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charanayudha and kartivirya arjuna

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Mantra Mahodadhi gives large accounts for both these "devatas". As I understood it Parashurama killed Kartivirya Arjuna; why is he then worshipped? Which parampara accommodates his worship?


Also about charanayudha, is he an attendant of Kartikeya or only to Lord Shiva. I'd like to know more about him since MM mentions him in prefrence to more commonly known ganas such as Nandi.


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Found these references on the web regarding Kartavirya arjuna.


One vaishnavite site refers (first link and related text pasted) to

KA as reincarnation of Sudarsana chakra (Sri Chakra?!). May be this

will help in your search further. (I understand your stated aversion

towards Vaishnavite views, but this is all I could find for you).


2nd reference attributes him to a disciple of Dattatreya.


Perhaps that is why he is worshipped?






"Furthering our discussion of Sri Sudarsana Chakra as

the sankalpa-Sakti of Bhagavaan, Sri Bharat sent this

followup email detailing what Sri Rangapriya Swami

graciously told him:


Re: KArtavIryArjuna:

Sri SudarSana once became proud and thought that since

he was the Mind and Sankalpa parts of the Lord the latter

was totally in his grasp.Since the Lord is the Mind behind

the Mind itself He knew his thoughts instantly and told him,

"if you want to test your theory,take birth will ALL your

power and I'll confront you only as an "AvESa AvatAra"

and let's see what happens."

Accordingly he was born as KArtavIrya the king of

MAhishmati.Due to his innate goodness and power

he he ruled the kingdom with total justice.Since he

was the principle of the Mind itself he knew the instant

any of his subjects had an evil thought and promptly

appeared before him to prevent it.He was so powerful

he once captured Ravana and tied him up as a "ten-

headed-insect" on his child's cradle as a plaything for


Unfortunately Pride being his weakness he fell foul

of Rshi Jamadgni,killed him and thus made the

Lord enter the Rshi's son Parasurama as an AvESa

AvatAra and was nullified.

But he has his uses.He has got the power to locate

for his devotees things they have lost.As the SAstra


<Nashta-dravyasya lAbhArtham KArtavIryArjunam


Swami said that this is literally true and quoted

various instances.


To this, I asked:


> Dear Maama,


> Thank you for the detailed writeup of what Swami conveyed.

> I have a rather naive question I hope you don't mind answering.

> Since Sri Sudarsana Alvan is a nitya-sUri, how can we speak

> of him getting puffed up with pride?


> Mani



Sri Bharat replied:


Right.I asked Swami just the same question.He explained:

If he doesn't leave Parampadam he has no problem.He doesn't even

have consciousness of his separate self since he is immersed in

the Lord.But if he comes into Prakriti Mandala as part of his

Kainkarya he may get influenced sometimes,as happened to

Garutman also.Sometimes the Lord Himself (being HrshIkESa)

may influence his mind (as He did to Arjuna)to point a moral for

the benefit of humanity.Even these cases (as in the present

instance) end up only to further glorify the Lord Himself.Hence

they also come within His Leela and the SEshabhUta's

Kainkarya.So there is no harm done to anyone.


Sri EmberumAnAr TiruvaDigaLE SaeraNam!"




"Stories Illustrating religious devotion (yoga)

ch. 16-17

The Birds, continuing Jada's discourse, broached the subject of yoga

or religious devotion, but prefaced it with a long narrative

(chapters 16 to 39). A brahman Mandavya was saved from a curse by his

devoted wife, who stopped the rising of the sun and gained a boon

from Atri's wife Anasuya; the gods in consequence blessed Anasuya,

and Brahma, Visnu and Siva were born as her three sons Soma,

Dattatreya and Durvasas; Dattatreya indulged in sensual pleasures;

Arjuna Kartavirya, however, being advised by his minister Garga to

propitiate Dattatreya, because Dattatreya (being an incarnation of

Visnu) had once 'saved the gods from the demons, did so and by

Dattatreya's blessing reigned gloriously. 106 This led on to the

story of Alarka, which is used to convey political, religious and

social instruction (chapters 17-41)."





, kartik gaurav <omkaaraya



> Mantra Mahodadhi gives large accounts for both these "devatas". As

I understood it Parashurama killed Kartivirya Arjuna; why is he then

worshipped? Which parampara accommodates his worship?


> Also about charanayudha, is he an attendant of Kartikeya or only to

Lord Shiva. I'd like to know more about him since MM mentions him in

prefrence to more commonly known ganas such as Nandi.


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Regarding charanAyuda:


This is not a spiritual reference, but found this in Online version

of Univ. of Madras' Tamil Lexicon.


Thus, charanAyudha could be a reference to the cock (rooster) which

is on Kartikeya's flag (having emerged from SUrapadman's slaying -

peacock and a cock). Hence, a gaNa of Kartikeya. Is there any

reference to the peacock in that particular worship?





kalayutam [ kâlâyutam ] n kal-ayutam . < kal¹ +. cf. caranayudha.

Cock, as using the feet as weapons; kozi. (ping.).


> , kartik gaurav <omkaaraya@>

> wrote:


> > Mantra Mahodadhi gives large accounts for both these "devatas".


> I understood it Parashurama killed Kartivirya Arjuna; why is he


> worshipped? Which parampara accommodates his worship?

> >

> > Also about charanayudha, is he an attendant of Kartikeya or only


> Lord Shiva. I'd like to know more about him since MM mentions him


> prefrence to more commonly known ganas such as Nandi.

> >


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Many thanks Ganpra for the marvellous information. I was just meaning to thank you, but might as well add some stuff I've got about the two:


KS is normally worshipped as a seperate being to Sudarshana. In prayoga shastra KS is considered a devata who is mostly worshipped by offering lamps with his mala mantra. Most shastra's take him as being a devata who prevents robberies and associated acts in one's home or shop.


No worthwhile information about charanayudha.


Many Thanks,


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