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Sri Ramanuja Journal Volume 4, Issue 5

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*Thai, Vyaya

Azhvar 4, Acharya 5 *


> *

> SrImathE rAmAnujAya namaH*


> *

> SrImathE varavaramunayE namaH*




> **


> *In this month of the divine birth of Sri Kurugai kAval appan, let us

> experience his divine work of*


> *mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi Thaniyan as explained by Sri PiLLai LOkam jEyar*


> *mrugE vishAka sambhootham nAdhamowni padhAsritham *


> *jnAna yOgAthi sampannam kurukAtyakshamAsrayE*


> **


> *Thai vishAkam-KurukaikAvalappan*


> **


> *"SeerArum mAda thirukkOvaloor adhanul*


> * kArAr karumugilai kAnappukku-OrAth*


> * thirukkandE nendruraiththa seerAn kazhalE*


> * vuraik kaNdAi nenjE vugandhu"*


> *MUNRAm thiruvandhAdhi - Thaniyan*


> **


> *This thaniyan was rendered by a shisya of swamy nathamunikal,

> kurukaikavalappan, one who learned the bhakthi yoga rahasya from swamy

> nathamunikal. The first three azhvars namely poigai, bhoodham, and

> peiAzhvars have the qualities of parabhakthi, parajnAna and paramabhakthi

> predominantly gleaming in them respectively and thereby had the special

> vision to enjoy the bhagavat sAkshAtkaram (divinity in front of their eyes).

> All three were so deeply immersed in enjoying the divine qualities of

> sriyapathi that they all got completely detached from the worldly affairs..

> All 3 due to divine grace of Sriman Narayana met at thirukkOvaloor and

> among them the one born in "mAdamAmayilai" and named as "mahadhAhvayar"and the one who has reached the ultimate paramabhakthi state sung with

> utmost devotion the divyaprabandham, moondrAm thiruvandhAdhi starting with '

> thirukkandEn' visualising the divine beauty of the divine couples in front

> of him and elaborating the same to one and all. 'Oh! Mind constantly

> meditate on the divine feet of that great mahan instructs kurukaikavalappan

> to his mind in this thaniyan.*


> **


> *(seerArum mAda thirukkOvaloor) "seerERum maRaiyAlar niRaindha selvath

> thirukkOvaloor " [periya thirumozhi 2-10-8]. Here he is referring to the

> place Thirukkovalur, which is rich in tradition and culture and filled with

> palaces that host scholars and righteous pious persons.*


> *The other meaning being - Since it is an abode of 'kOvalan who is Ayan'

> [King who is a cowboy]-it is called as thirukkOvaloor. Thereby the place

> has both bhagavata and bhagavat sambhandam (The adjective refers to

> bhagavatas and the noun refers to bhagavan)*


> *(voor) 'thAnugandha'oor – place cherished by emperuman. Since the lord

> enjoyed joining the mudal azhvars in the edaikazhi (corridor) along with his

> consort and from that day remains in archa roopam showing various kalyana

> gunas to the world.*


> **


> *(adhanuL) Why did he enjoy squeezing himself along with the mudal azhvars

> in the corridor?*


> * Inside resided a rishi who was a sadhanAntaraparan (one who believed in

> doing sadhana-tapas to attain the lord);*


> *Outside were the samsaris-prayOjanAntaraparam (those who came to the lord

> to fulfill their wishes);*


> *Mudal azhvars didn't fall into both the above categories. They are

> ananyasAdhanar (sriman Narayana is the only means) and ananyaprayojanar

> (Sriman Narayana is the only goal). They believed Lord Sriman Narayana to

> be the upaya (way) and upEya (goal). So emperuman cherished joining them,

> even though the place was hardly sufficient for a person to lie down.*


> **


> *(adhanuL kAnappukku) In such a special place they had a special darshan.

> How were they able to see in such darkness? With the help of the light

> "vayyakadhirOn vilakkAga" (mudal thiru-1) "nanburugi jnAnasudar ERRinEn"

> (erandam thiru-2) *


> *"varuththum puRaviruL mARRa empoigaipiran maRaiyin kuruththin poruLaiyum

> senthamizh thannaiyum kootti, ondRath thiriththu andrEriththa thiruvillakkai"

> (iramanusa nooRRandhAdhi-8)*


> *"eraivanai kAnum edhayath thirulkeda jnAnamennum niRivilakkERRiya

> bhoodhath thiruvadi" (iramanusa nooRRandhAdhi-9)*


> **


> *Thereby the first 2 azhwars removed the outside (worldly darkness) and

> inside darkness (darkness of the mind-ignorance) by singing the first 2

> andhAdhis that has been collectively reiterated by thiruvarangaththamudhanar

> in his iramanusa nooRRandhAdhi.*


> **


> *Since darkness was removed, peyazhvar had a clear vision.*


> **


> *(kArAr karumugilai kAnappukku) "mazhai mugilE pOlvAn thannai seeraNgu

> marai alar niRaindha selva thirukkOvalooradhanuL kandEn" (per.thirumozhi2-10-10) says kaliyan.

> Similar to kaliyan's anubhavam the mudal azhvars also wished to have

> divine darshan of the lord (a black hued cloud) ready to shower rain. They

> found shelter in this place to escape from the lowkika rain and ultimately

> landed in the darshan of alowkika kamAmruthavarshi- great shower of divine

> grace – kAlamEgam (black cloud)*


> **


> *Peyazhvar expresses the same in his paasurams:-*


> *"polindiruNda kArvAnil minnE pOl thOndri malindhu thiruvirundha mArban"

> (moondram thiruvandhAdhi-57)*


> **


> *(kAnappukku) "Angu arumbi kaNNeer sOrindhu anbhu koorum adiyavarkatku

> AramudhmAnAn tannai thirukkOvaloor adhanuL kandEn nAnE" (per.Thiru.

> 2-10-4) as per the above words, azhvar a devotee filled with love and

> affection stepped into the divine experience of divine darshan.*


> **


> *(thirukkOvalooradhanuL kArAr karumugil) "kurunkudiyulmugil"

> (thirunedunthandakam-17) similar to the kalamEgam (dark cloud) in

> thirukkurunkudi this is also a cloud that showers rain of grace.*


> **


> *(kArAr karumugil) The dark clouds indicate rain and so does the dark

> color of emperuman's thirumEni, ever waiting to shower unconditional grace

> on one and all.*


> **


> *(kAnappukku) "endrEnum katkaNNal kANaththagAdhadhAgaiyAlE, nenjennum

> vutkaNNal kAnappugundhu" says nammazhvar in periya thiruvandhadhi-28

> [being ineligible to see you with my eyes I try to see you inside my heart]

> *


> **


> *(OrA) Kept on reiterating the wish to see the lord and thereby meditated

> on the same and,*


> **


> *(thirukkandEnendruraiththa) Immersed in the divine anubhavam, the joy

> azhvar experienced poured down as paasurams starting with 'thirukkaNdEn' to

> uplift all of us. The first two lighted lamps removed the darkness and

> the third enjoyed the fruit of darshan. The first two were in the state

> of jnAna and bhakthi and the third in the state of sAkshAtkAram.*


> *"manniya pEriruL mAndapin kOvalul mAmalarAL tannOdu mAyanai kAndamai

> kAttu tamizhthalaivan" (erAmAnusa nooRRandhAdhi-10) says amudhanar.*


> **


> *(seerAn kazhalE) The sripadham (divine) of one who is sriman (pEyAzhvar)

> due to enjoying the sriman (Sriman Narayana) who is always with 'sri'

> (piratti). PeyAzhvar is the only azhvar who started his prabhandam with

> thiru and ended with thiru.*


> **


> *(vuraikaNdAi nenjE vugandhu) Like azhvar elaborating his divine darshan,

> oh! Mind you also elaborate your divine darshan of azhvar.*


> *"yatthi manasA dyAyathi tat vAchA vadhathi" [what you think in mind, say

> the same with your mouth]*


> *(nenjE vugandhu) Oh! My mind you support me in bhagavat/bhagavata

> matters.*


> *"mana Eva manushyAnAm kAranam bhanda mOkshayO:" says Vishnu puranam

> 6-7-28 [Mind plays the major role in leading us to moksha or samsara]

> Instead of pushing me into samsaram you make me feel the goodness in

> bhagavat/bhAgavata vishayam*


> **


> *(vugandhu vurai) stepping one step higher than bhagavat vishayam, since

> you are talking bhAgavata vishayam talk with pride.*


> *"vuRREn vugandhu paNiseidhu" (thiruvai 10-8-10)*


> *"tanimAth deivaththu adiyavarkku eninAm AlAgavE esaiyumkol voozhi

> thOroozhi OvAdhE" (thiruvasiriyam3 ]*


> **


> *Conclusion: Those srimans who had bhagavat sAkshAtkAram and have given

> the same in words for the pleasure of the samsaris, their divine feet have

> to be celebrated and honoured always concludes the thaniyan*


> **


> *Kurukaikavalappan thiruvadigalE sharaNam*


> *Pillailokam Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam*


> **


> **


> *Vara Vara Muni dasargaL*


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