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Sex is the overwhelming obsession of modern society: Sex is where it’s at???

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<!-- the main section of the post goes here -->DSCF0169.jpgby HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami


Sex is the overwhelming obsession of modern society. Sexual promiscuity is so unrelentingly stressed that anyone who does not appear to the highly interested in it is generally considered to be a crank. Social pressure induces people to try to maintain juvenile lustiness long after the sensual high of youth has subsided. Thus millions of people remain emotionally immature all their lives. It is a sick world.

Ignorant of their relationship with Krsna, and unsure of their status in rapidly changing societies which have no fixed values, people desperately desire an identity—an image of themselves which they feel good with and which others respect. In the schools, in the media, and by word of mouth, the story is out: sex is where it’s at. The power of the media to mold people’s attitudes and behavior is a pathetic but documented fact. Even if the average person’s mind would not have been always absorbed in sexual thoughts, the media makes sure it is.

The advertising industry in particular tirelessly churns out unending pictures of dressed-up or undressed women—in magazines, on billboards, on television—always and everywhere. Despite grossly exploiting the bodies of women and the basest impulses of men, solely for the sake of making some already over-rich people even richer, their activities continue for the most part unquestioned. The general public absorb their propaganda and remain ever steeped in lust, having no knowledge of the necessity to resist. Thus, advertisements oozing with sexual overtones allure the willingly gullible public to mindlessly purchase everything from back-scrubbers to brandy. And the consumer society rolls on, with its members forever in an artificial state of sexual stimulation.

Constant titillation of the senses, however, increasingly dulls the spirit. Thus, despite all the celluloid promises, people find themselves cheated of real happiness. In adolescence, when the senses appear to have unlimited power to invoke euphoric delights, happiness through sense enjoyment seems not only to be a distinct possibility, but the very meaning of life. But the pleasures of youth, as the poets lament, is but a fleeting frolic. The ability of the body to enjoy is like a water-laden sponge. At first, if you just pinch it, water gushes out. But as it is squeezed more and more, it gradually becomes difficult to get even a few drops of water from it.

Similarly, attempts for sexual enjoyment increasingly result in emptiness and frustration. Still, most people fail to recognize the limits of sexual enjoyment. Due to their misdirected education, they think that their lack of satisfaction with sex means there is something wrong in their approach to it. They may end up on a psychologist’s couch or reading some of the hundreds of books on “improved” sex life (Yoga for Sex, Tao for Sex, The Modern Woman’s Guide to Sex, A Doctor’s Sex Secrets, Diet for Better Sex, etc.). However, the harder they grope for pleasure, the more surely it eludes them. As they furiously try to force their bodies into giving them the happiness which they regard as a natural birthright, they may turn to frequent masturbation, increased promiscuity, pornography, varieties of perversity, and ultimately violence.a

Actual civilization teaches its members to sublimate their sexual desires for higher, spiritual purposes. Modern civilization exploits people’s sexual cravings, makes a business out of it, and sends people to hell by the millions.

Seeing all this, the Vaisnavas are sorry. If only people could understand this simple fact: We are all eternal servants of Krishna. Our sexual desire is simply a perverted reflection of our heart’s deepest longings to love Krishna. If we just knew this we could all be happy. But in the darkness of the modern age it is very difficult to convince anyone that there is anything wrong with sex at all. The members of the Krishna consciousness movement have a great responsibility to somehow or other give this real knowledge to the people of the world. Srila Prabhupäda: “The Krishna consciousness movement will go down in history as having saved mankind in its darkest hour.”

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poster known as krsna: could you try posting in a smaller font, I just disregard all your posts and threads because they bug out my eyes. No need to 'shout'.

I disagree. Better a too big lettertype than a too small one. And a big lettertype doesn't necessarily mean there is a question of "shouting". This depends on the contents and tone of the message. Big letters make one feel like a small child, trying to read what the schoolmaster has written on the blackboard. Feels good to me!:)

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Thank you for that prabhu Krsna! It's been a while since I saw a picture of or read anything from a lecture by this great personality HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami!!! Thank you very much indeed, regardless of font size issues!


[moderator's note: part of post removed as it was making all posts extend beyond screen]

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Sorry Shambu. My Apologies. That was an oversight but I see that the moderator has corrected it.



Why do you have to re-quote the whole thing again? Do you think your quotation of the original in italics holds any improvement? I cannot read it properly!
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Hrm, following in the lines of Hridayananda Dasa, another ISKCON 'sannyasi' talking incessantly about sex in Hari Katha... why not talking about the sweet pasttimes of krishna, which, if heard with faith from a pure devotee, destroy any speck of lust in the heart. Sounds like this devotee needs some higher association if he's so beguiled by sex that he needs to talk about it.

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Hrm, following in the lines of Hridayananda Dasa, another ISKCON 'sannyasi' talking incessantly about sex in Hari Katha... why not talking about the sweet pasttimes of krishna, which, if heard with faith from a pure devotee, destroy any speck of lust in the heart. Sounds like this devotee needs some higher association if he's so beguiled by sex that he needs to talk about it.

Once in the early seventies (names and places omitted) there was a nice couple coming to our temple. The temple president always would preach to the 19 yr. old wife. This would leave me to preach to the husband. Eventually they joined. After about two months the young wife removed herself from the temple and we all assumed that she had "blooped". It turned out that the temple pres. was having an affair with her and had put her up at a motel a few miles away. Apparently he was having a bout with insomnia for he would get up every morning at about 2:30 and go for a long japa walk, or so he told his wife. Then he would come back to the temple, missing mangal aratik, just in time to give Bhagavatam class. During each class of the next two weeks the temple pres. gave lectures railing and raving about how sex life is abominable. It wasn't until weeks after the young wife returned that the whole thing was revealed. Before that the TP had the GBC chastise the young husband for having unregulated sex with his wife, which at that time was a fabrication. I remember that during the two week period the TP was giving newer and newer realizations of just how, sex life is abominable. We all thought that he was becoming very advanced.

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ROFL X 10!!! Is this account really true or just fabricated. It was really funny!


If he was having an affair with that lady, why would he come back and talk about how abominable sex was? Doesn't make sense.



Once in the early seventies (names and places omitted) there was a nice couple coming to our temple. The temple president always would preach to the 19 yr. old wife. This would leave me to preach to the husband. Eventually they joined. After about two months the young wife removed herself from the temple and we all assumed that she had "blooped". It turned out that the temple pres. was having an affair with her and had put her up at a motel a few miles away. Apparently he was having a bout with insomnia for he would get up every morning at about 2:30 and go for a long japa walk, or so he told his wife. Then he would come back to the temple, missing mangal aratik, just in time to give Bhagavatam class. During each class of the next two weeks the temple pres. gave lectures railing and raving about how sex life is abominable. It wasn't until weeks after the young wife returned that the whole thing was revealed. Before that the TP had the GBC chastise the young husband for having unregulated sex with his wife, which at that time was a fabrication. I remember that during the two week period the TP was giving newer and newer realizations of just how, sex life is abominable. We all thought that he was becoming very advanced.
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ROFL X 10!!! Is this account really true or just fabricated. It was really funny!


If he was having an affair with that lady, why would he come back and talk about how abominable sex was? Doesn't make sense.


There is a saying that, "we become what we resist".

Look at this post a little further up:


Hrm, following in the lines of Hridayananda Dasa, another ISKCON 'sannyasi' talking incessantly about sex in Hari Katha... why not talking about the sweet pasttimes of krishna, which, if heard with faith from a pure devotee, destroy any speck of lust in the heart. Sounds like this devotee needs some higher association if he's so beguiled by sex that he needs to talk about it.

The TP was already obsessed with the negative. Real Krsna Consciousness means to focus on the positive, Krsna nama, Krsna lila etc. Perhaps his resistance and focus on the negative forced him to become what he loathed. At that point the corruption became a form of madness were the aparadhi becomes much more twisted than the average sinner.

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Once in the early seventies (names and places omitted) there was a nice couple coming to our temple. The temple president always would preach to the 19 yr. old wife. This would leave me to preach to the husband. Eventually they joined. After about two months the young wife removed herself from the temple and we all assumed that she had "blooped". It turned out that the temple pres. was having an affair with her and had put her up at a motel a few miles away. Apparently he was having a bout with insomnia for he would get up every morning at about 2:30 and go for a long japa walk, or so he told his wife. Then he would come back to the temple, missing mangal aratik, just in time to give Bhagavatam class. During each class of the next two weeks the temple pres. gave lectures railing and raving about how sex life is abominable. It wasn't until weeks after the young wife returned that the whole thing was revealed. Before that the TP had the GBC chastise the young husband for having unregulated sex with his wife, which at that time was a fabrication. I remember that during the two week period the TP was giving newer and newer realizations of just how, sex life is abominable. We all thought that he was becoming very advanced.


Yes, I'm afraid that these stories are all too common in ISKCON, and its not long before we see another one of them fall. Best they do a good duty to their disciples and themselves by taking some higher quality association, or just to come up front and admit who they are. This corruption amongst ISKCON society has gone on far too long, I hope people can know about it before their bhakti and inspiration gets crushed before these all too bogus gurus fall down. I mean, it was just the other day when my friend, a prabhupada disciple was telling me how Hridayananda was ogling at his wife... heh, sheesh. I think the only one who stands a chance is Radhanath swami, and everyone knows by now that he is taking siksa from Srila Narayan Maharaj behind his back. I think many so-called 'inspiring' iskcon preachers today steal and preach things from Gaudiya Math Gurus and then have the audacity to call them bogus. Though that's a subject for another date. I'm surprised people's faith is so cheap these days that they take initiation from these people.. sickening and sad.


Besides, look at the picture of that guy they posted. I mean, I know 'drstaih svabhava janitair vapusasca dosair' but.. generally people have that look.. it doesn't seem so sattvik.


oh well..

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A Vaisnava transcends designations imposed by society or organizations. I see no reason why an exalted soul such as Srila Narayana Maharaja shouldn't impart siksa to someone in ISKCON or someone in ISKCON impart siksa to some Gaudiya math devotee. However, calling them bogus later is certainly offensive. Do you know of some devotee that acted in that way or are you just making a general statement? Also, what do you mean behind the back?



I think the only one who stands a chance is Radhanath swami, and everyone knows by now that he is taking siksa from Srila Narayan Maharaj behind his back. I think many so-called 'inspiring' iskcon preachers today steal and preach things from Gaudiya Math Gurus and then have the audacity to call them bogus.


That guy??? You're exposing your lack of knowledge of Vaisnava etiquette. Do you know at all who he is? Or all that matters is what he looks like?!



Besides, look at the picture of that guy they posted. I mean, I know 'drstaih svabhava janitair vapusasca dosair' but.. generally people have that look.. it doesn't seem so sattvik.
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I was rolling over in the chair, mentally, where i am sitting from laughter, internally, and i have this story about the socalled advanced TP sent to a devotee, she would love a story like this, this is just too much for me, thanks for this story, really !!! I can vividly visualize this "tale of the socalled thunder preaching TP":deal: .

Many thankx !!!



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LOL, exactly!


And Brajeshwar ... ROFL! I know you're being humble but that is a funny pic!



It is a pity that 'politics' seem to ruin many a discussion (this group vs. that group). I would prefer to take things to a more 'personal' level..... So, GuestAdas, maybe you could post a picture of yourself here so we can judge your 'sattvic-ness'. Hahahaha.
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You guys are funny. I wasn't making any judgement about myself, I know how sattvik I am (or should I say, how not sattvik I am).


And yes, sure, I wasn't exactly correct in telling you to look at his picture, which I did admit in my previous message.


I personally am not affiliated with any group, but I was just making a point. And yes, I quite obviously didn't mean that all ISKCON sannyasis are bogus, but a good handful of them are.


And regarding Radhanath Swami, I have nothing against him personally. But, if you're going to use someone else's material or hari katha, in directly known as 'siksa' you at least ought to pay respects or acknowledge that. Especially since the customer's list at Srila Narayana's book publications is obtainable, and then perhaps we can know for sure who exactly is buying his books. I do know from certain sources that this certainly is the case though.

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Sex is abominable? How do you think we came into this world? Sex is the act of creation between man and woman. I agree promiscuous sex and sex before or outside marriage is wrong, but not sex itself.

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