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Regulative Principles Mandatory?

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Hecheln Sie und Jeckle


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Hecheln Sie und Jeckle, wenn Sie "die Katze zähmen"



Hecheln Sie und Jeckle war eine theatrical Karikatur- Reihe, die von Paul Terryverursacht wurde und durch sein eigenes Studio, Terrytoons freigegeben war. Die Buchstaben waren ein Paar identische magpies, die ruhig ihre Feinde in der Weise des Wanzen Häschens überlisteten, beim Beibehalten eines boshaften Streifens erinnernd vom waldigen Specht. Ihre Namen wurden durch Robert Louis Stevenson 's berühmte Novelle merkwürdiger Fall von Dr. Jekyll und von Herrn Hyde angespornt.

Ein magpie sprach mit einem britischen Akzent, während das andere mit einem Brooklyn Dialekt sprach, obgleich es genau unsicher ist, das Buchstabe war, welches. Einige Quellen erklären, daß Jeckle das britische war, möglicherweise durch Verbindung mit dem britischen Familiennameen "Jekyll", verbunden mit der Annahme, daß ein Bewohner von Brooklyn wahrscheinlicher sein konnte ", hecheln Sie" jemand. Andere sagen, daß sie das Entgegengesetzte gerecht waren. Beide Buchstaben wurden zu den unterschiedlichen Zeiten durch Dayton Allen,Sid Raymond,Roy Halee,Ned Funken und aufrichtiges Welker geäußert.<sup id="_ref-0" class="reference">[ 1 ]</sup><sup id="_ref-1" class="reference">[ 2 ]</sup> da die Vögel zu nie sich namentlich sprachen, dort war ursprünglich keine offensichtliche Auflösung zur Frage, von der war, welches. In 1978's hecheln die neuen Abenteuer der mächtigen Maus und u. führtesich Jeckle jedoch die Vögel namentlich in den offenen Blankokrediten ein; in dieser Version hecheln Sie hatte den Brooklyn Akzent und Jeckle das britische.

Die ersten die hecheln und Jeckle Karikatur, die 1946 ,das Letzte 1966 erstaufführt wird. In Filmation' s Spumco mächtige Mäuse- Reihe in ihrem eigenen Segment.

Hecheln Sie und Jeckle hatte ihren eigenen komischen Buch- Titel für einige Jahre.


Im September von 1998, das Duo ein Miniaturaussehen in der Episode des Simpsons "den Zauberer von der immergrünen Terrasse" als Teilnehmer Homer Simpsons des Selbst-vorgestellten Begräbnisses gebildet. Die magpies hatten den folgenden Dialog:

Hecheln Sie: "jetzt geht ein realer Beutel des Misten."

Jeckle: "unzweifelhaft."


[redigieren Sie], Hinweise



  1. ^ "hecheln und das Jeckle Erscheinen". Zurückgeholt auf 2006-12-15.
  2. ^ Karikaturstimme, Schauspieler Sid Raymond tot. CNN / AP (2006-12-11). Zurückgeholt auf 2006-12-15.

[redigieren Sie], externe Verbindungen



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Kategorien: Lebhafte Buchstaben | Fiktive passerine Vögel | Terrytoons

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Hecheln Sie und Jekyll sind definitiv eifrige Anhänger. Bhaktas ya! :crazy2:

Beggar, enough of this Germanic Nazi-Facist drivel! No surprise that you are cozying up to the DVD fanatics and Rtviks. Where there is joke there is smoke and your jokes have taken a turn into the deepest depths of ignorance.

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I think theist was saying it is Bhakta and Bhakta, a little humor. You guys are a team, nearly twins in your preaching of daiva varnashram dharma (I'm resisting shortening it to DVD from here on out ;) )

Yeah that's it. Bhaktatraveler and Bhakta Devarsi.


Bhakta and Bhakta Magpies.


Hey you guys don't seem to pull punches when you want to call me names so I figured a little lite humor wouldn't be too out of order.You're big birds now you can take it.


In case the magpie referrence flies past you:


<table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="magpie" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="magpie" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Dictionary" type="hidden"> <select style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;" name="jump" size="2" onchange="document.entry.submit(this.form)"> <option>magpie[1,noun] </option><option>magpie[2,adjective] </option></select><input name="list" value="magpie[1,noun]=688316;magpie[2,adjective]=688337" type="hidden"></td><td valign="top"> <input value="Go" type="submit"></td></tr></tbody></table> Main Entry: <sup>1</sup>mag·pie audio.gif

Pronunciation: <tt>'mag-"pI</tt>

Function: noun

Etymology: Mag (nickname for Margaret) + <sup>1</sup>pie

1 : any of various birds (especially Pica pica) related to the jays but having a long graduated tail and black-and-white or brightly colored plumage


2 : a person who chatters noisily

3 : one who collects indiscriminately

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German, the official language of Western Ksatriyas.

Deutscher, die Amtssprache von Westksatriyas.

So Get used to it!!!




Von Wikipedia die freie Enzyklopädie


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<!-- start content --> Dieser Artikel ist über den Vogel. Für anderen Gebrauch sehen Sie Magpie (Disambigusierung).

<table style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0.5em 1em; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 50%; position: relative; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; clear: right; width: 200px;" border="1" cellpadding="0"> <tbody><tr style="text-align: center;"> .... style="background: pink none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"><map name="ImageMap_1" id="ImageMap_1"><area href="http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=en_de&trurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fWikipedia%3aHow_to_read_a_taxobox" shape="rect" coords="0,0,50,50" alt="Wikipedia:How, zum eines taxobox zu lesen" title="Wikipedia:How, zum eines taxobox zu lesen"> </map> Information-silk.png

Magpie.....> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> <td>250px-Magpie.arp.750pix.jpg




Europäisches Magpie</small>


</td> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> .... style="background: pink none repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"> Wissenschaftliche Klassifikation.....> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> <td> <table style="margin: 0pt auto; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 50%; text-align: left; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;" cellpadding="2"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td>Königreich:</td> <td> Animalia

</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Phylum:</td> <td> Chordata

</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Kategorie:</td> <td> Aves

</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Auftrag:</td> <td> Passeriformes

</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Familie:</td> <td> Corvidae

</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="pink"> ....> <center>Klassen</center> .....> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0pt 0.5em;">

</td> </tr> </tbody></table> Die magpies sind zu großem, häufig bunte und laute passerine Vögel der Krähe- Familie ,Corvidae mittlere. Die Namen 'Eichelhäher' und ' magpie ' sind bis zu einem gewissen Grad auswechselbar und nicht genau reflektieren das Entwicklungs- Verhältnis zwischen diesen Vögeln. Z.B. scheint das eurasische Magpie genauer auf dem eurasischen Eichelhäher als zum orientalischen blauen und grünen Magpies bezogen, während der blaue Eichelhäher nicht nah mit auch nicht zusammenhängt.

In Europa "Magpie" wird häufig durch englische Lautsprecher als Synonym für das europäische Magpie verwendet, da es keine anderen magpies Europa im äußeren Iberia gibt.

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If we are simply interested in promoting ouselves to Goloka, then it is not necessary. However, ISKCON is into preaching. This is the key. Because of the attempts to preach, we must do it.



Conversation 2/14/77 Mayapura

<font face="Tempus Sans ITC" size=4 color="red"><b>Prabhupada: No. Our position is different. We are trying to implement Krishna consciousness in everything. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally took sannyasa. He rejected completely material. Nishkincana. But we are not going to be nishkincana. We are trying to cement the troubled position of the... That is also in the prescription of Bhagavad-gita. We are not rejecting the whole society. Caitanya Mahaprabhu rejected everything, iha bahya. Rejected meaning, “I do not take much interest in this.” Bahya. “It is external.” He was simply interested in the internal, the spiritual. But our duty is that we shall arrange the external affairs also so nicely that one day they will come to the spiritual platform very easily, paving the way. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personality like that, they have nothing to do with this material world. But we are preaching. We are preaching. Therefore we must pave the situation in such a way that gradually they will be promoted to the spiritual plane, which is not required.</font></b>



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I am witnessing the amazing Kriyas going on in the minds of all who thought they knew something. They are spouting all sorts of gibberish, winking and nodding at their cronies, and then proclaiming that what they are ACTUALLY doing is just making fun of and mocking a couple bhaktas who are actually speaking clearly and backing up everything they say with the words of a Great Acharya, but this is lost on these squirming fellows who claim the 2 bhaktas are simply... spouting all sorts of gibberish and being cliquish.


Classic, psychological projection in the face of reality, even the mundane scientists have figured this one out. And yes I was a Psych major. long ago.


I would say that THIS is humorous, but I am not so insensitive. It is tolerable though, and I appreciate the purifcation behind it. Ha Ha. Lot's of fun, I have mud in my eye too, blah blah, now lets sober up and look like men before Ravana and his blue clad posse start closing down the main arteries and putting us in bread lines.


Hare Krsna

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Not many here see reforming iskcon as something worth spending their whole working on. We wish you well though in your endeavor to do so. But hopefully you will and you friends will see the necessity of leaving the nest and fly out on your own to make your own families as a result of your preaching efforts. All birds be they eagles sparrows or magpies must learn to fly on their own someday. As you grow bigger you must see the nest is too small to accomodate you present size.


Bhakta Devarsi,


You say you were a pysch major. If so it shouldn't be hard to understand the simple the analogy I want to make. The Ravanna that I am most interested in is the one that masquerades as me. Ravanna wanted to be the enjoyer of Ram's external consort Sita. Sita is Rama's pleasure potency. So out of envy and misdirected desire Ravanna wants to be the prime enjoyer of Krsna's energies. Sound familiar? This is the internal condition of every conditioned soul.


I see the ten heads of Ravanna as carrying the different faces, or masks of my false personna's. Do we not wear many different masks as we interact with the world? Sometimes we are masqurading as the sinner sometimes we wear the mask of a saint and there are innumerable combinations and varieties of masks that lie between these two extremes that we use also. These faces or masks represent our own mental states.


It is the heads that wear those masks that I choose to direct my fighting spirit towards. Therein lies my battlefield. Of ocurse there is the world outside of our minds that should be dealt with as well. So there I speak out against abortion and animal slaughter mainly and chime in on other issues as they arise. The internet is wonderful for this style of reaching out to people and showing how God consciousness relates to every aspect of our lives both internal and external.


Even in that field real success is hard to measure and I suspect very small but if we can turn one person away from participating in destructive acts and instead become attracted to the God conscious side then it is worth it.


When the whole world is on fire it is more important to save as many as you can from the fire and not waste time throwing little pails of water on the fire itself.


You have to see where best you can apply your energies to obtain the best results.

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If we are simply interested in promoting ouselves to Goloka, then it is not necessary. However, ISKCON is into preaching. This is the key. Because of the attempts to preach, we must do it.


Yes. ISKCON is a preaching movement, so we most do DVD as an integral part of our efforts to save ourselves and as many other conditioned souls as possible. This is the preaching, back to Godhead. All activies in conjuntion with the preaching are also preaching. It's all good. It's all sankirtan. That is the Gaudiya mood, as I understand from my limited ability.


My appeal is to Gaudiyas from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. Once we have done, other Vaisnava will follow I think. Then we hope to effect the non devotee community. All at the same time would be nicer.


Niskincana is another matter. But still the under lying motivation of DVD, to make the way easyer.


A major concern in all this is the regulative principles in conection with advancement. The simple is that Srila Prabhupada's example says it all......


Conv. 2/14/77


Prabhupada: Not that a sudra man is by force become a brahmana. You cannot improve. That is not possible. But even if he remains a sudra and does accordingly, he will get the same position as devotee. Sva-karmana tam abhyarcya sam... He’ll get the perfection. At the present moment the idea is: if one remains a sudra, then he cannot get perfection. No. Even a sudra can get perfection provided he does the work of a sudra perfectly.


(CB-r: No mention of 4 regs.)



Hari-sauri: For Krishna.


Prabhupada: Therefore why a sudra artificially should be a brahmana? Let them, let him remain a sudra, and if he follows strictly the rules and regulation of sudra, he’ll also be as good as a brahmana. The same example: Just like head is as important as my leg. It is not that because it is leg, it is less important than my head. And if you ask the head, “Do the work of a leg,” it is impossible. And if you ask the leg to work as a brain, that is impossible. Let him remain brain, let him remain leg, and do your duty and you become perfect.



In concideration of this revelation of reorganization, the preaching must change to reflect the direction Srila Prabhupada's explanations take ISKCON.


Sudra will follow differently from brahman. Still, he will get everything.......



Conv 4/20/74


(CB-r: this is abviously a continuation from previous days interest in DVD in ISKCON. On how now to understand implementation of this new addition to the paradigum.)



Mahamsa: Just like that devotee who was making garlands for Krishna.


Prabhupada: Yes.


Mahamsa: He is a devotee. He is not a sudra making garlands.


Prabhupada: No. He is not a ordinary gardener.


Pancadravida: Or that devotee who was making leaf bowls for worshiping the Ganges.


Prabhupada: Any engagement, any engagement for Krishna, he is Vaishnava. If he is under the guidance of his spiritual master and doing the business according to the direction, he is Vaishnava. He is above all these.


Pancadravida: A sudra, if he is working, he cannot take brahmana initiation, but he can take hari-nama, is that it?


Prabhupada: Just like sometimes our men, my devotee, they wash the cupboard. Does it mean he is a methar(?)? No. He can go to the Deity room also. He is not a methar(?) or sweeper. But sometimes we do that. So devotee is above all these consideration. But because there is management, they should appear as brahmana, as sudra, as kshatriya, like that.


sa gunan samatityaitan

brahma-bhuyaya kalpate

mam ca vyabhicarini

bhakti-yogena yah sevate

[bg. 14.26]


A devotee, because he is working as a sudra, he is not a sudra; neither he is a brahmana. He is already in the spiritual platform. But for management we have to do that. One can do the sudra’s work nicely—let him be engaged in that way. Why he should imitate?


Mahamsa: Does he get second initiation?


Prabhupada: Everything he will get.


Mahamsa: He gets.


Prabhupada: Yes. Second initiation means recognized: “Now he has become fully competent Vaishnava.” Just like master is teaching the servant, “Now you give massage in this way, this way.” But that does not mean he has become servant.


Pancadravida: What if the person working as sudra says, “I can do so much. I can...,”


Prabhupada: First of all, try to understand. A devotee is neither brahmana nor sudra. He may act like a sudra, but he is not sudra. He may act like a brahmana; he is not brahmana. He is Vaishnava. Just like gopis. The gopis, they are village cowherds women. They are, according to social construction, they are not very high class. They did not belong to the brahmana class. But their worship, method of worship, has been taken the highest. Ramya kacid upasana vrajavadhu-vargena. They were village girls, and practically their character was also not good. Because at dead of night they are going to Krishna. But why they have been taken as the most topmost devotee of Krishna? Because the love was so high class. It is the test, how much one has learned to love Krishna. That is wanted. Apparently he may appear as a brahmana, a sudra or vaisya. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. The only business is to see: sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adho... [sB 1.2.6]. Aiye. Hare Krishna. Jaya. That is wanted.



So who will preach like Prabhupada?



Hare Krsna, CB-r

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I will try my best to preach this way, especially now that Audarya Fellowship is allowing such nectar to permeate the internet, but first I need to purify myself, starting with this.


As far as Theists latest pontification towards my faulty self,



"It is the heads that wear those masks that I choose to direct my fighting spirit towards. Therein lies my battlefield. Of ocurse there is the world outside of our minds that should be dealt with as well. So there I speak out against abortion and animal slaughter mainly and chime in on other issues as they arise. The internet is wonderful for this style of reaching out to people and showing how God consciousness relates to every aspect of our lives both internal and external."

Well, if you had such introspective potencies, why do all those inner demons continue to take over your pen and allow you to diminish and belittle the efforts of those who are taking action according to the instructions of Srila Prabhupada according to their Varna, ie. Ksyatrias acting and organizing under his Iskcon-DVD banner. (Remember, one of the "purposes" of the Krsna Consciousness movement).


For instance, the Pratistha demon, don't know his proper name, who anguishes at needing to let others who back up all their "trivial efforts at reform" with Guru Sadhu and Sastra play in the sandbox that has your name written over 10000 times in its sand.


You say you speak out against abortion and animal slaughter, well how very humanitarian of you, I would be more impressed if you preached DVD to the people who were doing it so they might see how they DO NOT NEED TO in order to enjoy sensual gratification.


Look, just stop confronting me please, I take no pleasure in dismantling your ego, I got my own to deal with, but if you must persist, have at it. From now on your words will just echo in the hollow halls of I me and mine, and will go without reply from me as testament to how miniscule I perceive your actual threat to the progress of my Guru's mission. Though with statements like the one below, I doubt you will give up on this.



"Not many here see reforming iskcon as something worth spending their whole working on. We wish you well though in your endeavor to do so. But hopefully you will and you friends will see the necessity of leaving the nest and fly out on your own to make your own families as a result of your preaching efforts. All birds be they eagles sparrows or magpies must learn to fly on their own someday. As you grow bigger you must see the nest is too small to accomodate you present size."

How high up there are you anyway. I can barely see your face with all those clouds and angels circling your head!!


So here after tacitly grouping yourself with those "not many here" who see "reforming Iskcon" to be something spending their whole working on, you then SPEAK for all those "not many" by wishing such "reformer" people well.


A self appointed spokesman now? Who is that Dhanasura or one of his cronies puffin you up there?


Ah yes, everyone trying to follow the orders of Srila Prabhupada to see DVD in everyone as well as Supersoul and their Jiva spark, just fly away, do your own thing, that is a sign of Spiritual maturity. Let the Spirit of Iskcon be a fond memory, just like that kind but quirky little old Swami guy who tried so hard but just couldn't enlighten us enough.


But of course he left an OBVIOUS successor to his wisdom now didn't he Big Daddy?


Having fun yet?


I am actually starting to just now, thanks Babe.


Hare Krsna


your servant in the balance of things.


Bhakta Mark

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Hare Krsna Theist(?)


Please reply to the conversations posted, please and thank you.




That is a Ksyatria for ya.


Perhaps I underestimate Theist. Here I am thinking he needs a little time to lick his wounds, but apparently CB-R sees an adamantine shell of resiliency.


Either way, this is all Srila Prabhupada's doing as he is Supersoul y'know.


Hare Krsna

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Theist prabhu ... you got me wrong. Maybe I sent the wrong message by using the words "it must be done". I was only repeating the words of Srila Prabhupada that someone posted here.


Personally, just chanting regularly is difficult enough for me. Therefore, I just don't see myself being able to do anything for DVD. But I wish the DVD folks well. It's a good idea.


I am in agreement with you that for folks like myself, it would be better to focus our energies into trying to get our sadhana right first.





Not many here see reforming iskcon as something worth spending their whole working on. <font face="Monotype Corsiva" color="red" size=5><b>We wish you well though in your endeavor to do so</font></b>. But hopefully you will and you friends will see the necessity of leaving the nest and fly out on your own to make your own families as a result of your preaching efforts. All birds be they eagles sparrows or magpies must learn to fly on their own someday. As you grow bigger you must see the nest is too small to accomodate you present size.


Bhakta Devarsi,


You say you were a pysch major. If so it shouldn't be hard to understand the simple the analogy I want to make. The Ravanna that I am most interested in is the one that masquerades as me. Ravanna wanted to be the enjoyer of Ram's external consort Sita. Sita is Rama's pleasure potency. So out of envy and misdirected desire Ravanna wants to be the prime enjoyer of Krsna's energies. Sound familiar? This is the internal condition of every conditioned soul.


I see the ten heads of Ravanna as carrying the different faces, or masks of my false personna's. Do we not wear many different masks as we interact with the world? Sometimes we are masqurading as the sinner sometimes we wear the mask of a saint and there are innumerable combinations and varieties of masks that lie between these two extremes that we use also. These faces or masks represent our own mental states.


It is the heads that wear those masks that I choose to direct my fighting spirit towards. Therein lies my battlefield. Of ocurse there is the world outside of our minds that should be dealt with as well. So there I speak out against abortion and animal slaughter mainly and chime in on other issues as they arise. The internet is wonderful for this style of reaching out to people and showing how God consciousness relates to every aspect of our lives both internal and external.


Even in that field real success is hard to measure and I suspect very small but if we can turn one person away from participating in destructive acts and instead become attracted to the God conscious side then it is worth it.


When the whole world is on fire it is more important to save as many as you can from the fire and not waste time throwing little pails of water on the fire itself.


You have to see where best you can apply your energies to obtain the best results.

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Yes. ISKCON is a preaching movement, so we most do DVD as an integral part of our efforts to save ourselves and as many other conditioned souls as possible. This is the preaching, back to Godhead. All activies in conjuntion with the preaching are also preaching. It's all good. It's all sankirtan. That is the Gaudiya mood, as I understand from my limited ability.


I agree. karma-yoga with the fruits of ones labors going to propagate Krsna consciousness vs. one's own private sense gratification.



My appeal is to Gaudiyas from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. Once we have done, other Vaisnava will follow I think. Then we hope to effect the non devotee community. All at the same time would be nicer.


Well dovetailing one's activities with God's desire is the universal prescription that should be followed by all person's seeking growth in God consciousness.



Niskincana is another matter. But still the under lying motivation of DVD, to make the way easyer.


One can be a sannyasi in a business suit or working in a factory just by understanding Sri Isopanishad teachings on who is the only owner. No need for a formal sannyasa postion which is impractical in western society.



A major concern in all this is the regulative principles in conection with advancement. The simple is that Srila Prabhupada's example says it all......


Conv. 2/14/77


Prabhupada: Not that a sudra man is by force become a brahmana. You cannot improve. That is not possible. But even if he remains a sudra and does accordingly, he will get the same position as devotee. Sva-karmana tam abhyarcya sam... He’ll get the perfection. At the present moment the idea is: if one remains a sudra, then he cannot get perfection. No. Even a sudra can get perfection provided he does the work of a sudra perfectly.


(CB-r: No mention of 4 regs.)


Just because he doesn't mention something in one or two sentences of a conversation doesn't mean anything. It should not be taken as a license to speculate further on what is being said.




Hari-sauri: For Krishna.


Prabhupada: Therefore why a sudra artificially should be a brahmana? Let them, let him remain a sudra, and if he follows strictly the rules and regulation of sudra, he’ll also be as good as a brahmana. The same example: Just like head is as important as my leg. It is not that because it is leg, it is less important than my head. And if you ask the head, “Do the work of a leg,” it is impossible. And if you ask the leg to work as a brain, that is impossible. Let him remain brain, let him remain leg, and do your duty and you become perfect.[/quote


Same point again.




This no revelation to most here. It may be relevant in your iskcon organisation. Everyone working according to the qualities they have acquired under the three modes is basic Bhagavad-gita. It is iskcon that has set up this mindset of the need for someone to get different recognitions from the religious body as a sign of spiritual progression. From hare nama initiation, then brahmana, then sannyasa, then "guru", the the highest of them all sannyasa/guru/GBC member. Believe it or not many people actually have heard the message given as to the superior position of the sincere streetsweeper over the charleton meditataor (or those occupying any varity of ecclesastical posts)





The very odd thing is that you are presenting this like it is a new revelation or something that only a couple of you are clued into.That is not the case. The result of trying to make some formal recognition of the four varnas within iskcon will be just the opposite of what Srila Prabhupada is a advocating in the conversation above.


Srila Prabhupada is clearly pointing to the consciousness of devotional service as the transcendental equalizer as opposed to which type of work one engages in.


Youare using his quotes but are turning the meaning on it's head. The sannyasi needs to appreciate the equality of the pot washer to himself if they are both acting for krsna's pleasure. If the pot washer is acting for krsna's pleasure and the sannyasi is just acting as a sannyasi then the pot washer is superior and is the true vaisnava.

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Theist prabhu ... you got me wrong. Maybe I sent the wrong message by using the words "it must be done". I was only repeating the words of Srila Prabhupada that someone posted here.


Personally, just chanting regularly is difficult enough for me. Therefore, I just don't see myself being able to do anything for DVD. But I wish the DVD folks well. It's a good idea.


I am in agreement with you that for folks like myself, it would be better to focus our energies into trying to get our sadhana right first.


Please excuse me for not hearing you properly. We are definetly on the same page. I can agree that part of correcting our sadhana is accomplished by supporting preachers if not preaching ourselves."No man is an island solely unto ourselves."


However to try and introduce some formal caste system into society is a pipe dream at best. We need to just work according to our own propensities for Krsna's pleasure.

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The very odd thing is that you are presenting this like it is a new revelation or something that only a couple of you are clued into.That is not the case. The result of trying to make some formal recognition of the four varnas within iskcon will be just the opposite of what Srila Prabhupada is a advocating in the conversation above.


Srila Prabhupada is clearly pointing to the consciousness of devotional service as the transcendental equalizer as opposed to which type of work one engages in.


Youare using his quotes but are turning the meaning on it's head. The sannyasi needs to appreciate the equality of the pot washer to himself if they are both acting for krsna's pleasure. If the pot washer is acting for krsna's pleasure and the sannyasi is just acting as a sannyasi then the pot washer is superior and is the true vaisnava.



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Ok Adamantine Resilience.


That is OK, my sword is made of Prabhupadinium.



It may be relevant in your iskcon organisation.


That is HDG's Iskcon organization. Or did you forget already as you are so busy trying to start your own?



The very odd thing is that you are presenting this like it is a new revelation or something that only a couple of you are clued into.That is not the case. The result of trying to make some formal recognition of the four varnas within iskcon will be just the opposite of what Srila Prabhupada is a advocating in the conversation above.

The odd thing is how you can completely ignore all the evidence that Srila Prabhupada ordered formal recognition of the four varnas within Iskcon, over and over again. Maybe not so odd, as this seems perfectly in character at this point.


You still accuse of "trying" and equate that to Forcing, and then predict poor results. Just because you failed, your sour grapes are intoxicating your mind.



Srila Prabhupada is clearly pointing to the consciousness of devotional service as the transcendental equalizer as opposed to which type of work one engages in.

He also clearly advocates the literal enactment of what he preaches, just because you (among others trust me) can abstract the figurative symbolism does not negate my first point, only enhances it if one is fortunate.



Just because he doesn't mention something in one or two sentences of a conversation doesn't mean anything. It should not be taken as a license to speculate further on what is being said.

The quotes you cherry picked according to make this comment did not support the comment whatsoever. Your blade is rusty.


And finally shame on you for ending with this quote.



Youare using his quotes but are turning the meaning on it's head. The sannyasi needs to appreciate the equality of the pot washer to himself if they are both acting for krsna's pleasure. If the pot washer is acting for krsna's pleasure and the sannyasi is just acting as a sannyasi then the pot washer is superior and is the true vaisnava.

Which is such an out and out false accusation. You give absolutely no direct evidence that anyone turns the meaning of any quotes on their head, just your own speculative interpretation. Srila Prabhupada is preaching to the broad and the specific, including exact instructions while emphasising the transcendental. You act as if he was only speaking to those who could ALREADY understand the finest theistic conception in his preaching, which is a further indication of lack of understanding around where us commoners are at.




Hare Krsna

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