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Dear Jayashree,

What is astrological in this *article* and how it can help improve others'

predictive skills. At least, I couldn't understand.





On 2/2/07, ramalingam2_sekar <ramalingam2_sekar > wrote:












> I bow to the great rishis.


> I bow to my teacher kirties


> I bow all the great gurus.


> There are patterns in the universe which gets repeated.

> All one needs is to observe the patterns. It is very useful to

> observe and predict these patterns. Patterns takes time to become

> visible and it will require purity of mind to see it clearly.

> Meditation is excellent aid in to reading pattern very clearly.


> The author has amazed people with these kind of dazzling predictions

> based on the pattern techniques Some people ask me whether I am a

> psychic. I tell them no. they do not believe me because they do not

> know or have idea about the pattern reading. I have taught it to

> some of my students who made lot of success with it. With these

> aids one's own predictive ability can become stupendous. . I am not

> racist or anti feminist. In fact I have learned not only to predict

> but get along with people very well and easily. In fact my respect

> for diversity has gone up tremendously.


> What is not seen in the astrology chart one will able to see it in

> these pattern reading. I just use these observations for prediction

> that is all. Combined with astrology this pattern reading is an

> excellent aid in predictions. These can be done in many levels.


> For example as doctor classifies the symptoms and make a list of it.

> Then the disease is further classified. In the same way one can

> observe these patterns and use it for predictions.


> For example apple means it is red in colour with small black seeds

> inside, all these information will help you to understand apple

> better. In the same way these patterns can be applied.


> People want to understand each other. This is nothing but finding

> patterns of the people and adjusting accordingly. Indians have a

> name for it is called as svabhava


> Of course some will talk on exception of these patterns which is

> partially true. Not every one will fit these entire patterns neatly

> and in certain areas there will be discrepancy. One needs to see it,

> digest this and learn to apply it. Broad generalization with

> specific variation will be helpful. If some one writes to me back on

> these articles some exception to these rules I would pray for their

> mind to become pure and consciousness to get lifted. Lower level of

> conciseness can understand correctly what I am trying communicate.


> Some people will fit neatly and some will fit partially and some

> will not fit at all. Change the pattern or the angle and see how

> people fit in. Every one will have pattern or mix of patterns. One

> needs to take little effort and one can surely track it.


> Of course one can write a whole book but then time space and focus

> is missing. People who call themselves psychic are good in locating

> these patterns. Energy reading is also based on these principles

> only.


> Patterns are of many levels and have many angles. I am writing the

> entire list because it is long and requires lot of energy to make it

> physical. I am just mentioning the category and one or two examples

> in each pattern. It can be done and used for masses and for

> individual.




> Gender- for example men get cold less. while women skin is sensitive

> that is reason they feel cold easily. Like this men and women are

> different in attitude, ideas, approach etc. Thomas gray has written

> a book on this itself called as Men Are from Mars and Women Are from

> Venus Series.


> Race- for example Africans are stronger physically than Asians.

> Asians are stronger in the mind than that of Africans.


> Country- for example Indians by nature are ritualistic, group

> oriented in decision making. Western people are individual and more

> intellectual oriented.


> Body type – vata, pitta and kapha. Vedic classification can give

> wealth of information on the people behaviour.


> Mental type- classified well in modern psychology . Type A, Type B .

> Indian ayurvedic principles of vata, pitta and kapha can also be

> applied.


> Community- Thanjvur born people generally love carnatic music,

> coffee and good food. People born in Bombay love to do business cut

> deals etc.


> Varna- for example people born as Brahmins generally have love for

> knowledge than making money. For example cheittar mudlairs in

> tamilnadu are well known for the business instinct. So is the case

> with marwaris.


> Gotra- those born in koundiya gotra end up in vigilance or policing

> in many areas. For example my grand father was a jailerand his son

> was in military. Some one whom I know is an also a police officer

> who belongs to same gotra.


> Education- for example maths strong people are better in planning

> plus they do things slow. Artistic people are oriented towards

> emotions easily.,


> Work- my wife use to say what u work is what u become because u

> spend most of the time in work. One's own behaviour, ideas and

> attitudes will become more or less work focused.


> What u eat also will tell lot about pattern – people who eat garbage

> tend to have mind which is also like there food. If u eat cow for

> long time one will be more like cows. One western lady told me "I

> always observe what sells most in the super markets of that

> particular area. Then it is easy for me know what kind of mass

> consciousness I will be dealing with. Vegetarians are strong in

> mental activities.


> It can be done also for objects people buy , colours they prefer,

> places they go, people with whom they associate.


> 5 elements – another fine way of looking at patterns is seeing

> people as 5 elements viz., earth air water fire and ether. This is

> very good way of seeing the patterns. See people as 5 elements and

> it is easy to predict on their behavior.


> Three gunas - Seeing people as rajasic, tamasic and satavic is also

> another good model. Rajasic people have more desires and less

> contended. Satvic people tend to be more contended and live more in

> the present moment.


> 9 planets Converting people into 9 planets is an excellent way. Some

> one who has very good intellect can be classified as budha being

> strong for them . Some one who has lot of wealth can be classified

> as lakshmi. These can be seen over all for a person or for the

> individual character.


> Deity - Then the deity they worship will be their life. As I have

> already said what u focus is what one loves. What one loves is what

> one becomes.


> Seeing the patterns in the sutra and saka which they belong is

> useful


> ages of life- will also determine one's own value, priority, goals,

> focus and behavior. For example in teenage sex will be priority in

> old age god will be focus. These will give wealth of information for

> predictions.


> Problems of people- most people's behaviors, attitudes, speech

> action will be same with the similar type of problems. Only name and

> form changes. For example People who have the tendency to borrow

> money and do not repay will all have same pattern more or less. One

> of their pattern is they will borrow and think how to pay. They will

> never plan ahead. They can not keep up the words. Similar patterns

> can be seen in marriages, success. For example many successful

> people are humble sweet and easy to get along. The people who are

> loud mouthed, critical and put down people at first instance or

> generally have a lot of pain in their life.


> Yuga patterns - very clearly written in the sacred books like the

> great bhagvatam. For example morality will be down etc. satya yuga

> how people consciousness will be same in kalia yuga etc. this can

> be done for man vantra , kalpa. For example this is white boar kalpa

> which means many white skin people will be successful, pig will be

> eaten. For example in many medical research pigs heart, pigs brain

> is tried first. It can be called as coincidence but then the great

> rishis are not ordinary people to name the kalpa as sveta rak kalpa.


> Sports pattern can be used. For example patterns can be used to see

> which seeds will get qualified, or which good teams will win. In

> cricket Indians will play outside and their country not so well.

> When ever sachin plays well the team will never play well. This can

> be done for individual. For example shane warne takes more wicket

> with England. It can also be done for masses. If you see in football

> world cup one year the European team wins another year south

> American team will win.


> These can be observed in weather, politics, stock markets etc. all

> modern instruments are trying to develop this ability. For example

> in earth quake earth atmosphere will under go change and one needs

> to find out. Then one can easily predict.


> Like this if one starts seeing pattern not on some individual events

> and situations one can predict easily. May all people who get the

> information lift and benefit from these articles.




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