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Shri Ram did not Killed Bali but he saved Sugreev

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Shri Ram did not Killed Bali but he saved Sugreev

Shri Ram hit an arrow to Bali just when he was about to strangle Sugreev. Bali and Sugreev were fighting at that time Shri Ram remained quiet for long time. Shri Ram waited till Bali attempts to strangle Sugreev and that moment when he was about to do that Shri Ram shot an arrow at Bali to defend Sugreev. Hence Shri Ram shot an arrow to defend Sugreev and not to just kill Bali also they were at very far distance hence it is not possible to hit arrow just at the hand of Bali so that his grip loosen and Sugreev his freed from his clutches hence Shri Ram had to hit the arrow at Bali's back so that grip loosens. Also, as per the rules of Kshtriya one cannot defeat a retreating warrior or an enemy but in this case Bali was not at all retreating he had just faced his back towards Shri Ram hence Shri Ram had not broke any rules. First of all Shri Ram did not had any personal enmity with Bali hence there was no reason why Bali will fight with Shri Ram and if Bali does not fights with Shri Ram then Shri Ram would not be able to kill him. Also Shri Ram wanted to maintain the dignity of Bali because by killing Bali from behind Shri Ram proved that during the life time of Bali no one was able to defeat Bali face to face and hence Bali died like a warrior and also his pride was intact that no one was able to defeat him face to face. Hence this act is well justified.

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