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There is never an uneventful day in living with cows and always new challenges

have to be faced.


Gaurangi's birth was a little difficult in that she was very big and stuck

for a while halfway out and bellowed too . We didnt want to pull with force

and cause haemorrage and what not but managed to ease her out slowly. on

contractions. She had very very long legs and then she couldnt stand for 12

hours. I was very worried. We helped her up to drink her mother's milk 4 or

5 times and she slept nicely and in the middle of the night she got up and

started dancing and prancing much to my joy. The afterbirth didnt fall for

20 hrs and I sat up all night in the cow shed but it came next day . Her

birth was not planned as we are trying to contol the breeding to keep our

numbers within reason, but the careless cowherd let the year old bullcalf in

with the cows to drink his mother's milk instead of bringing her out as is the

practice and he also had not tied Visakha who happened to be on heat. Also

careless me not to notice all this. The lady vet ., who occasionally

comes, disapproves. Let them breed it's natural. But cow's are,domestic

animals and if left to nature many calves would not survive the attacks of

the wild. They need our care and we have our limits in space etc. Now they

need to be protected lifelong from the cattle traders the worst predators. .


Then that same next day a NGO group called PAWS brought me 2 calves they

had rescued from the roads in Mumbai and kept for some time in their hospital.

Subhadra was rescued on Id day dashing in the traffic, a tiny black she ,

about a month old with a gash on her leg.. Her mother must have been

slaughtered for Id and she thrown out or fallen out of somewhere. She was

malnourished as in the hospital they had not fed her properly but tried to

make her eat grains and some milk from a bowl. I had to teach her drink from a

baby bottle and finally she caught on how to suck again and became so excited.

swishing her little tail to and fro madly. Now she drinks 2 litres a day of

Visakha 's,Gaurangi's mother's milk and Jayaradhe's mlik, Nanda Kishore 's

mother , whose auspicious birth was however due to another oversight of

breeding and Rosni's milk too, who is the /Gir mother of Dharmaraj now over a

year old.. So she has plenty of milk and it is Lord Krsna's arrangement that

she came at time of Gaurangi's birth to share Visakha's milk. Forget about

keeping the numbers within reason. What to do. The other calf, a boy, now

named Padma is about 7 months old with an old badly healed fracture of one

front elbow and his front leg is crooked and he walks on 3 legs. and he has

a big hard abscess on his side which I am treating with homeopathy and

poultices. and he has a cloth bandage around him. Fortunately he doesnt want

to eat up the cloth as some do. He is eating well now and getting used to his

new place house in the jungle after being picked up lying by the roadside in

Mumbai . When Krsna asks us we must accept to save the lives. There was

before a heated debate on the cow conf about accepting cows from outside.

In Vrindaban an inspired police chowki had called up the temple asking if

they could take 200 bullocks they had confiscated from illegal transport but

the devotee in charge refused/ This was not right. LIke when Vasudev

agreed to let Kamsa kill all the children born of Devaki in order to save the

life of his newly married wife, he thought. " Let me save Devaki now and later

we will see what to do." . In the Vrindaban instance Maneka Gandhi or

several local baba's would have certainly helped place them in a shelter. And

Krsna is unlimited. Why should his servants be so limited. And now there is

an instance of a police chowki simply allowing the theft of cattle from the

streets of Raman Reti by men in a tempo and doing nothing although asked .

When the opportunity comes for go seva it is a challenge to be accepted. So

now we have 51.


Hare Krsna your servan t


Labangalatika dasi

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