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brajeshwara das

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Can anyone describe the different kinds of karma?

hare krishna!

please clarify the question......

as per my knowledge what ever a person does becomes a karma and every karma bears its fruits unless its done with out expecting the results or submitting it to the lord. In gita karma yoga is explained beautifully by the lord...go through it. sivananda.org also has a very good article about karmas and its results.

hare krishna

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There are three types of karma: Kriyamana, Prarabdha, and Sanchita. Sorry for copy/pasting from Wikipedia, but this was my quikest source of definitions. I thought this may be a subject where I have a lot to learn so here it is:


Kriyamana karma, in Hinduism, is the karma that human beings are creating in the present, the fruits of which will be experienced in the future. Kriyamana having the root kri, comes from the same root as karma suggesting action. Kriyamana karma is the karma we create either consciously or unconsciously in this current lifetime. It is the most vital of karma as it is that which we have volitional affect upon. Sanchita as well as Pralabda refers to karma already sown whereas Kriyamana creates the affects of the future. It is kriyamana karma that gives the potential to create a life different from the patterns of the past.


In Hinduism, sanchita karma is one of the three kinds of karma. It is the sum of one's past karmas – all actions (good and bad) from one's past life follow through to the next life.


Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the sanchita karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. prarabdha karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the sanchita karma

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Part of: Holland, June 7, 2001

Tridandiswami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

Aranya Maharaja: Srila Gurudeva is clarifying this point. One person is a mayavadi, following Sri Sankaracarya's conception that nirvisesa-brahma is the supreme Absolute Truth. Those who have that conception are offenders, aparadhis. Those who realize the brahma-jyoti, like Sukadeva Gosvami, are not making any offence to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If anyone is absorbed in that effulgence which is coming form Krsna, what will be the result? Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda koti/ kotisv asesa-vasudhadi-vibhuti-bhinnam (Brahma-Samhita 5.40). If anyone will meditate on that brahma, all his aprarabdha karma will be destroyed. Aprarabdha karma, the results of the activities performed in previous lives and which are not yet fructified, will disappear. However, his prarabdha karma, the results of fruitive activities that are fructifying right now in the form of this material body, remains. The body that we have now is our prarabdha karma, and this ! prarabdha karma will not be destroyed by meditation on brahma.

Srila Narayana Maharaja: They will have to taste all the fruits of previous activities that are in this body. Other karmas, like aprarabdha and kuta, will all be destroyed, but they will have to taste this prarabdha karma..

Aranya Maharaja: Krsna's name is so powerful. Apaiti nama! sphuranena tat te, prarabdha-karmeti virauti vedah. Throughout the Vedas it has been explained that at the very moment krsna-nama appears on the tongue of the chanter, all karma -- past, present, future, and even this prarabdha karma, is all totally destroyed.

Srila Narayana Maharaja: But there is something more. Apaiti nama! spuranena tat te. It must actually be the name. In other words it must be suddha-nama, the pure name, chanted without any offence. If that pure name is not coming, but rather nama-abhasa and especially nama-aparadha are there, you will have to taste the fruits of prarabdha karma. On the other hand, if the pure name is coming, that is called sphuranena. Spuranena is the revelation of Krsna as His name.



atah sri-krsna-namadi

na bhaved grahyam indriyaih

sevonmukhe hi jihvadau

svayam eva sphuraty adah

(Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234)


Sphuratyada has the same meaning as spuranena. Krsna is directly revealed as His name. That pure name will come by a certain process, and the first step in that process is sadhu-sanga, association with self-realized devotees. Then, by sadhu sanga, something of tattva, philosophical established truths, will be understood, and then one will realize why he should be initiated and how the desire to serve Krsna can be fulfilled.

Guru-nistha, faith in guru, is essential for this, but how will guru-nistha come? It will come by accepting a high class of devotee and taking real diksa. By that factual diksa, di -- divya-jnanam, a thick relation with Krsna, will come. At that time all tattvas, like krsna-tattva, jiva-tattva, maya-tattva, bhakti-tattva, and all other tattvas, will be known. At that time all kinds of 'ksa', bad things like offences, worldly attachments, sense gratification and so on will go away by this quality of name. Also at that time, one serves gurudeva in a visrambha mood. Visrambha mood means lokika sada-bandhuvat, serving gurudeva as an intimate friend, and accepting him as one's very heart.

By such chanting of harinama, the pure name will come automatically, and at that time prarabdha karmeti virauti vedah. Prarabdha karma will disappear. If prarabdha karma goes away, however, at once the body will die. Therefore, by Krsna's arrangement the body does not die. It the body dies, how will one practice bhakti-yoga? The body does not die, but if any illness comes to the devotee, or any good or bad events, it will be by the wish of Krsna. It is given to develop his Krsna consciousness. It is not due to his karma. The karma of Bharata was not his prarabdha karma or any other karma. It was the wish of Krsna Himself.

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