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Secrecy of Effort

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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwara

[These are words of a high order Yogi of Siddhashram. We may have difficulty in understanding this and defining on the basis of our little experience, still there is something to tell us that answers and destination come through sadhna only]

The activity (Kriya) you do should not be revealed to others at all because by exposing the secret cases loss of Kriya.

[We can follow this rule by spreading the knowledge of Mantra, Tantra & Yantra also. We can distribute MTYV magazines, books of special sadhnas; we can highlight strong points and benefits of special sadhna articles etc. While doing this we are free not to reveal what sadhnas we are doing at a particular point of time or what plans we have for the coming days etc. What matters most is that we should accept the fact whatever is happening in our lives is being supported by power of sadhnas we did in the past or are doing in the present and we should also accept the basic support pillar i.e without the blessings and directions of Guru we would not been able to pronounce a single mantra. In this way we will be spreading this knowledge of our Gurudev without compromising our personal effort in getting benefit by doing sadhna. We can tell others about the sadhnas done by us earlier without being pretentious and arrogant about our effort and never forgetting to stress the most

important part i.e. blessings of Guru and importance of absorbing His knowledge in mind and soul with simultaneous concerted effort of putting every thing in practical use. In this way we are be able to keep secret our personal effort in sadhna and still spread Gurudev’s knowledge with whole hearted effort. Even those near us knows what sadhna we are doing, it is our hands to keep the experiences of sadhna secret from them. There is no need to reveal them to others.

Tell these experiences to Gurudev only by speaking or in writing like many sadhaks who write about their experiences to Gurudham and they are revealed to general public in appropriate manner, as we see them published in the MTYV monthly.]

[in this context Karma (Kriya) means doing sadhna/Mantra Japa as directed by Guru only]

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram



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