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Hindus wrote the Bible & Religious Traditions of Mexicans

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The Bible is written by the Hindu intellectuals for the working class. The Hindu Matsya Purana (Fish Chronicle), describes some of the people who, after a severe flood, left India for other parts of the world. hree sons were born to Satyavarman, who is the sovereign of the whole earth. The eldest son was Shem; then Sham; and thirdly, Jyapeti. They were all men of good morals, excellent in virtue and virtuous deeds, skilled in the use of weapons to strike with, or to be thrown; brave men, eager for victory in battle. But Satyavarman, being continually delighted with devout meditation, and seeing his sons fit for dominion, laid upon them the burdens of government. Whilst he remained honouring and satisfying the gods, and priests, and king, one day, by the act of destiny, the king, having drunk mead became senseless and lay asleep naked. Then, he was seen by Sham, and he called his two brothers to whom he said, "What now has befallen? In what state is this our sire?" With the help of brothers he covered the nakedness with clothes, and called to his senses again and again. Having recovered his intellect, and perfectly knowing what had passed, he cursed Sham, saying, "Thou shalt be the servant of servants." And since thou wast a laugher in their presence, from laughter thou shalt acquire a name. Then he gave Sham the wide domain on the south of the snowy mountains. And to Jyapeti he gave all on the north of the snowy mountains; but he, by the power of religious contemplation, attained supreme bliss.


If one has read the Jewish or Christian bible, one can guess who Satyavarman, Shem, Sham, and Jyapeti were. Satyavarman and his sons are Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japhet. The Old Testament tells us that Satyavarman (Noah) got drunk by imbibing wine made from his vines in what is now Armenia, near Mt. Ararat. In Sanskrit, Satya-Varman means "Protector of Truth; Protector of the Righteous." Varman often occurs at the end of the names of Kshatriyas (Hereditary Hindu Leadership Caste). Shem/Sem means "An Assembly."


According to White racists(s), Ham was turned black as punishment for lacking in respect for his father. The Christian Fundamentalists insist that Sham fathered the Africans. It was this superstition that helped perpetuate the institution of slavery in our antebellum (pre-Civil War) South. Jyapeti became the "God of the Sun" or the Christian, Jewish, Assyrian, Greek and Roman Jupiter and Jahve or Jehovah. For the Hindus, he is Dyaus Pitar, mankind's first known manifestation of God Shiva.


Satyavarman told Sham that he would acquire a name from laughter. Two of the two tribes descended from Sham were the Ha-Ha and Ho-Ho. They later migrated to other parts of the world. Ha-Ha(am)/Ham, meaning "The Ha people," were among the founders of Egypt. Other descendants of Sham, the Hohokam, settled in the American Southwest. Kam derives from the Sanskrit Gana, meaning "Tribe." Hohokam = "The Ho-Ho Tribe." Notice that both groups were desert people. Another tribe that first settled in the American Southwest were the Anazazi, known in ancient India as Anaza-zi (The Undestroyed and Living God Shiva).


The Jewish Noah's Ark legend appears to be a mixture of three Hindu flood myths: Satyavarman, Vaivasvata, and Nahusha. The Mahabharata states: "The progeny of Adamis and Hevas (Adam and Eve) soon became so wicked that they were no longer able to coexist peacefully. Brahma therefore decided to punish his creatures "Vishnu"

ordered Vaivasvata to build a ship for himself and his family. When the ship was ready, and Vaivasvata and his family were inside with the seeds of every plant and a pair of every species of animal, the big rains began and the rivers began to overflow."


Not only are the names of the main players in the Noah story the same as the family of Satyavarman, but, like the Vaivasvata part that the Old Testament authors plagiarized from the Mahabharata, the rains fell for forty days and forty nights.

According to the Vaivasvata story, Shem's name is Manu; Ham or Sham is Nabhanedistha; Japhet is Yayati or Dyaus-Pitar (Jupiter or the Hebrew Jehovah).


The third "Noah" was a deity named Dyaus-Nahusha. Westerners call him Dionysius or Bacchus. Bacchus derives from the Sanskrit Bagha, meaning "God the Androgynous." When a great flood destroyed the world, Nahusha left India in order to restore civilization to mankind. He also left India for another reason.

One of the places where he stopped was a small island city state called Sancha Dwipa (Sancha Island), where the citizens built their homes out of seashells.


Sancha Dwipa could be an Egyptian island. However, there is a small Mexican island town just off the Pacific coast in Nayarit state, Mexcaltitan, where the preconquest citizens built their homes out of seashells. According to Toltec mythology, Mexcaltitan was the Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl's port of entry into Mexico. In Hindu mythology, Nahusha and God Vishnu are in close association. Vishnu is often pictured as floating on a raft of snakes He also holds a conch hand in his hand. The Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl was also pictured as floating on a raft of snakes. Conch shells adorned his temples. Quetzalcoatl also wears a necklace of conch shells. But the Mexican anomalies don't stop here.


The pre-Aztec Toltecs were also called Nahoa and Nahua. Nahua tribes did, and still do, extend even into South America. Since the Toltecs could not pronounce "V," the words Nahoa and Nahua derive from the Sanskrit Nava, meaning "Ship; Boat." The word "Toltec" also appears to derive from the Sanskrit word for "Descendant of the Upper World Nation": Tal-Toka. Quetzalcoatl's original homeland was Tlapallan. This could derive from the Sanskrit Tala-Pala (The Upper World Land of Pala which is another name of the Indian state of Bihar. Even the stories of the lives of Dyaus-Nahusha and Quetzalcoatl are similar. Dyaus-Nahusha was banished from India for getting drunk and raping the wife of the legendary Hindu philosopher Agastya. Quetzalcoatl was banished getting drunk and raping his own daughter. Nahusha and Quetzalcoatl were the same individual. It's easy to prove that India once colonized Mexico. The Bible was written by Hindu intellectuals for the benefit of the working class and what is written in Vedas and Puranas are the evidence for it.


The name Italy in Sanskrit Etaly signifies a country situated at the bottom of the continent (now called Europe). Many Roman gods originated from the east (Vedic deities), especially from the Greece e.g. Zeus is Dyus, Jupiter is Diupeter (or Dyua Pitar, the Vedic Indra), Minerva is Pallas Athen, Diana is Artemia, Venus (the Vedic Lakshmi) became Aphrodite, Neptune is Poseidon, Vulcan is Hephaestus, and so on. Even today we can see the image of Lord Shiva standing over a public fountain in the square at Bolgona, Italy with his Trident and hoods of two snakes on his shoulders. Throughout Italy images of Ganesha, Shiva and other Vedic Deities can be found in excavations. They also worshipped Lord Rama and images if Rama, Sita and Lakshman can be found in walls of ancient houses being excavated. Even portraits of Pompey, the Consul of Rome wearing the distinct mark of a V "Tilok" on his forehead is found. A Painting of Etruscan emperor (2nd Cent. B.C.) Wearing the same "Tilok" on his forehead and neck and wearing a "Dhoti" can be seen. The City of ROME is pronounced as "ROMA" in Italy, is also named after LORD RAMA. "O" replaces the Sanskrit letter "A" for European pronunciation, just as Nasa in Sanskrit is spelled as "Nose" in English. This indicates the entire Roman Empire was part of Lord Rama Empire. Additional proof of this can be found from the founding date of Italy, which was 21st April in 753 B.C., which is unique because no other ancient city is so very exact about its founding date. The reason why this exact date is recorded is because 21st April is the date of Ramnavami in 753 B.C. Yet another proof is that another Italian city, Ravenna is named after Lord Rams adversary Ravana, and as Ravana was the enemy of Lord Ram, the city of Rome and Ravenna is situated diametrically opposite each other, one on the western coast and the other on the eastern coast.


Pope comes from the Sanskrit word Paap meaning sin and ha meaning removes, thus Paap-ha means remover of sin. So Paap-ha was the title and the function of the supreme pontiff attached to the Vedic administration. And from this came the shortened word Pope. Every sage lives in a Hermitage which is called "Vatika", even the Vedic sage Paap-ha lived in his Vatika which is still now called "Vatican". Further evidence that the Vatican was once as Vedic post is found in the Vatican's Etruscan Museum. Therein is preserved and on display five Vedic Shiva-lingas, some of which the Vedic Pope used to worship, as well as images of Shiva with a Cobra raising its hood over Shiva's head. Many others are said to be hidden in the museum and in the cellars of the Vatican. Much of the present day rituals of the Pope have roots in the Vedic tradition, like chanting of Hymns, the purification with incense, the offering and distribution of Food and even washing of feet are the remnants of full Vedic rituals that used to be practiced by the Vedic Pope. Washing of feet is not a normal Christian practice because congregation members always wear socks and shoes.

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In Czestochowa, a polish city, there is an ancient temple of the Goddess Black Virgin. If you are accustomed to using your brain you will instantly know she is none else but the divine mother Kali Maa.


The surrounding monastery is famous by the name ‘Asna Gora Monastery’. Do you know what it means? It is a corrupt form of the Sanskrit term Isan Gauri, which means Lord Shiva and his consort Gauri. Yes, Gauri who became Mother Kali.


Czechs, Czechoslovakia, Czestochowa, and dozens of other names originate from the Sanskrit term Shaka. It was a pre-Christian, ancient most Vedic Aryan race of warriors. Due to the hasty behaviour of a younger princess of a mighty yogi, the entire clan was transferred to the Daitya clan, because they were mostly known for their rude and egoistic interactions. Around 3000 BCE the Shaka, as a branch of the Daitya clan, ruled this part of Europe. It included the entire central Europe. Saxenas of India (from another branch of which Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was born), Saxons of Europe and Anglo-Saxons of Britain are parts of the same clan.


So dear friends, your Czechoslovakia seems to be a perverted form of the Sanskrit term Shakaslovkiya, which means the ancestral domain of the Slovak race of Shakas. All the Slav ending names of persons or places have a meaningful Sanskrit origin.


The leader of the Slav region, such as Yasusi Akashi can easily be traced out by any ordinary Sanskrit knower as a perverted form of yasasvi meaning, well-accomplished in his mission, and the other word means, divine born. Dushane originates from the Mahabharata character Dussasana. The term poznal is pashyanti, it means looking.




France was converted into Christianity only 1500 years ago. Before that, for thousands of years it was a country of the Vedic civilization of Intergalactic culture. What are the evidences?


On a wall alongside a road leading to the Eiffel Tower is a stone tablet inscribed with the first chapter of the Srimad Bhagvatam, written in 3000 BCE in Sanskrit, on which I am writing a commentary, three-fourths are almost done in about 1600 pages. I did not go to France to copy the texts. It is right here in India and throughout India in an ancient library.


The ancient name of France is Gaul. This word stems from the Vedic wise man Sage Gaulav; his wonderful stories are described in the Galactic Chronicles. Sharing his cosmic understanding on the bank of the River Seine, he ran a Vedic university. You can read about this wise man in the Galactic Chronicles of India written 3000 BCE. The word France emanates from Friar. In Sanskrit it is pravarance, meaning, where the assemblage of cosmic- conscious wise men are often held.


In their remote antiquity, the Druid wise men were descendants of Sage Gaulav. His friend Sage Kashyap had his Vedic seminars on the shores of the Caspian Sea. His friend Atri had his Vedic University, the Vedic Vatica, which is now called the Vatican. His land became famous as Atruria, now Italy. His friend Pulestin lived in Palestine. Historian Franz Cumont goes in great detail.


The name Sebesio is a mispronunciation of Namah Shivesh like Om Namah Shivay. It was a centre of Shiva worship.


Cannes was founded around a temple of Saturn. That huge cathedral stands on the bricks of the ancient Saturn temple.


Strabo says Marseilles had a protective wall all around it. It was inhabited around a temple of Delphin Apollo, a Sun God temple in Sanskrit, it was called Marichalayas, and that later turned into Marseilles.


Le Mans, in the west of Paris, is inhabited after Manu the Great (the first educator of humanity).


In the Roman civilization, Paris is called Parisorium, a corrupt form of Parmesvariyam. It means universal supreme mother On the banks of the River Seine there used to be a famous temple of Divine Mother---known as Parmesvariyam. During the Etruscan civilization it was mispronounced as Parisorium. After the Roman civilization it ended up being called as Paris. Please educate yourself with the six volumes of literature on Divine Mother by Swami Shyamnendra.


Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris was converted into a Christian church only in 1200 AD. .After being pounced on, forced, and massacred brutally by the Roman troops, the sacred descendents of the mighty Sage Gaulav, the ancestors of the French people, lost their Vedic dignified heritage and at gun-point and were converted into Christianity. Their goddess is now costumed as a Christian goddess. All over the cathedral you may see the various geometrically styled patterns of squares, hexagons, octagons, and circles with 12, 24 spokes. These are yantras, compulsory in Divine Mother’s meditation. For an explanation see the book “Aghora I, II, III” by Robert E.Svoboda, or see my six volumes of Goddess-Consciousness.


The apparently meaningless French words will tell you the fantastic meanings if you look into the Sanskrit origin of that word with the help of “Panini’s Grammar”.


Christianity has no opening for the zodiacal signs or astrology, but in the Notre Dame Cathedral all of them have been artfully drawn. It is relevant only in the Vedic context where they are signals of specific luck-boosts, or disasters such as an outbreak of karmas from past lives, as well as future indications.


Julius Caesar, the Roman General recorded Gaul’s claim to be descendents of Dispater. In Sanskrit it means Prajapati Kashyap. Caesars Godfrey and Tacitus agree that it was the French language, which was spoken in France, Britain, Spain and Portugal.


There are so many forgeries in the European’s history, in memoirs, and in the architectural monuments.


Most of the ancient masterpiece buildings, authorship’s alleged to be Moslem or Christian, precede the era 711 AD such as Notre Dame, Cordoba, Alhambra, Azhara and Seville, Toulouse Muni, Sorbonne, Versailles, and Cannes. The great Indian historian Mr. P. N. Oak tells us they have a Vedic origin with a sacred temple at the centre, which used to be visited with great reverence by the inhabitants of the surrounding countries.


Even Joan of Arc gets her name from Sanskrit. Arc signifies the Sun God.


If you are interested in more details please order for a 60-minute audio tape by Swami Shyamendra Paramhansa giving discourses on the True History of France in Intergalactic Culture




If you are the chosen people of God as the Bible says, or if you have written this in your Bible, then where shall I sit? How shall I exist? Because I am an Aryan and Germany is the nation of Aryans, and the history has proved that the Aryans are the supreme race of humanity. Therefore the only way for me to exist is holocaust.


That is how Adolph Hitler thought. Definitely he was completely wrong and he misunderstood. He did not know how to live wisely, because Aryan is not a race but a way of life in absolute freedom inherent in the wisdom. He should have decided to attain the wisdom of the Vedas.


Although Hitler miserably failed to do so, the modern-day Germans are doing very well in search of the wisdom of the Vedas. Throughout the world it is the Germans that are very much interested in the Sanskrit studies, which leads to the Vedic culture, it is in their blood, because before the Christian invasion in Germany that land was steeped in the Sanskrit language and the Vedic culture, and remember well, the very culture is one piece of the Intergalactic culture.


A great German scholar, Max Mueller, settled in Oxford, England. He published the modern edition of the Rig Veda. On its front page he introduces himself---


“Maya sarman desa jatena gotirtha nivasina. Moksamular namna”


It means, this ancient Rig Veda is being published by me born in the Sherman State at present living in the holy bull-related sacred place. His identification of the German nation as the Sherman nation is very interesting. Even today the pundit or the scholar class of India uses Sherman as their last name. There will be at least Sherman’s in India now.


Its ancient name Prussia is pure Sanskrit. It means inhabitants of the best sages. Another name Deutsche land informs us: observing its panoramic beauty, the Daitya Prince Prahlad after his coronation, or even his father known in the Srimad Bhagvatam as Daitya raja, may have had it for his woodland sport resort. Since then it may have been referred to as Daitya land. In course of time it was mispronounced as Deutsche land. The term Titan also denotes Daityan in Sanskrit.


In a newspaper dated August 31, 2000 it was reported that the remains of a huge temple have been discovered in East Germany near a town named Delistic. The newspaper said it is older than the Stone Age, around about 5000 BCE.


A Greek writer Tacitus writes, “The first habit of the Germans is ablution. They wear loose flowing robes; long braided hair tied in a knot at the top of the head.” This is so similar to a Vedic Brahman and the wandering holy men you can still see in India.


Even today, six old statues have been found upon the confines of the vait land in Germany-seven feet high, barefoot, head covered with a Greek style hood, script by their side. They were holding a book and a Diogenes staff, eyes directed to the earth, looking firm and free in their vows. It seems vait land must have been known in those days as Vedas land. These wise men were Druids who in fact were Dravid Vedic wise Brahmins. They still live in south India but their descendents have really become a pain in the neck for the Indian government, because when the British left, they did a big mess, the most idiotic perversion of history of India, to which no efforts have been done even to this day to correct it. The British appointed Advida, wife of Lord Mount Baton, to impress J. L. Nehru through sex to divide the country in as many groups as possible. Since then the Muslims, Sikhs, primitives, and Dravids started fighting with the Hindus, the descendents of the main Vedic streams. The myth of the Aryan invasion theory put the Dravids against the Aryans calling them invaders trying to claim the country.


Under the same spell of brainwash, Nehru the first prince of India and his party did not erase the mess of the history. Finally, with the Bharatiya Jananta Party assuring the welfare of Hindus, same as Prime Minister Vajpayee got too many pains in his head that he has not been able to accomplish it, what to speak of rewriting India’s history which could possibly be a true history of our whole planet.


The Dravidas, who under the spell of the old British brainwash, now consider themselves separate and keep fighting with the descendents of their own disciples stamping them as Aryan invaders, who were indeed wise men called Vedic seers-the rishis and maharishis. Going to the west they were called Druids. These statues belong to them.


Nazis, the fiercely patriotic party of Germany, chose the Swastika for their party’s symbol. It was well used as a popular righteous symbol throughout pre-Christian Europe. For proof you can go and see that Spain, Greece, and every country of Europe have had relics bearing the Swastika. In Sanskrit, the Swastika means the emblem of well being. It is symbolic of the sun, the earth, the cosmos, in a constant mystic, dynamic whirl. Spheres but not spherical--it has clefts to keep it in a constant dynamic motion with wind power. It is therefore a symbol of karma and constant action in consonance with the whirling cosmos. In the ancient Daityas’ and demigods’ war, since both were Aryans, the Daityas used the visual forked swastika for a war symbol. In Germany, as its patterns come from the Daityas, the Nazis chose the same.


The evidence of the Vedic empire in Germany, places names deriving from the name Lord Rama, the Vedic Divine incarnation, abounds aloud all over Germany. For example, Ram stein means Ram’s spot. The German name Heinemann is really the most beloved desire-fulfilling deity of India called Hanumanji. For details see my 388 page book The Life Story of Hanumanji.


If you look into the Lowen-hertz legend in German literature you will find the surprising survival of the European version of the Vedic Ramayana. For details see my 1000 page book American Ramayana.


Just as invaders poison the water and food reservoirs of their victim nations, in the same way the Christian invaders of Germany have confused things of the knowledge all over.


All words of burgs are durgs means forts, all danke words are mispronunciations of dhanya meaning thanks. Maan stands for the Sanskrit word Manav, humanity.


Outside Vaihingen near Ludwisberg in West Germany, the treasure trove of a chariot was discovered in 1978. It is exactly as warriors used 5000 years ago in the Mahabharata times in India. It belonged to a 600 BCE Celtic chieftain. The gold jewellery, coach, bronze plates, weapons and fabrics all match with the description in our 125,000 verse book which I have presented as The Fantastic World War of Antiquity. Even the gold goblets and the bronze vessels are decorated with figures of lions as they proudly called themselves as Richard the lion-hearted. “They are very similar to Etruscans,” a Bonn University professor said. That means Italy too had a Vedic culture.


Similarly a chieftain corpse covered with gold and wealth was discovered in a mound in Hochdorf Ville near Stuttgart in West Germany. It was 2500 years old.


The German last name Kuhr derives from Kurus. During the world conquest by Arjuna before the Asvamedha Yajna 5000 years ago, some of the warriors settled in Germany. They are those. Prince Arjuna was born in the Kuru dynasty.


Herr as in Herr Hitler is of Vedic origin. Even to this day when a devout Hindu takes a bath in the holy Ganga he or she shouts, “Har Har Ganga.” When they go to the Shiva temple, they chant, “har har mahadev” or “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.”

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