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Transcendental entertainment?

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brajeshwara das

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I can remember seeing The Band, Airplane, and the big show stopper...Michelle Shocked when I was visiting the Golden Gate Park. She was brilliant (carrying baby at the time). She had us all up dancing and singing and holding hands. http://www.michelleshocked.com/index.htm


There was only one bummer though... standing behind a man got angry at me and complained of not being able to see, because of 'my big head of hair'. Funny though...after the show he invited me back to his house for a bit of reminiscense. He lived in a terrace house just off Ashbury. He said times had changed over the years and the drug scene around the area had gotten a bit ugly.


I remember I was that keen to get to the park that day, to see the Band and Airplane...I was desperate not to miss a song. But I was running late. The bus stops where full of people as everyone was going there. So I thought what to do? So I stood out on the side of the busy city road and stuck my thumb out. Within in a minute a car stopped and offered a ride.


I was wrapped...the driver said..'I just had to stop and give you a lift..just to see what kind of crazy man would try and hitch a lift in the middle of a busy San Franscisco street?'. He was right...young and crazy. He drove me straight to the concert.


Just loved San Franscisco (considering before this I had never really left my small country town in Australia)...the Golden Gate Park is so nice. It was magic.

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Watched a few minutes of Baraka. It was very promising. Thank you. I hope it'll play at work.


They made Siddhartha into a movie. It is very mellow, but may sustain a wife's interest as it rolls through the modes of nature.


In my life, my two false egos have battled over domination of my soul: the penniless sitar player and the (rich but) Evil Maharaja. My soul had to chose between the two - fortunately I made the right decision, just as the heroine in "Moulin Rouge" does (or does she?). At the end of the flick, I quite literally burst into uncontrollable tears and sobbing in front of absolute strangers when I realized just how kind Krsna had been to me. It's a love story - a cilnical examination of love in outrageous humour and song. It is not for a sannyasi, but a wife would love it. It won the Oscar, but viewers either loved it or hated it. My conclusion was that lovers will love it.

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I really liked 'Beautiful Mind'. I am not much of a Russell Crowe fan but in this movie I forgot I was watching Russell.


It is a long long journey to come back from madness and this story bought tears to my eyes. Sometimes people have the intelligence to pull themselves out of the throws of schizophrenia. But I have seen some close friends who are still suffering in the grips of this. Unless one has encountered this illness they will never really know. I think the movie done a fair job of giving some insight to the mysteries of a 'Beatiful Mind'.

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I just noticed the part in Baraka where the go into the baby bird beak burning part, they play what sounds like the Other One by the Dead:


Spanish lady come to me, she lays on me this rose.

It rainbow spirals round and round,

It trembles and explodes

It left a smoking crater of my mind,

I like to blow away.

But the heat came round and busted me

For smilin on a cloudy day




Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' around, comin' around in a circle

Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' around, in a circle,

Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' around, in a circle.


Escapin' through the lily fields

I came across an empty space

It trembled and exploded

Left a bus stop in its place

The bus came by and I got on

That's when it all began

There was cowboy Neal

At the wheel

Of a bus to never-ever land




Devotee comes and gives me the Holy Name, the most precious gift, everything is within it and it blows my false ego to tatters. I realize no where in this material world can I be happy. I have to get off the wheel of birth and death and go back home. I began the journey in the association of the devotees 'on the bus' to Goloka Vrindaban. I'm not there yet, but I'm on my way.


Don't want to be a little chick with my beak burned off ever again. Nor the person that burns off the beak, kills the bird, cooks the meat, eats the flesh, or feels like they had a 'good meal.'

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Ok...I am coming out of the closet...


I just love the movie..'Brother Sun Sister Moon'. The soundtrack by Donovan is great, Francis is great, the story of entering the dark night of the soul and coming out into pristine light is great.


Maybe some may find this movie a bit soft around the edges...






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Ok...I am coming out of the closet...


I just love the movie..'Brother Sun Sister Moon'. The soundtrack by Donovan is great, Francis is great, the story of entering the dark night of the soul and coming out into pristine light is great.


Maybe some may find this movie a bit soft around the edges...







Dude, you're a big 'ol wimp :) Just kidding, I'll check it out!

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The first one that came to mind was a comedy called Bruce Almighty which starred Jim Carrey. I did not see but a few scenes, but I know it was about God.


That was pretty good, basically God gives a guy Godly powers and he quickly realizes he doesn't have the wisdom to use them, and wants his old limited self back. Pretty funny mostly, but not really a consciousness-builder. I wouldn't even say you need any faith in God to enjoy it. Kind of like Oh God from the 70'2, sort of.


I saw that there is a sequel with Steve Carell.

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What an era for robert hunter. Very sick humankind, "Spanish Lady" is the nickname for the horrid 1918 flu that killed the world. "You know he has to die". Whatta song underneath the song, as profound as "ring around the rosie" a description of pneumonic plague, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.


So we have a pocket of posies, this is "IT" for the other one.


brajeshwara das gives nice pourport of the riff change, the jam, the duel between jerry/bob vs. micky/bill. Put when the song slows again, and tim, pigpen, and phil come back in the room (from the smoky backstage area), the spanish lady greets us well in our demise.


Get on the bus, the first thing discovered after death is life. So she lays you down, the head explodes, and ya get on the bus.


I havent seen any of these movies, I just see cartoons lately, must be my age. Where is the cartoon review page. I got some, try this. Snow white does not become alive, after the prince comes, she says goodbye to the little dudes, and the palace they are headed for, in the last few frames, is extra-terrestrial, not on terra-firma, rather resting on the clouds. She had to die, but is alive.


My heroes, as taught by the cool cat (my 7YO daughter):


Little Lulu - Tank girl in pig tails

Powerpuff girls - Even bubbles by herself could whip superman, spidey, and the batster, and still have time for recess.

Sailor Moon - Mantra super-powers


Ive got many purports for this important and very profound art-form. Ive done cartoons here before, with my late friend, Srimati Jayaradhe dd.


Time for dragon tales, then sponge bob squarepants. Have a child when you are 49, only then can one really see the value of toon life.



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Hare Krsna!


Brother Sun Sister Moon is a spiritual classic.


So is Moulin Rouge, if you can see the transcendental reflected everywhere.

What high art, and ALL the main actors were completely in the zone.


And "Run Lola Run" is a watershed cinematic event in its own right on many levels.


Baraka is profound, but the baby chick scene is heavy, and may be bhasa for alot of purified souls, and quite alarming to children, be prepared to deal with the fall out.


And there is one of my all time favorites. The Man Who Planted Trees. Very hard to find, but don't worry, they probably play this movie in the Spiritual Sky.


Hare Krsna

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Mark, I'm with you on Brother Sun, Sister Moon. It's a great movie. Ditto The Man Who Planted Trees. I saw it years ago on PBS, and it was very moving--a story of what each of us can accomplish by our small but persistent efforts. Baraka is good, but the chick scene is just too much to bear. You referred to it as bhasa. That has become a typical ISKCON malapropism.


Bhasa means language. But I think you're using is in the sense that many devotees do: rasabhasa. That's actually two words combined: rasa and abhasa. Rasa means the taste we experience when all the elements of bhava interact, and abhasa means a shadow or semblance (as in namabhasa). So rasa-abhasa means something that may be taken as rasa but isn't in truth because some anomalies have intruded (or persist). I think it would be cool if, after all these years, devotees started using these terms more correctly. I don't mean this to chide you; this is just one of my pet peeves.


And I liked Run Lola Run, but I'd have to see it again (if I ever have time) to consider how it might be spiritual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Little Princess



This is a kids movie but excellent and features Rama and Sita as well!

Here is a review (not mine) quoted from the website link given above:



This film reminds you what life's all about. Emmanual Luzbeki's cinematography demands praise- it's so stunningly beautiful one wonders why he didn't win the oscar. Indeed, this film is flawlessly scripted, acted, and executed, it is perhaps the definitive example of how the Academy oftentimes nominates based on box-office receipts, and not based on merit. *$() braveheart, THIS movie was the best film of 1995. And should have been nominated. No other film makes me tear up or cry as much for its brutal honesty, it's uncliched tenderness, and heartfelt truth about those ultimately human truths- love, kindness, and the magic of believing. Rarely does a film so positively move one's heart. Seek this film out. Go now.
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It looks like a winner for my wife, thanks! :)


"A Little Princess" sounds like a "chick flick" for children, but it is really a 'contemporary' Ramayana. It just so happens that the characters are children and ravana a nasty schoolmaster.


The trailer does not do this movie any justice .. it is FAR better.


Almost anyone (male of female, young or old) will definitely love it! Devotees will see spiritual depth in the movie as well.

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Guest guest

It sounds oxy moronic, but some are just that, deep, as in DEPP.


Try Don Juan di Marco for both depth and classic outstanding depp. I resisted many times, but when I finally watched it, every reason I even watch movies was satisfied.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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