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For Vistiji- What decides marriages UL or 7th House?

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Dear Nitin, Namaskar


da-ra-ru-d.havas'a-dvadedupapada-tta-ma-dibha-ryam. tatah.

tattannaidhanabha-tsmara-khyapadato ya-vacca pa-pa-dikam|

/From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the

twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first

wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the

second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV,

sloka 40



So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular

pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vas'a-'

which is /any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc./ In the tradition

we call this /all/ /sambandha/.


For Upapada we are concerned with /bha-rya/ which is specifically the

wife. In the tradition we call this /Vivaha/.


Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our

approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our

partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you

(seventh lord in rasi).

Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is

seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all

things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement

of the same.


The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of

sustenance of the marriage.


However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the

twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like

Ketu can cause problems in marriage.


Reg. the chart you have posted:

July 25, 1973

Time: 5:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

Ernakulam, India


Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn.

This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants

from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage

perspective, not making the situation easier with lots of passion and

disappointments in the physical felicity of the partnerships.


Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord

Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun.

The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second Upapada is in

Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the

sarpa yoga.


Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has graha

dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This

happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord and karaka for

the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in the first

place due to its lordship of the Upapada hence she can worship

Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.


Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to

seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her

is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second

house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in

a good way.


Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the

dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and

rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

Antardasas in this MD:

* Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

* Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

* Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

* Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)*

Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and

aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.


I hope this helps.


Yours sincerely,



Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

> Dear Vistiji:


> I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a basis

> for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I have this lady

> colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no planet in the second

> house so as to use the classical judgement of how the marriage would

> sustain. There is hoever the seventh aspect of Mars to that house from

> Pisces. She has had two divorces in the space of the past 6 years

> [both marriages were consumated after brief romances, if one call it

> that, of about a year each].


> I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also IMHO

> an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer Lagna, with a

> debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord Saturn in 12th with

> Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be Gemini [this happens

> when the time is set back by only 5 minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the

> 7th and seventh lord Jupiter isin the 8th.


> My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from

> the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects [rashi

> and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging sustenance of the

> association. I personally feel they would, but I am not sure. Very

> frankly do you consider the 7th house or the UL as the final test for

> analysing marriage.


> /{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly even

> when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji mentions that

> this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a person is protected

> by Him - I say this since certain prayers and astrological remedies

> that was suggested by their family astrologer in Kerala apparently

> also did not solve the unstabllity in marriages} /


> her coordinates are:

> TOB- 545hrs

> POB - Ernakulam, India

> DOB - July 25, 1973


> Would be glad to know to your views.

> Thanks

> sincerely

> nitin


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Dear Nitin


Sorry to intrude especially when the question is addressed

to the Guru Visti Larsen. But let me answer in a manner I

have learned. I take cancer lagna.


7th house makara is occupied by Gulika and 6th lord

Jupiter. Jupiter is vakra and neecha. Both can affect 7th

house. 7th lord Saturn in 12th house (Gemini) associated

with Kethu, has the aspect of Rahu and Mars. Thus 7th house

and lord are week. Marraige consumed before 33 years can



Now consider second marriage. The house is Leo with its

lord Sun in cancer,12th from leo( besides Sun considered in

enemy house Fire planet in water sign)with Mercury combust

DK. Leo is occupied by Venus who is bhadaka for cancer

lagna. Leo is aspected by Saturn and Rahu. Second marraige

also can fail.


I considered 2, 7 12 houses for marriage. For cancer lagna

7th hose got 6th lord Jupiter(who oppose Venus thus will

delay marriage if done early can break)and gulika, 2nd

house got Venus who is bhadaka and 12th house got kethu and

Saturn(whois 7th lord). So marriage fails. Now she is 33

years old.


Remedy workship guru in navagraga on Thursday (Jupiter

adhidevatha is Dhakshinamoorthy); offerings to Brahmins.


I will not tell what happened in the following case.

Details: Male DOB: 12 Jan, 1977 TOB : 01.55 A.M. Place:

78E54 and 10N16 India currently USA on employment.





--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Nitin, Namaskar


> da-ra-ru-d.havas'a-dvadedupapada-tta-ma-dibha-ryam.

> tatah.

> tattannaidhanabha-tsmara-khyapadato ya-vacca pa-pa-dikam|

> /From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from

> the arudha of the

> twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about

> the first

> wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can

> know about the

> second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara

> Kalamrita Chapter IV,

> sloka 40

> /


> So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from

> the particular

> pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned

> with 'vas'a-'

> which is /any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc./ In

> the tradition

> we call this /all/ /sambandha/.


> For Upapada we are concerned with /bha-rya/ which is

> specifically the

> wife. In the tradition we call this /Vivaha/.


> Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we

> are seeing 1) our

> approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi)

> and 2) our

> partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates

> to you

> (seventh lord in rasi).

> Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and

> marriage (UL) is

> seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things

> arudha are all

> things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some

> formal agreement

> of the same.


> The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine

> the length of

> sustenance of the marriage.


> However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to

> marriage the

> twelfth house is extremely important in the chart.

> Malefics there like

> Ketu can cause problems in marriage.


> Reg. the chart you have posted:

> July 25, 1973

> Time: 5:45:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

> Ernakulam, India


> Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu

> and Saturn.

> This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are

> in quadrants

> from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth

> house and marriage

> perspective, not making the situation easier with lots of

> passion and

> disappointments in the physical felicity of the

> partnerships.


> Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the

> second lord

> Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust

> by the Sun.

> The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second

> Upapada is in

> Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is in

> kendra to the

> sarpa yoga.


> Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with

> Rahu he has graha

> dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from

> past life. This

> happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord

> and karaka for

> the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in

> the first

> place due to its lordship of the Upapada hence she can

> worship

> Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.


> Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the

> curse. Ask her to

> seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

> In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best

> advise to give her

> is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer

> money (second

> house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their

> married life in

> a good way.


> Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since

> 1999, and the

> dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus,

> saturn and

> rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the

> problems:


> Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past

> karma):

> Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

> Antardasas in this MD:

> * Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

> * Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

> Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

> Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

> * Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

> * Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)*

> Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

> Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

> Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


> The last among the problematic periods is ending this

> February, and

> aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.


> I hope this helps.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>



> Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

> > Dear Vistiji:

> >

> > I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the

> UL as a basis

> > for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I

> have this lady

> > colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no planet in

> the second

> > house so as to use the classical judgement of how the

> marriage would

> > sustain. There is hoever the seventh aspect of Mars to

> that house from

> > Pisces. She has had two divorces in the space of the

> past 6 years

> > [both marriages were consumated after brief romances,

> if one call it

> > that, of about a year each].

> >

> > I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There

> is also IMHO

> > an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives

> Cancer Lagna, with a

> > debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord

> Saturn in 12th with

> > Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be Gemini

> [this happens

> > when the time is set back by only 5 minutes]. Then she

> has Rahu in the

> > 7th and seventh lord Jupiter isin the 8th.

> >

> > My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is

> it from

> > the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do

> aspects [rashi

> > and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging

> sustenance of the

> > association. I personally feel they would, but I am not

> sure. Very

> > frankly do you consider the 7th house or the UL as the

> final test for

> > analysing marriage.

> >

> > /{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn -

> surprisingly even

> > when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji

> mentions that

> > this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a person

> is protected

> > by Him - I say this since certain prayers and

> astrological remedies

> > that was suggested by their family astrologer in Kerala

> apparently

> > also did not solve the unstabllity in marriages} /

> >

> > her coordinates are:

> > TOB- 545hrs


=== message truncated ===









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Dear Vistiji,

Thanks for a comprehensive and really enlightening analysis of this problem.

I will ask her to be guided accordingly. A beautiful thing you said [have

said earlier as well] is how the time has "arrived" for asking an important

question to the right persons [you Gurus are those persons through me, the

agent]. Indeed the next sub-dasha is that of the Sun starting Feb 2007, who

can help her in this problem. This is another 'vidya' which I am keen to

know more about.


One understanding I have, which I think may be wrong after reading your

message is that I felt that the Arudha is what is perceived by the world or

the image cast on the world at large. By that logic, I felt that the Arudha

of the self [ascendant] is how one is perceived by the world, even though in

reality it may be different. I give you my case. My ascendant is Scorpio and

Mars is in the second house. My AL is Capricorn with the Moon in it. Time

and again people tell me that I am reserved, peace loving and pleasant

[the last two I am sure is because of the waxing Moon's blessing in the AL,

in addition to the dictum that unafflicted Jupiter and Moon always 'protect'

the image]. In reality I am short-tempered, egoistic and hardly pleasant [my

close relatives and friends will tell you], which matches the Martian

tendencies of the actual lagna and the proximity of its lord to it[?].

Except that while learning anything, be that any discipline, I commit

"shaashtang" to anyone, any age or temperament.


So "*Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can

measure them or see some formal agreement of the same.*" is something I

implore you to explain a little more.


Also how does Rahu have graha dhristi on Venus, is it because they are in



In any event this has been a eye-opener on more than one aspect and I

honestly thank all [yourself, Anuragji and Yishunji] for the kind posts.


With Sincere regards





On 2/2/07, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Nitin, Namaskar


> dÄrÄrÅ«á¸havaÅ›ÄdvadedupapadÄttÄmÄdibhÄryaá¹ tataḥ

> tattannaidhanabhÄtsmarÄkhyapadato yÄvacca pÄpÄdikam|

> *From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the

> twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife.

> From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second

> wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

> *


> So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular

> pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vaÅ›Ä' which is

> *any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc.* In the tradition we call this

> *all* *sambandha*.


> For Upapada we are concerned with *bhÄrya* which is specifically the wife.

> In the tradition we call this *Vivaha*.


> Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our

> approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our partners

> characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you (seventh lord in

> rasi).

> Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is

> seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all

> things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement

> of the same.


> The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of

> sustenance of the marriage.


> However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the

> twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like Ketu

> can cause problems in marriage.


> Reg. the chart you have posted:

> July 25, 1973

> Time: 5:45:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

> Ernakulam, India


> Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn. This

> will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants from this

> forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage perspective,

> not making the situation easier with lots of passion and disappointments in

> the physical felicity of the partnerships.


> Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord Mercury

> is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun. The issues can

> be ego problems and the likes. The second Upapada is in Pisces and the

> second lord therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the sarpa yoga.


> Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has graha

> dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This

> happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord and karaka for the

> remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in the first place due to

> its lordship of the Upapada hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to

> overcome the problems.


> Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to seek

> a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

> In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her

> is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second

> house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in a

> good way.


> Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the

> dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and rahu) as

> well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems:


> Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

> Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

> Antardasas in this MD:

> * Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

> * Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

> Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

> Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

> * Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

> * Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)*

> Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

> Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

> Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


> The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and aptly

> the remedy for the same has been given now.


> I hope this helps.


> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



> Nitin Sahadevan wrote:


> Dear Vistiji:


> I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a basis for

> assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I have this lady colleague

> who has Venus in the UL Leo but no planet in the second house so as to use

> the classical judgement of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever

> the seventh aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two

> divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were consumated

> after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a year each].


> I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also IMHO an

> issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer Lagna, with a

> debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord Saturn in 12th with Ketu.

> I for one feel that the lagna should be Gemini [this happens when the time

> is set back by only 5 minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh

> lord Jupiter isin the 8th.


> My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from the 12th

> of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects [rashi and graha] on the

> 2nd from UL have a say in judging sustenance of the association. I

> personally feel they would, but I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider

> the 7th house or the UL as the final test for analysing marriage.


> *{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly even when

> the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji mentions that this is a

> great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a person is protected by Him - I say

> this since certain prayers and astrological remedies that was suggested by

> their family astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the

> unstabllity in marriages} *


> her coordinates are:

> TOB- 545hrs

> POB - Ernakulam, India

> DOB - July 25, 1973


> Would be glad to know to your views.

> Thanks

> sincerely

> nitin




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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Nitin, Namaskar

Arudha is not just perception, it can act VERY REAL in our lives. But,

its different from truth and is like a veil put over our eyes. See, look

at the president of a country. Truth is that (s)he is a human being like

you or certain human proportions. However, that president is given a

title and status. This title and status is not just a perception, it is

in fact real and tangible. However, if you were to have seen a baby

picture of that president could you say that (s)he is a president? If

during their presidency this president were to visit a remote tribe

having no international connections, could that tribe recognize the

person as a president? NO. They would recognize a 'person' possibly

standing in a fancy suit or the hunting gear he may have worn for the

occasion. But the title isn't recognizable without the ornaments

associated with it.


So also your wife is your wife to you and the legal department of the

government. On the street who would know that this lady is any different

from another lady unless she bears the marks of a wedding ring or

sindoor on the head? Truth is she is still a lady... Maya is that she is

your wife.


That my friend is Arudha... its the titles and status that is put like a

veil over our minds. Thats why the word 'perception' is too vague to

cover arudhas, and really an arudha shows the titles, status and

positions we hold in society.


So, Upapada differentiates your spouse from all the partners you have in

life, as (s)he has been given that specific title and thus an arudha in

your life.


I hope this helps.

p.s. Yes Rahu has aspect on the 7th, 5th, 9th and 2nd houses from his sign.


Yours sincerely,



Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

> Dear Vistiji,

> Thanks for a comprehensive and really enlightening analysis of this

> problem. I will ask her to be guided accordingly. A beautiful thing

> you said [have said earlier as well] is how the time has "arrived" for

> asking an important question to the right persons [you Gurus are those

> persons through me, the agent]. Indeed the next sub-dasha is that of

> the Sun starting Feb 2007, who can help her in this problem. This is

> another 'vidya' which I am keen to know more about.


> One understanding I have, which I think may be wrong after reading

> your message is that I felt that the Arudha is what is perceived by

> the world or the image cast on the world at large. By that logic, I

> felt that the Arudha of the self [ascendant] is how one is perceived

> by the world, even though in reality it may be different. I give you

> my case. My ascendant is Scorpio and Mars is in the second house. My

> AL is Capricorn with the Moon in it. Time and again people tell me

> that I am reserved, peace loving and pleasant [the last two I am sure

> is because of the waxing Moon's blessing in the AL, in addition to the

> dictum that unafflicted Jupiter and Moon always 'protect' the image].

> In reality I am short-tempered, egoistic and hardly pleasant [my close

> relatives and friends will tell you], which matches the Martian

> tendencies of the actual lagna and the proximity of its lord to

> it[?]. Except that while learning anything, be that any discipline,

> I commit "shaashtang" to anyone, any age or temperament.


> So "/Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible', i.e.

> you can measure them or see some formal agreement of the same./" is

> something I implore you to explain a little more.


> Also how does Rahu have graha dhristi on Venus, is it because they are

> in trines?


> In any event this has been a eye-opener on more than one aspect and I

> honestly thank all [yourself, Anuragji and Yishunji] for the kind posts.


> With Sincere regards

> nitin




> On 2/2/07, *Visti Larsen* <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> wrote:



> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Nitin, Namaskar


> dÄrÄrÅ«á¸havaÅ›ÄdvadedupapadÄttÄmÄdibhÄryaá¹ tataḥ

> tattannaidhanabhÄtsmarÄkhyapadato yÄvacca pÄpÄdikam|

> /From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha

> of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about

> the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can

> know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara

> Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

> /


> So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the

> particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned

> with 'vaÅ›Ä' which is /any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc./

> In the tradition we call this /all/ /sambandha/.


> For Upapada we are concerned with /bhÄrya/ which is specifically

> the wife. In the tradition we call this /Vivaha/.


> Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing

> 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and

> 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates

> to you (seventh lord in rasi).

> Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage

> (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things

> arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see

> some formal agreement of the same.


> The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length

> of sustenance of the marriage.


> However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage

> the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics

> there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.


> Reg. the chart you have posted:

> July 25, 1973

> Time: 5:45:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

> Ernakulam, India


> Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and

> Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in

> quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth

> house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier

> with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity

> of the partnerships.


> Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord

> Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the

> Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second

> Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is

> in kendra to the sarpa yoga.


> Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has

> graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past

> life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the

> lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give

> marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada

> hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.


> Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her

> to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

> In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to

> give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer

> money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start

> their married life in a good way.


> Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and

> the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus,

> saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the

> problems:


> Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

> Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

> Antardasas in this MD:

> * Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

> * Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

> Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

> Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

> * Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

> * Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) *

> Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

> Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

> Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


> The last among the problematic periods is ending this February,

> and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.


> I hope this helps.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>



> Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

>> Dear Vistiji:


>> I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a

>> basis for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I

>> have this lady colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no

>> planet in the second house so as to use the classical judgement

>> of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever the seventh

>> aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two

>> divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were

>> consumated after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a

>> year each].


>> I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also

>> IMHO an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer

>> Lagna, with a debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord

>> Saturn in 12th with Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be

>> Gemini [this happens when the time is set back by only 5

>> minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh lord Jupiter

>> isin the 8th.


>> My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from

>> the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects

>> [rashi and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging

>> sustenance of the association. I personally feel they would, but

>> I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider the 7th house or the

>> UL as the final test for analysing marriage.


>> /{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly

>> even when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji

>> mentions that this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a

>> person is protected by Him - I say this since certain prayers and

>> astrological remedies that was suggested by their family

>> astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the

>> unstabllity in marriages} /


>> her coordinates are:

>> TOB- 545hrs

>> POB - Ernakulam, India

>> DOB - July 25, 1973


>> Would be glad to know to your views.

>> Thanks

>> sincerely

>> nitin




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hraum namah adityaya




Dear Nitin,








Perception can mean internal imagination and contacting objects of senses with senses (jnana-indriya) so coming down from absolute-brahman perspective we see/hear/touch etc these mahabhuta's creations and these reception(pratyaksa) are known as Arudha's while Bhava's from Lagna demands more anumana.












Rafal Gendarz












Dnia 4-02-2007 o godz. 17:44 Visti Larsen napisa³(a):



Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.








ऱरࡇ राम कࡃषà¡à¤£à¡¡



Dear Nitin, Namaskar

Arudha is not just perception, it can act VERY REAL in our lives. But, its different from truth and is like a veil put over our eyes. See, look at the president of a country. Truth is that (s)he is a human being like you or certain human proportions. However, that president is given a title and status. This title and status is not just a perception, it is in fact real and tangible. However, if you were to have seen a baby picture of that president could you say that (s)he is a president? If during their presidency this president were to visit a remote tribe having no international connections, could that tribe recognize the person as a president? NO. They would recognize a 'person' possibly standing in a fancy suit or the hunting gear he may have worn for the occasion. But the title isn't recognizable without the ornaments associated with it.





So also your wife is your wife to you and the legal department of the government. On the street who would know that this lady is any different from another lady unless she bears the marks of a wedding ring or sindoor on the head? Truth is she is still a lady... Maya is that she is your wife.





That my friend is Arudha... its the titles and status that is put like a veil over our minds. Thats why the word 'perception' is too vague to cover arudhas, and really an arudha shows the titles, status and positions we hold in society.





So, Upapada differentiates your spouse from all the partners you have in life, as (s)he has been given that specific title and thus an arudha in your life.





I hope this helps.

p.s. Yes Rahu has aspect on the 7th, 5th, 9th and 2nd houses from his sign.





Yours sincerely,



Visti Larsen

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!Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Visti ji, Namaskar!

This was an enlightening email.

As UL changes (jump 8 houses for next vivah), does A7 also changes(jump N houses for next relationship/partnership)?

Also, In the given chart Jupiter is also cursed (Sun and Rahu), althought not as severly as Venus. But you suggested the remedy for curse of Venus and not Jupiter.

Can you explain the reasoning?

Thank you for you continued guidance.

Warm Regards,



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Nitin, Namaskar

dārārūḍhavaśādvadedupapadāttāmādibhāryaṁ tataḥ tattannaidhanabhātsmarākhyapadato yāvacca pāpādikam|

>From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40


So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vaśā' which is any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc. In the tradition we call this all sambandha.

For Upapada we are concerned with bhārya which is specifically the wife. In the tradition we call this Vivaha.

Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you (seventh lord in rasi).

Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement of the same.


The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of sustenance of the marriage.


However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.


Reg. the chart you have posted:

July 25, 1973

Time: 5:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

Ernakulam, India


Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity of the partnerships.


Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the sarpa yoga.


Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.


Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in a good way.


Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

Antardasas in this MD:

Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)

Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)

Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.


I hope this helps.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



Nitin Sahadevan wrote: Dear Vistiji:

I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a basis for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I have this lady colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no planet in the second house so as to use the classical judgement of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever the seventh aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were consumated after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a year each].

I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also IMHO an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer Lagna, with a debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord Saturn in 12th with Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be Gemini [this happens when the time is set back by only 5 minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh lord Jupiter isin the 8th.

My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects [rashi and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging sustenance of the association. I personally feel they would, but I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider the 7th house or the UL as the final test for analysing marriage.

{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly even when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji mentions that this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a person is protected by Him - I say this since certain prayers and astrological remedies that was suggested by their family astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the unstabllity in marriages}

her coordinates are:

TOB- 545hrs

POB - Ernakulam, India

DOB - July 25, 1973

Would be glad to know to your views.




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??? ??? ??????


Dear Pranav, Namaskar

I was actually looking for any other curses in the chart. I guess i

missed this dristi of the Sun. The curse of Brahmin is much more

terrible as brhaspati is retrograde.

The remedy must be sought through Venus which is the karaka of the

seventh, but Venus is involved in another curse. So i guess its a

deadlock of sorts and Lakshmi must be appeased no matter what. I would

still advise the worship of Dakshinamurty though as a blessing is there

for her to overcome the curse of spouse which is a problem right now.


Good catch.


Yours sincerely,



Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




sushmagupta51 wrote:

> !Om Gurave Namah!

> Dear Visti ji, Namaskar!


> This was an enlightening email.


> As UL changes (jump 8 houses for next vivah), does A7 also

> changes(jump N houses for next relationship/partnership)?


> Also, In the given chart Jupiter is also cursed (Sun and Rahu),

> althought not as severly as Venus. But you suggested the remedy for

> curse of Venus and not Jupiter.


> Can you explain the reasoning?


> Thank you for you continued guidance.


> Warm Regards,

> Pranav


> */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????

> Dear Nitin, Namaskar

> da-ra-ru-d.havas'a-dvadedupapada-tta-ma-dibha-ryam. tatah.

> tattannaidhanabha-tsmara-khyapadato ya-vacca pa-pa-dikam|

> /From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha

> of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about

> the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can

> know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara

> Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

> /

> So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the

> particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned

> with 'vas'a-' which is /any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate,

> etc./ In the tradition we call this /all/ /sambandha/.

> For Upapada we are concerned with /bha-rya/ which is specifically

> the wife. In the tradition we call this /Vivaha/.

> Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing

> 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and

> 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates

> to you (seventh lord in rasi).

> Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage

> (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things

> arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see

> some formal agreement of the same.

> The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length

> of sustenance of the marriage.

> However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage

> the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics

> there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.

> Reg. the chart you have posted:

> July 25, 1973

> Time: 5:45:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

> Ernakulam, India

> Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and

> Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in

> quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth

> house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier

> with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity

> of the partnerships.

> Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord

> Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the

> Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second

> Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is

> in kendra to the sarpa yoga.

> Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has

> graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past

> life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the

> lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give

> marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada

> hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.

> Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her

> to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

> In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to

> give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer

> money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start

> their married life in a good way.

> Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and

> the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus,

> saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the

> problems:

> Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

> Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

> Antardasas in this MD:

> * Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

> * Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

> Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

> Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

> * Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

> * Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)*

> Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

> Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

> Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


> The last among the problematic periods is ending this February,

> and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.

> I hope this helps.

> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>



> Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

>> Dear Vistiji:


>> I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a

>> basis for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I

>> have this lady colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no

>> planet in the second house so as to use the classical judgement

>> of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever the seventh

>> aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two

>> divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were

>> consumated after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a

>> year each].


>> I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also

>> IMHO an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer

>> Lagna, with a debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord

>> Saturn in 12th with Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be

>> Gemini [this happens when the time is set back by only 5

>> minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh lord Jupiter

>> isin the 8th.


>> My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from

>> the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects

>> [rashi and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging

>> sustenance of the association. I personally feel they would, but

>> I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider the 7th house or the

>> UL as the final test for analysing marriage.


>> /{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly

>> even when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji

>> mentions that this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a

>> person is protected by Him - I say this since certain prayers and

>> astrological remedies that was suggested by their family

>> astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the

>> unstabllity in marriages} /


>> her coordinates are:

>> TOB- 545hrs

>> POB - Ernakulam, India

>> DOB - July 25, 1973


>> Would be glad to know to your views.

>> Thanks

>> sincerely

>> nitin




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??? ??? ??????


Dear Pranav, Namaskar

Reg. A7, it seems Kalidasa is clear about its usage, but i cannot

comment at present.


Yours sincerely,



Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




sushmagupta51 wrote:

> !Om Gurave Namah!

> Dear Visti ji, Namaskar!


> This was an enlightening email.


> As UL changes (jump 8 houses for next vivah), does A7 also

> changes(jump N houses for next relationship/partnership)?


> Also, In the given chart Jupiter is also cursed (Sun and Rahu),

> althought not as severly as Venus. But you suggested the remedy for

> curse of Venus and not Jupiter.


> Can you explain the reasoning?


> Thank you for you continued guidance.


> Warm Regards,

> Pranav


> */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????

> Dear Nitin, Namaskar

> da-ra-ru-d.havas'a-dvadedupapada-tta-ma-dibha-ryam. tatah.

> tattannaidhanabha-tsmara-khyapadato ya-vacca pa-pa-dikam|

> /From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha

> of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about

> the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can

> know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara

> Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

> /

> So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the

> particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned

> with 'vas'a-' which is /any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate,

> etc./ In the tradition we call this /all/ /sambandha/.

> For Upapada we are concerned with /bha-rya/ which is specifically

> the wife. In the tradition we call this /Vivaha/.

> Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing

> 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and

> 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates

> to you (seventh lord in rasi).

> Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage

> (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things

> arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see

> some formal agreement of the same.

> The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length

> of sustenance of the marriage.

> However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage

> the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics

> there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.

> Reg. the chart you have posted:

> July 25, 1973

> Time: 5:45:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

> Ernakulam, India

> Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and

> Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in

> quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth

> house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier

> with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity

> of the partnerships.

> Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord

> Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the

> Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second

> Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is

> in kendra to the sarpa yoga.

> Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has

> graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past

> life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the

> lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give

> marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada

> hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.

> Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her

> to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

> In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to

> give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer

> money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start

> their married life in a good way.

> Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and

> the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus,

> saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the

> problems:

> Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

> Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

> Antardasas in this MD:

> * Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)*

> * Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

> Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

> Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

> * Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

> * Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)*

> Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

> Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

> Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


> The last among the problematic periods is ending this February,

> and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.

> I hope this helps.

> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>



> Nitin Sahadevan wrote:

>> Dear Vistiji:


>> I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a

>> basis for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I

>> have this lady colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no

>> planet in the second house so as to use the classical judgement

>> of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever the seventh

>> aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two

>> divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were

>> consumated after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a

>> year each].


>> I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also

>> IMHO an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer

>> Lagna, with a debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord

>> Saturn in 12th with Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be

>> Gemini [this happens when the time is set back by only 5

>> minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh lord Jupiter

>> isin the 8th.


>> My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from

>> the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects

>> [rashi and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging

>> sustenance of the association. I personally feel they would, but

>> I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider the 7th house or the

>> UL as the final test for analysing marriage.


>> /{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly

>> even when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji

>> mentions that this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a

>> person is protected by Him - I say this since certain prayers and

>> astrological remedies that was suggested by their family

>> astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the

>> unstabllity in marriages} /


>> her coordinates are:

>> TOB- 545hrs

>> POB - Ernakulam, India

>> DOB - July 25, 1973


>> Would be glad to know to your views.

>> Thanks

>> sincerely

>> nitin




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!Om Guraveh Namah!

Dear Visti ji, Namaskar!

I have a couple of questions:

1) Does it mean that, in case of multiple curses, all the curses need to be remedied (not just the most benefic one)?

2) Also, in case of conjunction/parivartan between shaapit benefics, can we expect the curse to exchange? (or just the exchange of dashas under which the curse will manifest)

Thank you for continued guidance.

Warm Regards,



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Pranav, Namaskar

I was actually looking for any other curses in the chart. I guess i missed this dristi of the Sun. The curse of Brahmin is much more terrible as brhaspati is retrograde.

The remedy must be sought through Venus which is the karaka of the seventh, but Venus is involved in another curse. So i guess its a deadlock of sorts and Lakshmi must be appeased no matter what. I would still advise the worship of Dakshinamurty though as a blessing is there for her to overcome the curse of spouse which is a problem right now.


Good catch.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



sushmagupta51 wrote: !Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Visti ji, Namaskar!

This was an enlightening email.

As UL changes (jump 8 houses for next vivah), does A7 also changes(jump N houses for next relationship/partnership)?

Also, In the given chart Jupiter is also cursed (Sun and Rahu), althought not as severly as Venus. But you suggested the remedy for curse of Venus and not Jupiter.

Can you explain the reasoning?

Thank you for you continued guidance.

Warm Regards,



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Nitin, Namaskar

dārārūḍhavaśādvadedupapadāttāmādibhāryaṁ tataḥ tattannaidhanabhātsmarākhyapadato yāvacca pāpādikam|

>From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40


So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vaśā' which is any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc. In the tradition we call this all sambandha.

For Upapada we are concerned with bhārya which is specifically the wife. In the tradition we call this Vivaha.

Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you (seventh lord in rasi).

Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement of the same.


The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of sustenance of the marriage.


However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.


Reg. the chart you have posted:

July 25, 1973

Time: 5:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 76 E 17' 00", 9 N 59' 00"

Ernakulam, India


Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity of the partnerships.


Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the sarpa yoga.


Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada hence she can worship Dakshinamurti-Shiva to overcome the problems.


Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.

In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in a good way.


Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

Antardasas in this MD:

Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)

Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)

Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)


The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.


I hope this helps.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



Nitin Sahadevan wrote: Dear Vistiji:

I am faced with a bit of a question with regard to the UL as a basis for assessing marriage. I always wanted to know this. I have this lady colleague who has Venus in the UL Leo but no planet in the second house so as to use the classical judgement of how the marriage would sustain. There is hoever the seventh aspect of Mars to that house from Pisces. She has had two divorces in the space of the past 6 years [both marriages were consumated after brief romances, if one call it that, of about a year each].

I cannot see through the UL how this is possible. There is also IMHO an issue with her time, which 'unrectified' gives Cancer Lagna, with a debilitated and retro Jup in 7th and seventh lord Saturn in 12th with Ketu. I for one feel that the lagna should be Gemini [this happens when the time is set back by only 5 minutes]. Then she has Rahu in the 7th and seventh lord Jupiter isin the 8th.

My questions are, how does one assess the second UL, is it from the 12th of the 12th or the 12th of the first UL? Do aspects [rashi and graha] on the 2nd from UL have a say in judging sustenance of the association. I personally feel they would, but I am not sure. Very frankly do you consider the 7th house or the UL as the final test for analysing marriage.

{Just as a note, she has vargottama lagna Cn Cn - surprisingly even when the time is set back 5 minutes Ge - Ge-, Sanjayji mentions that this is a great blessing of Lord Shiva wherein a person is protected by Him - I say this since certain prayers and astrological remedies that was suggested by their family astrologer in Kerala apparently also did not solve the unstabllity in marriages}

her coordinates are:

TOB- 545hrs

POB - Ernakulam, India

DOB - July 25, 1973

Would be glad to know to your views.




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