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Meditation with Rudraksha and other Holy Items

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Meditation with Rudraksha and other Holy Items

by Sri Dharma Dev Arya


This one question in different forms has been asked in general

specific to the gaining of Samadhi and there is much research that

needs to be done by the individual to be able to first sit in the

state of Samadhi in order to understand the answer.


Is going to be a little difficult trying to explain by posting here

as the state of Samadhi is gained through experiential knowledge

after one has Accomplished the states of Dhaaranaa ........... the

ability to concentrate on an object ............... that leads one to

the next natural state of Dhayaana .................. that is the

state of Consciousness where the mind is flowing in an unbroken

current toward an object .......... more on this later however once

the mind is flowing in this unbroken current the state of Samadhi

will manifest itself withing the aspirant.


What the books dont usually tell a person is that the object

mentioned can be a physical object ......... or a

visualization ...... or a Mantra or series of Mantras.


There are a number of ways to get to state of Samadhi so am

suggesting that after I try to explain what I have

found ........................ then you go to your Guru for more

information or go to internet and look up the works of Maharishi

Patanjali and his teachings on Patanjalis Sutras ............. The

Chapter on Powers ...... atha vibhuuti paadah .......... and the The

Chapter on Kaivalya .......... atha kaivalya paadah.


There are three stages on the way to Sanyama or One Ness with an

object ........ or what is described as the perfect regulation of

Chitta and Samadhi is only one of the three stages leading up to

Sanyama .......... the purpose of going to state of Samadhi is so

that you can practice Sanyama and introduce intent and purpose at

this level to change your life in the relative work a day life.


So I would suggest that your question be changed to how to do Sanyama

with Parad Shiva Lingam as this is one state beyond Samadhi and is a

state of Ultimate One Ness with the object of intent and purpose.


Can only detail to you from what I was taught ............. and that

is a person first goes to Samadhi with Mantra ................ again

I have heard also that sometime visualizations are used in some

Meditation Techniques ............... however a person first needs to

know how to meditate and attain Samadhi through the first three

stages of meditation.


Your question was how to get into Samadhi with parad Shiva Lingam

however you dont have to stop there if you wish .......... If you

wish you can go one step farther and do Sanyama with the Parad Siva

Lingam .............. one way I can suggest is that if you use the

Parad Siva Lingam as the object of concentration in your meditation

then you will have to be sitting in Samadhi with eyes open or half

closed or totally closed and then with unbroken concentration worship

as you need to by deliberately introduceing intent and purpose or

worshipping with hymns to Lord Siva.


Will go through this again in a little different

manner ............... it is stated in texts that Samadhi is one of

three states of Consciousness leading to the aspirant performing

Sanyama on an object.


Again what is not explained in many texts is that the object can be a

physical object or it can be a Mantra .............. or a series of

Mantras meant to worship your Ishta Devata or other Deities ..... all

this leading to a positive change in the relative field or every day

world the meditator is liveing in ......... However sitting in state

of Samadhi is necessary for all this to Manifest at the will of the



Samadhi leads to the option for the meditator to simply sit in

Samadhi or go to the next level of practiceing Sanyama on an

object ..... in your case you would be practiceing Sanyama on the

Parad Siva Lingam if this is what you wished to do.


In this place of consciousness in time and space that is called

Samadhi is the Field of All Possibilities ............ and is the

culmination of the process of Dhaaranaa and Dhyaana .....leading to

Samadhi ..............


If you know how to get to Samadhi through meditation then the

meditator deliberately introduces their intent and purpose to this

Field of All Possibilities ........ this is called doing Sanyama on

an object with deliberate intent for results and positive change and

this is where the 11 Mukhi Lord Hanuman Rudraksha helps the wearer as

this Holy Rudraksha destroys the obstacles to Meditation and helps

with the yogic practices.


By doing this practice of meditation the meditator initiates Sanyama

on the object of choice ...................... this choice can be the

Accomplishment of the Siddhis and Riddhis as mentioned in the Holy

Books ......... and this is also where the 8 Mukhi Lord Ganesha

Rudraksha helps the meditator to move and remove all obstacles on all

levels of existence.


This Field of All Possibilities that can be called the Unified Field

in Physics is also the state of Consciousness from where the missiles

are thrown ....... Missiles that are the Mantras ......... that are

the Energy Forms of the Devas ..... as described in the Ramayana

Balakanda and Vasisthas Dhanurveda Samhita.


If you wish to read more about the Missiles given to Lord Rama for

Protection as mentioned in the Ramayana Balakanda you can read the

book Vasisthas Dhanurveda Samhita in chapters named

Weapons ........... and Purification of Weapons by

Hymns ................. and Paasupataastra .......... These books

will explain the Mantra Science of throwing and warding off missiles

for protection and the good of all concerned.


To go over this again .............. Maharishi Patanjali Teaches

clearly states that in order to do Samyama there are three stages of

consciousness one must first atttain ........ Samadhi is only one

part of the three.


First in meditation there is Dhaaranaa or the ability to concentrate

on an object and this is where the One Mukhi Rudraksha and the 11

Mukhi Rudraksha and 8 Mukhi Rudraksha helps the wearer to maintain

the ability to concentrate on the object selected.


Once the ability to concentrate on an object without interruption is

Accomplished this leads naturally to the state of Dhyaana where the

mind is locked into flowing toward that object in an unbroken

current ......... an unbroken current that is not interrupted by any

other thoughts ........ pairs of the 3 Mukhi Lord Agni Rudraksha and

5 Mukhi Kaalagni Rudraksha help in this process as these two Holy

Beads are credited with destroying past and present Karma that would

interfer with the unbroken current of thought ......... the 3 Mukhi

by burning away the thoughts that might break the concentration and

the 5 Mukhi Guru Bead that continually works to calm the fire as the

Karma is burned.


Once the process of Dhyaana is Accomplished the aspirant will

naturally gain a state of Samadhi or One Ness with the object of

concentration ........ and again in your case this would be One Ness

with the Parad Siva Lingam and all that it represents.


As different people will have different techniques to help you with

your wanting to sit in Samadhi with the Parad Siva

Lingam .............. I am hoping this explanation here helps to

clarify a part of Mantra Science that combines Meditation with

Rudraksha and other Holy Items to Accomplish in an accelerated manner

for the good of all concerned.


Aum NamaSivaya Sivaya Nama Aum


Source: Posted by DharmaDev Arya on Rudraksha Beads Societies Club


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