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new song (dedicated to erik)

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<CENTER>NEW SONG by mahaksadasa c.1994 </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>With a new life comes a new song,

Carried through the air by enlightened ones,

Who see the fire through the shattered haze,


Who show the way through this risky maze,</CENTER><CENTER>They take me by the hand through these final days. </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>The weight of this world sure holds me down.

If I dont breathe soon, I will surely drown.

The house of the holy has many different wings.

I must clear the heart of all unwanted things,


And know the message of the Song He sings.

</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>I live in dreams, not for tomorrow.

I am not elated, nor filled with sorrow.

I am far too old to be too smart,

But I do know the effect of His song on my heart.


It is a blast of fire from a tiny spark.

</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>I have seen it happen many times before.

Just when I thought I could not take it any more.

Cry His Name, even in despair!

I know I have seen Him standing there,

Within the music of the New Song in the air.


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thank you Prabhu !!!!! :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar: :namaskar:



What can i say, i just wanted to go to sleep, a little depressed as my project which i wrote down on the computer, took me hours to write, was accidentely deleted or so, because this Microsoft Word is totally in German and i hit, offcourse, the wrong button, heck, i can't read German !!!:crying2:

Deadline was tomorrow morning at 09.00 sharp......:deal:


But this is very, very cool, i cannot come up with an appropiate English word now for it.


Thank you again ,bro, and i will write a poem for you, well, i already wrote that in this mental hospital a few years ago, but i will call my mother tomorrow to look it up in my house, there is a book with 35 poems i wrote in that time, a very dark time and now i remember one of them, i will dedicate that one to you !


Cheers and goodnight,



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Hey man,


so i called my mother this afternoon and i noted the poem down as she spoke, i have translated it, but i have to say that i had a little help from Adam, an Irish participant from this yoga course we follow here.

So i will highlight his translation of my words in the first verse.

I just finished service and i am happy to finally write it down.


Here we go :


March 27th 2003, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands :


On the Edge of Eternalty....


.....standing on the edge of the abyss, the eternal radiant beauty of the Universe pours into my waiting eyes, the stairway to the worlds far and beyond is delicatly draped in the magic multicoloured - awe inspiring mystic mists of everlasting God intoxicated Bliss and Divinity...


....walking towards the most fantasticly amazing transcendental beings, everything is emanating humble servitude and total surrender.

It is a blessing to be here, to be allowed to just be here, the mysterious music, penetrating through time and space, colours unmeaserable blue, passing me by in it's fullest glory, piercing the soul into the deepest core....


....the Holy Names of the Almighty Lord are being chanted continuously, lovingly and attentivly, everything is centered around God and His servants.

There is no disturbance here, all is perfect, you're wondering who would have the desire to descend again from this wonderous abode, unless it would be to serve and satisfy the senses of God, executing His will......


Oh Lord, allow me to pass through the gates of Your Kingdom, I do not have any other desire than to be with You, to serve You, to chant Your transcendental Names and to assist You in spreading Your loving, mercifull and compassionate message all over the 3 worlds, may anybody be blessed with a life like this.......


I wrote this for myself at that time, but i can imagine Mahak being present there in those realms of existence.





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I wish I had the technology, because this is a hard rocker. Harmonium riffs, slide guitar, conga drums and many reggae style percussion. Harmonium is patched thru peavey stereo chorus with phased echo (channel m). But the words are okay, too.


OH! JAYA RADHA JAYA RAMANA -c-1994-mahaksadasa


For no apparent reason, Prabhupada comes to deliver.

This Prophet of Gopala, the great gift giver.

From the mud and mire of Babylon we can rise above.

For the gift of His Love, we must give Him love.


Oh! Jaya Radha Jaya Ramana.


To the voice of the mind: "Sing Radha Ramana!"

To the one always singing the song of Harinama.

To the one who gives us life, living in Sri Vrndavana.

To the one showing freedom from the chains of Babylon.


Oh! Jaya Radha Jaya Ramana.


To the thunder in the night, the flame within my heart.

To the wrinkles on the head, the signal for the time to start.

To the life of the Sun so we nevah stay in the dark.

To the Great Blazing Fiyeh from which we are but a spark.


Oh! Jaya Radha Jaya Ramana.


To the one who grants us peace, what we are all looking for.

To the one who holds the key to lock out all the world of War.

To the one who is so obvious, always knocking at my door.

To the One I need to ask, always kindly giving more.


Oh! Jaya Radha Jaya Ramana


For no apparent reason, Prabhupada comes to deliver.

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nice song-text, Prabhupada is indeed the Saviour of us and we must show much respect to him, as he really came to deliver us.


I will give you some links to some cool Prabhupada and Krishhna video's from youtube.com....


Krishna video



Gauranga video



Prabhupada video



Prabhupada video



Prabhupada audible



Prabhupada chanting Vande Ham on the Jaladutta



Enjoy !!!




P.S you might be right about me, writing.... all over the 3 worlds....this salvation thing....let me just be a small particle in a big chain....and even then, if He wants me to be a small particle.......but you have to understand that in that time, after 2 suicide attempts (one time jumping from an overway from 5 1/2 meters down on the concrete, cars passing by etc...), i was so desperate, you won't believe....so in that state of mind, in utter despair, feeling myself being in the darkests depts of existance, left alone totally, forsaken by everybody (except my family and some hospics), mentally hurt and wounded, i wrote that poem....

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erik: "after 2 suicide attempts (one time jumping from an overway from 5 1/2 meters down on the concrete, cars passing by etc...), i was so desperate, you won't believe....so in that state of mind, in utter despair, feeling myself being in the darkests depts of existance, left alone totally, forsaken by everybody (except my family and some hospics), mentally hurt and wounded, i wrote that poem.."


mahaksadasa: Ahh, a real poet. So glad to meet you. Haribol

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thankx for the compliment,


i never, ever expressed myself the way i did as in the hospital and nowadays here.

This is really due to yogic practises and offcourse the increasing development of love for Krishna by Bhakti Yoga, it raises some kinds Kundalini to flow upwards one way or another, i remember being institutialized in this lunatic madhouse then, i wrote more than 60 poems in 2 weeks !!

Every little thing became an inspiration to just write them, although i have destroyed half of them, because i thought ....well...call it paranoia.


And Kundalini is God's energy, contained in every human being, you can raise it yourself as well !! And i always keep in mind to offer any results of what i am doing back to God/Krishna as everything comes from Him, otherwise it will feed the ego and that's the beginning of the downfall, indentification with the mind, anyway....


Here are some symptoms of it, according to www.elcollie.com :


Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion

Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing powers

Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.

Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths; exquisite awareness of one's environment (including "vibes" from others)


But beware of the dangers, here are the symptoms of that :



Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck (Many cases of FMS are Kundalini-related.)

Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression

Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs

Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.

Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating

Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-grandiosity)


Anyway, it would be nice to write poems ...mhhhh.......another spiritual ambition ?





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