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To Bashkar regarding your comments on Richard

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It is a sign of immaturity to say “the other guy

started it”. No one else’s actions EVER excuse your

own. If you are a man, be one. Don’t blame others for

your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


Claiming that you are doing your “duty to defend” does

not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

that defense.


The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

frequently face others who act within what is their

legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

I’d like to inform you that negative speech about

religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

that one is free to express one’s opinions so long as

said opinions do not break the law.


One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

not illegal either.


You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

others to hate.


You have done all of these things.


I’m sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

justifiably angry by someone else’s lesser legal

actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

religious and moral that you can only express yourself

in 3rd grade bathroom language.


I understood from Richard’s post that he found your

veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


What you also proved was that you were Personally

offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

“dutiful defense of India and Hinduism” to personally

attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

behavior as you did.


I’m sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

like “a..hole” and “f…rs” as you did.


By the way, just in case you didn’t know, putting dots

in the place of letters when writing swear words

DOESN’T absolve you of their use. And weren’t YOU the

one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

on a public forum?


The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

insult, but don’t see an even worse example in your

own behavior.


What does that make YOU?


You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

proceed to say that as a “faithful citizen of India”

you would MURDER someone to make this earth “a place

that nourishes love for all”.


Do you even HEAR yourself???????


You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

murder someone just because you find someone else



You ask “which religion teaches such dirtiness?” Well,

yours apparently.


But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

with your own self image, self confidence or total

lack thereof.


Richard knows this list is meant to be “civilized”.

Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

same breath. I checked. He d from the list

since he could not contain himself in the presence of

your preachy false morality.


You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

You’ve shown your true colors and you smell.


I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

asks a question that offends the astrologer’s moral

sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

as they either answered or remained silent.


But to publicly “snipe” someone for wanting to inherit

their father’s farmhouse, or wanting to have a

fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

hoping that public ridicule will look like true



True morality doesn’t DO the offensive act. It doesn’t

need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

them as moral.


You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

That’s why you got so viciously angry.


I realize this argument is over publically.


I admire some list members who tried to steer you

towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

argument actually was. However I was personally

offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

without telling you publicly that your actions are

illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

again to do so. I am totally serious.


I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

I can write to you offlist.


Mary Quinn






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That was pretty long.

Why dig graves ?

This had been forgotten and left over.

No need to bring it up again.

Your comments about me and my religion

on this public Forum too,

carry implications

Do not forget that.

And I can reply befittingly

to every dialouge of yours, but

would not spend time and energy on

doing that. Move ahead in life.

Stagnancy creates disease.

Please do not provocate me, I am

not one to take things lying down,at the

same time always a faithful friend to

one who meets me affectionately.


So lets meet as colleagues and not,

otherwise, I have no interest in

communicating without work on

my private e mail ids on silly

forgotten issues.


I also bear no hatred for the man

Mr.Richards, Since You are his spokesman

kindly tell him so. We speak in such

ways only when provocated. and I dont see

him as a opponent anymore.


But if you wish to continue the fight on

his behalf its your prerogative. Its

better that like wise men

all should forget this episode and

move along for greener pastures.





, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn



> Bashkar,


> It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


> Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> that defense.


> The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> frequently face others who act within what is their

> legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> said opinions do not break the law.


> One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> not illegal either.


> You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> others to hate.


> You have done all of these things.


> I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> in 3rd grade bathroom language.


> I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


> What you also proved was that you were Personally

> offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> behavior as you did.


> I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.


> By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> in the place of letters when writing swear words

> DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> on a public forum?


> The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> own behavior.


> What does that make YOU?


> You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> that nourishes love for all".


> Do you even HEAR yourself???????


> You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> murder someone just because you find someone else

> offensive.


> You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> yours apparently.


> But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> with your own self image, self confidence or total

> lack thereof.


> Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> your preachy false morality.


> You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> You've shown your true colors and you smell.


> I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


> Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> as they either answered or remained silent.


> But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> morality.


> True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> them as moral.


> You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> That's why you got so viciously angry.


> I realize this argument is over publically.


> I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> argument actually was. However I was personally

> offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


> I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> without telling you publicly that your actions are

> illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> again to do so. I am totally serious.


> I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> I can write to you offlist.


> Mary Quinn








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Dear Mary,


On retrospection I remember we both have cummuicated

in the past too on some or the other Forums,

I still do not understand why did you feel the need

to humiliate me,demonish and put me down by this

mail of yours.

Believe me I really donot carry any hatred yet, for

either you or mr.Richards because by nature

I am not one to carry any venom for long in my heart.

I appreciate your taking on the cudgels on behalf of

your friend, but why do you need to view me in the same

vein as I did Mr.richards at the time when our

exchanges took place .I am not in the mood for any more

offensive type of exchanges and would want to remain

defensive and hence not replied you as I usually would do,

when one uses so many adjectives to attack me as You did

just to me. You have no right to be so much extensively

judgemental on me is all I would say.


With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards, I

am sure he is running through a bad patch since last 2 years,

and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting him in

the least.


But dont you think you both should also be sorry towards

me too,Mr.Richards for attacking me,My religion,My country

and You yourself for talking somuch untowardly without

me ever having touched you on wrong place ?


God bless,








, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn



> Bashkar,


> It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


> Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> that defense.


> The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> frequently face others who act within what is their

> legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> said opinions do not break the law.


> One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> not illegal either.


> You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> others to hate.


> You have done all of these things.


> I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> in 3rd grade bathroom language.


> I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


> What you also proved was that you were Personally

> offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> behavior as you did.


> I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.


> By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> in the place of letters when writing swear words

> DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> on a public forum?


> The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> own behavior.


> What does that make YOU?


> You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> that nourishes love for all".


> Do you even HEAR yourself???????


> You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> murder someone just because you find someone else

> offensive.


> You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> yours apparently.


> But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> with your own self image, self confidence or total

> lack thereof.


> Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> your preachy false morality.


> You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> You've shown your true colors and you smell.


> I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


> Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> as they either answered or remained silent.


> But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> morality.


> True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> them as moral.


> You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> That's why you got so viciously angry.


> I realize this argument is over publically.


> I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> argument actually was. However I was personally

> offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


> I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> without telling you publicly that your actions are

> illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> again to do so. I am totally serious.


> I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> I can write to you offlist.


> Mary Quinn








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Dear Ms. Mary,

I fully support your views on Mr. Bhaskar.

I too feel the same about him.

Glad that you came forward to express it.

Best wishes



Mary Quinn <mary1quinn > wrote:



It is a sign of immaturity to say “the other guy

started it”. No one else’s actions EVER excuse your

own. If you are a man, be one. Don’t blame others for

your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


Claiming that you are doing your “duty to defend” does

not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

that defense.


The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

frequently face others who act within what is their

legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

I’d like to inform you that negative speech about

religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

that one is free to express one’s opinions so long as

said opinions do not break the law.


One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

not illegal either.


You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

others to hate.


You have done all of these things.


I’m sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

justifiably angry by someone else’s lesser legal

actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

religious and moral that you can only express yourself

in 3rd grade bathroom language.


I understood from Richard’s post that he found your

veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


What you also proved was that you were Personally

offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

“dutiful defense of India and Hinduism” to personally

attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

behavior as you did.


I’m sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

like “a..hole” and “f…rs” as you did.


By the way, just in case you didn’t know, putting dots

in the place of letters when writing swear words

DOESN’T absolve you of their use. And weren’t YOU the

one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

on a public forum?


The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

insult, but don’t see an even worse example in your

own behavior.


What does that make YOU?


You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

proceed to say that as a “faithful citizen of India”

you would MURDER someone to make this earth “a place

that nourishes love for all”.


Do you even HEAR yourself???????


You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

murder someone just because you find someone else



You ask “which religion teaches such dirtiness?” Well,

yours apparently.


But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

with your own self image, self confidence or total

lack thereof.


Richard knows this list is meant to be “civilized”.

Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

same breath. I checked. He d from the list

since he could not contain himself in the presence of

your preachy false morality.


You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

You’ve shown your true colors and you smell.


I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

asks a question that offends the astrologer’s moral

sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

as they either answered or remained silent.


But to publicly “snipe” someone for wanting to inherit

their father’s farmhouse, or wanting to have a

fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

hoping that public ridicule will look like true



True morality doesn’t DO the offensive act. It doesn’t

need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

them as moral.


You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

That’s why you got so viciously angry.


I realize this argument is over publically.


I admire some list members who tried to steer you

towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

argument actually was. However I was personally

offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

without telling you publicly that your actions are

illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

again to do so. I am totally serious.


I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

I can write to you offlist.


Mary Quinn



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Dear Bhaskar,


I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

adult, and mature end to the conversation.


Thank you,




--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> Dear Mary,


> With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> I

> am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> 2 years,

> and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> him in

> the least.


> God bless,


> Bhaskar.





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Namaste Sri Mary


Laws in India are quite tough on email threats, etc. There are not many

people who are aware of such laws. For the benefit of all, let me state that

an email threat is punishable by maximum of 10 years in prison and Rs 1

crore as maximum fine. Moreover, under the Indian law, though each one has

the right to follow one's religion, no one has the right to defile anybody

else's religion.


If you do not believe me, kindly check with your lawyers.


Let's have a civil discussion group and lets not give more business to

lawyers! :)


Thanks and Regards









On 2/2/07, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn > wrote:


> Bashkar,


> It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


> Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> that defense.


> The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> frequently face others who act within what is their

> legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> said opinions do not break the law.


> One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> not illegal either.


> You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> others to hate.


> You have done all of these things.


> I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> in 3rd grade bathroom language.


> I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


> What you also proved was that you were Personally

> offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> behavior as you did.


> I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.


> By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> in the place of letters when writing swear words

> DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> on a public forum?


> The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> own behavior.


> What does that make YOU?


> You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> that nourishes love for all".


> Do you even HEAR yourself???????


> You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> murder someone just because you find someone else

> offensive.


> You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> yours apparently.


> But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> with your own self image, self confidence or total

> lack thereof.


> Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> your preachy false morality.


> You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> You've shown your true colors and you smell.


> I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


> Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> as they either answered or remained silent.


> But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> morality.


> True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> them as moral.


> You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> That's why you got so viciously angry.


> I realize this argument is over publically.


> I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> argument actually was. However I was personally

> offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


> I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> without telling you publicly that your actions are

> illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> again to do so. I am totally serious.


> I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> I can write to you offlist.


> Mary Quinn


> ________

> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

> http://tv./



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Dear Mary,


Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

to the conversation to your side, it still does

leave me empty and bruised.


What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

anyones religion and culture justified ?

Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

Or am I not justified in asking that ?


Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

unbiasedly like a good

human being.


If I receive no positive response from You, I

will take it that I was wrong

entirely and probably never write on this Forum








, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn



> Dear Bhaskar,


> I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> adult, and mature end to the conversation.


> Thank you,

> Mary



> --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> > Dear Mary,


> > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > I

> > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > 2 years,

> > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > him in

> > the least.

> >

> > God bless,

> >

> > Bhaskar.







> Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> Try the Mail Beta.

> http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html


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ll HARE RAM ll

Dear Mary,

How nice are you?JITE RAHO- Live long in English.

God bless

Shashie Shekhar


Mary Quinn <mary1quinn > wrote:

Dear Bhaskar,


I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

adult, and mature end to the conversation.


Thank you,




--- Bhaskar wrote:


> Dear Mary,


> With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> I

> am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> 2 years,

> and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> him in

> the least.


> God bless,


> Bhaskar.





Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

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ll HARE RAM ll

Dear Mr.Bharat,

"Let's have a civil discussion group and lets not give more business to

lawyers! :)"

Very rightly quote my dear brother.In fact they do not have the experience of joint family where we live together in spite of having differences in opinions and in so far as speaking harsh words too.

God bless

Shashie Shekhar


Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology > wrote:

Namaste Sri Mary


Laws in India are quite tough on email threats, etc. There are not many

people who are aware of such laws. For the benefit of all, let me state that

an email threat is punishable by maximum of 10 years in prison and Rs 1

crore as maximum fine. Moreover, under the Indian law, though each one has

the right to follow one's religion, no one has the right to defile anybody

else's religion.


If you do not believe me, kindly check with your lawyers.


Let's have a civil discussion group and lets not give more business to

lawyers! :)


Thanks and Regards









On 2/2/07, Mary Quinn wrote:


> Bashkar,


> It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


> Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> that defense.


> The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> frequently face others who act within what is their

> legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> said opinions do not break the law.


> One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> not illegal either.


> You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> others to hate.


> You have done all of these things.


> I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> in 3rd grade bathroom language.


> I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


> What you also proved was that you were Personally

> offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> behavior as you did.


> I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.


> By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> in the place of letters when writing swear words

> DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> on a public forum?


> The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> own behavior.


> What does that make YOU?


> You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> that nourishes love for all".


> Do you even HEAR yourself???????


> You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> murder someone just because you find someone else

> offensive.


> You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> yours apparently.


> But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> with your own self image, self confidence or total

> lack thereof.


> Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> your preachy false morality.


> You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> You've shown your true colors and you smell.


> I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


> Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> as they either answered or remained silent.


> But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> morality.


> True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> them as moral.


> You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> That's why you got so viciously angry.


> I realize this argument is over publically.


> I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> argument actually was. However I was personally

> offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


> I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> without telling you publicly that your actions are

> illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> again to do so. I am totally serious.


> I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> I can write to you offlist.


> Mary Quinn


> ________

> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

> http://tv./



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Dear Mary,


Sorry to barge into this conversation.But what Mr.Richards did ( and I read

his email ) was extremely wrong.He unnecessarily indulged in mud slinging on

Hindu religion( Height of hypocracy ,when he calls himself das goravani and

sells India astrology books and tutorials on internet). How logical was



What Mr.Bhaskar did was an impulsive reaction,Of course it is not justifed

as well.No Indian will take lying down any attack on their religious

sentiments.Please be very clear about that.And legal proceedings can me

initiated in India as well for hurting religious sentiments as

Mr.Bharatright pointed out.


Thanks for your patience,


Kind regards,













On 2/2/07, Shashie Shekhar <polite_astro > wrote:


> ll HARE RAM ll

> Dear Mr.Bharat,

> "Let's have a civil discussion group and lets not give more business to

> lawyers! :)"

> Very rightly quote my dear brother.In fact they do not have the experience

> of joint family where we live together in spite of having differences in

> opinions and in so far as speaking harsh words too.


> God bless

> Shashie Shekhar



> Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology <hinduastrology%40gmail.com>>

> wrote:

> Namaste Sri Mary


> Laws in India are quite tough on email threats, etc. There are not many

> people who are aware of such laws. For the benefit of all, let me state

> that

> an email threat is punishable by maximum of 10 years in prison and Rs 1

> crore as maximum fine. Moreover, under the Indian law, though each one has

> the right to follow one's religion, no one has the right to defile anybody

> else's religion.


> If you do not believe me, kindly check with your lawyers.


> Let's have a civil discussion group and lets not give more business to

> lawyers! :)


> Thanks and Regards

> Bharat


> On 2/2/07, Mary Quinn wrote:

> >

> > Bashkar,

> >

> > It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> > started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> > own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> > your actions. You are solely responsible for you.

> >

> > Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> > not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> > that defense.

> >

> > The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> > frequently face others who act within what is their

> > legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> > I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> > religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> > in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> > that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> > said opinions do not break the law.

> >

> > One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> > offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> > Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> > not illegal either.

> >

> > You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> > the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> > legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> > United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> > defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> > threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> > murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> > will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> > others to hate.

> >

> > You have done all of these things.

> >

> > I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> > justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> > actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> > religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> > in 3rd grade bathroom language.

> >

> > I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> > veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> > moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.

> >

> > What you also proved was that you were Personally

> > offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> > about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> > "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> > attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> > are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> > man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> > behavior as you did.

> >

> > I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> > this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> > need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> > like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.

> >

> > By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> > in the place of letters when writing swear words

> > DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> > one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> > on a public forum?

> >

> > The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> > insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> > own behavior.

> >

> > What does that make YOU?

> >

> > You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> > proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> > you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> > that nourishes love for all".

> >

> > Do you even HEAR yourself???????

> >

> > You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> > public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> > murder someone just because you find someone else

> > offensive.

> >

> > You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> > yours apparently.

> >

> > But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> > has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> > with your own self image, self confidence or total

> > lack thereof.

> >

> > Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> > Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> > he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> > same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> > since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> > your preachy false morality.

> >

> > You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> > degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> > flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> > respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> > You've shown your true colors and you smell.

> >

> > I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> > asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> > sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> > answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> > GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> > judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.

> >

> > Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> > as they either answered or remained silent.

> >

> > But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> > their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> > fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> > that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> > hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> > morality.

> >

> > True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> > need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> > them as moral.

> >

> > You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> > That's why you got so viciously angry.

> >

> > I realize this argument is over publically.

> >

> > I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> > towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> > argument actually was. However I was personally

> > offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> > so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> > face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.

> >

> > I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> > without telling you publicly that your actions are

> > illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> > steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> > again to do so. I am totally serious.

> >

> > I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> > welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> > I can write to you offlist.

> >

> > Mary Quinn

> >

> > ________

> > TV dinner still cooling?

> > Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

> > http://tv./

> >

> >



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Dear Hamendra,


A perfect sum-up, I totally agree with this post.


"If you go out of your way to collect thistles - then expect prickles in return".


Best - Sateesh.







Saturday, February 03, 2007 12:01 AM

Re: To Bashkar regarding your comments on Richard



Dear Mary,


Sorry to barge into this conversation.But what Mr.Richards did ( and I read

his email ) was extremely wrong.He unnecessarily indulged in mud slinging on

Hindu religion( Height of hypocracy ,when he calls himself das goravani and

sells India astrology books and tutorials on internet). How logical was



What Mr.Bhaskar did was an impulsive reaction,Of course it is not justifed

as well.No Indian will take lying down any attack on their religious

sentiments.Please be very clear about that.And legal proceedings can me

initiated in India as well for hurting religious sentiments as

Mr.Bharatright pointed out.


Thanks for your patience,


Kind regards,





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Dear Bhaskar,


I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures tell

us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to worry

about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different nature

and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we can not

ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should. Actually that

is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence on the

hotly debated subject.




Bhaskar wrote:


> Dear Mary,


> Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> to the conversation to your side, it still does

> leave me empty and bruised.


> What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> anyones religion and culture justified ?

> Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> Or am I not justified in asking that ?


> Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> unbiasedly like a good

> human being.


> If I receive no positive response from You, I

> will take it that I was wrong

> entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> again.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.



> <%40>, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Mary

> >

> >

> > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Mary,

> >

> > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > I

> > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > 2 years,

> > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > him in

> > > the least.

> > >

> > > God bless,

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ________

> ______________

> > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > Try the Mail Beta.

> > http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> >



> ------




> Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release 2/2/2007 3:42 PM


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Dear Chandrasekharji,


Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at this

stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

instigated me.


But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be like



Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of Hindu

Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am based

what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.


If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

a warrior.


India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the hour

to come together and forget personal differences for good of our







, Chandrashekhar

<chandrashekhar46 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar,


> I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures


> us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to


> about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different


> and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

can not

> ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should. Actually


> is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence on


> hotly debated subject.


> Chandrashekhar.


> Bhaskar wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mary,

> >

> > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > leave me empty and bruised.

> >

> > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> >

> > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > unbiasedly like a good

> > human being.

> >

> > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > will take it that I was wrong

> > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > again.

> >

> > Yours,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> > <%40>, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > >

> > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > > Mary

> > >

> > >

> > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Mary,

> > >

> > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > I

> > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > 2 years,

> > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > him in

> > > > the least.

> > > >

> > > > God bless,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ________

> > ______________

> > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release

2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> >




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JaiChand re-born ?????



Prithviraj Chauhan.




, sudhir kumar

<sudhir_kumar_10 wrote:


> Dear Ms. Mary,


> I fully support your views on Mr. Bhaskar.


> I too feel the same about him.


> Glad that you came forward to express it.


> Best wishes

> Sudhir


> Mary Quinn <mary1quinn wrote:

> Bashkar,


> It is a sign of immaturity to say "the other guy

> started it". No one else's actions EVER excuse your

> own. If you are a man, be one. Don't blame others for

> your actions. You are solely responsible for you.


> Claiming that you are doing your "duty to defend" does

> not excuse the depths you sink to in the course of

> that defense.


> The Internet crosses international lines. So you will

> frequently face others who act within what is their

> legal right to do in their own country. As an attorney

> I'd like to inform you that negative speech about

> religion (however discourteous it may be) is protected

> in the United States as Freedom of Speech. This means

> that one is free to express one's opinions so long as

> said opinions do not break the law.


> One then has to endure hearing opinions that may be

> offensive to someone personally (as remarks against

> Hinduism are offensive to you). But offensiveness is

> not illegal either.


> You however, HAVE crossed the line of what is legal in

> the United States. Perhaps in India your actions ARE

> legal. I do not know the laws of India. But in the

> United States it is ILLEGAL to libel someone, to

> defame them, to threaten assault and battery, to

> threaten murder, to suggest that known terrorists

> murder a United States Citizen, to declare that you

> will carry out said murder yourself, and to solicit

> others to hate.


> You have done all of these things.


> I'm sure you excuse yourself by saying you were

> justifiably angry by someone else's lesser legal

> actions. Or perhaps you tell yourself that you are SO

> religious and moral that you can only express yourself

> in 3rd grade bathroom language.


> I understood from Richard's post that he found your

> veneer of politeness to be false and very thin. Within

> moments you proved him to be absolutely correct.


> What you also proved was that you were Personally

> offended by his comments about you personally, NOT

> about his comments on Religion. You clearly use the

> "dutiful defense of India and Hinduism" to personally

> attack someone who exposed you for the little man you

> are. You see, if you were anything other than a little

> man, you would not have lost all vestiges of civilized

> behavior as you did.


> I'm sure there are many dutiful Hindus and Indians on

> this list and funnily enough, NONE of them felt the

> need to be defamatory, solicit hatred or use words

> like "a..hole" and "f…rs" as you did.


> By the way, just in case you didn't know, putting dots

> in the place of letters when writing swear words

> DOESN'T absolve you of their use. And weren't YOU the

> one talking about what kind of language is appropriate

> on a public forum?


> The fact is that you accuse another of hypocrisy and

> insult, but don't see an even worse example in your

> own behavior.


> What does that make YOU?


> You wonder how anyone can insult India and then

> proceed to say that as a "faithful citizen of India"

> you would MURDER someone to make this earth "a place

> that nourishes love for all".


> Do you even HEAR yourself???????


> You call someone else a terrorist but suggest on a

> public form that Bin Laden, a world renown terrorist,

> murder someone just because you find someone else

> offensive.


> You ask "which religion teaches such dirtiness?" Well,

> yours apparently.


> But then, no one else sunk to your level. So really it

> has nothing to do with Religion and everything to do

> with your own self image, self confidence or total

> lack thereof.


> Richard knows this list is meant to be "civilized".

> Realizing he would be unable to adhere to that rule,

> he expressed himself and BANISHED himself all in the

> same breath. I checked. He d from the list

> since he could not contain himself in the presence of

> your preachy false morality.


> You however, wait until he leaves to insult and

> degrade him endlessly while wrapping yourself in the

> flag of duty. Again, little man syndrome. I have no

> respect for you. Your morality is completely false.

> You've shown your true colors and you smell.


> I understand that astrologers are human. If someone

> asks a question that offends the astrologer's moral

> sense, it is logical that the astrologer refuse to

> answer, or ignores the question completely. It takes a

> GREAT astrologer to answer the question without

> judgment. Clearly, that is beyond you.


> Clearly there ARE some great astrologers on this list,

> as they either answered or remained silent.


> But to publicly "snipe" someone for wanting to inherit

> their father's farmhouse, or wanting to have a

> fulfilling marriage with someone else (however much

> that may be an illusion) is just public posturing

> hoping that public ridicule will look like true

> morality.


> True morality doesn't DO the offensive act. It doesn't

> need to ridicule ANYONE just so others might think of

> them as moral.


> You sir, are a fraud. Richard just pointed that out.

> That's why you got so viciously angry.


> I realize this argument is over publically.


> I admire some list members who tried to steer you

> towards calmness and toward understanding of what the

> argument actually was. However I was personally

> offended that your uncivilized HATEFUL comments were

> so well tolerated. No one has held a mirror to your

> face. Whatever your motivation, it excuses nothing.


> I CANNOT allow you to encite public hatred of someone

> without telling you publicly that your actions are

> illegal and immoral. AND that I will personally take

> steps to stop you legally were you to choose ever

> again to do so. I am totally serious.


> I have said what I needed to say publicly. You are

> welcome to respond, but send me your email address so

> I can write to you offlist.


> Mary Quinn


> ________

> TV dinner still cooling?

> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

> http://tv./







> No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go

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Dear Chandrasekharji,


But all the same I thank You.You are a good man.

Yes I am not supposed to expect that the others behave

the way I wish them to.

I wish I was as good and tolerant like you.


At the times when one is instigated and provocated,one

forgets all the scriptures and the teachings mentioned



These come only later on re-caps.


Yes I thank you once again for reminding me to be

good and spiritual.







, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish



> Dear Chandrasekharji,


> Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at


> stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> instigated me.


> But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be


> him.


> Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of


> Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am


> what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.


> If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> a warrior.


> India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the hour

> to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> existence.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.



> , Chandrashekhar

> <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures

> tell

> > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> worry

> > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> nature

> > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> can not

> > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should.


> that

> > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence


> the

> > hotly debated subject.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > Bhaskar wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mary,

> > >

> > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > >

> > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > >

> > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > human being.

> > >

> > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > again.

> > >

> > > Yours,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > > <%40>, Mary Quinn


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > >

> > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you,

> > > > Mary

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > >

> > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > I

> > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > him in

> > > > > the least.

> > > > >

> > > > > God bless,

> > > > >

> > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > ________

> > > ______________

> > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > >


> > >


> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------------


> ------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release


> 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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dear chandrashekhar...


very kind and wise post.


best wishes,


david hawthorne



Saturday, February 03, 2007 11:20 AM

Re: Re: To Bashkar regarding your comments on Richard



Dear Bhaskar,


I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures tell

us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to worry

about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different nature

and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we can not

ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should. Actually that

is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence on the

hotly debated subject.




Bhaskar wrote:


> Dear Mary,


> Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> to the conversation to your side, it still does

> leave me empty and bruised.


> What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> anyones religion and culture justified ?

> Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> Or am I not justified in asking that ?


> Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> unbiasedly like a good

> human being.


> If I receive no positive response from You, I

> will take it that I was wrong

> entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> again.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.



> <%40>, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Mary

> >

> >

> > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Mary,

> >

> > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > I

> > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > 2 years,

> > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > him in

> > > the least.

> > >

> > > God bless,

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ________

> ______________

> > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > Try the Mail Beta.

> > http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> >



> ------




> Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release 2/2/2007 3:42 PM


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Dear Bhaskar,


I am confused by the talk about secularism. If you have misunderstood me

as being secular (a word coined by politicians who are themselves

anything but), no I am not. I also do not dispute your right to respond.

But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking truth

if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie, just

because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.


I do not to Das Goravani's views at all. Do not worry on that

account. Since as you said he did not write again I wrote to you on the

list hoping that if he reads the message and understands what I am

saying he may understand what is true Hindu religion.


By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and the

weak, so some other analogy might have been better. I never have

difference with anybody on a personal level.




Bhaskar wrote:


> Dear Chandrasekharji,


> Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at this

> stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> instigated me.


> But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be like

> him.


> Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of Hindu

> Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am based

> what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.


> If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> a warrior.


> India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the hour

> to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> existence.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.



> <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> <chandrashekhar46 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures

> tell

> > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> worry

> > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> nature

> > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> can not

> > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should. Actually

> that

> > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence on

> the

> > hotly debated subject.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > Bhaskar wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Mary,

> > >

> > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > >

> > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > >

> > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > human being.

> > >

> > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > again.

> > >

> > > Yours,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> <%40>

> > > <%40>, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > >

> > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you,

> > > > Mary

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > >

> > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > I

> > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > him in

> > > > > the least.

> > > > >

> > > > > God bless,

> > > > >

> > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > ________

> > > ______________

> > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > > http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------

> ------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release Date:

> 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Bhaskar,


I am glad you understand what I was trying to convey.




Bhaskar wrote:


> Dear Chandrasekharji,


> But all the same I thank You.You are a good man.

> Yes I am not supposed to expect that the others behave

> the way I wish them to.

> I wish I was as good and tolerant like you.


> At the times when one is instigated and provocated,one

> forgets all the scriptures and the teachings mentioned

> therein.


> These come only later on re-caps.


> Yes I thank you once again for reminding me to be

> good and spiritual.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.



> <%40>, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandrasekharji,

> >

> > Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at

> this

> > stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> > instigated me.

> >

> > But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be

> like

> > him.

> >

> > Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of

> Hindu

> > Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> > to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am

> based

> > what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.

> >

> > If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> > someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> > true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> > a warrior.

> >

> > India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> > and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the hour

> > to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> > existence.

> >

> > Yours,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> > <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > >

> > > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures

> > tell

> > > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> > worry

> > > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> > nature

> > > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> > can not

> > > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should.

> Actually

> > that

> > > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence

> on

> > the

> > > hotly debated subject.

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > > Bhaskar wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mary,

> > > >

> > > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > > >

> > > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > > >

> > > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > > human being.

> > > >

> > > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > > again.

> > > >

> > > > Yours,

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> <%40>

> > > > <%40>, Mary Quinn

> <mary1quinn@>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > Mary

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > >

> > > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > > I

> > > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > > him in

> > > > > > the least.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > God bless,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > ________

> > > > ______________

> > > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > > >

> http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > >

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -------------------------

> --

> > ------

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release

> Date:

> > 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear David,


Thank you for the kind words.




David Hawthorne wrote:


> dear chandrashekhar...


> very kind and wise post.


> best wishes,


> david hawthorne

> -

> Chandrashekhar

> <%40>

> Saturday, February 03, 2007 11:20 AM

> Re: Re: To Bashkar regarding your comments on

> Richard


> Dear Bhaskar,


> I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that scriptures tell

> us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to worry

> about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different nature

> and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we can not

> ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should. Actually that

> is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence on the

> hotly debated subject.


> Chandrashekhar.


> Bhaskar wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mary,

> >

> > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > leave me empty and bruised.

> >

> > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> >

> > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > unbiasedly like a good

> > human being.

> >

> > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > will take it that I was wrong

> > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > again.

> >

> > Yours,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> <%40>

> > <%40>, Mary Quinn <mary1quinn

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > >

> > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > > Mary

> > >

> > >

> > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Mary,

> > >

> > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > I

> > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > 2 years,

> > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > him in

> > > > the least.

> > > >

> > > > God bless,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ________

> > ______________

> > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > >

> >

> >

> > -------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release

> 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> >



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//But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking

truth if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie,

just because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.//


I agree in ditto Sir.Am Trying to become like that for former,

and for the latter I never lie to please anyone, except in

business where we do have to call clients as Sir,Boss,Maalik,Seth,

Sahab etc. though by actual meaning they may not be near to the word.

(I am talking of other businesses where we have to sell stuff or ask

for payments against goods sold, and not astrological,where a lie

is certainly out of question,in whatever way ).


//By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and the

weak, so some other analogy might have been better.//


When a person is too old, or drunk, or just a child, or in

sleep, or in lustful moods, or in anger,( In my case

I was in anger) then all his talks may not be taken

in conformity or in seriousness and incoherent.

So please judge that way. I agree with You.


Best wishes and good to have a gentleman like You

on the Forum near us.







, Chandrashekhar

<chandrashekhar46 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar,


> I am confused by the talk about secularism. If you have

misunderstood me

> as being secular (a word coined by politicians who are themselves

> anything but), no I am not. I also do not dispute your right to


> But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking


> if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie, just

> because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.


> I do not to Das Goravani's views at all. Do not worry on


> account. Since as you said he did not write again I wrote to you on


> list hoping that if he reads the message and understands what I am

> saying he may understand what is true Hindu religion.


> By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and


> weak, so some other analogy might have been better. I never have

> difference with anybody on a personal level.


> Chandrashekhar.


> Bhaskar wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandrasekharji,

> >

> > Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at


> > stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> > instigated me.

> >

> > But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be


> > him.

> >

> > Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of


> > Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> > to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am


> > what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.

> >

> > If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> > someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> > true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> > a warrior.

> >

> > India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> > and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the


> > to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> > existence.

> >

> > Yours,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> > <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> > <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > >

> > > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that


> > tell

> > > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> > worry

> > > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> > nature

> > > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> > can not

> > > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should.


> > that

> > > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence


> > the

> > > hotly debated subject.

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > > Bhaskar wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mary,

> > > >

> > > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > > >

> > > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > > >

> > > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > > human being.

> > > >

> > > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > > again.

> > > >

> > > > Yours,

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > <%40>

> > > > <%40>, Mary Quinn


> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > Mary

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > >

> > > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > > I

> > > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > > him in

> > > > > > the least.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > God bless,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > ________

> > > > ______________

> > > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > > >


> > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > >


> > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -------------------------

> > ------

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release


> > 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Bhaskar,


I appreciate your kind and considerate response (below) to Chandrashekhar's post.

It did my heart good.

Thank you for posting such a thoughtful reply.


Most sincerely,




, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Sir,


> //But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking

> truth if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie,

> just because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.//


> I agree in ditto Sir.Am Trying to become like that for former,

> and for the latter I never lie to please anyone, except in

> business where we do have to call clients as Sir,Boss,Maalik,Seth,

> Sahab etc. though by actual meaning they may not be near to the word.

> (I am talking of other businesses where we have to sell stuff or ask

> for payments against goods sold, and not astrological,where a lie

> is certainly out of question,in whatever way ).


> //By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and the

> weak, so some other analogy might have been better.//


> When a person is too old, or drunk, or just a child, or in

> sleep, or in lustful moods, or in anger,( In my case

> I was in anger) then all his talks may not be taken

> in conformity or in seriousness and incoherent.

> So please judge that way. I agree with You.


> Best wishes and good to have a gentleman like You

> on the Forum near us.


> Bhaskar.





> , Chandrashekhar

> <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I am confused by the talk about secularism. If you have

> misunderstood me

> > as being secular (a word coined by politicians who are themselves

> > anything but), no I am not. I also do not dispute your right to

> respond.

> > But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking

> truth

> > if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie, just

> > because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.

> >

> > I do not to Das Goravani's views at all. Do not worry on

> that

> > account. Since as you said he did not write again I wrote to you on

> the

> > list hoping that if he reads the message and understands what I am

> > saying he may understand what is true Hindu religion.

> >

> > By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and

> the

> > weak, so some other analogy might have been better. I never have

> > difference with anybody on a personal level.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > Bhaskar wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chandrasekharji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at

> this

> > > stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> > > instigated me.

> > >

> > > But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be

> like

> > > him.

> > >

> > > Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of

> Hindu

> > > Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> > > to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am

> based

> > > what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.

> > >

> > > If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> > > someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> > > true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> > > a warrior.

> > >

> > > India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> > > and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the

> hour

> > > to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> > > existence.

> > >

> > > Yours,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > > <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> > > <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > >

> > > > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that

> scriptures

> > > tell

> > > > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> > > worry

> > > > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> > > nature

> > > > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> > > can not

> > > > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should.

> Actually

> > > that

> > > > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence

> on

> > > the

> > > > hotly debated subject.

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > > > >

> > > > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > > > human being.

> > > > >

> > > > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > > > again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yours,

> > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > <%40>

> > > > > <%40>, Mary Quinn

> <mary1quinn@>

> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > > Mary

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > > > I

> > > > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > > > him in

> > > > > > > the least.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > God bless,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > ________

> > > > > ______________

> > > > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > > > >

> http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> > > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > > >

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> > > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -------------------------

> > > ------

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release

> Date:

> > > 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Bhaskar,


I am glad you see my point of view.


Take care,



Bhaskar wrote:


> Sir,


> //But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking

> truth if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie,

> just because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.//


> I agree in ditto Sir.Am Trying to become like that for former,

> and for the latter I never lie to please anyone, except in

> business where we do have to call clients as Sir,Boss,Maalik,Seth,

> Sahab etc. though by actual meaning they may not be near to the word.

> (I am talking of other businesses where we have to sell stuff or ask

> for payments against goods sold, and not astrological,where a lie

> is certainly out of question,in whatever way ).


> //By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and the

> weak, so some other analogy might have been better.//


> When a person is too old, or drunk, or just a child, or in

> sleep, or in lustful moods, or in anger,( In my case

> I was in anger) then all his talks may not be taken

> in conformity or in seriousness and incoherent.

> So please judge that way. I agree with You.


> Best wishes and good to have a gentleman like You

> on the Forum near us.


> Bhaskar.



> <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> <chandrashekhar46 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >

> > I am confused by the talk about secularism. If you have

> misunderstood me

> > as being secular (a word coined by politicians who are themselves

> > anything but), no I am not. I also do not dispute your right to

> respond.

> > But truth spoken in a way that is pleasant to listen, not talking

> truth

> > if it is unpleasant and never talking something that is a lie, just

> > because it pleases some one, is the ancient Dharma of Hindus.

> >

> > I do not to Das Goravani's views at all. Do not worry on

> that

> > account. Since as you said he did not write again I wrote to you on

> the

> > list hoping that if he reads the message and understands what I am

> > saying he may understand what is true Hindu religion.

> >

> > By the way, a true Brahmin is expected to protect the ladies and

> the

> > weak, so some other analogy might have been better. I never have

> > difference with anybody on a personal level.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > Bhaskar wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chandrasekharji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for writing to me. I do need support from my brothers at

> this

> > > stage where I am pointed as the only culprit and not the ones who

> > > instigated me.

> > >

> > > But remember I am not Jesus Christ though I love him I cannot be

> like

> > > him.

> > >

> > > Asa true faithful Indian citizen and Hindu and also follower of

> Hindu

> > > Astrology if someone comes and attacks me, I have every right

> > > to defend myself and my religion and country, due to which I am

> based

> > > what I am . I am not supposed to tolerate destruction of my base.

> > >

> > > If I am walking on the road with the ladies of my family,and

> > > someone attacks my ladies, I am not supposed to behave like a

> > > true Brahmin. I have definitely right to switch over the role of

> > > a warrior.

> > >

> > > India has already been divided due to misplaced secularism. I hope

> > > and pray You are on my side.At these times its the need of the

> hour

> > > to come together and forget personal differences for good of our

> > > existence.

> > >

> > > Yours,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> <%40>

> > > <%40>, Chandrashekhar

> > > <chandrashekhar46@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > >

> > > > I hope you do not take it otherwise, but remember that

> scriptures

> > > tell

> > > > us that one should only follow one's Dharma (duties) and not to

> > > worry

> > > > about what others are doing and why. Each one of has a different

> > > nature

> > > > and acts accordingly. So we can only try to correct ourselves we

> > > can not

> > > > ask other to behave in a manner that we wish they should.

> Actually

> > > that

> > > > is precisely why I did not write anything on the correspondence

> on

> > > the

> > > > hotly debated subject.

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thats really sweet and understanding of You.

> > > > > I have apologised and if that makes an mature end

> > > > > to the conversation to your side, it still does

> > > > > leave me empty and bruised.

> > > > >

> > > > > What about the other side ? Was the provocation on

> > > > > anyones religion and culture justified ?

> > > > > Do I have no right to demand an apology ?

> > > > > Or am I not justified in asking that ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Pleas sit on a judges seat and then decide

> > > > > unbiasedly like a good

> > > > > human being.

> > > > >

> > > > > If I receive no positive response from You, I

> > > > > will take it that I was wrong

> > > > > entirely and probably never write on this Forum

> > > > > again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yours,

> > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> <%40>

> > > <%40>

> > > > > <%40>, Mary Quinn

> <mary1quinn@>

> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Bhaskar,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I agree that this email of yours is an appropriate,

> > > > > > adult, and mature end to the conversation.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > > Mary

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Mary,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > With this mail of mines, I say sorry to Mr.Richards,

> > > > > > > I

> > > > > > > am sure he is running through a bad patch since last

> > > > > > > 2 years,

> > > > > > > and do not wish to be any cause further of hurting

> > > > > > > him in

> > > > > > > the least.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > God bless,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > ________

> > > > > ______________

> > > > > > Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.

> > > > > > Try the Mail Beta.

> > > > > >

> http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>

> > > > >

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>

> > > <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html

> <http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html>>>

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -------------------------

> > > ------

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.17.20/664 - Release

> Date:

> > > 2/2/2007 3:42 PM

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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