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Persons who have got by heart almost everything Srila Prabhupada wrote, said, etc....

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If you must know then simply be informed that the morning posts were so that I could sit still and digest breakfast. The ones now are so that I can digest lunch. I can't walk or exert myself directly after eating. Posting on this forum is a good inducement to scrutinize Srila Prabhupada's purports for clarifying and illuminating observations from his Divine realization.



I suggest you spend more time on the pakhana after enjoying your meals. It is a much more healthy way of letting go of your abundant internal energy.

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Keep Krsna in the mind always ... it ain't that simple! Anyone who does that will certainly become perfect but to get there ain't easy by any strectch of imagination.


Without the mercy of the sincere Vaisnavas, we can't keep Krsna in the mind for mere minutes, leave alone 'always'!



Krsna is the supreme person who is the reservoir of all knowledge.:)


Keep KRSNA in your mind always.:pray:


Then Krsna will give you Guru and Guru will give you KRSNA.;)

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Actually, without the mercy & 'association' of sincere Vaisanvas, is what I meant to say!



Keep Krsna in the mind always ... it ain't that simple! Anyone who does that will certainly become perfect but to get there ain't easy by any strectch of imagination.


Without the mercy of the sincere Vaisnavas, we can't keep Krsna in the mind for mere minutes, leave alone 'always'!

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I suggest you spend more time on the pakhana after enjoying your meals. It is a much more healthy way of letting go of your abundant internal energy.


I appreciate your suggestion. Passing bad air, urine and stool is surely more productive and useful than cyberspace contention. . For that reason I have a website


which you are welcome to examine. Here is the Mission Statement:



However it takes some time for the foodstuffs to make their way from the first opening to the ninth hole,and finding a clean pakhana where your cloth doesn't get trashed is not always so easy in Vrndavana. And generally I use the facility for #2 early in the morning between 2 and 4 A.M.


Therefore this forum is as good a way as any to exercise the mind according to Cc. Adi 2.117. FYI my "abundant internal energy" is generally directed toward seeking out sadhu-sanga and like minded sajatiya,sngdha Vaisnava association. It must be simply an anartha that compells me to periodically participate here. Must be like malaria, a fever that comes and goes.

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Ädi 2.117

siddhänta baliyä citte nä kara alasa

ihä ha-ite kåñëe läge sudåòha mänasa



siddhänta—conclusion; baliyä—considering; citte—in the mind; nä kara—do not be; alasa—lazy; ihä—this; ha-ite—from; kåñëe—in Lord Kåñëa; läge—becomes fixed; su-dåòha—very firm; mänasa—the mind.




A sincere student should not neglect the discussion of such conclusions, considering them controversial, for such discussions strengthen the mind. Thus one’s mind becomes attached to Çré Kåñëa.


There are many students who, in spite of reading the Bhagavad-gétä, misunderstand Kåñëa because of imperfect knowledge and conclude Him to be an ordinary historical personality. This one must not do. One should be particularly careful to understand the truth about Kåñëa. If because of laziness one does not come to know Kåñëa conclusively, one will be misguided about the cult of devotion, like those who declare themselves advanced devotees and imitate the transcendental symptoms sometimes observed in liberated souls. Although the use of thoughts and arguments is a most suitable process for inducing an uninitiated person to become a devotee, neophytes in devotional service must always alertly understand Kåñëa through the vision of the revealed scriptures, the bona fide devotees and the spiritual master. Unless one hears about Çré Kåñëa from such authorities, one cannot make advancement in devotion to Çré Kåñëa. The revealed scriptures mention nine means of attaining devotional service, of which the first and foremost is hearing from authority. The seed of devotion cannot sprout unless watered by the process of hearing and chanting. One should submissively receive the transcendental messages from spiritually advanced sources and chant the very same messages for one’s own benefit as well as the benefit of one’s audience.

When Brahmä described the situation of pure devotees freed from the culture of empiric philosophy and fruitive actions, he recommended the process of hearing from persons who are on the path of devotion. Following in the footsteps of such liberated souls, who are able to vibrate real transcendental sound, can lead one to the highest stage of devotion, and thus one can become a mahä-bhägavata. From the teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu to Sanätana Gosvämé (Madhya 22.65) we learn:

çästra-yuktye sunipuëa, dåòha-çraddhä yäìra

‘uttama-adhikäré’ sei täraye saàsära

“A person who is expert in understanding the conclusion of the revealed scriptures and who fully surrenders to the cause of the Lord is actually able to deliver others from the clutches of material existence.” Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé, in his Upadeçämåta (3), advises that to make rapid advancement in the cult of devotional service one should be very active and should persevere in executing the duties specified in the revealed scriptures and confirmed by the spiritual master. Accepting the path of liberated souls and the association of pure devotees enriches such activities.

Imitation devotees, who wish to advertise themselves as elevated Vaiñëavas and who therefore imitate the previous äcäryas but do not follow them in principle, are condemned in the words of Çrémad-Bhägavatam (2.3.24) as stone-hearted. Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura has commented on their stone-hearted condition as follows: bahir açru-pulakayoù sator api yad dhådayaà na vikriyeta tad açma-säram iti kaniñöhädhikäriëäm eva açru-pulakädi-mattve ’pi açma-sära-hådayatayä nindaiñä. “Those who shed tears by practice but whose hearts have not changed are to be known as stone-hearted devotees of the lowest grade. Their imitation crying, induced by artificial practice, is always condemned.” The desired change of heart referred to above is visible in the reluctance to do anything not congenial to the devotional way. To create such a change of heart, conclusive discussion about Çré Kåñëa and His potencies is absolutely necessary. False devotees may think that simply shedding tears will lead one to the transcendental plane, even if one has not had a factual change in heart, but such a practice is useless if there is no transcendental realization. False devotees, lacking the conclusion of transcendental knowledge, think that artificially shedding tears will deliver them. Similarly, other false devotees think that studying books of the previous äcäryas is unadvisable, like studying dry empiric philosophies. But Çréla Jéva Gosvämé, following the previous äcäryas, has inculcated the conclusions of the scriptures in the six theses called the Ñaö-sandarbhas. False devotees who have very little knowledge of such conclusions fail to achieve pure devotion for want of zeal in accepting the favorable directions for devotional service given by self-realized devotees. Such false devotees are like impersonalists, who also consider devotional service no better than ordinary fruitive actions.

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BG 6.6p


[...]But when the mind is conquered, one voluntarily agrees to abide by the dictation of the Personality of Godhead, who is situated within the heart of everyone as ParamAtmA. Real yoga practice entails meeting the ParamAtmA within the heart and then following His dictation. For one who takes to KRSNa consciousness directly, perfect surrender to the dictation of the Lord follows automatically. [...]

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But were you offended?



No, he comes here to beg my forgiveness for offenses long ago.


But although Paramatma can lead a horse to water, it is jiva that must drink. Jiva does not even know it is thirsty, nor what water is.

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LOL, No I won't. Liked that username, by the way.



No more than the lion is offended by the barking of the jackals. Will you now bark at me too, Guestofathousandnames?
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Go Puru, doin' the dirty work by comin' on these forums.


Might I add, I also was a rtvik previously. I suppose the proof is in the pudding however. What I mean is that, as a rtvik, it's really hard to make much advancement, because--


1) I found it to be really depressing. I mean, yeah, even though Srila Prabhupad is ever-present through his words, its simply not the same than meeting a real devotee. I mean, rtvikism would imply that you would not need real sadhu sanga at all, you could just read books. But doesn't that kind of go against the whole idea of building temples, so that devotees can live amongst one another and associate with each other?


2) There is one example Srila Narayan Maharaj gave (not a disciple of him BTW). The GBC were with him once discussing something and instead he told, today I will not give harikatha, I will leave a tape recorder and you can listen to it. And I think Immediately the GBC objected and begged once again for his 'live' association.


Bottom line, without real sadhu sanga (which is not really sadhu sanga, more like bhagavat sravan but still not the same as that either) on our own we have no way of advancing, period. I can tell you this from my personal experience... if that means anything.


Honestly, I think this boils down to deeper psychological issues to the extent that if you were alive when Prabhupad was around, you'd probably be having 'sadhu' sanga through the books of another previously departed acarya instead of surrendering to a real bonafide sadhu.


Yes, that may be a bit hard for you to digest, but while you are, why not keep commenting on audarya... =P

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Part of the problem is that some persons take the "association" of sadhus like BVNM but don't really follow their instructions. Then such "dabblers" instruct others that you cannot get such things as ruci and bhava unless you associate with said sadhu. Its not hard to see through the hypocrisy so then the person who is the receptient of such preaching becomes a doubter for there is then a reverse effect. More often than not such dabblers will eventually jump to another "siksa" guru when they grow bored. Such is life in deep Kali Yuga.

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1) I found it to be really depressing. I mean, yeah, even though Srila Prabhupad is ever-present through his words, its simply not the same than meeting a real devotee.


What are you saying!?!? This is an absurb statement. Sorry to be so blunt.

All this means is that you never appreciated the presence of Srila Prabhupada in his words.


"Srila Prabhupad is ever-present through his words, its simply not the same than meeting a real devotee."

Please rethink this GuestAdas.

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Potentially you have a good point, albeit unsubstantiated, perhaps you would care to share an example, or two?

Yes, Joseph Goebbels the Nazi Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda made much propaganda but wasn't very enlightened himself.

His sharp tongue made him enemies within the Nazi Party where some called him the "Poison Dwarf". However, except for issues involving his marriage, he had Hitler’s support. Goebbels was a notorious womaniser and his wife wanted to divorce him after one liaison too many. Hitler refused to give his permission for a divorce as he had spent much time cultivating the importance of family values to the German public. How could he tolerate a senior figure in the Nazi Party presenting such a poor example? However, it is known that Goebbels was told by Hitler to change his ways.:eek2:


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Doesn't take much though sir, and does explain why most senior swami maharaj disciples are with BVNM....


Perhaps you should rethink?



What are you saying!?!? This is an absurb statement. Sorry to be so blunt.

All this means is that you never appreciated the presence of Srila Prabhupada in his words.


"Srila Prabhupad is ever-present through his words, its simply not the same than meeting a real devotee."

Please rethink this GuestAdas.

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Doesn't take much though sir, and does explain why most senior swami maharaj disciples are with BVNM....


Perhaps you should rethink?


The point is you can meet a 'real devotee' through the books of Srila Prabhupada if you can see that He is there in the books. Not being able to see him there, and therefore needing to find a 'real devotee' elsewhere shows a lack of vision. Of course who has that vision in reality?

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. . . and does explain why most senior swami maharaj disciples are with BVNM....

"Most" means more than half. On what do you base your use of that word? Can you name the hundreds upon hundreds of Srila Prabhupada's disciples who are "with BVNM"? I think you grossly overestimate the number of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, senior or othewise, who are under Narayana Maharaja's shelter.


I don't mean this as a criticism of anything (or anyone) other than careless assertions such as that made by our guest. Although I'm not among the disciples of Srila Prabhupada who are "with" Narayana Maharaja, I like him very well and respect his dedication, learning, and devotion, as well as his example of what Srila Sridhar Maharaja calls deep engagement in responsible service.

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If we can't appreciate Krsna's devotee in his words then we can't perceive him in his body either. Rarely is Krsna's devotee actually revealed to someone as he is. How many of us view Srila Prabhupada as an elderly Indian gentleman who was short and walked with a cane? LOL!!


Same misconception exists when we view his teachings about Krsna as just words in a book.


We will never get a proper view of Srila Prabhupada, THE LIVING SPIRITUAL MASTER , by entertaining such a dead way of viewing transcendence.

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