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[Nectar] Pune Yatra Report

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By Gauranga Kishore prabhu


There were over three thousand devotees in attendence from all parts

of India and all over the world. We were blessed with the association

of many senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada, Candramauli Swami,

Jananivasa and Pakajanghri Prabhus (whom Maharaj refered to as the

21st century incarnations of Gaura Nitai), Soma, Rasa Lila, Sukhavaha,

and Narataki Prabhus, and many other senior devotees from around the

world including Bhakti Dhira Damodar Maharaj, and Acyuta Priya Prabhu,

and many many other too numermous to mention. The other special guest

this year was Gauravani Prabhu who melted everyones heart with his

heart felt kirtans, and inspired everyone to dance in ecstasy.


It is hard to Really summarize the such an amazing experience, one

evening as everyone was chanting and dancing ecstatically I went to

the roof to have a veiw, all the devotees were dancing in concentric

circles holding hands as Gauravani and Radhanath Maharaj lead us all

in beautiful kirtans, then I gazed out at the city outside the the

boundry wall of the premises, cars and buses flew by, there were sky

scrapers and shopping malls in the distance, and as I again focused my

attention on the kirtan I could truly feel that we were not in Pune,

we were in the spiritual world.


The evening kirtans were extrordinary, every night while Gauravani

sang Radhanath Maharaj danced surrounded by Jananivasa and

Pankajanghri Prabhus and many others, the highlight of the evening

kirtans was Jananivasa Prabhus totally ecstatic dance imitating Lord

Nrisimhadeva, and then in transcendental ecstasy during the Nrsimha

Prayer he attacked Gauravani who was leading the kirtan, anyone who

witnessed this pastime will never forget it for the rest of their



Of course there were many heartmelting discourse by Radhanath maharaj,

anyone who has not been in one of his 4-5 hour yatra classes cannot

understand such and intense experience. The first day was Bhismadeva's

dissapearance so he spoke on that, then the next day was the

appearance of Srila Madhavacary so he spoke on that and then on the

last day he spoke on the life of H.H. BHakti Swarupa Damodar Maharaj

we could all feel Srila Prabhupada's love for his dear and intimate



The other highlight for me was at the end hearing from all the

devotees how they were affected and inspired by the association, that

was a very moving experience, my heart is hard like stone and due to

my sinful activities I could not appreaciate the wonderful association

but at least I could here from those wonderful devotees who were

inspired and in that way gain a drop of inspiration.


One other highlight of Pune Yatra was spending time with Srinivas

prabhu, he is an amazing ten year old boy whose parents recently

joined the congregation here. He was chanting 16 rounds but had to

reduce due to school responsibilities, and he is incredibly gifted, in

a recent math test he placed 12th out of 15,000 students. He acted in

the drama festival as Nandulal in the story of Bilvamangala Thakur,

and was divinely empowered to completely charm everyone's heart. After

the drama maharaj spoke with him and invited Srinivasa to come live

with him, he took that as an instruction to live in the bramacari

ashram, so all through pne yatra he was hanging out with Jaya Gauranga

Prabhu and Myself. Maharaj requested that the drama be performed again

to inspire all the devotees. There is also a tradition at Pune Yatra

of Spontaneous drams so we had dramas on the the life of Bhismadeva

and on the life of Madhavacarya, that was especially sweet as Govinda

Prabhu played Madhavacary and it was just on the line between drama

and real life as he took sanyasa bowing down before Radhanatha

Maharaj. All the devotees cheered ecstatically as Radhanath Maharaj

loving gave him the tittle Govindananda Maharaj.


So many wonderful experiences, just a few drops from an ocean of







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