecstaté love, Advaita approached the Lord's feet.


Text 46 Offering daëòavat obeisances, Advaita fell before the soles of the Lord's feet. With the tears from His eyes, Advaita washed Lord Caitanya's feet.


Text 47 When Lord Caitanya fainted in ecstasy, on His own head Advaita wiped the Lord's feet. Offering daëòavat obeisances, He worshiped the Lord.


Text 48 Only because he had attained Lord Caitanya's great, great mercy could Advaita act in these ways.


Text 49 Therefore Advaita was the first of the Vaiñëavas. All the Vaiñëavas affirmed, "Advaita is very fortunate."


Text 50 Wicked persons do not understand the secret of Lord Advaita's transcendental glories.


Text 51 One day Lord Caitanya danced, and Advaita happily followed Him.


Text 52 Then Lord Caitanya fell unconscious. Seeing this, Advaita anointed His limbs with the dust of the Lord's feet. Then He hid.


Text 53 Lord Caitanya was perfectly aware of all these wonderful activities. Then Lord Caitanya began dancing again. Dancing and dancing, He did not feel happy.


Text 54 Lord Caitanya said, "Why is it not revealed to My heart? Whom have I offended, that now I do not feel joyful?


Text 55 "What was stolen from Me. Who stole it? Because of this offense, I have no power to dance in ecstasy.


Text 56 "Did someone touch the dust of My feet? Tell the truth. Don't worry. This I tell to you."


Text 57 Hearing the words of He who is the Supersoul present in everyone's heart, the devotees became afraid. Silent, no one spoke.


Text 58 If they spoke, they were afraid of Advaita's response. If they did not speak they would die. Understanding their dilemma, Advaita folded His hands and said,


Text 59 "If a thief cannot take directly, he will take when no one is looking.


Text 60 "I am the thief. Please forgive My transgression. If it displeases You, I will not do it."


Text 61 Advaita's words made Lord Caitanya angry. On the preText of angry words Lord Caitanya described the glories of Advaita.


Text 62 He said, "You destroy everything, and even then You feel no remorse in Your heart.


Text 63 "Then, when everything is destroyed, You won't be happy unless You destroy Me also.


Text 64 "You kill the ascetics, sannyäsés, yogés, and philosophers. Whom do You not kill with Your trident?


Text 65 "When people grasp Your feet to attain the goal of life, You respond by killing them.


Text 66 "A certain sincere Vaiñëava who lives in Mathurä has come to see the glory of Your feet.


Text 67 "After seeing You, how can anyone attain devotion to Lord Viñëu? Whatever devotion he attains, Your eternal potency will take away.


Text 68 "When You touch the dust of a person's feet, You destroy him. Without mercy You destroy him.


Text 69 "Lord Kåñëa has given to You all the devotion that exists in the countless universes.


Text 70 "Still You roâ from a small person who has little. There is no mercy in Your heart. You roâ from the poor.


Text 71 "You are a hoodlum. You are the greatest of robbers. You have robbed My happiness of love for Lord Kåñëa." Text 72 In this way, on the preText of criticizing Him, Lord Caitanya praised Advaita Acärya. Hearing the Lord's words, all the devotees floated in bliss.


Text 73 Then Lord Caitanya said, "You have robbed Me. Can I not roâ You? Look! Look! I will roâ from the robber." Text 74 After speaking these words, Lord Caitanya grasped Advaita's feet and, laughing and laughing, took the dust that was there.


Text 75 Advaita had no power to defeat the fair lion of Lord Caitanya. On His own head Lord Caitanya rubbed Advaita's feet.


Text 76 Holding to His own chest Advaita's feet, Lord Caitanya said, "Look! Look! I have tied up the thief. I have imprisoned Him in My heart.


Text 77 "A hundred times You robbed Me. I am the master of the house. Now, in one time, I reclaim all that was robbed from My house."


Text 78 Then Advaita said, "What You say is true. You are the master of the house.


I did not understand anything.


Text 79 "My life, intelligence, mind, and body are all Your property. Lord, if You kill someone, who can protect him?


Text 80 "You give happiness, and You also give suffering. If You punish someone, who can protect him?


Text 81 "Närada and the sages went to Dvaraka City to see the life's treasure that is Your feet.


Text 82 "Then You would take the dust from their feet. What could they do then? That I ask You.


Text 83 "When You take the dust of his feet, what can Your servant do?


Text 84 "How can Your servant give the dust of his feet to You? Who can disobey Your command?


Text 85 "It is not right for the Supreme Lord to act in this way. You will destroy me, and You think it is funny.


Text 86 "You may either protect Me or destroy Me. Lord, You will do whatever You wish."


Text 87 Then Lord Caitanya said, "You are the keeper of the storehouse of devotional service. That is why I serve Your feet.


Text 88 "Anyone who anoints his body with the dust of Your feet will float in the nectar of pure love for Lord Kåñëa.


Text 89 "If You do not give it, no one can attain devotional service. Please know perfectly well that, "I am Your property." Text 90 "You can sell Me as You like. Lord, I tell You the truth."


Text 91 In their hearts all the devotees meditated on Lord Caitanya's great mercy to Advaita.


Text 92 They said, "The Lord has truly served Him. Therefore Advaita is a very exalted person. Ten million liberations are not equal to a small fragment of the mercy Advaita has attained.


Text 93 "Even the demigod Çiva never attained mercy like the mercy Advaita attained from Lord Caitanya."


Text 94 "We are fortunate to associate with such an exalted devotee. The dust of this devotee's feet we place on all our limbs."


Text 95 The devotees were very happy to praise Advaita. Because of their past misdeeds, the sinners feel unhappy to hear Advaita's glories.


Text 96 Everything I have now said is true. They who have no faith in the Vaiñëavas' words will perish.


Text 97 Lord Caitanya stood up and said, "Haribol!" Then the devotees around Him in the four directions began to sing.


Text 98 Overcome with bliss, forgetting all else, and now become like a wild man, Advaita Acärya danced.


Text 99 Placing His hand on His beard and knitting His eyebrows, Advaita Acärya, the master of Çäntipura, loudly roared. Then He began to dance.




He is a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, and constitutes one of the figures amongst the Pancatattva. He is the combined incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu and Lord Sadashiva. He was born in a varendra brahmana family on the seventh day of the bright fortnight in the month of Magha, 1355 Saka (1433 AD.), in the village named Lauda in Srihatta.


According to Bangabhasa O Sahitya, Advaita Prabhu was born in 1434 AD.


and met Vidyapati in 1458 AD. Advaita's former name was Kamalaksha (Kamalakanta) Vedapancanana. His two wives were Sita Devi and Sri Devi.


Acyutananda was born of Sita Devi (1425 Saka 1503 AD.), followed by Krsnadasa, Gopala, Balarama, Svarupa, and Jagadisa Misra. While Sri Devi gave birth to one son named Syamadasa (Premavilasa 24).


From Lauda, Advaita Prabhu migrated to the village of Navahatta and later to Santipura. He also had a house at Navadvipa. In 1480 Saka (1558 AD.), at the age of 125 years (i.e. 25 years after the disappearance of Lord Gauranga) Advaita Prabhu returned to the spiritual world.


However, according to Premavilasa 24, Advaita Prabhu was born in Santipura. He studied the Vedas and other scriptures under a scholar named Santacarya in Phullavati village near Santipura, where he was awarded the title Acarya. The genealogy of Advaita Prabhu can be found in Premavilasa 24.


To verify the meeting of Advaita with Vidyapati, it is known that in 1330 Saka (1408 AD.) Vidyapati received the endowment of Bisaphi village from Sivasimha. Vidyapati was born around 1307 Saka (1385 AD.), and was a contemporary of Candidasa . Vidyapati mentions their meeting one another in songs he composed in 1325 Saka (1403 AD.).


One manuscript of the Bhagavata which was copied by Vidyapati is still available and carries the date of copying as 1379 Saka (1457 AD.) Evidence shows that Vidyapati was alive until 1401 Saka (1479 AD.). In 1485 AD. Advaita Prabhu, at the age of fifty two, arrived at the room where Lord Gauranga was born. Much earlier he undertook a pilgrimage. Hence his meeting with Vidyapati should be taken as a fact.


The following are extracts of references to Advaita Prabhu from some important biographical sources:


CC 1.9.21 Advaita Prabhu likened to the trunk of the trunk of the imaginary tree of bhakti.


CBh 1.2.79 105 Advaita interprets all scriptures from the Krsnabhakti point of view. While offering Ganga water and Tulasi, Advaita calls out loudly demanding that Krsna incarnate.


CBh 1.7.29 67 Visvarupa visits Advaita daily to discuss sastra; Nimai goes to Advaita's house to bring His brother home.


CBh 1.7.95 108 Advaita wails in separation, deeply grieved when Visvarupa takes sannyasa.


CBh 1.11.72 83 Arrival and introduction of Isvara Puri at he house of Advaita.


CBh 1.16.20 21 and 311, 2.1.5 Milana with Thakura Haridasa.


CBh 2.2.4 154 Milana with Lord Gauranga.


CBh 2.2.155, 2.6.8 175 Advaita goes to Santipura to test Lord Gauranga and is brought back to Navadvipa by Ramai.


CBh 2.10.147, 151 155 Advaita's loyalty to Lord Gauranga.


CBh 2.10.166 Music lessons in the presence of Lord Gauranga.


CBh 2.10.169 Advaita's prayers to the Lord, begging that He shower His mercy upon the fallen souls.


CBh 2.13.238,257,300 305,335 Discussions in the house of Lord Gauranga regarding the liberation of Jagai and Madhai.


CBh 2.13.341 360 Loving fights between Advaita and Nityananda.


CBh 2.16.45 51 Seva puja offered by Advaita to Lord Gauranga while the Lord was in a state of bhava avesa.


CBh 2.16.52 93 Lord Gauranga's annoyance with Advaita for trying to touch His feet while the Lord was in an unconscious state.


CBh 2.19.13 160 Advaita's grief at finding Lord Gauranga's interpretation of Bhakti oriented philosophy. Advaita departs for Santipura where he deliberates on "Yoga Vasistha."


CBh 2.22.35 125 Aparadha committed by mother Saci forgiven when she touches the feet of Advaita.


CBh 2.24.40 76 Advaita sees the Visvarupa.


CBh 3.1.36 46 Advaita's grief when Lord Gauranga takes sannyasa.


CBh 3.4.441 515 The subject of the occasion when Madhavendra is worshipped.


CBh 3.8.3 86 Advaita visits Nilacala, accompanied by the the devotees.


CBh 3.9.12 88 Advaita cooks and serves Lord Gauranga with his own hands.


CBh 3.9.164 184 Caitanya sankirtana performed by Advaita.


CBh 3.9.256 284 Prema delivered by Rupa and Sanatana through Advaita.


CBh 3.9.290 305 Anger of Lord Gauranga with Srivasa on the subject of Advaita tattva.


CC 1.12.23 Advaita chants the Nrsimha mantra when his son, Gopala, loses consciousness.


CC 2.12.38 43 Solace given by Advaita after Lord Gauranga's chastisement of Kamalakanta.


CC 2.14.88 92 Water sports, after the cleansing of Gundica.


CC 3.3.213 Advaita gives sraddha to Haridasa Thakura.


CC 3.19.16 21 Advaita sends a riddle through Jagadananda.


Premavilasa 1. Lord Gauranga's grief at Advaita's preaching of Jnanavada for the second time.


Premavilasa 24. Advaita meets Vijayapuri and receives Madanamohana and His seva from the Kunja; Feuds amongst various groups at Santipura regarding Haridasa being offered the sraddha; Advaita ex communicated from the brahmana community; Haridasa demonstrates his spiritual power.

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How Advaita Prabhu granted the shraddha plate to Haridas Thakur:

From a lecture by Sitanath Kula-kaustubha Sri Srila Nikunja Gopal Gosvami Prabhupad, Navadvip, February 1983:


Advaita Prabhu said: "Haridāsa, it is My order that you accept the prasāda of Srī-Srī Rādhā-Madana Gopāla.

Haridāsa humbly folded his hands and said: “Sripāda! I am just a Yavan!

Where is my adhikara to accept the mahā prasāda of Srī-Srī Rādhā Madana Gopāla?

Only if I can sit at the gate of the Mandira of Rādhā and Madana Gopāla as a dog to eat the remnants of the brāhmanas I will follow Your order!" So in due course of time Haridās was served prasāda. All the powerful Vaishnavas and brāhmanas were present when Prabhu Sītānātha personally served the shrāddha pātra, that was destined for the brāhmanas, to Haridās.

"What is Gurudeva doing?" Haridāsa wondered. Prabhu Sītānātha said: "I am Veda Pancānana, no one can overrule my order.

Feeding you is equal to feeding a hundred brāhmanas, no, the result of feeding a hundred brāhmanas will be even exceeded by feeding you! Therefore it is my order that you accept this." What could Haridāsa do but bow down his head? The brāhmanas of Navadvīpa were mostly tantriks accepting Sati mantra. Navadvīpa was the greatest tantra tīrtha of Bengal at that time, and our Prabhu Sītānātha is Sadāshiva (the husband of Satī). The brāhmanas that were seated to take prasāda got up and washed their

hands saying: "Advaita, we will not come to Your house anymore. You are acting against the rules!" Sītānātha said: "What have I done that is against the rules?You should have given us the patra). We are brahmanas, don't you know?" Sītānātha said: "What was done has been done — what to do now, please accept my rule." The brāhmanas replied: "From now on we are finished with you. We will give up all connection with you and oust you from the samāja (society)!" Prabhu Sītānātha said: "tathāstu — let it be."

The brāhmanas went home and that evening when they wanted to take evening prasāda with their sons, grandsons and other relatives their wives were not able to ignite their stoves for cooking, so they could not eat. The housewives went from (brāhmana) home to home to borrow fire, but fire was not appearing in any brāhmana home of Navadvīpa. The next morning the

same thing happened and one of the brāhmanas thought: "What is going on? There is no fire only in the houses of those brāhmanas who went to the invitation of Advaita Prabhu." One of the most learned tantrik brāhmanas then went into his temple and sat down in meditation at the feet of his ista devatā (Durgā), thinking: "What offense have we committed?" Then, on the strength of his tantrik powers his ista devatā (Durgā) told him with a divine voice from within his heart: "You have committed an offense to my husband

(shiva = Advaita Prabhu). If you want something to eat tonight, then go to my husband and beg His forgiveness! If He forgives you, your whole life will be blessed and if not, then your whole life will be ruined!" Thus brāhmanas came from all over Navadvīpa to Prabhu Sītānātha and prayed to him: "Ohe Prabhu Sītānātha! Ohe Advaita Acarya! Ohe Sadāshiva! Please forgive us our offenses!"

(Durgā said:) "What higher rule is there than the one enunciated by my Lord (husband)? What higher is there than bhakti?" Haridās is whole-heartedly surrendered to his Gurudeva's lotusfeet - if Gurudeva understands that he is a vessel of pure devotion, then who has the power to go against that? ādau ante ca hari sarvatra gīyate—the Veda Pancānana could see Hari everywhere. In the same way, devotion to the lotus-feet of Hari is primary. If a person upholds the etiquette by considering a person who is a bhakta as primary, then who is able to infringe that? Our Advaita Prabhu caused a revolution against the harsh influence of the Kali age by preaching pure bhakti and showing how much power the pure devotion has to purify even the yavanas."


This transcript is added to the linktab renamed 'Transcripts of some audio material" under 'Sadhu Baba audio mp3' on madangopal.com

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