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Prabhupada’s Parrots - Are we all to simply repeat like a parrot???

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Prabhupada’s Parrots



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The Science of Repetition.


By Deenanath dasa

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Srila Prabhupada encouraged repetition of the sastra as a principle of disciplic succession and at the same time he condemned it as artificial and unscientific. Let’s examine the two positions with quotes from him.

The importance of repeating the words and instruction of Krishna of the disciplic sucession is repeated time and time again by Srila Prabhupada. He said, “We simply repeat the words and the instruction given by the predecessor.”1 In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna indicates that the acceptance and unadulterated repetition of the teachings of the disciplic succession constitute the process of knowledge:

evaṁ paramparā-prāptam imaṁ rājarṣayo viduḥ,

“This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way.” 2

Therefore Arjuna accepted Krishna’s instructions:

sarvam etad ṛtaṁ manye, yan māṁ vadasi keśava

“O Krishna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me.”3

To repeat the words of the sastra and acaryas is the method of becoming a guru. It is one meaning of ’follow in the footsteps’ and is the direct instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu:

yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘Krishna’-upadeśa

āmāra ājñāya guru hañā tāra’ ei deśa

“Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Shri Krishna as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to liberate everyone in this land.”4

Srila Prabhupada repeated again and again that we simply have to repeat:

“One may not think that ‘I am not qualified to become guru.’ No, you are qualified if you follow strictly the paramparā system. Then you are qualified”.5

“Simply repeat Krishna consciousness as Krishna said.’”6

“There is no need of any qualification, simply repeat.”7

“We are not learned scholars. But our mission is to repeat the words of Krishna.”8

“So this is the position of the preacher, that you simply repeat, like a parrot, no qualification.”9

“Even a child can reproduce what he has heard from his father. It is not at all difficult.10

“We simply repeat, parrot-like, what Krishna has said.”11

Simple repetition is the only qualification to become a guru in the disciplic succession. But is that all? Apparently not. While encouraging simple repetition as a principle of disciplic succession, at the same time Srila Prabhupada condemns parrot-like preaching and repetition:

“We have to simply repeat like parrot. Not exactly parrot. Parrot does not understand the meaning; he simply vibrates. But you should understand the meaning also; otherwise how you can explain?” 12

Not only does Srila Prabhupada disapprove of parrot-like repetition, he also condemns parrot-like, artificial chanting and dancing:

“Artificial chanting and dancing may be due to sentiments or sentimental agitation, but this cannot help one advance in Krishna consciousness.”13

While Prabhupada encourages artificial parrot-like repetition on the principle that ‘imitation of a good thing is desired’ he preferred his followers have a thorough understanding of Krishna consciousness. He said: “If you understand very easily, then you will forget very easily…If you understand little with difficulty, then you will forget also with difficulty.”14 Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur expresses the same idea in different words:

“It is indeed very easy to tell and swift to hear that, ‘Absolute truth has such an affinity with the human soul that it comes through as if intuitively. No exertion is necessary to teach the precepts of true religion.’ This is a deceptive idea…Labour has its wages and the idle must never be rewarded.15”

Is it prudent to compare ourselves to Ajamila? Is it wise to think that Krishna will be obliged to run after us simply because we call Him at the fag end of life when all hope is lost? If we do, then we may be guilty of the seventh nama-aparadha thinking that one can be freed from our sinful reactions simply by chanting the holy name of God.16 Will parrot-like repetition help us at the time of death? No.

“You may be very great devotee. That’s all right. But it will be tested at the time of your death, how you remember Krishna. That will be the test examination. At the time of death, if we forget, if we become parrot-like… Just like parrot, he chants also, ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna.’ But when the cat catches the neck, “Kanh! Kanh! Kanh!” No more Krishna. No more Krishna. So artificial practice will not help us.”17

Thoughtful devotees cannot be satisfied with artificial repetition and unscientific, though well-meaning sentimental presentations. For example, Srila Vyasadeva, although faithfully presenting the conclusions of the Vedas for the benefit of humankind, still felt despondent within his heart. Srila Prabhupada explains the cause of the despondency: “…Vyasadeva’s disappointment was due to insufficiency in presenting the science of devotional service.”18

The result of unscientific and shallow presentations on Krishna consciousness can further be illustrated in same śāstric example: although Srila Vyasadeva performed a seemingly noble activity, his attempt to present Vedic philosophy attractively to the masses simply increased people’s confusion about the Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna. The attempt was condemned by Narada Rshi, his guru. Narada Rshi told his disciple: “The people in general are naturally inclined to enjoy, and you have encouraged them in that way in the name of religion. This is verily condemned and is quite unreasonable.”19 The unscientific presentation by Srila Vyasadeva unwittingly justified sense enjoyment in the guise of religion, the opposite result Vyasadeva desired. Therefore, the result of unscientific presentations on Krishna consciousness direct people further from Krishna consciousness.20 Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur agrees, commenting in his The Bhagavata: Its Philosophy, Ethics and Theology that ‘useless readers’ who have not properly presented the subject of devotion have done more damage to the reputation of Vaisnava philosophy than atheists and critics.

We can conclude that neither Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Vyasadeva or Narada Rshi condone blind following and artificial, thoughtless repetition. Srila Prabhupada makes it very clear for us:

“Perfect this Krishna consciousness; try to understand the philosophy behind it. It is a science, not a bluff. We can speak from any angle of vision. Krishna consciousness is the great necessity of human society. Learn it and appreciate it, comprehend it and assimilate it—and teach it. It is very simple.”21

“Unless you fully assimilate, understand, you cannot describe it. So two things… Simply reading will not help us.”22

As rust is to iron, the Buddhists consider dull repetition the ‘rust of sacred verses.’ Instead of effortless sentiment and artificial repetition, Srila Prabhupada encourages us to assimilate, understand and enquire:

“So we request simply people that you accept this authoritative knowledge and try to assimilate it by your intelligence. It is not that you stop your argument and intelligence, simply blindly accept something. No. We are human beings, we have got intelligence. We are not animals that we shall be forced to accept something. No. Tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā [bg. 4.34].”23

“Now, if you little try to assimilate it. And what is that assimilation? Smaraṇam. Simply by thinking, “Oh, this has been spoken.” Try to argue whether it is true or not. So you have to think over. Satāṁ prasaṅgān, taj-joṣaṇād āśv apavarga-vartmani. And if you do that… Suppose you hear something of the Bhagavad-gita, and it appeals to you, or even does not appeal to you. Just try to think over: “What Bhagavad-gita says? How Swamiji has discussed this matter?” Apply your arguments. Apply your logic. Don’t take it as a sentiment or as a blind faith. You have got reason; you have got arguments; you have got sense. Apply it and try to understand it. Neither it is bogus. It is scientific. Then you will feel… Taj-joṣaṇād āśv apavarga-vartmani śraddhā ratir bhaktir anukramiṣyati. You will gradually develop your attachment for hearing it, and devotional service will be invoked in your heart, and then, gradually, you will make progress.”24

In conclusion, we find simple repetition a principle of disciplic succession. However, perseverance in blind repetition accrues two results, (a) the preaching of sense enjoyment in the guise of religion and (b) disappointment within the heart of the preacher. Accordingly, while Srila Prabhupada encouraged simple repetition, at the same time he condemned it as artificial and unscientific and unlikely to significantly advance our Krishna consciousness.


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