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NASN January 2007 - North American Sankirtan Newsletter

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January 2007 2/25/2007



For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this file contains

the following North American results for the month of January:


North American Totals

Monthly Temples

Monthly Top 100 Individuals

Monthly Top 5




This file is best viewed and printed using a fixed pitch font. In WinCOM

select Options, General, and change to Fixed pitch. In a word processor

chose Edit, Select All, and select a fixed pitch font such as Courier.


All glories to your service,

Your servant, Mayapur Sasi dasa



Scores received thru 02/25/2007





North American offering to Srila Prabhupada


MahaBig Big Medium Small BTGs Total Total % Templ/

Books Books Books Books Mags Books Points Change Devote


January 5233 3567 9269 16038 4697 38804 18623.85 +28% 25/ 63


Totals 5233 3567 9269 16038 4697 38804 18623.85 +28% 25/ 59

(%)Change compared

to last year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January 2007


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Temples (size) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Los Angeles (L) US 7863.90 na 2302 2467 3308 3974 1200

2 RupanugaVedicColle US 1533.25 na 940 0 261 126 0

3 Back to Godhead (S US 1440.70 na 273 49 154 167 936

4 San Diego (M) US 915.45 na 10 125 1426 2009 0

5 New Talavan (S) US 822.85 na 103 0 1463 1092 0

6 New Vrindavan (L) US 794.65 na 369 29 10 1349 68

7 Denver (M) US 776.20 na 178 190 270 362 1171

8 St. Louis (S) US 536.40 na 165 71 323 149 0

9 Toronto (S) Can 473.65 na 101 63 243 954 15

10 Seattle (S) US 450.00 na 240 0 0 0 0

11 San Jose (S) US 446.25 na 98 71 323 658 0

12 New York 26 2nd Av US 423.10 na 25 198 396 476 0

13 Berkeley (S) US 334.75 na 72 28 185 904 364

14 Winnipeg (MS) Can 332.80 na 148 12 46 54 6

15 Miami (S) US 283.25 na 31 32 117 868 381

16 Houston (S) US 242.65 na 24 0 98 1037 0

17 Alachua (S) US 237.25 na 9 122 60 825 100

18 New Orleans (S) US 207.85 na 40 0 441 90 0

19 Montreal (S) Can 104.80 na 20 12 58 332 2

20 Krishna Culture (S US 93.30 na 29 5 57 56 0

21 Tampa Bay (S) US 87.65 na 8 0 0 175 454

22 Vancouver (M) Can 77.30 na 20 17 15 157 0

23 Chicago (S) US 45.40 na 1 51 0 116 0

24 San Antonio (MS) US 2.40 na 0 0 0 16 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January 2007


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Individuals or Group Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 San Diego Sastra SD US 635.50 na 0 0 1130 1600 0

2 Team ISV WW San US 446.25 na 98 71 323 658 0

3 LA Sastra Dana LA US 189.50 na 22 24 210 370 25

4 New York MSFest US 98.05 na 27 25 15 92 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year





North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January 2007


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Paramesvara d RVC US 1533.25 na 940 0 261 126 0

2 Prema Sankirtan LA US 1111.35 na 523 210 0 609 70

3 Murti d LA- US 1088.75 na 255 388 545 0 0

4 Ananda Vidya d NVr US 783.05 na 369 27 2 1349 0

5 Dvarakesh d LA US 774.00 na 330 333 0 0 20

6 Amarnatha d LA US 653.50 na 340 4 0 0 0

7 Sacitanoy d LA US 604.45 na 29 419 184 229 11

8 Bhrgupati d LA US 598.80 na 245 73 1 343 0

9 Omkara d LA US 413.10 na 299 0 326 0 0

10 Mohanasini dd New US 398.30 na 33 0 970 12 0

11 Mahasringha d New US 378.00 na 70 0 360 1080 0

12 Bk Muru Sea US 324.00 na 162 0 0 0 0

13 Amoghalila d Ber US 318.65 na 72 18 169 888 363

14 Vijaya d LA US 305.00 na 104 107 34 2 0

15 Divyananda d St. US 298.05 na 141 0 9 86 0

16 Gaura Candra d Tor Can 253.75 na 25 16 239 754 0

17 Vedavyasa d Win Can 250.45 na 107 12 45 54 6

18 Shastra-krt d LA US 228.50 na 21 275 100 10 0

19 Gaurasundara d Den US 226.35 na 83 60 1 0 0

20 Drumila d New US 207.85 na 40 0 441 90 0

21 Nidra dd Den US 179.95 na 54 54 75 68 0

22 Bk Kerel NY US 174.15 na 0 79 185 214 0

23 Cakri d St. US 172.85 na 0 67 284 43 0

24 Bn Sara LA- US 130.15 na 13 15 53 504 0

25 Mahaprakasha d Tor Can 128.20 na 50 0 0 188 0

26 Bk Matthew NY US 113.20 na 9 70 43 103 0

27 Paramesvari dd Den US 98.90 na 16 66 0 6 0

28 Siddhavidya d Mia US 97.85 na 0 12 111 238 113

29 Bn Demi Tor Can 91.70 na 26 47 4 12 15

30 Govinda Datta d LA US 91.00 na 20 24 30 30 0

31 Bn Pranathi Sea US 90.00 na 60 0 0 0 0

32 Vivasvan d Tam US 87.65 na 8 0 0 175 454

33 Vrinda dd Win Can 82.35 na 41 0 1 0 0

34 Madhumangala d SD US 75.90 na 3 29 117 83 0

35 Divyanga d Ala US 75.00 na 0 0 0 500 0

36 Giriraja Gopal d SD US 69.25 na 7 45 54 59 0

37 Gargamuni d St. US 65.50 na 24 4 30 20 0

38 Visala d Mia US 65.30 na 0 0 0 286 224

39 Karunesvari Kirt Ala US 58.75 na 0 80 0 125 0

40 Sudevi Sundari Van Can 58.05 na 16 17 0 117 0

41 Mantra Murti dd Mia US 54.40 na 22 20 0 22 31

42 Bk Bronson SD US 49.70 na 0 13 68 86 0

43 Devaki Nandana d LA- US 49.50 na 0 0 0 330 0

44 Rohini dd New US 46.55 na 0 0 133 0 0

45 Bk Yovany SD US 44.70 na 0 19 43 71 0

46 Kisor Madhava d LA US 37.00 na 3 31 0 90 0

47 Veda Narayan d Sea US 36.00 na 18 0 0 0 0

48 Gokulananda d Chi US 34.00 na 1 51 0 40 0

49 Ram Keshava d Mon Can 26.60 na 5 4 29 53 0

50 Syama Rupa d Mon Can 23.10 na 7 2 14 60 2

51 Radharani dd LA US 21.60 na 0 0 30 74 0

52 Tota Gopinatha d SD US 21.40 na 0 16 9 15 0

53 Nartaka Gopal dd Mia US 20.10 na 7 0 6 38 13

54 Guru Prasad dd Ala US 19.50 na 0 0 0 130 0

55 Bk Stefan Van Can 19.25 na 4 0 15 40 0

56 Radhanatha d SD US 19.00 na 0 3 5 95 0

57 Akhiladhara d Ber US 16.10 na 0 10 16 16 1

58 HH Candrashekhar NVr US 11.60 na 0 2 8 0 68

59 Shankar Pandit d Chi US 11.40 na 0 0 0 76 0

60 Bk Corey San US 2.40 na 0 0 0 16 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January 2007


-------- Points -------- ----------- Points -----------

1 Los Angeles 7863.90 1 Paramesvara d RVC 1533.25

2 RupanugaVedicCollege 1533.25 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA 1111.35

3 Back to Godhead 1440.70 3 Murti d LA-RDTSKP1088.75

4 San Diego 915.45 4 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 783.05

5 New Talavan 822.85 5 Dvarakesh d LA 774.00


----- (%)Increase ------ -------- (%)Increase ---------

1 Chicago na 1 Paramesvara d RVC na

2 Denver na 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA na

3 Miami na 3 Murti d LA-RDTSKP na

4 San Diego na 4 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind na

5 Seattle na 5 Dvarakesh d LA na


---- Maha-Big Books ---- ------- Maha-Big Books -------

1 Los Angeles 2302 1 Paramesvara d RVC 940

2 RupanugaVedicCollege 940 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA 523

3 New Vrindavan 369 3 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 369

4 Back to Godhead 273 4 Amarnatha d LA 340

5 Seattle 240 5 Dvarakesh d LA 330


------ Big Books ------- ---------- Big Books ---------

1 Los Angeles 2467 1 Sacitanoy d LA 419

2 New York 26 2nd Ave 198 2 Murti d LA-RDTSKP 388

3 Denver 190 3 Dvarakesh d LA 333

4 San Diego 125 4 Shastra-krt d LA 275

5 Alachua 122 5 Prema Sankirtan d LA 210


----- Medium Books ----- -------- Medium Books --------

1 Los Angeles 3308 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 970

2 New Talavan 1463 2 Murti d LA-RDTSKP 545

3 San Diego 1426 3 Drumila d New Orlea 441

4 New Orleans 441 4 Mahasringha d New Talav 360

5 New York 26 2nd Ave 396 5 Omkara d LA 326


----- Small Books ------ -------- Small Books ---------

1 Los Angeles 3974 1 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 1349

2 San Diego 2009 2 Mahasringha d New Talav 1080

3 New Vrindavan 1349 3 Amoghalila d Berkeley 888

4 New Talavan 1092 4 Gaura Candra d Toronto 754

5 Houston 1037 5 Prema Sankirtan d LA 609


------ Magazines ------- --------- Magazines ----------

1 Los Angeles 1200 1 Vivasvan d Tampa Bay 454

2 Denver 1171 2 Amoghalila d Berkeley 363

3 Back to Godhead 936 3 Visala d Miami 224

4 Tampa Bay 454 4 Siddhavidya d Miami 113

5 Miami 381 5 Prema Sankirtan d LA 70


------ Full Sets ------- --------- Full Sets ----------

1 Seattle 11 1 Bk Muru Seattle 9

2 Back to Godhead 8 2 Gaurasundara d Denver 2

3 Denver 2 3 Bn Demi Toronto 2

4 Toronto 2 4 Veda Narayan d Seattle 2

5 San Jose 2 5 Bk Kerel New York 1


----- BBT Payments ----- ------ Matajis - Points ------

1 Los Angeles 18133 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 398.30

2 Vancouver 4541 2 Nidra dd Denver 179.95

3 Toronto 4000 3 Paramesvari dd Denver 98.90

4 San Jose 3281 4 Vrinda dd Winnipeg 82.35

5 Berkeley 2496 5 Sudevi Sundari dd Vancouver 58.05


--- Bhaktas - Points --- ----- Bhaktins - Points ------

1 Bk Muru Seattle 324.00 1 Bn Sara LA-RDTSKP 130.15

2 Bk Kerel New York 174.15 2 Bn Demi Toronto 91.70

3 Bk Matthew New York 113.20 3 Bn Pranathi Seattle 90.00

4 Bk Bronson San Diego 49.70 4 0.00

5 Bk Yovany San Diego 44.70 5 0.00


Veteran Men(20+yrs) Points -Veteran Women(20+yrs) Points-

1 Sacitanoy d LA 604.45 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 398.30

2 Bhrgupati d LA 598.80 2 Nidra dd Denver 179.95

3 Amoghalila d Berkeley 318.65 3 Paramesvari dd Denver 98.90

4 Vijaya d LA 305.00 4 Mantra Murti dd Miami 54.40

5 Divyananda d St. Louis 298.05 5 Radharani dd LA 21.60






Go to www.SankirtanNewsletter.com (or www.wsnl.net)

(the password is: wsnhome). There you will find the monthly

scoresheet which you can fill out online and send in.


Monthly scores can still be sent the usual ways: fax, phone,

snail mail and e-mail. Please send them before the 7th of the

next month.


When sending scores by e-mail, please use the same basic format

as the printed scoresheet:



Temple: (Important!) Month: (Important!)


(Enter BOOKS below--NOT points)

SUB M1 S1 H1 S2 H2 S3 H3 S4 H4 SETS

Temple totals x x xx x x xx x xx x xx x

Top devotees:

Bk Mike x x x x x x x x x x x

Krsna d x x x x x x x x xx xx x

Radha dd xx xx x x x xx xxx x x




Try to limit each line to 80 characters maximum.

You can omit the codes you don't use. You can start with H4 if you wish.

Make sure the columns line up properly when viewed with a

fixed pitch font.

Use spaces (not tabs) between columns.

Include your temple's name!

Include the month the scores are for!

Include temple totals for the month.

List each month separately. Don't combine two or more months together.

Don't just report Small, Big, Mahabig, etc.--->Use the codes S1,S2 etc.

or make sure you specify hard or soft cover books

Don't send every devotee's score. Just the top devotees who will

have a chance to appear in the newsletter.

Send scores to Mayapur (AT) aol (DOT) com



--- Please observe the Fair Play rules ---

DEADLINE for scores is the 7th of the following month!

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