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Exploring And Discovering The Power Of The Human Mind

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"When the agitations of the mind are under control, the mind becomes like a transparent crystal and has the power of becoming whatever form is presented."- Patanjali

Exploring And Discovering The Power Of The Human Mind

Human mind power is unlimited in it’s potential to create the results you desire, whatever they might be, whether on the mental (spiritual) or physical plain.

By coming to a basic understanding of this power, coupled with the established and unwavering Universal Laws and Spiritual Principles that support it’s ability to do so, you can begin to effortlessly create the life of Abundance and Happiness that has eluded you to this point.

It is possible to achieve a life of purpose and fulfillment without all the struggle and sacrifice that our human perceptions hold as truth, and have been programmed to believe, thereby limiting your full potential to this point.

Kindly Link at: http://greathumancapital.wordpress.com/2007/02/06/exploring-and-discovering-the-power-of-the-human-mind/

Warm regards & thanks

Ajay Singh Niranjan

“The uncontrolled mind does not guess that the Atman (soul) is present;

How can it mediate?

Without meditation, where is peace

without peace, where is happiness?” – Bhagvat Gita




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