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turmeric also helps arthritis.


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The Scotsman

Sat 15 Oct 2005

Singer Kylie Minogue has been taking turmeric as she battles breast cancer.

Picture: Hugo Philpott/EPA

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Spice helps to stop the spread of breast cancer





A MAJOR ingredient of curry powder helps stop the spread of breast cancer,

scientists have discovered, in research that could lead to a new way of

treating people in the advanced stages of the disease.


Texas-based researchers found that curcumin, the main ingredient of

turmeric, inhibits the spread of breast cancer into the lungs and improves

the effectiveness of current remedies.


While they stressed that their research - which was carried out in mice -

was at an early stage, the lead scientist said he was "excited" about the



Other experts said the "potentially very important" study had led to a

significant advance in understanding of the effects of curcumin.


The singer Kylie Minogue, who is being treated for breast cancer, has been

drinking smoothies made from a range of fruits, vegetables and spices,

including turmeric, in the hope it will help her.


Bharat Aggarwal, professor of cancer medicine at Texas University, said: "We

are excited about the study results and the possible implications for taking

the findings into the clinic in the next few years.


"At this time, advanced breast cancer is a difficult foe to fight with few

proven treatments available after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation



The study, which was due to be published in today's issue of the journal

Clinical Cancer Research, reports that the spice appears to shut down a

protein active in the spread of breast cancer.


The non-toxic, natural curcumin repelled progression of the disease to the

lungs and also appeared to reverse a "side-effect" of a commonly prescribed

chemotherapy whose prolonged use may actually help to spread the disease.


Curcumin breaks down the dose, making the therapy less toxic, but the drug

stays just as powerful in fighting cancer.


Researchers studied 60 mice with breast cancer. Among a control group who

were not treated, 96 per cent went on to develop visible signs of lung

cancer, while treatment with the chemotherapy drug Taxol "modestly reduced"

the incidence.


But those given curcumin alone or curcumin plus Taxol had far fewer signs of

the disease. Microscopic evidence of lung cancer was found in just 28 per

cent of mice given both and there were no visible signs of the disease at



Dr Mark Matfield, scientific consultant for the St Andrews-based Association

for International Cancer Research, said: "We have known for some time that

curcumin has anti-cancer effects, but this study has really advanced our

understanding of exactly how this works. The finding that curcumin can

decrease the spread of cancer when it is treated with Taxol is really

interesting and potentially very important.


"However, as the authors of this study pointed out, these are only

preliminary findings. The crucial next stage is to confirm these findings in

patients suffering from lung cancer."


Dr Julie Sharp, senior cancer information officer at Cancer Research UK,

said: "A number of laboratory studies have suggested that curcumin could be

used to treat and even prevent some types of cancer. But, as yet there is no

evidence confirming this in humans. These findings will need to be followed

up with clinical trials in humans."


Hotly tipped as healthy


CURRIES and other kinds of Indian food have long been suspected of having

anti-cancer properties.


The main reason is that, in many parts of the sub-continent, there are much

lower rates of several types of cancers affecting the gut.


Curcumin is a member of the ginger family and is extracted from the root of

the curcuma longa plant.


It is widely prescribed in Indian medicine for liver disorders, rheumatism,

diabetic wounds, a runny nose, coughs and sinusitis.


Traditional Chinese medicine also uses it for abdominal pain.





Here's a tasty thought. Kicking your food up a notch with spices could

preserve brain function and keep your brain sharp and strong as you age.


Take turmeric, a spice that lends curries their yellow tint. It can curb

mental decline and even slow the effects of neurodegenerative diseases such

as Alzheimer's.


Researchers find it can effectively fight oxidation, the process behind a

variety of bodily diseases. In the brain, oxidation trips up communication

between brain cells, impairing general mental functions such as memory.


Over time, all the body's organs undergo cumulative assaults from oxidation.

But the brain is especially vulnerable to decline brought on by oxidation

because it has particularly weak antioxidant defenses.


The brain has a built-in toxin mopper-upper-the gene hemeoxygenase-1, or

HO-1-but it must first be activated in order to do its job. Here is where

turmeric pitches in. A research team from the University of Catania in Italy

and from New York Medical College has found that curcumin, the key

ingredient in turmeric, strongly induces HO-1 expression in the brains of

animals, thereby rescuing neurons from oxidant destroyers.


"Oxidative stress causes inflammation, which causes cell death, then

disease, and then neurodegeneration," says lead researcher Nader Abraham, of

New York Medical College. "But curry can not only prevent disease, it could

help keep the brain sharp as people age" he says.





Curry spice 'help for arthritis'


Turmeric adds flavour and colour to curries and other foods

Extract of a spice used in curry could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis and

osteoporosis, US research suggests.

Turmeric has been used for centuries in Asian medicine to treat inflammatory

disorders and its extract can be found in western dietary supplements.

Now lab work by University of Arizona researchers, in Arthritis &

Rheumatism, shows just how the spice's curcuminoid extracts have a

therapeutic effect.

Experts say new drugs may be found, but eating more spices is unlikely to


The researchers said clinical trials were needed before turmeric supplements

could be recommended for medicinal use.

Turmeric extract

Earlier work by the University of Arizona team showed turmeric could prevent

joint inflammation in rats.

In their latest study, they set out to find exactly what ingredient in

turmeric was having the anti-inflammatory effect.

They prepared extracts from the rhizome, or root of the turmeric plant, and

compared them against the commercially available products that contain

turmeric extracts.


Results of tests in animal models of arthritis are not always reproduced in

human rheumatoid arthritis.


Dr Ann Barton, Manchester University

A version of turmeric extract that was free of essential oils was found to

most closely match the composition of the commercial supplements.

And it was this extract, containing curcumin, that was most effective at

blocking the onset of rheumatoid arthritis in the rats.

The extract appears to work by preventing a protein that controls when genes

are switched on or off from being activated in the joint.

Once the protein known as NF-KB is activated, it binds to genes and

increases the production of inflammatory proteins, which attack the joints.

Dr Janet Funk and her colleagues believe their findings also suggest

turmeric extract could treat other inflammatory disorders, including asthma,

multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease.

The extract also blocked a pathway in the body linked to bone loss,

suggesting it could treat osteoporosis as well.

Future work

Professor Robert Moots, professor of rheumatology at Liverpool University

and spokesman for the Arthritis Research Campaign, said people with

arthritis will have to wait to see if the study results in new treatments.

"It will come as no surprise if naturally occurring compounds have a

drug-like effect," he said.

"I do not think there is any evidence that countries that eat a lot of

turmeric have a lower frequency of rheumatoid arthritis. So simply eating

more spices is not likely to be effective clinically.

"What is more likely is these results will lead to the targeted development

of new compounds."

Dr Anne Barton, senior lecturer and honorary consultant rheumatologist at

the University of Manchester said: "The findings are interesting but should

be interpreted with some caution at this stage.

"Results of tests in animal models of arthritis are not always reproduced in

human rheumatoid arthritis.

"As the authors point out though, there are a number of successful drug

therapies that have been developed from plants."



An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Use of turmeric daily is

recommended, IMHO.



Dear Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Thought this might interest you...


Your servant,

Braja Bihari dasa






The Indian Spice Turmeric

Turmeric May Help Prevent

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases

An ancient remedy may enliven your brain as well as your food


The spice of life - how many times have you heard that term applied to

something especially nice? It might be chocolate truffles, or the

music of Mozart, or playing with children. Part of the spice of life,

of course, is that there are so many different spices to choose from,

both figuratively and literally. On the literal side, there are food

spices galore in many parts of the world, especially Southeast Asia,

which is particularly rich in these botanical treasures. One of them,

turmeric, has actually been called "the spice of life" since ancient



Southeast Asia is the fabled source of the spices that Marco Polo and

those who followed him brought back to Europe to enliven the dull fare

that had been eaten there for millennia (they didn't even have pizza,

if you can imagine that). The people of Europe - the wealthy ones,

anyway - became wildly enamored of spices, which were more highly

prized than gold and jewels for as long as they remained rare.

Eventually they flooded the market and were joyfully embraced by


Turmeric's anti-inflammatory

properties have aroused great

interest, as well as its effects on

cholesterol and cancer.


How fortunate for the people of India, China, and other countries in

that region of the world that they had always been able to enjoy these

spices - often at blast-furnace intensity - with their daily meals.

The spices were, and are, undeniably pleasant in their own right as

sources of flavor and zest, but they often served other, more

practical, purposes as well: to mask the odor and taste of rancid meat

and to inhibit further spoilage (these were vital factors in Europe as

well, before the advent of refrigeration). One did what one could to



Does Curry Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?


Marco Polo brought turmeric to Europe.

Life, though, is about health and happiness, not just survival. If

spices make us happy, do they also help our health? Yes indeed.

Scientists continue to learn more and more about the health benefits

of various spices and herbs, whose exotic chemical constituents can

affect many aspects of our physiology beyond our taste buds. First

there is gastrointestinal function, because everything we eat goes

directly to the stomach. But if some of those spicy compounds pass

from the intestines into the bloodstream, the entire body becomes

their laboratory, so to speak - including, of course, the brain.


Consider this: elderly (aged 70-79) residents of rural India, who eat

large amounts of curry, appear to have the lowest incidence of

Alzheimer's disease in the world: 4.4 times lower than that of

Americans.2 Does that mean that curry helps prevent Alzheimer's?

Perhaps, but it's impossible to say, because innumerable other factors

(dietary, genetic, social, economic, lifestyle-related, etc.) would

have to be taken into account, and systematically ruled out, before

any such conclusion could be drawn. But the correlation is suggestive,

and there are scientific reasons for believing that there may indeed

be a real effect there.


The Key Component of Curry Is Turmeric

Curry, perhaps the quintessential Asian spice, is a pungent seasoning

prepared from cumin, coriander, turmeric, and other spices native to

that continent. Not surprisingly, there are countless variations on

the curry theme, depending on who is preparing it. It is the turmeric

in curry that has attracted the attention of scientists, in part

because turmeric has a long history of medicinal use in India,

particularly in the traditional medical philosophy known as Ayurveda.



Figure 1. The fleshy rhizomes of turmeric (Curcuma longa), from which

the yellow spice is extracted. Rhizomes, a kind of horizontal,

underground stem, often send out roots and shoots from their nodes.

They are also called rootstalks or rootstocks.

The turmeric plant (Curcuma longa, also known as Curcuma domestica) is

a member of the ginger family. It has yellow flowers and aromatic,

somewhat fleshy rhizomes (see Figure 1) that, when dried, yield a

bright yellow powder commonly used as a spice or coloring agent -

sometimes both, as in certain yellow mustards. As a spice, turmeric

serves not only to jazz up the food but also to help protect it from

spoilage and protect its nutritive value, because it contains potent

antioxidant chemicals whose action inhibits the oxidative degradation

of foodstuffs.


Can Turmeric Protect Us from Oxidative Degradation?

If turmeric can protect foodstuffs from oxidative degradation, can it

do the same, more or less, for our bodies, which are composed entirely

of former foodstuffs? When it comes to meat, in particular, isn't

there really relatively little difference between a piece of beef and

us, biochemically speaking? The answer to both questions is yes. Most

of the antioxidative chemical reactions that can protect a piece of

beef from spoiling can also protect our tissues from spoiling, so to



The chemical compounds in turmeric that are primarily responsible for

its antioxidant action are curcumin and several related compounds

called curcuminoids (no, they're not related to cucumbers, despite the

oddly similar names). They belong to a broad class of compounds called

polyphenols, many of which have been found to have major health

benefits in humans.


Turmeric, the "Multi-Anti" Spice

In herbal medicine, turmeric (in the form of an extract of Curcuma

longa) has been found to have the following effects:3


* Antihepatotoxic - it has a protective effect on the liver

* Antihyperlipidemic - it inhibits the excessive buildup of lipids

(fatty substances, such as cholesterol) in the blood

* Anti-inflammatory - it reduces inflammation

* Antioxidant - it scavenges free radicals and inhibits lipid

peroxide formation, especially in the liver

* Antitumoral - it inhibits the formation of tumors, including

cancerous ones

* Antimicrobial - it inhibits the action of microorganisms such as


* Antifertile - it has a contraceptive effect

* Anti-insect - that's right, it acts as an insect repellent, a bonus


Turmeric Has Many Uses As an Anti-Inflammatory

Among the many conditions for which turmeric is sometimes used (but

note that these are unproven uses by modern medical standards) are

gastrointestinal problems (dyspepsia, upper abdominal pain, bloating,

colic, flatulence, and diarrhea), intermittent fever, edema

(swelling), bronchitis, colds, worms, leprosy, kidney inflammation,

cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder), headaches, chest

infections, and amenorrhea (the abnormal suppression of absence of

menstruation). Externally, it is used for bruising, leech bites,

festering eye infections, inflammation of the oral mucosa,

inflammatory skin conditions, and infected wounds.3


How many of these uses are legitimate, even if unproven, and how many

are based on nothing more substantial than wishful thinking and the

placebo effect? Who knows? Our scientific (as opposed to folkloric)

knowledge of herbal medicine is still immature, with vast areas yet to

be explored before we can be certain of what really works and what

does not, and why.

Curcumin is several times more

potent than vitamin E as an

antioxidant, and it protects the

brain from lipid peroxidation.


But there are valuable clues along the way, such as recurrent patterns

of effect. The perceptive reader (that's you - wake up!) will have

noticed, for example, that a particular concept kept cropping up in

the description given above: inflammation. Aha! Maybe we're on to

something here. Indeed, it is the anti-inflammatory properties of

turmeric that have aroused the greatest interest in the medical

community, although its ability to lower blood cholesterol is also

recognized, as well as its anticancer effects in laboratory animals

and humans.1,4


Ordinary Anti-Inflammatories Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

Among the most prevalent kinds of inflammation is that of arthritis,

and turmeric is widely used to ease the pain of this disease, in both

of its major forms: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation takes many forms, however, and it can occur in many

places throughout the body. One such place is the brain, where

Alzheimer's disease becomes manifest, in part, through the formation

of a kind of plaque called amyloid. This is a hard, waxy deposit,

consisting of proteins and polysaccharides, that results from the

degeneration of tissue. Turmeric has been found to be helpful here

too. Let's see how and why it came to be studied for this purpose.


Accompanying the formation of amyloid is chronic inflammation of the

affected tissues, and among the most common treatments for

inflammation in general is the use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs), such as the over-the-counter medications

aspirin and ibuprofen. A recent study has found that adults who took

NSAIDs for at least two years had a dramatically reduced risk (80%

lower!) for Alzheimer's disease than those who used these drugs for

shorter periods or who did not take them at all.5 Furthermore,

research has shown that chronic treatment with ibuprofen suppresses

inflammation and the development of amyloid in a special strain of

"transgenic" mice whose DNA was augmented with a human Alzheimer's

gene.6 In other words, ibuprofen gives some protection to mice that

are predisposed to develop Alzheimer's disease.


Curcumin: An Extraordinary Anti-Inflammatory Is Better

All this would be great, except for one huge drawback: the chronic use

of conventional NSAIDs such as ibuprofen carries a high risk of severe

irritation or ulceration of the stomach, as well as occasional kidney

or liver damage. Because of that, researchers have sought other

strategies for preventing Alzheimer's. It is known that the disease is

associated with significant oxidative damage caused by free radicals,

and laboratory studies have shown that antioxidants can protect

neurons (brain cells) from the ravages of amyloid. So it made sense to

try a well-known antioxidant, such as vitamin E, to see if it could

slow down the development of the disease.


Vitamin E, however, turned out not to be the right kind of antioxidant

for the job, mainly because it is a poor scavenger of nitric

oxide-based free radicals produced during inflammation. (Nitric oxide

is itself a free radical, and although it serves a number of vital

functions in the body, it can be harmful under the wrong

circumstances.) So other researchers (at UCLA) looked for a powerful

antioxidant of the right kind, and found curcumin, the main active

ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin is several times more potent than

vitamin E as an antioxidant,7 and it is known to protect the brain

from lipid peroxidation8 and to scavenge nitric oxide-based free

radicals.9 It is also known to be nontoxic and virtually free of side



Curcumin Is Effective in Several Ways

The UCLA researchers undertook to study the effect of curcumin on the

combined oxidative and inflammatory damage that occurs as a response

to amyloid formation in those transgenic, Alzheimer's-predisposed

mice. When they become old and develop Alzheimer's, the poor little

critters display symptoms of age-related nerve-cell damage caused by

amyloid plaque, a quantifiable inflammatory response, oxidative

damage, and age-related memory deficits linked to defective long-term



In the study, the mice were tested with both low and high doses of

dietary curcumin to determine its effect on inflammation, oxidative

damage, and plaque pathology. Both the low and high doses of curcumin

were found to suppress inflammation and oxidative damage

significantly, as evidenced by microscopic and biochemical analyses of

specific sections of the mouse brains; the biochemical tests focused

on certain molecules whose levels are sensitive indicators of the

conditions in question. The effect of curcumin on amyloid was

different, however: the plaque formation was significantly reduced by

the low dose but not by the high dose (which was 31 times greater than

the low dose), indicating yet again that more is not always better -

or even as good.


Curcumin May Prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases

The researchers noted that both Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's

disease are linked to increased oxidative damage to the brain,

including nitric oxide-based damage to a specific protein called

synuclein.10 They speculated that curcumin may effectively inhibit

this type of damage and that its apparent ability to target several

different mechanisms implicated in the development of Alzheimer's

disease may make it a more effective agent than more potent but more

specific inhibitors of any of the individual mechanisms.


The researchers concluded by saying,


Hence, curcumin is not only efficacious at multiple levels but may

have fewer side effects and toxicity than many other NSAIDs, including

ibuprofen. Together, the multiple beneficial effects of curcumin make

it a promising agent for controlled clinical trials to establish its

safety and efficacy as a chronic antioxidant and NSAID prophylactic

for prevention or treatment of Alzheimer's and possibly other

neurodegenerative diseases of aging, such as Parkinson's disease.


"Chronic antioxidant" means an antioxidant that would be taken

chronically, i.e., regularly for a long period of time. And curcumin

is referred to here as an NSAID because it is one: it's nonsteroidal,

it's anti- inflammatory, and it's a drug - well, sort of, in the same

sense that other nonprescription agents such as aspirin and ibuprofen

are "drugs."


Add Some Spice to Your Life

To obtain turmeric and the beneficial natural curcuminoids it

contains, you could eat curry every day, or you could take generous,

scientifically validated amounts of the ancient Ayurvedic agent

turmeric. The potent natural anti-inflammatory agent Boswellia serrata

is also a good NSAID. Commonly known as frankincense and also used in

Ayurvedic medicine for many centuries, Boswellia has been shown in

both animal and human studies to help with health problems such as

arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and bronchial asthma.


Together, Curcuma and Boswellia provide health benefits that, as we

have seen, may include support for mental as well as physical

function. They bring an honored healing tradition into modern times

and add, literally, a bit of spice to your life.




1. Packer L, Colman C. The Antioxidant Miracle. John Wiley & Sons,

New York, 1999.

2. Lim GP, Chu T, Yang F, Beech W, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. The curry

spice curcumin reduces oxidative damage and amyloid pathology in an

Alzheimer transgenic mouse. J Neurosci 2001;21:8370-7.

3. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2d ed. Medical Economics Company,

Montvale, NJ, 2000.

4. Majeed M, Badmaev V, Shivakumar U, Rajendran R. Curcuminoids:

Antioxidant Phytonutrients. NutriScience Publishers, Piscataway, NJ,


5. in 't Veld BA, Ruitenberg A, Hofman A, Launer LJ, van Duijn CM,

Stijnen T, Breteler MMB, Stricker BHC. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

drugs and the risk of Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med


6. Lim GP, Yang F, Chu T, Chen P, Beech W, Teter B, Tran T, Ubeda

O, Hsiao Ashe K, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. Ibuprofen suppresses plaque

pathology and inflammation in a mouse model for Alzheimer's disease. J

Neurosci 2000;20:5709-14.

7. Zhao BL, Li XJ, Ho RG, Cheng SJ, Xin WJ. Scavenging effect of

extracts of green tea and natural antioxidants on active oxygen

radicals. Cell Biophys 1989;14:175-85.

8. Martin-Aragon S, Benedi JM, Villar AM. Modification on

antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in mice under fraxetin

treatment. J Pharm Pharmacol 1997;49:49-52.

9. Sreejayan N, Rao MNA. Nitric oxide scavenging by curcuminoids. J

Pharm Pharmacol 1997;49:105-7.

10. Glasson BT, Dude JE, Murray IV, Chen Q, Souza JM, Hurtig HL,

Ischiropoulos H, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM. Oxidative damage linked to

neurodegeneration by selective alpha-synuclein nitration in

synucleinopathy lesions. Science 2000;290:985-9.Dr. Lad:




The Scotsman

Sat 15 Oct 2005

Singer Kylie Minogue has been taking turmeric as she battles breast cancer.

Picture: Hugo Philpott/EPA

printer friendly printer friendly email this article email


Spice helps to stop the spread of breast cancer





A MAJOR ingredient of curry powder helps stop the spread of breast cancer,

scientists have discovered, in research that could lead to a new way of

treating people in the advanced stages of the disease.


Texas-based researchers found that curcumin, the main ingredient of

turmeric, inhibits the spread of breast cancer into the lungs and improves

the effectiveness of current remedies.


While they stressed that their research - which was carried out in mice -

was at an early stage, the lead scientist said he was "excited" about the



Other experts said the "potentially very important" study had led to a

significant advance in understanding of the effects of curcumin.


The singer Kylie Minogue, who is being treated for breast cancer, has been

drinking smoothies made from a range of fruits, vegetables and spices,

including turmeric, in the hope it will help her.


Bharat Aggarwal, professor of cancer medicine at Texas University, said: "We

are excited about the study results and the possible implications for taking

the findings into the clinic in the next few years.


"At this time, advanced breast cancer is a difficult foe to fight with few

proven treatments available after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation



The study, which was due to be published in today's issue of the journal

Clinical Cancer Research, reports that the spice appears to shut down a

protein active in the spread of breast cancer.


The non-toxic, natural curcumin repelled progression of the disease to the

lungs and also appeared to reverse a "side-effect" of a commonly prescribed

chemotherapy whose prolonged use may actually help to spread the disease.


Curcumin breaks down the dose, making the therapy less toxic, but the drug

stays just as powerful in fighting cancer.


Researchers studied 60 mice with breast cancer. Among a control group who

were not treated, 96 per cent went on to develop visible signs of lung

cancer, while treatment with the chemotherapy drug Taxol "modestly reduced"

the incidence.


But those given curcumin alone or curcumin plus Taxol had far fewer signs of

the disease. Microscopic evidence of lung cancer was found in just 28 per

cent of mice given both and there were no visible signs of the disease at



Dr Mark Matfield, scientific consultant for the St Andrews-based Association

for International Cancer Research, said: "We have known for some time that

curcumin has anti-cancer effects, but this study has really advanced our

understanding of exactly how this works. The finding that curcumin can

decrease the spread of cancer when it is treated with Taxol is really

interesting and potentially very important.


"However, as the authors of this study pointed out, these are only

preliminary findings. The crucial next stage is to confirm these findings in

patients suffering from lung cancer."


Dr Julie Sharp, senior cancer information officer at Cancer Research UK,

said: "A number of laboratory studies have suggested that curcumin could be

used to treat and even prevent some types of cancer. But, as yet there is no

evidence confirming this in humans. These findings will need to be followed

up with clinical trials in humans."


Hotly tipped as healthy


CURRIES and other kinds of Indian food have long been suspected of having

anti-cancer properties.


The main reason is that, in many parts of the sub-continent, there are much

lower rates of several types of cancers affecting the gut.


Curcumin is a member of the ginger family and is extracted from the root of

the curcuma longa plant.


It is widely prescribed in Indian medicine for liver disorders, rheumatism,

diabetic wounds, a runny nose, coughs and sinusitis.


Traditional Chinese medicine also uses it for abdominal pain.


I suggest immediately that he start drinking wheatgrass juice to help

whatever health he has left in his system. at the bottom of this document,

I'm including the mantras about Tulasi devi's care of dying people.





3) proghosa's advice for cancer prevention.


Add Sea Salt - Cow Urine 10 ML 2x per day - 4 ounces of your own midstream

morning urine - Pancreatic Enzymes - Probiotics - Goats milk yogurt daily -


liters of water - fast on 8 oranges one day per week - lemon juice and


and maple syrup one day per week - salads and fruits - CARNAMARTA DAILY


MISS - chant the Holy Name and always feel yourself WITH Krsna.




4) wheatgrass info


wheatgrass juice is the natural healing, cleansing, cancer fighting. no joke

Satyanarayana.acbsp told me he reversed and cured his mothers breast cancer

with wheatgrass juice.


cheers to your prostate! if you cut out all cooked food, take pineapple

juice with the core ground too! as the core contains cancer fighting

elements, and has high bromaline.


kavicandra swami told me that in west africa, the devotees drink a tea made

of 45 minute boiled pineapple skin to cure malaria, and colds. consider it.

probably you may eat garlic tablits too, after gradually building upto it,

drink upto 3 glasses a day (over time).


do whatgrass implants "enemas you hold inside for 1/2 - 1 hour befroe



www.greenpower.com for gs3000 juicer, cost@ $380


hand cranking juicer is "miracle" $79 you can get used off the web.


mix your wheatgrass with mint, before grinding as it will counteract the

"burping" sensation that raw wheatgrass causes.

happy growing, drinking, enemas etc may your ulcerous colon heal soon if you

adopt wheatgrass juice rectal emplants on a daily basis then surely it will

heal 100%.




this is the best. I also bought a metel hand cranker, (2) but I use it

as a backup.


to get a GS 3000 made by tribest co in

california. it is the best juicer in the world. 5 years warranty. you can

make these sweets.


make sure you order the 220 vt model. it'll be the best health investment

you've made.


wheatgrass growing instructions:


instructions for growing and caring for wheatgrass:


wheatgrass & barley grass grown preferably 8 inches high, on a slanted steel

or wooden tray kept at a (35 degree angle) with at least 2 inches dirt.

sprinkle it with water 2 times a day, (not too much water) the trays should

have few small holes for drainage in the tray at ends so roots don't rot.


How to grow wheat-grass

(1) Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat-grain overnight in water in

any container (after cleaning and washing it thoroughly).

(2)Keep a few trays (preferably 7 to 9 trays- one to be sown each day of the

week) ready with ordinary soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers.

Cow-dung or goat-dung may be added as manure if needed.

(3) Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains

are touching one another.

(4) Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .

(5) Cover the tray with a newspaper to provide darkness which helps the

sprouting and also to prevent the birds from eating the wheat.

(6) Keep the tray in a balcony or a windowsill or a covered verandah

at an 35 degree slanted angle so the trays don't rot from too much water.

(7) Next day uncover the tray and spray on some water and again cover it

with the newspaper. Repeat step 7 everyday until you see green leaves

sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the tray as soon as the green

leaves appear.

(8) Everyday water the trays 2-3 times a day very very lightly but

adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the trays used

- whether they have holes or not. if no holes water just to keep the soil

slightly moist not wet!

(9) Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.

As soon as the grass is about 8 inches tall ( which usually happens around

the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting

with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.

(10) The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced or

stored. A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days

with daily watering as before.

(11) After the second harvest from the same tray, remove all the soil in the

tray onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add

a bit of very dry cowdung or peregnoya (cow dung liquid) to this to

rejuvenate the soil.

The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.


Choice of plastic basins of about 10 to 12 inches diameter and about 3

inches deep ideal. These can be filled upto 2 1/2 inches with soil. Also

trays made from wood or plastic or steel may be used.


How much wheat to sow everday?

(12) For a family of 4 healthy persons, about 100 grams can be sown every

day in a new tray so that a continous supply is available. 7 to 9 trays

would ensure a fresh harvest every day of the week.

(13) For a person who is sick the amount of wheat required to be sown

everyday is about 50 to 100 grams.


How to store wheat grass


(14) The wheat grass can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic

container or a good quality cellophane bag for about 3 days. but the juice

must be drunk as soon as juiced orwithin 1/2 hour of juicing.


How to juice wheat grass


(15) A manual mince maker maybe used or you can use any stone crushing

method available in the home for making chutneys.

Add a little water while grinding or pounding- strain the juice through a

clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Grind again adding water - repeat this

process until the remaining grass is almost white. Do not throw the leftover

grass. Put it in your plants as manure.


How to use wheat grass


(16) For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required

to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during

the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after

juicing. The quantity should be gradually increased to at least about 8

ounces a day (approx one glass full). but this can be drunk 2-3 times a day

when one is used to drinking it.


(17) Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and

Ulcers as a poultice.

(18) Wheat grass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and

rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try

and retain it for 20 minutes.

(19) Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye-bath (using an eye-cup).


How does wheat grass help our system:


(20) Wheat Grass is almost like a blood transfusion. It is a wonderful

cleanser and rejuvenator which means it helps your body to throw out toxins

that have built up over the years and helps it replace old dead cells with

new cells. These are the two essential factors that cause disease in our

bodies and which wheat grass sets right.

In chronic ailments including cancer, there may be an attempt by the body to

throw out accumulated toxins which could result in diarrhoea or vomiting.

Both these conditions are to be WELCOMED. If this does happen, cut down on

the quantity of wheat grass juice being consumed to half and use it diluted.

Gradually begin to increase the quantity as the body begins to handle the

removal of toxins in a more gentle way.

Wheat grass seva can become an important part of all our lives. Let us grow

wheat grass in abundance and make it available to chronically sick patients

especially those suffering from cancer, AIDS., asthma and kidney failure.


"wheatgrass natures miracle medicine" by steve meyerowitz (sproutman)

published in USA.


if you like it, pl. grow wheatgrass and barley grass (benefits, charts,

explained how to do in the book)


Wheatgrass juice contains 70% "crude" chlorophyll. Chlorophyll by definition

being the green pigment in plants. It is considered the "blood" of plants,

due to the similarity to our blood in molecular structure. The juicers

extract the juice out of the blades of wheatgrass. Normal fruit and

vegetable juicers will not juice wheatgrass. We highly recommend an

electric wheatgrass juicer. A 17"x17" flat of wheatgrass will yield from 12

to 18 ounces of juice. It should be cut when it is between 5" and 8" tall.


Here are some articles on wheatgrass and its benefits:

Some Interesting Wheatgrass Information

Wheatgrass is the young wheat plant. It is one of the most widely used

supplemental health foods today. It is a concentrated source of vitamins,

minerals, chlorophyll, and enzymes.

Drinking fresh wheatgrass juice is an exceptional way to increase dark green

leafy vegetables in the diet. (At this early stage of the plant's life it is

considered a vegetable rather than a grain and is safe for gluten-sensitive


Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of choice

vegetables! Juicing unlocks the nutrients in vegetables and fruits,

concentrating them and making them more bioavailable to the cells of the


A 16 x16 tray of wheatgrass yields about 15 to 22 ounces of juice, depending

on its length. Tablets and powder are a good second choice to fresh

wheatgrass juice.

Ann Wigmore introduced wheatgrass juice to America more than thirty years

ago. In her books, Wigmore says it is an ideal food to nourish the body and

rid it of toxins. It is especially important to anyone who suffers from pain

or illness.

The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass acts as a "magnet" in drawing out

toxins from the body. Chlorophyll is an internal deodorant which cleanses

tissues and is soothing and healing.

Chlorophyll, the "blood of plants", is very similar to our own blood. Its

molecular structure closely resembles hemin, the pigment that combines with

protein to form hemoglobin.

Start with just one ounce of wheatgrass juice per day. A therapeutic program

may include as much as two or three ounces.

Wheatgrass juice has many other benefits. It can be used externally as:

1. a scalp treatment for lusterless hair;

2. a cleanser and astringent for all types of skin;

3. a treatment for blocked sinuses (place several drops in each nostril);

4. a stimulant for circulation (add a few ounces to bath water of rub into

the skin);

5. a treatment to help heal cuts and bruises faster.


Nature's Great Healer

ENERGIZER: The vitality obtained from wheatgrass juice is remarkable. Two

ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the nutritional value of

roughly 4 pounds of organic green vegetables in vitamin and mineral content.

On an empty stomach, it is assimilated into the blood in about 20 minutes.

The vitality lasts throughout the day.

NUTRITIONAL: Wheatgrass juice is a complete food that can be taken orally

with no toxic side affects. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals

needed for human maintenance. It is also a complete protein with about 30

enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll.

BLOOD BUILDER: Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice)and hemoglobin (red

blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that the

central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron.

Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and

release free oxygen. This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic

bacteria (a disease-producing micro-organism). Wheatgrass juice has been

shown to build red blood cells quickly after ingestion. It normalizes high

blood pressure and stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth.

BODY CLEANSING: The many detergent factors of wheatgrass juice can drain the

lymph system, carrying away many toxins from all body cells. When an

imbalance or injury exists (examples: sore tendons or joints; degenerative

disease; etc.), there is a natural build-up of mucous in the lymph

particular to that area. This mucous is encapsulated, helping to ensure the

proper flow of lymphatic fluid. Wheatgrass juice helps to breakdown the

mucous and allow it to drain. This helps to relieve pressure and allow


BODY HEALING: According to Survival of the 21st Century, "In therapeutic

amounts, it will detoxify the body by increasing the elimination of hardened

mucous, crystallized acids and solidified, decaying fecal matter. Wheatgrass

juice's high enzyme content helps dissolve tumors. It is the fastest, surest

way to eliminate internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional

environment. Wheatgrass juice can also be used as a poultice or wash,

stimulating healthy new cells and fighting infections."

Baja Pineapple Drink


The cilantro and green lettuce in this recipe cut the sweetness of the

pineapple. The mix also has a delightful taste. The ingredients also help

prevent the sugar highs or lows some people experience from drinking plain

pineapple juice.


Ingredient Proportions

1/2 cup pineapple

1/2 cup cilantro

3 greenleaf lettuce leaves

1 lime


Machine instructions

Put the fine screen over the twin gears. Then attach the pulp discharge

casing with the outlet adjusting knob in place, loosening the knob as you

juice to allow the pulp to come out. Place the pitcher under the juice

outlet to catch the juice, and a bowl under the pulp discharge outlet to

catch the pulp.


Preparation and Serving Instructions

1. Shave off the prickly part of the pineapple skin. Cut pineapple across

not lengthwise, and into rectangular pieces.

2. Slice half a lime and juice the lime with its rind.

3. Juice pineapple, cilantro, lettuce leaves and the other half of the lime


4. Serve in a fancy glass, running lime around the rim of the glass. Garnish

with lime and cilantro.


Preparation Hints

Cutting the pineapple across in rings makes juicing the pineapple an easier

task. There is more pulp in the juice if you slice the pineapple lengthwise.

Also, when juicing any greens I make sure the machine is clear of food so

the greens are then pulled directly into the gears, making the juicing

effort minimal.


Ingredient Information

Pineapple has a special digestive enzyme, bromelain, which is helpful in

reducing swelling in the body from an injury or bruise. Also, it can be

helpful in reducing lung irritation from asthma. Vitamin A and chlorophyll

from both the cilantro and lettuce are excellent for nourishing the hair and



Other Info

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Yields: 2 servings


5) prana's prostate cancer info.

pranaballabha.acbsp wrote:


1. Approx 50% of all men in the US will get some form of prostate

cancer. It is the most widespread form of cancer except skin cancer.

2. The prostate is an organ about the size of a walnut that is

designed to add seminal fluid to the sperm to enhance in reproduction

3. Prostate cancer is most likely a genetic factor but this has not

been conclusively proven.

4. Prostate cancer cannot be treated via chemo therepy

5. Prostate cancer can be treated by:


Radical Prostatechtomy (removal of the prostate) This could be robotic

or by a surgeons hand


Radioactive Seed implants


Some forms of Hormone Therepy


Freezing the Prostate


6. Prostate cancer may be related to over weight conditions

7. Prostate cancer may be related to high cholesterol conditions

8. There will be approx 300,000 new cases of Prostate Cancer

diagnosed in the US this year

9. 30,000 men will die of Prostate Cancer this year

10. If treated properly, the survival rate of Prostate Cancer

patients is approx 99% now.

This is by no means the complete picture but a brief synopsis of what is

the current thinking regarding this disease.


pranaballabha das wrote October 29th:


I have elected to

use the robotic surgery method because of the exactness of the operation

and the skill by which the surgeons have become. The procedure enhances

the recovery time from a week to just a few days. Blood loss is

significantly less etc.


My PSA has fallen to 5.6 from a high of 9.6 / so this is a marked

decrease but is not a sure sign that my cancer is in remission. I will

know more next week when I visit the Doctor again.


I am taking super care to eat right and exercise as well as hearing

chanting and remembering. We must all leave these bodies some time as

you know but the "when" is the unknown point.


> My diagnosis has been somewhat encouraging in that the doctors do not

> believe that the cancer has spread to other organs. My biopsie results

> showed that of the 10 plugs analyzed, 2 of the 10 had some level of

> cancer cells. They gave me an overall score of T1 which is the very

> beginning of a cancer diagnosis. Other than the fact that I have some

> level of cancer, I feel fine with no symptoms of cancer as of yet.


> My doctor has indicated that I can wait up to 90 days before I need to

> do something, so I am taking this time to do a lot of internal, colonic

> cleansing. I am following a program of this Dr. Larry Clapp who cured

> himself of prostate cancer back in 99. This cleanse is an 8 day event

> of taking nothing but freshly squeezed lemon juice, pure maple syrup,

> cayenne, and pure water. You can drink as much of this as you like but

> at least 3 quarts a day. Along with this I am doing a colonic cleanse

> of an enema in the morning( warm salt water, betoninte, and psyllium

> seed. This really cleanses you out. Then a maintenance schedule of

> whole body cleansing and parasite removal lasts 90 days.


good in addition to this you should get on pamho "holistic health" conf

where you 'll get a lot of devotees experience.


TridaNDi BhikSu, Bhakti Visrambha MAdhava

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Hare Krsna,

Pamho! AgtSP!



Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 2:59:00 AM, you wrote:


>> I have received a letter from one of my Godbrothers who is suffering great

>> pain due to the arthritis. He lives in Macedonia and appearantly they

>> don't have proper treatment for it. His condition is getting worse and

>> worse and his pain is becoming overwhelming. He is asking if anybody knows

>> any succesful method for treating this dissorder, any ayurvedic clinic

>> that can actually cure it or any other alterantive approach that could

>> help him. He is 37 years old and the only one working to maintain his

>> family. If anyone can help with some advice or information please write to

>> me.


Today after searching for Proteolytic Enzymes to get rid of the

scar/dead tissue I found very helpful web site not only for the

Arthritis but for many other health conditions connected with

lack of Proteolytic Enzymes like Serrapeptase and Nattokinase.


As I know Serrapeptase cannot be purchased in Apothecary there but

online here http://www.goodhealthnaturally.com/ .


http://www.serrapeptase.info/cond_rheumatoid.htm :


What causes it?


There are two main types of arthritis: Osteo-arthritis, which in lay terms is

due to wear and tear of the joint, and Rheumatoid arthritis which is a form of

arthritis where the joints have become inflamed, possibly as a result of a

virus or autoimmune response.


Warning: Rheumatoid vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) is a serious

complication of RA and can be life-threatening. It can lead to skin ulcerations

(and subsequent infections), bleeding stomach ulcers (which can lead to massive

haemorrhage), and neuropathies (nerve problems causing pain, numbness or

tingling). Vasculitis may also affect the brain, nerves, and heart causing

strokes, sensory neuropathies (numbness and tingling), heart attacks, or heart

failure. Use the program with safety but seek medical help at the same time.


In general Osteo-arthritic pain will respond faster to Serrapeptase treatment

than rheumatoid arthritis, which may need more intensive treatment. The best

results in any studies for rheumatoid arthritis come from those using Enzymes

and diet. A new US study showed that a Mediterranean diet showed a substantial

improvement and confirms earlier such studies that show processed starchy

carbohydrate diets are disease promoting.


Surprisingly, doctors still do not know what actually causes arthritis -

whatever the various schools of thought speculate on as to its cause, the one

thing we are sure of is that the real problem is that the normal healing

function of the body is no longer doing its job of looking after the repair of

the damage being caused by the Arthritis.


Arthritis Relief


One of the most important potential benefits of Proteolytic Enzymes is in the

treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Conventional treatment of this devastating

disease involves powerful, dangerous drugs, like steroidal and non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as more exotic treatments, such as

methotrexate and D-penicillamine. About the best one can say about these drugs

is that they may provide a degree of short-term symptomatic relief. At worst,

they will kill you.


Numerous studies in animals and people with rheumatoid arthritis indicate that

enzyme therapy can manage symptoms of pain and inflammation at least as well as

the conventional drugs, but with none of the adverse effects. In fact, side

effects with enzymes are virtually nonexistent


Doctors who are experienced with Proteolytic Enzymes find prophylactic

treatment offers a wide range of benefits including:


* Better mobilisation, reducing the degree of muscle atrophy, arthritis and

pain on movement

* Less risk of thromboembolic complications

* Less pain and discomfort due to swelling

* Less risk of cartilage or capsular damage due to immobility


How can Serrapeptase Help?

Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the inflammation and

dead/scar tissue. By clearing away this problem tissue it enables the bodies

own healing system to replace it with healthy tissue.


What things can I do to help?



Follow as below (in order of priority, as much as you can afford):

- Take 1-3 Serrapeptase: 3 times per day until all symptoms have

ceased and then lower to 1 x 2 per day. This will eat any scar tissue,

inflammation and dead tissue.


- Curcumin: (an anti-inflammatory, also stimulates Glutathione)


- Protease Enzymes: 9-12 daily on an empty Stomach.


- Vitamin C: 2000mg – 4000mg spread over the day




Sublingual Homocysteine Control Formula: 6 Sprays per day


- Hemp Seed Oil or Fish Oil


- Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM/Collagen complex: will help to

regenerate the cartilage.




Olive Leaf Extract 3 caps daily (a powerful antiviral, antibacterial,



- SAM-e: the new wonder antioxidant for arthritis




To further reduce the inflammation and pain, treatment with an

electro-acupressure device has proved to be as highly effective in treating

degeneration problems as acupuncture




Osteo-Arthritis sufferers may be able to reduce the quantity within days and

Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers may increase quantity until relief takes place


Almost certainly, a dysfunctional digestive tract is implicated. For your

Digestive Tract Recovery take (in order of priority):




Essential Herbal Cleanse to cleanse and restore digestive system and whole body

system (optional)


- Digestive Enzymes – 30 minutes before food


- ProDophilusFOS - Ensures a healthy digestive tract


- L-Glutamine - take 5 gms daily to heal the damaged digestive

tract for 1 -2 months.


- Oxygen and Aloe Vera - Take ½oz twice per day to help heal the

digestive tract and support the Probiotic.




Antioxidant Formula:

Consider a good Antioxidant Formula





Drink 6 or more glasses of pure water per day




Vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and beans


Eat 10-14 portions of vegetables and fruit per day, nuts, seeds and beans.

Click to view the Good Health Plan™




Flesh protein


Eat small amount of flesh protein: Fish and naturally reared meats.




No Starchy Carbohydrates


Stop ALL starchy carbohydrates: breads, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals,

potatoes, parsnips and pasta; all microwaved and processed foods etc.





Walk or exercise as much as is possible every day.




Oxygen Therapy


Get Oxygen Therapy or Take Oxygen Promoting Enzymes




Treat Depression


If depression has set in then take Organic Lithium and a St John’s Formula




Stick to the Program

Get serious about sticking to the program





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Dear Daya Sagara prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila



Thank you for the information on websites treating arthritis. It is

very useful and I have forwarded it to my wife.


Your humble servant,

Hari-sauri dasa

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