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[Nectar] Sri Nityananda Prabhu

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The guru is the embodiment of the manifestation of the Divinity to the

pure receptive spiritual essence of the disciple. Nityananda is the

primary manifestive constituent of the Divinity. Nityananda alone

possesses the distinctive function of the guru. In Nityananda the

function is embodied. Nityananda is the servant-God. He serves Sri

Gaurasundara by the distinctive method of reverential servitude. He is

identical with Sri Balarama of krsna-lila. Sri Balarama is not the

chum of Krsna, but His respected elder brother. It is an intimate

relationship characterized by becoming reserved on one side, and of

respectful deference on the other. Individual souls are under the

direction of Nityananda. They receive their service of Sri

Gaurasundara, i.e., of Krsna, at His hands. Nityananda is not a jiva.

He is Divinity. He is the ultimate source of the jiva. The jiva is a

potency of Nityananda. No jiva can be the medium of the service of the

Absolute to another jiva. The Absolute alone may communicate His

service to the separable constituents of Himself. This is the real

nature of the function of the guru.


But Nityananda does not directly instruct in the confidential service

of Krsna. Srimati Radhika is the guru of the inner circle of the

servants of Krsna. Srimati Radhika, however, accepts the offer of

service of only those souls who are specially favored by Nityananda

and are deemed by Him to be fit for Her service. There is, therefore,

a most intimate relationship between the function of Nityananda and

that of Srimati Radhika, which is at once supplementary to and

inclusive of the former.


But all jivas are not liable to be eclipsed by the deluding potency.

Those who are so liable are again distinct from the eternally free

jivas. The eternally free jivas are inseparable associates of

Nityananda. They are integrated part and parcel of Himself. They never

fall into the clutches of maya. When Nityananda manifests His

appearance on the mundane plane, His inseparable constituents also

appear in His company. They sometimes manifest their function on this

lower place in a visible form on the errands of Nityananda. They are

Vaisnavas whose subordination to Nityananda is natural and ingrained

in their nature. It is not necessary for such souls to undergo the

process of enlightenment for being restored to the spiritual plane.

Unless this fact is borne in mind, the conditioned soul may be tempted

to undervalue the constant guidance of the guru on the hypocritical

plea of following in the footsteps of the eternally free pure

devotees. Those, therefore, who suppose that deliverance from the

bondage of this world should be practicable without the constant

guidance of the spiritual preceptor, confound the conditioned state

with the free.

- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Harmonist magazine


Anyone desiring to become expert in the service of Sri Sri Radha and

Krsna should always aspire to be under the guidance of Svarupa

Damodara Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Raghunatha dasa

Gosvami. To come under the protection of the Gosvamis, one must get

the mercy and grace of Nityananda Prabhu.


Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, who is famous for his poetic composition

known as Prarthana, has lamented in one of his prayers, "When will

Lord Nityananda be merciful upon me so that I will forget all material

desires?" Srila Narottama dasa Thakura confirms that unless one is

freed from material desires to satisfy the needs of the body and

senses, one cannot understand the transcendental abode of Lord Krsna,

Vrndavana. He also confirms that one cannot understand the loving

affairs of Radha and Krsna without going through the direction of the

six Gosvamis. In another verse Narottama dasa Thakura has stated that

without the causeless mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, one cannot enter

into the affairs of Radha and Krsna. - Srila Prabhupada, Adi 5.202-204


It was Srila Nityananda Prabhu, however, who delivered persons like

Jagai and Madhai. Therefore, Lord Caitanya says, amara 'duskara'

karma, toma haite haye. Jagai and Madhai were delivered solely by

Nityananda Prabhu's mercy. When they injured Nityananda Prabhu, Lord

Caitanya became angry and decided to kill them with His Sudarsana

cakra, but Nityananda Prabhu saved them from the Lord's wrath and

delivered them. In the incarnation of Gaura-Nitai, the Lord is not

supposed to kill demons but is supposed to deliver them by preaching

Krsna consciousness. In the case of Jagai and Madhai, Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu was so angry that He would have immediately killed them,

but Nityananda Prabhu was so kind that He not only saved them from

death but elevated them to the transcendental position. Thus what was

not possible for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was carried out by Nityananda



Similarly, if one is true to Gaura-Nitai's service in the disciplic

succession, he can even excel Nityananda Prabhu's service. This is the

process of disciplic succession. Nityananda Prabhu delivered Jagai and

Madhai, but a servant of Nityananda Prabhu, by His grace, can deliver

many thousands of Jagais and Madhais. That is the special benediction

of the disciplic succession. One who is situated in the disciplic

succession can be understood by the result of his activities. - Srila

Prabhupada, Madhya 16.65


O Lord Nityananda! When will I receive Your mercy so that I can take

shelter of Your lotus feet and give up my insolence and false pride?


- Srila Jagadananda Pandit




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