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Srila Prabhupäda, what pleases you the most???

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Devotee: "We would like to know what would please you the most."


Prabhupada's reply was brief and to the point.


"Understand Bhagavad-gita and

Srimad-Bhagavatam, become perfect and distribute this knowledge to your

fellow countrymen.":pray:


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Sunday, 25 April 1976



(From "The Great Transcendental Adventure")

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Love God with our whole minds words and deeds and others as ourself. Where have I heard that before? This is the essence of religion that transcends all rites and rituals and even jnana and renounciation. This is the real platform of Vaisnavism that leaves squabbling over beliefs between one sampradaya & another and one religion and another in the dust.


Unfortunately I have no taste for such love.

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Love God with our whole minds words and deeds and others as ourself. Where have I heard that before? This is the essence of religion that transcends all rites and rituals and even jnana and renounciation. This is the real platform of Vaisnavism that leaves squabbling over beliefs between one sampradaya & another and one religion and another in the dust.


Unfortunately I have no taste for such love.


I humbly beg to disagree with your concluding sentence, Theist Prabhu. You wouldn't be here if you didn't have the taste!

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I humbly beg to disagree with your concluding sentence, Theist Prabhu. You wouldn't be here if you didn't have the taste!


You are generous but I know the truth. No humility here. I am getting tired of suffering and I can sense a solution in this Krsna consciousness. I just balk at the idea of eternal surrender to Krsna. It's a major hurdle but the alternative is more suffering. I feel like a cornered rat.

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