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Roadmap to the Divine Kingdom

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Roadmap to the Divine Kingdom

Founder of Sanatan Sanstha His Holiness Dr. Jayant Athavale's Guidance to Hindus

H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale Approximately 25-30 years ago, Dharmadrohi Communists began ruling over West Bengal and Kerala. It is now becoming impossible to propagate Hinduism in these states. Today, almost one third of India is being ruled by Naxalites. Starting from Tamil Nadu followed by Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Governments have been formed by mass propaganda. Now within the next 2-3 years, Purogami (Modern) Maharashtra and remaining India too will step by step come under the rule of Dharmadrohi Communists and those using mob pressure. This is not new to Hindus. In the Tretayuga, there was one Ravan, in the Dwaparyuga, there were evildoers like Kamsa, Jarasandha, Duryodhan etc. Now in the Kaliyuga, there are thousands of evildoers. Therefore everyone's life is becoming unbearable.

There are hundreds of stories in the Puranas of how Demons harassed sages (Rishi and Munis). Demons even stole away the Vedas and hid them under the sea. Then Lord Vishnu had to incarnate as Varaha (divine boar) to retrieve them back. Now too, holy texts of Hindus are getting banned one by one. The Manusmruti is just one of them.

In the subsequent period, Buddhists massacred lakhs of Hindus. Then The Lord had to incarnate as Adi Shankaracharya to re-instate Dharma. Today, in some places, Hindus are terrorised by Nava-Bauddhas (Neo-Buddhists are those who have become Buddhists with the sole aim of getting reservations and have nothing to do with the real Buddhist Philosophy).

Leaders who follow Dharma are able to form a government that lasts for 400 years. Monarchs who abide by Dharma are able to rule for 300 years. Communists and leaders indulging in mob exploitation are able to rule only for 100 years. In accordance with this principle, the Dharmadrohi Communist Russian Government perished after just 70 years. Similarly, people are now fed up of the Governments in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh that have been formed out of Communism and Mass propagandism. After next elections, Maharashtra and the rest of India too will witness the evil rule of the Communists and the Mass Propagandists. That too will end by 2012, after which the Divine Government will begin its rule. The commercial minded American supremacy will end approximately at the same time.

In the intervening period, Hindus will have to live under constant terror of the Communists, Mass Propagandists, Muslims and Christians. As in the French Revolution, Dharmadrohis will strike anyone at any given place and time. Like the states of Kashmir, Mizoram, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur, Hindus will be targeted everywhere in India. Worse rioting will occur than the one that took place at the time of India’s independence.

Two things will be achieved due to this:

1. Those who are unfit to be called as Hindus will perish, relieving the earth of their burden.

2. Killing Devout Hindus will increase the sin load of the Dharmadrohis thus making them eligible to be destroyed by God. Consequently God will incarnate. In the terrible days ahead, only time will decide how many of us survive. Because, "During forest fire, a little bit of the wet too burns along with the dry!” But as The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Gita, if we perish in this holy war, we will end up in Higher Lokas like the Maha, Jana, Tapa or Satya and if we survive, we will be able to peacefully carry out our Spiritual Practice in the Divine Kingdom.

Since the last 10 years, Sanatan Sanstha has been preaching the doctrine of Kshatradharma Sadhana, i.e. Protection of seekers and Destruction of evildoers to enable Hindus to survive in the times to come. However, Hindus have ignored this message, which is the reason for their pathetic condition today.

If Hindus do not change their attitude even now, then they will have to suffer a lot in times to come. When one Hindu dies, the other Hindus are not at all concerned about it. Probably, Hindus will wake up when upto the year 2010, one member of every Hindu family gets killed! Though I know, that saying all this is akin to crying out for help in a lonesome forest, yet I am putting down my views in words, as it is my duty and also a part of my Spiritual Practice to warn fellow Hindus.

Lord Vishnu has incarnated 8 times so far, to destroy evildoers. Now let us pray at His Holy Feet to once again assume a miniscule incarnation to destroy dharmadrohis and evildoers and re-instate Dharma.

- His Holiness, Dr. Jayant Athavale, Founder, Sanatan Sanstha.

To read more about him click here

Importance of Repeating The Lord's Name (Chanting)

There are millions of impressions in the subconscious mind and to erase even a single one takes a long time. Hence, by following observances and regulations (Yama-Niyama), a considerable period of time would elapse in overcoming the tendencies of the subconscious mind. It is more important to make efforts continuously to become one with God (Purusha), instead of trying to erase these impressions, which arise from Prakruti. This is precisely what can be achieved by chanting. The mind, intellect, subconscious mind, etc., are all constituents of Prakruti and these function according to their own characteristics. Instead of wasting spiritual practice (sadhana) in opposing them, one would reach the goal faster if the spiritual practice is utilized to progress towards the God-principle (Purushatattva), i.e., to become one with the ‘Name’ (of God) that one chants. - H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj





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