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Soundarya Lahiri--Verse 14 [of Sri Samkara-Bhagavatpada] PART TWO

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, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy

wrote: According to the first of these views each ray is given a

distinct AvaraNa-devatA of its own. In this classification are

involved two kinds of Tantr-s, the PUrva and the Uttara, the first

pertaining to the Sakti and hence known as SAkta, and the second-

pertaining to Siva and styled SAmbhava. From the conjunction of th

enon-differentiated All-Witness, Siva with the Sakti for the

creation of the world, there effulges a radiance, known as ParA,

pervading from the Brahmarandhra to the AjNA in the middle of the

eyebrows. **




This is known as the deity presiding over the humour MajjA - marrow.

By her are generated the five deities known as IcchA, JNana, KriyA,

KundalinI and MAtrkA, manifesting themselves respectively in the

Visuddhi of the throat, typifying Ether, in the AnAthata of the

heart, typifying Air, in the Manipura of the navel, typifying Water,

in the SvAddhisthAna of the genitals, typifying Fire, and in the

MUlAdhAra of the region above the anus, typifying Earth, presiding

over Tvac, Asrj, Medas and Asthi and making up the entire creation,

animate and inanimate. The number of rays pertaining to Agni and

manifesting in the MUlAdhAra and the ManipUra enveloping the first

Khanda is 108. The number of rays of the Sun manifestating in the

SvAddhisthAna and the AnAhata and enveloping the second Khanda is

116 [see footnote 1]


The number of rays of the Moon manifesting in the Visuddhi and the

AjNA and enveloping the third Khanda is 136. It has to be observed

that the Moon of this region with its fifteen waxing and waning KalA-

s is but a reflection of the full Moon with perpetual KalA-s which

has its place in the middle of the SahasrAra.


KaivalyAsrama gives the names of the 360 deities presiding over the

MayUkha-s in the order of the groups given in this stanza. These

names are mentioned in the footnote under stanzas 36-41.


These rays are also looked upon as representing the Eternal Verities

in the following manner : The Five TanmAtra-s, the five elements,

the ten organs of perception and motor action, the four Antah-karana-

s, KalA, Prakrti, Purusa and Mahat, twenty-eight in all, duplicated

so as to represent the Sakti and Siva, yield fifty-six as pertaining

to Earth. The five elements, the ten organs of perception and motor

action, their ten distinctive functions and Manas, twenty-six in

all, duplicatied as above, yield fifty-two as of Water. The five

elements, the five TanmAtra-s, the ten organs of perception and

motor action, their ten distinctive functions and Manas, thirty-one

in all, duplicated as above, yield sixty-two as of Agni. The twenty-

eight Tattva-s of Earth, excluding Mahat therefrom, ie the twenty-

seven so obtained, when duplicated as above, yield fifty-four as of

VAyu. The thirty-six Tattva-s of the Kalpa-SUtra-s [vide note under

stanza 9] duplicated as above yield seventy-two as of Ether. The

same Tattva-s excluding the last four, ie thirty-two, when

duplicated, yield sixty-four as of the Manas. These rays are

generated in the first instance from the Devi's feet and are thence

derived by the Moon, the Sun and the Fire, who worship at her feet,

for the evolution of the world.


The Special qualities possessed by these rays are described in

detail in BhairavayAmala. The SrI-vidyA is otherwise known as the

CandrakalA-vidyA or the lore relating to the waxing and waning of

the fifteen Kala-s, represented by the fifteen Tithi-s of the PUrva-

and Aparapaks-s which form the basis of calculating duration. The

year, which is thus one aspect of the manifestation of the KAla-

sakti, is said to be PrajApati, the Creator. Hence this rays are

verily the cause of the creation, sustenance and dissolution of the

universe, the microcosm as well as the macrocosm. As there are

myriads of such microcosms and macrocosms affected by the Sun, Moon

and Fire, through whom are diffused these rays which originate from

the Devi's feet, the MayUkha-s referred to are not merely three

hundred and sixty, but infinite. It also follows that the Bainda-

vasthAna of the CandrakalA-cakra, wherein the Devi reigns supreme

and wherefrom these rays orginate and manifest themselves,

transcends all worlds for all time.




Foot Note:

[1] The Sun and Fire, it should be understood, are of identical

nature. The Sun shines over the SvAdhisthAna and the AnAhata which

lies beyond the ManipUra. The Fire blazez forth in the MUlAdhAra and

the ManipUra which lies beyond the SvAdhisthAna. Thus there is an

inerlacing of the regions. This is explained thus : the rays of the

Sun have the power of evaporating moisture, which is then condensed

into cluds during the MahA-pralaya. In the event of the Fire blazing

forth to devastate the microcosm as well as the macrocosm, the

tremendous downpour from the gathered Samvarta clouds will have the

effect of quenching the flame and bringing it under control.



The Ocean of Beauty

Saundarya-LaharI of SrI Samkara-Bhagavatpada

Pandit S. Subrahmanya Sastri and T.R. Srinivasa Ayyangar



** End of Verse 14 commentary ***

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