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BhavAnI nAma Sahasra Stutih : Namas 631 & 632

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[631] CandamundavadhodhurA [a] : Who is unrestrained in killing the

demons. Canda and MuNda.


The goddess taking the form of KAli became actively fierce in

killing Canda and MuNda.


Sumbha and Nisumbha, the chief demons were attracted by the world-

bewitching beauty of DurgA on hearing the description given by their

servants, Canda and Munda . They sent proposals of

marriage through a serf. In reply the Devi sent them the message

that she had vowed to marry only him who would vanquish her in

battle. All attempts at forcibly dragging her away ended in disaster

for the demons. The goddess took the form of Kali and became

actively fierce for killing CaNda and Muhda.[c] This gave Devi the

name CAmundA [d]. For advanced spiritual aspirants the esoteric

meaning of the compound name Canda-munda-vadho-uddurA is

analytically given below:

Canda— the fierce fire ever burning in MulAdhAra, the fund of

activity both material and spiritual.

Muhda—the head, the moon in the sahasrara, the centre of which is

the seat of illumined mind.

Vadha—battle concentration of the energies of mind to awaken the

fire in Kundalini for transformation to eternal illumination through


UddurA [udyatA] – active, to actuate the force of concentrated

awareness in the waking state.

This is called JAgrat SamAdhi KalA [e]

Foot Note :

[a] Alternate reading in MS-1, PE-5, 6, 7, 8 is

CandamundavadhodyatA. The Suffix `uddhurA' means `unrestrained' and

has little difference with the suffix `udyatA'.

Ref. DurgA Saptasati 88-92.

[c] Ref ibid Chap VII for full account.

[d] According to MArkandeya PurAna. Also see comm.. Name 629.

[e] Reference : Glory of Divine Mother by S. Sankaranarayanan pp 36-


[632] AstamI : who is worshipped by the eight divine powers.

KausiKi DurgA [a] while fighting the demon RaktabIja saw that blood

spilled, from his body could produce numerous demons similar to him.

To face the situation She manifested out of herself seven emanations

called the SaptamArikAs. They are the saktis of BrahmA, Isvara,

KumAra, Visnu, VarAha, NArasimha and Indra, having the same forms,

weapons and vehicles as their lords. Along with the original deity –

DurgA MahAlaksmi – they are counted as eight. . Thus DurgA is

named AstamI, who combines in Her all the important powers to

vanquish evil and restore peace. For Sadhakas Bhagavati Astami is

the elephant-power needed to spiral up Kundalini sakti.

Foot Note:

[a] DurgA Saptasati V. 87.

Tantrasastra explains the cosmic purpose of the eight deities as

follows : -

i ] BrAhmI : The primordial nAda, the energy before the first

throb of creation appears.

ii] Vaisnavi : who gives definite shape to the creation. She is

sympathy, beauty, organization an

order of the universe.

iii] MAhesvari : The power that gives individuality to the

created beings.

iv] KaumAri : The ever youthful deity, the aspiration of the

evolving soul. She is the energy of KumAra [ or Skanda] who is

called GuruguhA – the guide in the cave of the heart ie intellect,

which is ever fresh.

v] VArahI :The all consuming power of assimilation and

enjoyment. She gives food and physical enjoyment to all.

vi] Aindri : The terrible power that destroys all who oppose the

cosmic law.

vii] NArasimhi or CAmundA : The forces of concentrated awareness,

the power of spiritual awakening in the heart.

viii] DurgA : Difficult to approach, being the personifications of

the totality of the powers of the gods.

Note : Study of verse 12-18 of Stabaka VIII of the UmAsahasram by

Visistha Ganapati Muni [ Pub Sri Aurobindo Ashrama, Pondicherry]

will be of immense help to aspirants to understand the estoteric

meanings of the `seven little mothers'.

Commentaries for the above see link :


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