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ShrIgurubhyo namaH


Dear Dennis ji,


Namaste. For quite sometime i have been feeling the need to have

more time for myself, to devote undistracted time for some of the

commitments that i had initiated. To tell you the fact, ever since

i joined the Advaitin List, i have been drawn more and more into it

and am ending up with virtually neglecting some of the things that i

had prioritised in life. The List became an addiction; the content,

the people and the quality of material that appears on the list are

simply marvellous. One New Year resolve was to withdraw myself from

the List and make myself available more fully to those endeavours

begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the



Over the past one year or so, i had developed a personal, loveable

relationship with some of the Moderators: Your goodself, Shri Sunder

Hattangadi ji (what a wonderful soul he is!!), Prof.VK ji, Shri Ram

Chandran ji, Shri Sadanandaji and Shri Madathil Nayar ji. The last

two i had even met and spent some time here in Bangalore. Kindly

convey my humble Pranams to all of them. My friendship with all of

you will not cease with my ceasing to be a member of the List. My

best wishes to all the members of the List.


With warmest regards,


Om Tat Sat

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Dear Subbu-ji,




It seems that you perhaps intended to send this as a personal email but

inadvertently sent it to the list instead. It is as well, I think, so that

we can all thank you for your participation and acknowledge all that we have

learnt from your marvellous posts since joining. I think I can truly say

that this applies to everyone, from beginners up to the most knowledgeable

members on the list. We have all been blessed with your membership.




Nevertheless, it is clear that it must have been taking up a considerable

amount of your time and it is understandable that you would wish to pursue

your other commitments. I hope that perhaps we may see you joining again in

the not too distant future.




Best wishes and, I feel, speaking on behalf of the whole group,


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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v"

<subrahmanian_v wrote:


> ShrIgurubhyo namaH


One New Year resolve was to withdraw myself from

> the List and make myself available more fully to those endeavours

> begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

> in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the

> List.



Dearest Subrahmanian-ji


You had been such a great asset to the list that we would not like

you to be away from the list. My suggestion is, please continue to

be a member even though you may keep silence regarding the

discussions. I know that itself would be a challenge to a bubbling

enthusiast of advaita like you, but you may try!


With regards to your good self,


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Dear Sri Subbu Ji,


I agree with Prof VK. Budding Advaitins like me miss people like you

dearly. I enjoyed many scholarly posts from you.


See if you can change your profile in to "web only" and

not receive any mails.






advaitin, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk



> Dearest Subrahmanian-ji


> You had been such a great asset to the list that we would not like

> you to be away from the list. My suggestion is, please continue to

> be a member even though you may keep silence regarding the

> discussions. I know that itself would be a challenge to a bubbling

> enthusiast of advaita like you, but you may try!


> With regards to your good self,

> profvk


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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v"

<subrahmanian_v wrote:


> ShrIgurubhyo namaH


> Dear Dennis ji,


> Namaste. For quite sometime i have been feeling the need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated.


Pranams Subbu-ji,


May your svaadhyaaya and tapas, which you shared with us

with such generosity, take you to the blessed presence of Sri

Dakshinamurty, and make us trail after you studying your

scintillating posts.





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Most respected Subbuji :


When Chitta left the group ,i felt an emptimness in my heart !


now with you unsubscribing from the list , my soul is dead ...


Subbuji , this is not at ALL expected from you ... You were a

treasure house of knowledge and wisdom and the ultimate vedanti and

we were always learning something new from you ... one Subbuji was

equal to 100 non-subbujis ! i would humbly request you to come back

and start sharing your scholarship and knowledge of vedanta with

us . i know you are engazed in completing a project for your



i know the list is addictive and time consuming ...


i will make a 'deal with you ! How about me withdrawing into my

shell like a tortoise for the rest of the year and you stepping into

my place - i will be the silent witness and you be OUR




Please do not turn down my request ....


subbuji , i know you are the Noblest of the Noble ! hope this

subashita will bring you back to the list ... then this Saraswati

will go into deep 'dhyana' by observing mouna vrata !


sajjanasya hR^idaya.n navanIta.n yadvadanti kavayastadalIkaM |

anyadehavilasatparitApAt.h sajjano dravati, no navanItaM ||


Poets say that the heart of a good man is like butter, but that is

not correct. The heat (frustration/sorrow/ etc.) residing in another

body does not melt butter, but it does melt the good man.


Please please rejoin ...


Pranaams !

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Where ever we are

We are always with

The True Friend

Who manifests as friendship

in all others we see.


Love to all



subrahmanian_v wrote:

> ShrIgurubhyo namaH


> Dear Dennis ji,


> Namaste. For quite sometime i have been feeling the need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated. To tell you the fact, ever since

> i joined the Advaitin List, i have been drawn more and more into it

> and am ending up with virtually neglecting some of the things that i

> had prioritised in life. The List became an addiction; the content,

> the people and the quality of material that appears on the list are

> simply marvellous. One New Year resolve was to withdraw myself from

> the List and make myself available more fully to those endeavours

> begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

> in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the

> List.


> Over the past one year or so, i had developed a personal, loveable

> relationship with some of the Moderators: Your goodself, Shri Sunder

> Hattangadi ji (what a wonderful soul he is!!), Prof.VK ji, Shri Ram

> Chandran ji, Shri Sadanandaji and Shri Madathil Nayar ji. The last

> two i had even met and spent some time here in Bangalore. Kindly

> convey my humble Pranams to all of them. My friendship with all of

> you will not cease with my ceasing to be a member of the List. My

> best wishes to all the members of the List.


> With warmest regards,

> subbu

> Om Tat Sat



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Namaste dear Subbuji:


You have been spontaneously responding to questions from members on

almost all aspects of Shankara's advaita philosophy with appropriate

insightful comments. I have also noticed that your replies most of the

time came instantaneously which means that you are blessed with His

Gift. You are fully aware that this special gift is awarded to you to

share with others. Everyone of us have problems with how to allocate

our time for different activities. Take sometime to think over to

resolve this instead of renouncing activities ordained by the Lord!


It seems that it is His play to make a mistake of sending

the "" message to an incorrect email address. Consequently,

your membership is still intact (It is His wish that you should

continue) and you are forced to "Listen to Him" through us! The replies

that you got back from the members and moderators are spontenous.


With my warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin, "subrahmanian_v" <subrahmanian_v



> ShrIgurubhyo namaH



> Over the past one year or so, i had developed a personal, loveable

> relationship with some of the Moderators: Your goodself, Shri Sunder

> Hattangadi ji (what a wonderful soul he is!!), Prof.VK ji, Shri Ram

> Chandran ji, Shri Sadanandaji and Shri Madathil Nayar ji. The last

> two i had even met and spent some time here in Bangalore.

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Namaskaram Dear Dear Subbuji,


Thanks to Advaitin, i was lucky to meet u in Bangalore once and has been very fortunate to read your views, analysis etc on VEDANTA which is a continuous lesson- education - that is helping all of us in our day to day life.


There is no doubt that once one gets the feel of this site, one becomes a sort of addicted to it and any addiction needs to be watched.


with due respects to every one and Subbuji, permit to me ask one question. If we are addict and we know we are addict, then why cant we improve our addiction - from the level of addiction to less addiction -.


Like Sw. Paramarthanandaji used to maintain one full day silence a week - as he talks every day and need to improve up on- as we have Ekadashi once in 15 days, etc.


Also, when we receive mails, if we are not in a position to read it - due to other "PRIORITIES" of our vyvaharika life, we can continue to attend the vyvaharika life priorities and leave the emails like that just reading only the subject - this way we know that there was a topic discussed and may be when we have time, we can glance thru that at a later date?


What i am trying to find out is - KINDLY DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME PLEASE......I AM REALLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ONLY - what use is there by ' UNSUBSCRIBING ' and how it differs from just glancing the subject and leaving it at that ?


thanks once again to Subbuji for the time he has had for all of us - and for sure he cannot stay away from us even by unsubscibing - hope he is available as and when he is free.


and also a request to kindly do rethink about the necessity of '





Sudesh Pillutla <sudeshpillutla > wrote: Dear Sri Subbu Ji,


I agree with Prof VK. Budding Advaitins like me miss people like you

dearly. I enjoyed many scholarly posts from you.


See if you can change your profile in to "web only" and

not receive any mails.






advaitin, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk



> Dearest Subrahmanian-ji


> You had been such a great asset to the list that we would not like

> you to be away from the list. My suggestion is, please continue to

> be a member even though you may keep silence regarding the

> discussions. I know that itself would be a challenge to a bubbling

> enthusiast of advaita like you, but you may try!


> With regards to your good self,

> profvk






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advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran wrote:


> Namaste dear Subbuji:


> You have been spontaneously responding to questions from members on

> almost all aspects of Shankara's advaita philosophy with appropriate

> insightful comments. I have also noticed that your replies most of the

> time came instantaneously which means that you are blessed with His

> Gift. You are fully aware that this special gift is awarded to you to

> share with others. Everyone of us have problems with how to allocate

> our time for different activities. Take sometime to think over to

> resolve this instead of renouncing activities ordained by the Lord!



advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran wrote:


> Namaste dear Subbuji:


> You have been spontaneously responding to questions from members on

> almost all aspects of Shankara's advaita philosophy with appropriate

> insightful comments. I have also noticed that your replies most of the

> time came instantaneously which means that you are blessed with His

> Gift. You are fully aware that this special gift is awarded to you to

> share with others. Everyone of us have problems with how to allocate

> our time for different activities. Take sometime to think over to

> resolve this instead of renouncing activities ordained by the Lord!



Dear Subbuji,




I would like to quote couple of verses from Bhagavad Gita to reiterate

what Sri Ram-ji has said:


He who imparts this transcendent secret to my devotee, nurturing

utmost devotion to me, will doubtlessly attain me. (Ch. 18, 68th Sloka)


Sri Sankaracharya comments:


This transcendent secret dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna which

yields the summum bonum-whoever imparts it to my devotee, both in

letter and spirit, as I did in your case, will attain me indeed. How

is it to be imparted? Nurturing the utmost devotion to the Supreme

Teacher, the unlapsing God. No doubt about this need be entertained.

Reference to devotion a second time in the second half of this verse

shows that eligibility for cultivating this shastra is bound up with

devotion to God alone. Also,


None among men, other than he, does a deed dearer to Me; not is there

in the world one dearer to Me. (Ch 18, 69th Sloka)


Acharya Says:


Among men, now, none does a deed dearer to Me than he who transmits

the tradition of this shastra. Nor, in future will there be another in

this world who does aught dearer to Me.




If you continue your invaluable service to the group, many earnest

seekers/novices like me will get benefited. Kindly re-consider you



May the blessings of Bhagavadpada be always with you in all your

endeavors is my earnest prayer to him.


Yours in Sri Ramakrishna,


Br. Vinayaka

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Sri Pai-ji:


Even if one leaves this group voluntarily or 'banned' by the

moderators , the beauty of the Advaitin group is one can view the

messages and read them even if one is not a member because the

Archives are available to the publ;ic . but non members may not be

able to 'post ' or view other features of the group such as files ,

photos etc etc etc .


it is precisely for this reason re denial of posting privileges to

a non member , WE do not want valuable and seasoned vedantins like

subbuji to leabe the group ! HE IS WORTH HIS WEIGHT IN GOLD! ONE



want to respond to members queries thereby enriching the discussion


HIDDEN AGENDA . HE is too much of a gentleman to use this group to

further his own interests .


Subbuji is here only to spread the message of Shankara's Advaita

philosophy and as he has Guru Kripa , he was also able to share this

knowledge and wisdom with others so generously! so , he is one

member who should never be silent ! he should speak because his

speech reveals the Truth and beauty of Advaita! Speech is brahman ,

too as per chandogya upanishad .


Thank god! as per sri ramji , subbuji is still a member ... we do

not want him to quit just when professorji resumes his monthly

discussion on 'jiva' etc ... i am sure and 100% that sUBBUJI WILL


who else is so well versed in brahmasutra bhasyas, shankara's gita

commentaries and of course the upanishads etc etc ... He is

the 'one' among the many !


as soon as Subbuji starts posting again, this jiva will go

into 'vanaprasta' ashrama - retire into the forest of domestic life

as a new chapter in my life is going to coomence with the birth of

a granddaughter ... my hands will be 'full' holding the baby ,

preparing the feeds , changing the diapers , singing the lullabys ,

rocking the cradle ... where is the time to type those messages ?

but , i will cetainly read and reflect on all the lovely posts on

ther message board!


subbuji, you will be doing other members a 'favor' by reconsidering

your decision for out goes 'dhyanasaRASWATI AND IN COMES SUBBUJI ...

SsUBBUJI , PLEASE... here is request from you - you take up the

challenge of weekly definition - the word is 'Purushartha' ...

subbuji, please do not turn down this shakti's request ... after

all , Shakti is also known as KRIYA , JNANA AND ICCHA SHAKTI !

With warmest regards


ps this Advaitin addiction is way better than chewing 'paan',

doing drugs , drinking liquor , playing cards , gambling , etc etc

etc etc ....




advaitin, ram mohan anantha pai

<pairamblr wrote:


> Namaskaram Dear Dear Subbuji,


> Thanks to Advaitin, i was lucky to meet u in Bangalore once and

has been very fortunate to read your views, analysis etc on VEDANTA

which is a continuous lesson- education - that is helping all of us

in our day to day life.



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Dear Friends,


Respectfully, there is a comical quality to all this. I believe Sri

Subbu-Ji knows what is best for him. We can all fully understand what

Subbu-ji is saying. It does take much time to write in-depth posts. Same

for many other distinguished members and moderators. Everyone is in a

different stage of life and has duties and priorities according to that.


One has many obligations in life and fulfilling them takes time. There

is nothing wrong at all in having priorities so one can allocate one's

time judiciously. Indeed it is wisdom.


Namaste and love to all




dhyanasaraswati wrote:

> as soon as Subbuji starts posting again, this jiva will go

> into 'vanaprasta' ashrama - retire into the forest of domestic life

> as a new chapter in my life is going to coomence with the birth of

> a granddaughter ... my hands will be 'full' holding the baby ,

> preparing the feeds , changing the diapers , singing the lullabys ,

> rocking the cradle ... where is the time to type those messages ?


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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v" <subrahmanian_v wrote:

> begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

> in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the

> List.


So long Subbuji, may you enjoy the world outside this mailing-list, continue doing your

chosen endeavours and listening to the mouna-vyakhya of Sri Dakshinamurty.


On our turn, we will re-read your beautiful posts on the Adi Shankara's stotram on Sri

Dakshinamurthy. We really appreciate the hard work you put into the list, in particular such

an important stotram.


If you chose to come back at a later date, you are more than welcome. The chakora-pakshis

would be waiting for their moon.

warm regards and best wishes


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Dear Subbu-ji,


I have very much enjoyed reading and reflecting on your posts. They have

been, and still are, very valuable.


I wish you well in all you do, wherever you do it.


Best wishes,



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subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote: ShrIgurubhyo namaH


Dear Dennis ji,


Namaste. For quite sometime i have been feeling the need to have

more time for myself, to devote undistracted time for some of the

commitments that i had initiated. To tell you the fact, ever since

i joined the Advaitin List, i have been drawn more and more into it

and am ending up with virtually neglecting some of the things that i

had prioritised in life. The List became an addiction; the content,

the people and the quality of material that appears on the list are

simply marvellous. One New Year resolve was to withdraw myself from

the List and make myself available more fully to those endeavours

begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the



Over the past one year or so, i had developed a personal, loveable

relationship with some of the Moderators: Your goodself, Shri Sunder

Hattangadi ji (what a wonderful soul he is!!), Prof.VK ji, Shri Ram

Chandran ji, Shri Sadanandaji and Shri Madathil Nayar ji. The last

two i had even met and spent some time here in Bangalore. Kindly

convey my humble Pranams to all of them. My friendship with all of

you will not cease with my ceasing to be a member of the List. My

best wishes to all the members of the List.


With warmest regards,


Om Tat Sat

Dear Subramanium,

Though I don' have the sufficient intellect or the disposition to understand many of the traditional concepts, I have found your replies and clarifications to the point. In spite of my preferences for the other teachings, especially that of Krishnamurthy and Buddhism, I have found in your elaborations the common ground of the illusory nature of the individual consciousness, this having created a great zest in my quest for truth. Even though we have not known each other, the truth of the one common consciousness has endeared us, knowing which is the the immanent teleology of life. I have heard it said by Nisargdatta that living is life's only purpose, which I understand to mean that there is only the one impartite Self in and behind the panorama of our lives, the preoccupation with which hides, as it were, the vision of the Self, making us indulge in many things unrelated to our true goal. Though not as individuals, still as the one

Consciousness let us enjoy our company, which is only the Self sporting with the Self.

yours in Bhaghavan Ramana








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Subbu - PraNAms.


I understand the feeling and I go through some of

those from time to time. I feel, writing itself on

the list keeps me in sadhana. In all the mails, I

just state what my understanding is and leave it with

that without getting into prolonged discussions,

unless those discussions are very much essential.


I suggest that you take up another text and discuss

just as you did on Daxinamuurthi, without getting your

self too much involved in continous discussions. That

way the writing itself becomes a part of the sadhana

you will not be spending that much time on the

internet. There seems to be overwelming desire on the

part of the group that you should stay.


Should you decide not to continue for the time being,

you can comeback to the list any time you feel like



I have learned a lot from your mails, including the

recent post related to padma purana. My hats off to


Wish you all the best. We should have some satsang

when we meet agin. Come and stay with us in chennai.

We will be going back to States to stay there for 6

months from the coming march March and should be back

to Chennai from Sep/Oct 07. Keep in contact.


With kind regards




--- subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote:

For quite sometime i have been feeling the

> need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time

> for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated.

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Subbu - PraNAms.


I understand the feeling and I go through some of

those from time to time. I feel, writing itself on

the list keeps me in sadhana. In all the mails, I

just state what my understanding is and leave it with

that without getting into prolonged discussions,

unless those discussions are very much essential.


I suggest that you take up another text and discuss

just as you did on Daxinamuurthi, without getting your

self too much involved in continous discussions. That

way the writing itself becomes a part of the sadhana

you will not be spending that much time on the

internet. There seems to be overwelming desire on the

part of the group that you should stay.


Should you decide not to continue for the time being,

you can comeback to the list any time you feel like



I have learned a lot from your mails, including the

recent post related to padma purana. My hats off to


Wish you all the best. We should have some satsang

when we meet agin. Come and stay with us in chennai.

We will be going back to States to stay there for 6

months from the coming march March and should be back

to Chennai from Sep/Oct 07. Keep in contact.


With kind regards




--- subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote:

For quite sometime i have been feeling the

> need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time

> for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated.

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Subbu - PraNAms.


I understand the feeling and I go through some of

those from time to time. I feel, writing itself on

the list keeps me in sadhana. In all the mails, I

just state what my understanding is and leave it with

that without getting into prolonged discussions,

unless those discussions are very much essential.


I suggest that you take up another text and discuss

just as you did on Daxinamuurthi, without getting your

self too much involved in continous discussions. That

way the writing itself becomes a part of the sadhana

you will not be spending that much time on the

internet. There seems to be overwelming desire on the

part of the group that you should stay.


Should you decide not to continue for the time being,

you can comeback to the list any time you feel like



I have learned a lot from your mails, including the

recent post related to padma purana. My hats off to


Wish you all the best. We should have some satsang

when we meet agin. Come and stay with us in chennai.

We will be going back to States to stay there for 6

months from the coming march March and should be back

to Chennai from Sep/Oct 07. Keep in contact.


With kind regards




--- subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote:

For quite sometime i have been feeling the

> need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time

> for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated.

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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v" <subrahmanian_v



> ShrIgurubhyo namaH


> Dear Dennis ji,


> Namaste. For quite sometime i have been feeling the need to have

> more time for myself, to devote undistracted time for some of the

> commitments that i had initiated. To tell you the fact, ever since

> i joined the Advaitin List, i have been drawn more and more into it

> and am ending up with virtually neglecting some of the things that i

> had prioritised in life. The List became an addiction; the content,

> the people and the quality of material that appears on the list are

> simply marvellous. One New Year resolve was to withdraw myself from

> the List and make myself available more fully to those endeavours

> begging my quality time and attention. With this thought foremost

> in my mind, i am unsubscribing from the formal membership of the

> List.


> With warmest regards,

> subbu

> Om Tat Sat




Sri Subbuji,


I saw this only after seeing Sri Dhyanasaraswathi's withdrawal and

replying to Sri Ceciliaji on the same.


I thank you for the brief bit of communication we have had and for the

email confirmation on the position of Ishvara, which also I have

posted. It was very important for me and perhaps a turning point in my

religious life.



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dear sri subramaniam


even though i am fairly a new member i had the oppurtunity to read your post that reveals your in depth knowledge on advaita. perrinneal rivers does not stop but flows all the time.ther are many who want to bath i it as is evident from the replies younhave got.


with best wishes








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