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The Holocaust in India

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By Satish Chandra


During the Mughal period everywhere the Muslim population in India

grew from a few thousands to more than 50 millions. At the same time a

continuous stream of Muslims migrated to India from every where.

April is remembered as holocaust month in USA. In April 1945, the

liberating allied forces in Germany brought the human killing

factories to the attention of the world. More than 11 millions people

including 6.5 million Jews were systematically killed in scores of

Nazi concentration camps.


The world remembers only what you let the world not forget it. The

story of Hindu holocausts is of such a magnitude that over the

centuries it has reduced the Hindu lives of lesser significance. These

thoughts were triggered last month by a visit to the Gadar Memorial

Center, San Francisco. This Reflection is a corollary to the article

that I recently did on the Spirit of the Gadar.


Few remember how the forces of Temur butchered the entire Meerut city

of nearly 300,000 population. His anger was ignited when one of his

soldiers was beaten to death for raping a Hindu woman. In 1398, Temur

invaded India on the pretext that `the Muslim sultans of Delhi were

showing excessive tolerance to their Hindu subjects'. Mind it, the

Hindus were living in their own homeland!


The trails of Hindu carnage particularly in Panipat and Delhi during

three months (Sep to Dec) were so devastating that Delhi took 100

years to rebuild it. The Hindu mothers used to hush their crying

babies to silence by Temur's name. The Hindukush (means the killing

field of the Hindus) in Afghanistan is a living testimony of Hindu

genocide when the region was Islamicised.


Under the Mughals, the atrocities over the Hindus reached new heights

during 48+7 year reign of Aurannzeb and his son. It was a cultural

genocide. SAVA MANN JANEU JALANA (nearly 1000 Lbs. of sacred thread

worn underneath by `baptised' Hindus put to flame every day) is

proverbially etched in the memories. The Hindus had to pay two

separate taxes for living in Hindustan! It was during this period that

the Muslim population in India grew from a few thousands to more than

50 millions. At the same time a continuous stream of Muslims migrated

to India from every where.


The British fully understood the psyche of the Indians drawn from

three politically active religions viz. Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.

Their major thrust was to cut the vital roots of Hindu culture by

spreading nonsensical theories on the origin of the Hindus, Vedic

interpretations, and imposing damaging systems on education,

agriculture and flourishing cottage industry. After quelling India's

1857 Rebellion, they imposed extraordinary levies on land and special

taxation that gradually broke the will of the people to live.


This is the approach that the Germans took in working the inmates of

the concentration to death while keeping them under nourished. The new

diseases of plague, small pox, tuberculosis and typhoid not existing

in India before the advent of the British started wiping the Indian

populace in hundreds and thousands a day. It also happened to the

native populations in many countries in North and South America when

the European colonisers occupied them. It is the world's first

biological warfare!


According to the British Gazetteer, 19 millions died of famine. 15

millions died of plague and malaria according to Sir William Digby

during 1891-1900. Hundreds died in Bankura, Bengal and Rajputana in

the famine 1915-16. 7,251,257 (Yes, more than 7 millions!) died from

plague during 1897-1913.The actual numbers may be double. These are

the most recent holocaust of India, and the Hindus were the worst hit.


The Gandhi movie captures this human condition when Gandhi after his

return from South Africa, tours India during 1915-18. During my 1987

tour of Rajasthan, I often wondered at the absence of tall and strong

men who could carry 100 Lbs. of battlefield armor of Maharana Pratap

as displayed in Agra Fort during 1980's. What happened to the

generations of such sturdy men? The same was observed in Gujarat and

Bihar. Most men and women were hardly 5' tall and weighing 80 Lbs.

Orissa, Bihar and Bengal are still worse. Imagine the lost generations

during 1880's through Independence in 1947.


In half of his autobiography, My Experiments with Truth, Gandhi has

tangentially mentioned how in South Africa the British treated the

Muslims as a race better than the Hindus. But the most glaring example

of Hindu racial inequity is the crime punishment schedule in Saudi

Arabia. There are numerous instances that go to prove that the Hindu

life comes cheap.


When a member of Nazi death squad was asked, "How could you shoot at

the innocent Jews?" The answer was, "Because they don't resist!" A

similar question was posed to Gandhi, "Do you believe that your

non-resistance policy would work against the Germans?"


The Sikhs faced the gruesome genocide after Banda Bahadur Bairagi. It

is incredible that his torture-to-death moved Nobel Laureate Tagore

200 years later to compose a poem.


According to one reliable source, 43% of the Sikh population in Punjab

was literally hunted down during 1716-1738. This holocaust is called

Ghalughara in Sikh history. Every Sunday the Sikhs are reminded of it!


I owe it to my name, my scholarship and my lofty Hindu heritage for

bringing these buried holocausts out so that the present generations

stand up to political events in India and overseas. The awareness of

these historical monstrosities shall awaken the racial self-esteem of

the Hindus. The Hindus in India will emerge strong like the Jews in

Israel. The time is ripe for making a documentary on the holocausts of

India. I have broached this subject to a young documentary producer,

Arti Jain.


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You give it to them Hindude, it's time these rascals and their slow release toxic infiltration is checked, but how can you stop the march of Kali Yuga?

It seems there is something else far deeper going on behind every devastating event in history, making the fickle finger of fate appear injust.

So why are monsters allowed to walk all over the humble, peace lovers? It happens time and time again. Is everything in Divine order or completely out of step with the divine will?

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truly informative bt should be used to encourage people of india to regain its past glory and not to create a rift between hindus and muslim.


Hindu's as never tried to convert any one will remain on this earth till this earth is in existence as beautiful lines of lao tzu are coming in my mind that"people ,who knows never claim for their right, are never deprived of their right".

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