ombakth Posted February 7, 2007 Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Some practices though being for noble cause can be misused by some corrupt and evil people hence such practices should be avoided. Biksha:- Though this was a good practice when ancient monks used to go house to house for alms but in current world many people having taken up beggar as their birth right. Hence they are always reluctant to any developmental work. Some people can give excuse that even ancient monks used to practice Biksha but that Biksha is different from today’s Bhik(Begging). They used to take food and clothing in the name of Biksha and not money. Today there are many people who had made Begging as a profession where local goons force children to beg for which they even cut their limbs. Hence instead of giving money to beggars people should give them food to eat now these food items are of no use for local goons hence they won’t further abduct and force children for such an act of begging. Some people misunderstand the Biksha(Donation) and Bhik(Begging). Samadhi:- At one point of time it is was the source to attain salvation but there are many other monks like Gautam Buddha who have proved that salvation can be attained even without Samadhi. In current generation Samadhi can be misused by certain people in the form of suicide. Hence even this practice of Samadhi should be stopped for the betterment of humanity. Just like how some evil people like terrorist misuse holy war to spread terrorism, in the name of Holy war they are spreading and imposing their rules and regulations. Holy war means war against evil system and ritual, no humans should harm another human that too who are not interested in fighting with others. Sacrifice:- At point of time sacrifice was used to return gratitude to the god for the favor that has been done to human. But now days some cruel people sacrifice children and animals for pleasing God. God has asked Abraham to sacrifice his son just to test Abraham’s loyalty towards him. God did not allowed Abraham to sacrifice his son. God does not asks any one to sacrifice. If at all God needed sacrifice then he can do by himself by sending natural calamity like earthquake and Tsunami there is no need for humans to impose their rules and regulations on other humans to sacrifice their feeling on the behalf of God. Gautam Buddha and Swami Vardhman had proved that without sacrifices also one can attain salvation. Nakedness:-Regarding the nakedness and clothing. Mahavira Swami did had some of his disciples who use to wear clothes. Wearing just a piece of cloth does not means attachment to desire but wearing heaving costly garments, ornaments to show off and when new design garments come then try to buy them means attachment to desire. Even skin is the like a garment to our internal organs then does that means that even we have to shed of our skin and if we don’t shed it off then does that means that we are so deeply attached to our skin that we forget our duties. Even caste system might be made in the ancient times just to get population census for that times ruling kings, so that they can plan their strategies regarding the investment of resources but later on it became an evil practice for societies when people became avoiding people of low caste, by some saint and kings who were at highest position. Similarly some corrupt minded people can misuse the pure concept of nakedness without desire, I am not referring to holy hindu sadhus and jain saints. But you cannot completely disagree that some people can misuse, just like some sadhus misuse their holy status to fulfill their evil desire. But as a whole the main purpose of swami Mahavira becoming a Jain will undermine, his main idea was to unite people and show them the path to leave in Harmony. Spreading equality and peace is also one of the teaching of Swami Mahavira why it is given less patronage then not wearing clothes or wearing clothes is given, if equality was not given less patronage then why there is Digambara and Swetambara. Why they are different? Why there are not united? I apologize to say that due to these difference the main concept of spreading the principles of Swami Mahavira had to some extent reduced. No body wants to make an effort to give importance to the main concept like equality and peace whereas people are giving more importance to nakedness. “Thus Mahavira became homeless. As he was leaving the garden, a Brahmin beggar, who had missed out on the last year of Mahavira's almsgiving, asked him for alms; he gave him half of the garment on his shoulder. After thirteen months he gave up clothes altogether.” After thirteen months he gave up clothes altogether that means till thirteen months he use to wear some or the other clothes probably he might have abandon the clothes generally humans in a town or a city wear and he might have started wearing leaves or hay around him just like the tribal human. Because even if today in any city if we as a urban human wear just leaves or clothes like thing make of hay then people around us might taunt us or question us as “Where are your clothes?” that means that they consider a leaves or clothes like thing made up of hay as a garment. By saying that swami Mahavira broke the old traditions, I meant that he had revolutionized that era when people use to discriminate between high caste and low caste people. He did broke the age old ancient tradition of our society called caste system which had become unhealthy environment of common people. In the same manner after some years some people can misuse such holy concept of nakedness like some sadhus do, I don’t want to elaborate on such things becomes some people without thinking or analyzing anything will feel offended they will feel that it will hurt their religious issues if such issues are discussed, hence I would like to clarify that I am not referring to all sadhus. I am referring to corrupt sadhus like Chandraswami who is being jailed, again I am not referring to any other Chandra swami, I don’t know whether there is any other saint whose name is similar to Chandraswami that I am referring to who is being jailed. It ancient times even when a person was just covered by short dhoti to cover his genital he was still considered as Nagna because full covered meant covered from top to both. Hence when Swami Mahavira had given away his richly princely garments people might have said that he had become naked because there is no evidences that he never ever whore a short piece of cloth to cover the lower half of the body because in those days the low class people use to wear just a small dhoti or lungoti type of clothes to cover the genitals hence it could be possible that Swami Mahavira might be wearning a small dhoti like or Lungoti like garment around his lower half of the body. Howerver, the question of him wearning or nor wearning anything is not more important. The important thing is to spread his ideas and message of peace. In ancient even many Hindu Shadus used to wear lungotis(small cloth) some groups of citizens at that time might be considering those monks who where lungots as naked for e.g. if today a person walks on a street wearing an underwear then people passing by may call out that “Who dekho nanga jar aha hai” however that person is wearing an underwear but he is still considered as Naked hence in the same way Swami Vardhman might be wearing a lungoti or used to cover genitals with bush or leaves somewhat like tribal dress. In today’s generation because if an corrupt monks like Chandra Swami becomes a Digambar monk then he can misuse the concept of nudity to fulfill his evil desire. So that the self respect of a woman is maintained for not looking at any other naked man then her husband. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ombakth Posted February 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Death Rituals and Donating organs for helping in the development human race. Some of the human tribes burn their dead and some bury their dead and others follow different Death rituals but why can’t we standardize that any one who dies he has to donate his organs before Last rituals are performed this will help few disabled people to gain organs like eyes, lungs etc.. It should be a duty of humanity to donate their organs to others until genetical science does not develops in which limbs can be grown from the human body even after they are accidentally cutoff like how branches of tree or a plant grow. This can be possible by cloning, if we can clone individuals why cannot we clone an individuals arms and re-grow the arm or any other electronic limbs that is controlled directly from the brain and function like normal organs. All Sadhus, Swami, Gurus, Acharyas, Rishis and Monks should initiate the process of Each and Every single Organ Donation rather than just burning or burying our dead bodies so that more and more handicap people can get organs. So that even after death our bodies can be used for Noble cause. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ombakth Posted February 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 All greatest scientist of Europe who changed the history of Europe have firm belief that Indians were more intelligents and also advanced in ancient times and as everyone know that Scientist did not believe anything thing without properly analysing things, so this proves that India was really a great nation. We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. Albert Einstein. India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. Mark Twain. If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. Frech scholar Romain Rolland. India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. Hu Shih.(Former Chinese ambassador to USA) what the Mainstream Technical Education univesities teach is entirely useless. They teach core computers for Mechanical Engineers when the concept of Mechanical Engineer should be something else for e.g. Mechanical Engineer should be taught only basic use of computers and CAD which will help in their Mechanical Drawing teaching C, C++ and other programing language is just baseless for Mechanical stream. Western countries are leading because of their Software skills generally done by us and Japan and other Eastern countries are emerging because of their Technical skills. If we develop both Technical and Software skills in India then we can lead both Western and Eastern Countries and gain our monopoly in education and skills field just like ancient times of Nalanda university etc. All stream should be given more importance for the development and welfare of our country. Today Technician are treated like as low people whereas Engineers are respected more even though they do not have Indept knowledge of their own field for e.g. today a Mechanical Engineer does not knows welding instead of that he knows C, C++. A Computer Engineer does not knows to assemble a computer he just knows outdated programing knowledge. A mechanical student should be taught indept of mechanics even welding. A computer student should be taught indept of computers even assembling and chip level so that one day we can make our own processors and compete with Intel Processors. Hence a new stream should be started called Technical so that they are treated with respect like other streams. The degree should be made standard throughout India and widely accepted. Just like how A+ and N+ private degree is recognized thoughout world for computer hardware and computer network. For e.g. Computer Technician(Both computer hardware and software included to compete with A+ and N+ courses) Electronic Technician. Electrical Technician. Mechanical Technician(Automobile Engineering included with Automobile Technical). The entry of this courses should not depend on our previous qualification even school dropouts should be allowed to do these courses. Perhaps he failed in school because he was not good in maths or other subject but he has the skills to design new age cars by visualizing and analyzing hence can do Mechanical course. But when we complete these Technical courses our standards will be much more than current Engineers and people will treat us with respect. Just like how industrial revolution tool place in Europe due to which their standards increased. If these courses are cetified by IGNOU will make this technical courses as mainstream courses. Diploma and Engineer Degree combined in Technical courses with IGNOU certified. Hence Technical will have higher priority than Engineering courses and anybody can join Technical courses by paying fees and no other restrictions of previous qualification. It will be amazing if embedded and chip level course is also added to computer engineering so that one day we can produce our own processor and India can lead world in all streams.There should be certified examination like IES, ITI, ATI exams along with ITES and also,AMIE given equal weightage to the B.E. degree so that again India becomes a pool of knowledge like the ancient Nalanda university. It will be amazing if embedded and chip level course is also added to computer engineering so that one day we can produce our own processor and India can lead world in all streams. Also, India should have a common education system through the country and not state wise. This will also help in uniting different culture of India. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ombakth Posted February 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Dharmasthana: A new temple called Dharmasthana should be formed for Aum(Om) the one and only one formless God of Ancient Indian Dharma from whom all gods originated and into whom all god reside. It should reside on the center of the country. OM image link which can be used inplace of OM idol. A full length black board or a cloth to depict universe with this image of Aum(Om) depicting a light in that darkness approximately the height of one wall of Aum(Om) OM Temple. Suggestion for New Reviwed Flag of ancient Indian Dharma One and only one formless God Aum(Om)(Dharmic creator of all Gods in Hinduism, Christanity, Protestians, Islam, Sufism, Buddhism, Jainism, Bahai, Shikism, Zorastrians and other religions and cultures of world.) Nationality Indian Religion Induism(Just a Vastu alternate name of same Hindusim and name of the ancient Dharmic Religion of Indigenous People of India from which Hindiusm, Jainism, Buddhism and Shikism was formed and Religion of Indigenous people of world from which Christanity, Protestians, Islam and Sufism was formed which will unite both Brahmans and Dalits with equal respect but as common man without any special status for any tribes all with equal status) Even we should recite Aum(Om) four(Early Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Midnight) times a day and louder than what Muslims recite Azaam. Recite Aum(Om) gives mental peace. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ombakth Posted February 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Kunti Kunti had a mantra that she can call any God and ask blessing from them, this does not means that she conceived her children from the Gods who she called by reciting the mantra. The children were born from Pandu’s genes which she conceived before Pandu was cursed like for e.g. suppose kunti had conceived genes from Pandu on night and next morning Pandu was cursed hence she recited the mantra so that the genes that she had conceived from Pandu on earlier day should develop into an embryo. Also, Pandu used to know Kunti before marriage and she had conceived from Pandu himself but because they were not married at that time this was the reason why she disowned karna. It takes 9 months of an embryo to develop into a human child and after conceiving Karna, kunti and Pandu might have been separated for a longer duration as Pandu might have not known about Karna because he was busy in his campaign. Later on as Pandu was dead so there was no one else to standby her side and give the proof of Karna’s inheritance from Pandu hence she maintained silence on this issue. She has taken blessing from Four Gods and Even Madri had taken Blessing from 2 Gods and not intercourse like nowadays when couples go to Temple when they don't have children from long time that does not means that means that go to seek blessing and nothing other than that no phsyical contact with idols. Draupadhi Actually had only one husband It can be possible because even in Mahabharat most of the time Sri Krishna was with one Pandava at a time either Yudishtra, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev. During Mahabharata ware he was with Arjun but sometimes he was with Yudhistra when he had asked him to tell a lie that Ashvathama is dead. While fighting with Jarasandh Sri Krishna and Bheema were together. It can be possible that Yudishtra, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev are the name of only one person may be Pandava. Since no person has got all the qualities whereas Pandava had that qaulities hence they might be refering him as five different people sometimes even today when see a fat man we say that "laghta hai dus admiyo ka kana katha hai" that does not means that he has ten head or has ten stomachs. The another reason for this is that in Indonesian culture there is reference of Mahabharata with Druapadhi having one husband and as Indonesians were also Hindus at one point of time before they migrated into Indonesian continent.. Rakshahas Clan were human race who used to practice Cannibalism There are few human tribes who bury their deads, few human tribes who burn their deads but there also another group of human tribes who eat their deads. Such culture is followed in some in primitive tribals some of them hailing in Africa (Not all Africans) and in Rakshahas clan of this subcontinent who ate other humans. Hence Rakshahas were humans but they ate humans. This act of eating ones own specie is called cannibalism. Those who practice such culture justify themselves whereas such things are not good for a civilized society. It is a sin of eating another human whether dead or alive. Even the Aghori sadhus practice Cannibalism. Necrophagy is the act of feeding on corpses or carrion. The word is derived from Ancient Greek "nekros" meaning corpse or dead and "phagos" meaning to eat. Animals who partially or completely feed on dead animals are usually called scavengers, most familiar examples being hyenas and vultures. Also many insects use decayed matter as a protein source, e.g. some bee species or dung beetles. With regard to carrion from the same species, the behavior is also referred to as anthropophagy, in the case of humans, or cannibalism, in the case of other non-human animals. In humans, necrophagy is a taboo in most societies. In the Qur'an slanderers are stigmatized as those who eat the flesh of the dead body of the person they slander. The Aghori, a Hindu sect known to live in graveyards, according to a Persian source and nineteenth century British accounts, were necrophagous. There have been many instances in history, especially in war times, where necraphagy was a survival behavior Hence some of the Africans are called Negros not because they are black but they used to pratice cannibalism. Hence, Rakshahs were not any mythological character but they were mere humans who used to follow cannibalism. Race is just a deformation and formation of skin pigments: Some blonde(White race) people consider themselves as the one belonging to higher value are actually wrong, just like how black color of skin is a deformity of melanin even white color of skin is a deformity of melanin. God does not discriminate people on the basis of the religion hence most of the religious founders from Gautam Buddha to Jesus were from the mixed race. Hence being white, black or brown is not a honor or disgrace living like a human should be considered as pride and degraded human value should be considered as disgrace. Non Veg and Veg debate: Actually, religions like Jainism which stresses on Veg food so that living beings are not harmed but even trees and plants from whom they receive food are also living beings. Then how can they eat plants and fruits. They don’t eat egg stating that by eating egg they are killing unborn chicken but in general egg that non vegs eat is that part of a hen which is not capable of developing a chicken hence indirectly they are eating non living egg and not fertile egg. In reality it is not wrong to eat non living things. Hence by eating egg they are not doing any sin to any living organism. Some say that those who eat non veg are prone to be violent. This is wrong. For, e.g. Elephant it does not eat non veg thing but still it becomes and violent and massacres fields and any Humans coming in it’s way. Take for e.g. Pigeon it eats small insects and worms but still it does not becomes violent. Parashuram: Parashuram was present in Ramayana and even in Mahabharata and there is lot of gap between of era between Ramayana and Mahabharata, then how did Parashuram survived such a long period. The answer to this is that the Parashuram of Ramayana and Parashuram of Mahabharat were two different people as per today’s generation you can consider that Parashuram was a Surname and not the firstname of an Individual like suppose take a Surname Bachchan there are many Bahchan’s of older generation and Bachchan’s of current generation but still you can group hem as Bachchan a single entity. Parashuram was a shraman and not a brahman, brahmans were not allowed to kill by themselves though they missued their position and one who kills was outcasted. Parashuram was a Shraman and he did not liked any one who misuses his duties and his position in the society due to which he killed many corrupt kings to bring law and order. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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