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Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on spirituality that has been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify this book fully.

Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on Vedic culture. It contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is like the ocean in a small jar. It will answer your every single question about Spiritual Life and Meditation.

Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 99 or $ 5.99 + Shipping)


Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of Jaiva Dharma





Lord Kapila said:

"Therefore, without being agitated any more, I shall deliver myself from the darkness of nescience with the help of my friend, clear consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu in my mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs of many mothers for repeated birth and death."

The miseries of material existence begin from the very day when the spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of the mother and father, they continue after he is born from the womb, and then they are further prolonged. We do not know where the suffering ends. It does not end, however, by one’s changing his body. The change of body is taking place at every moment, but that does not mean that we are improving from the fetal condition of life to a more comfortable condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop Krishna consciousness. Here it is stated, upasädita-viñëu-pädaù. This means realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is intelligent, by the grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna consciousness, is successful in his life because simply by keeping himself in Krishna consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition of birth and death.

[On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana Maharaja returned to Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur and Delhi, he received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva Dharma by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he had translated Jaiva Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and then recently, under his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi version into English. Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja held a ceremony inaugurating the new publication. During the ceremony he spoke about the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked and blessed the devotees who assisted in its publication, and after expressing his appreciation to them individually, presented each of them with a copy.

Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said in September 23, 1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the acaryas, and he has left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and Jaiva Dharma are very important books. They are in Bengali and Sanskrit. And he has prepared many books of songs. We are trying to present Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s books in English, and gradually you will get them. So our adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura today so that he may bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna consciousness. Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the acaryas we can make very rapid progress."

Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in general, a conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13, 1975:

"Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape where you told us that we should not try to read the books of the previous acaryas.

Amogha: That we should not try to read Bhaktivinoda's books or earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just wondering…

Prabhupada: I never said that.

Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.

Prabhupada: How is that?

Amogha: I thought you said that we should not read the previous acarya's books.

Prabhupada: No, you should read.

Amogha: We should.

Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are following the previous acaryas. I never said that."

The following is a transcription of the inauguration speech given by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]




I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed in English. It has come from my Hindi translation, and this translation was approved by my Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. It was also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja, all my God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.

Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja ordered me to translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order to read and understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and language. Later, when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a preface, and in that preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me.

Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for understanding tattva (established philosophical truths), sadhana (the process to attain the perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna- prema). Those who will read it under the guidance of any well-trained and qualified Vaisnava will know its glories. When I first published it in Hindi, I thought that it must also be translated into English for the benefit of the entire world, for it will bring about a revolution. Surely now, when it will be distributed throughout the world, that revolution of new thought will come. At that time all will realize that what I am telling about tattva and bhakti, and sadhana and bhajana is true to the extreme. The wrong impressions about jiva-tattva, bhakti-tattva, and all other important truths will be clarified.

The siddhanta of Jaiva Dharma is very deep, and those who have spent time with me were able to untie the knots which bound those deep meanings. There are so many English editions of Jaiva Dharma, but most of them have not presented the philosophy clearly. There are many errors in them, and I think those errors will be corrected by this book. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura adopted the same process accepted by Vyasadeva in Srimad Bhagavatam. In Jaiva Dharma he presented tattva in such an interesting way that it appears like a novel. It is not a novel, however. Everything in it is true history. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura saw everything in his Samadhi and then he wrote it down.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura realized all of the written documents of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and the teachings of all the acaryas in His line. He was very expert in rasa-tattva (the science of the relationship between Krsna and the gopis), and the entire Bhaktirasamrta-sindhu and Ujjvala-nilamani is there in Jaiva Dharma. We cannot understand mahabhava (the pinnacle of devotion found only in the gopis) in Ujjvala-nilamani and other books of that nature. They are too difficult for common devotees. Here in Jaiva Dharma, therefore, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has put all such books into very simple language. He has put the ocean in a jar.

If anyone wants to enter into the spiritual realm, they should read this book, Jaiva Dharma, thoroughly. They should read it not only one time, but one hundred times, under the guidance of a high-class realized Vaisnava. Otherwise, it is not possible to enter into its deep meanings. In Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya-lila 5.131) it is stated that you should read Srimad Bhagavatam under the guidance of the bona fide Vaisnava, and this fact is also true in relation to Jaiva Dharma. Then you can realize its truths.

I am therefore very happy and satisfied by the publication of this book. To those who have helped with the publication of Jaiva Dharma as chief editors, translators, advisors, English and Sanskrit editors, proofreaders, layout persons, computer specialists, and to those who have helped with finances, I want to give my heartly blessings. I pray to Krsna and I pray to Gadadhara Pandita Prabhu who is manifest as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. I request them to sprinkle their mercy on those who helped me in any way. I will pray that the mercy of Sri Guru, Gauranga, and Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda-bihari will fall upon them.








[in that inauguration ceremony Srila Maharaja told one of the devotees to whom he presented a book, "I would like 40, 000 books distributed as soon as possible." Then, a few days later he told the devotees accompanying him on his morning walk, " I would like to see Jaiva Dharma in all the major western languages as soon as possible."]





Guru-bhakti is the backbone of devotion. If you do not have a sad-guru, then check out http://www.purebhakti.com







Always chant the maha-mantra for this age:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Swami B.V. Vishnu Daivata

vishnudaivata (AT) (DOT) co.in


Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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Dear Sir,


Is it available at Chennai and if so Could you please provide me the



If it is sent I shall pay the amount of Rs.99 plus postal charges.My

address at chennai is as under:


Plot 82

Third Street

Ashtalakshmi Nagar


Chennai 600087

Tamil Nadu


044 24765367








, Vishnu Daivata Svami

<vishnudaivata wrote:



> Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on spirituality that has

been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify this book fully.

> Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on Vedic culture. It

contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Mahabharata,

Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is like the ocean in

a small jar. It will answer your every single question about Spiritual

Life and Meditation.

> Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 99 or $ 5.99 + Shipping)


> Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of Jaiva Dharma





> Lord Kapila said:

> "Therefore, without being agitated any more, I shall deliver myself

from the darkness of nescience with the help of my friend, clear

consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu in my

mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs of many mothers

for repeated birth and death."

> The miseries of material existence begin from the very day when the

spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of the mother and

father, they continue after he is born from the womb, and then they

are further prolonged. We do not know where the suffering ends. It

does not end, however, by one's changing his body. The change of body

is taking place at every moment, but that does not mean that we are

improving from the fetal condition of life to a more comfortable

condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop Krishna

consciousness. Here it is stated, upasädita-viñëu-pädaù. This means

realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is intelligent, by the

grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna consciousness, is successful

in his life because simply by keeping himself in Krishna

consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition of birth and death.

> [On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana Maharaja returned to

Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur and Delhi, he

received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva Dharma by Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he had translated Jaiva

Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and then recently, under

his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi version into English.

Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja held a ceremony

inaugurating the new publication. During the ceremony he spoke about

the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked and blessed the

devotees who assisted in its publication, and after expressing his

appreciation to them individually, presented each of them with a copy.

> Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said in September 23,

1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura,

"Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the acaryas, and he has

left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and Jaiva Dharma are

very important books. They are in Bengali and Sanskrit. And he has

prepared many books of songs. We are trying to present Bhaktivinoda

Thakura's books in English, and gradually you will get them. So our

adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura today so that he may

bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna consciousness.

Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the acaryas we can make

very rapid progress."


> Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in general, a

conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13, 1975:

> "Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape

where you told us that we should not try to read the books of the

previous acaryas.

> Amogha: That we should not try to read Bhaktivinoda's books or

earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just wondering…

> Prabhupada: I never said that.

> Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.

> Prabhupada: How is that?

> Amogha: I thought you said that we should not read the previous

acarya's books.

> Prabhupada: No, you should read.

> Amogha: We should.

> Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are following the

previous acaryas. I never said that."


> The following is a transcription of the inauguration speech given

by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]




> I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed in English. It

has come from my Hindi translation, and this translation was approved

by my Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. It was

also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja, all my

God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakura.


> Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja ordered me to

translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order to read and

understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and language. Later,

when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a preface, and in that

preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me.

> Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for understanding tattva

(established philosophical truths), sadhana (the process to attain the

perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna- prema). Those who will

read it under the guidance of any well-trained and qualified Vaisnava

will know its glories. When I first published it in Hindi, I thought

that it must also be translated into English for the benefit of the

entire world, for it will bring about a revolution. Surely now, when

it will be distributed throughout the world, that revolution of new

thought will come. At that time all will realize that what I am

telling about tattva and bhakti, and sadhana and bhajana is true to

the extreme. The wrong impressions about jiva-tattva, bhakti-tattva,

and all other important truths will be clarified.

> The siddhanta of Jaiva Dharma is very deep, and those who have

spent time with me were able to untie the knots which bound those deep

meanings. There are so many English editions of Jaiva Dharma, but most

of them have not presented the philosophy clearly. There are many

errors in them, and I think those errors will be corrected by this

book. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura adopted the same process accepted by

Vyasadeva in Srimad Bhagavatam. In Jaiva Dharma he presented tattva

in such an interesting way that it appears like a novel. It is not a

novel, however. Everything in it is true history. Srila Bhaktivinoda

Thakura saw everything in his Samadhi and then he wrote it down.


> Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura realized all of the written documents of

Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Visvanatha

Cakravarti Thakura, the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and the

teachings of all the acaryas in His line. He was very expert in

rasa-tattva (the science of the relationship between Krsna and the

gopis), and the entire Bhaktirasamrta-sindhu and Ujjvala-nilamani is

there in Jaiva Dharma. We cannot understand mahabhava (the pinnacle of

devotion found only in the gopis) in Ujjvala-nilamani and other books

of that nature. They are too difficult for common devotees. Here in

Jaiva Dharma, therefore, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has put all such

books into very simple language. He has put the ocean in a jar.


> If anyone wants to enter into the spiritual realm, they should read

this book, Jaiva Dharma, thoroughly. They should read it not only one

time, but one hundred times, under the guidance of a high-class

realized Vaisnava. Otherwise, it is not possible to enter into its

deep meanings. In Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya-lila 5.131) it is stated

that you should read Srimad Bhagavatam under the guidance of the bona

fide Vaisnava, and this fact is also true in relation to Jaiva Dharma.

Then you can realize its truths.


> I am therefore very happy and satisfied by the publication of this

book. To those who have helped with the publication of Jaiva Dharma as

chief editors, translators, advisors, English and Sanskrit editors,

proofreaders, layout persons, computer specialists, and to those who

have helped with finances, I want to give my heartly blessings. I

pray to Krsna and I pray to Gadadhara Pandita Prabhu who is manifest

as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. I request them to sprinkle their mercy

on those who helped me in any way. I will pray that the mercy of Sri

Guru, Gauranga, and Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda-bihari will fall upon them.




> Gaura-premanande




> [in that inauguration ceremony Srila Maharaja told one of the

devotees to whom he presented a book, "I would like 40, 000 books

distributed as soon as possible." Then, a few days later he told the

devotees accompanying him on his morning walk, " I would like to see

Jaiva Dharma in all the major western languages as soon as possible."]







> Guru-bhakti is the backbone of devotion. If you do not have a

sad-guru, then check out http://www.purebhakti.com


> http://www.rangagaudiya.com

> vedic_culture

> http://www.pbwebcast.com

> http://www.purebhakti.com


> Always chant the maha-mantra for this age:


> Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

> Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


> Swami B.V. Vishnu Daivata

> vishnudaivata



> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers


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dear sir,

i am also interested.pl contact 98401 45944.


--- vseshadri47 <vseshadri47 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:



> Dear Sir,


> Is it available at Chennai and if so Could you

> please provide me the

> address.


> If it is sent I shall pay the amount of Rs.99 plus

> postal charges.My

> address at chennai is as under:

> V.Seshadri

> Plot 82

> Third Street

> Ashtalakshmi Nagar

> Valasaravakkam

> Chennai 600087

> Tamil Nadu

> India

> 044 24765367


> Regards

> V.Seshadri


> Regards



> , Vishnu Daivata

> Svami

> <vishnudaivata wrote:

> >


> > Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on

> spirituality that has

> been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify

> this book fully.

> > Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on

> Vedic culture. It

> contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas,

> Mahabharata,

> Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is

> like the ocean in

> a small jar. It will answer your every single

> question about Spiritual

> Life and Meditation.

> > Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 99 or $

> 5.99 + Shipping)


> > Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of

> Jaiva Dharma

> >

> >

> >


> > Lord Kapila said:

> > "Therefore, without being agitated any more, I

> shall deliver myself

> from the darkness of nescience with the help of my

> friend, clear

> consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of

> Lord Vishnu in my

> mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs

> of many mothers

> for repeated birth and death."

> > The miseries of material existence begin from the

> very day when the

> spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of

> the mother and

> father, they continue after he is born from the

> womb, and then they

> are further prolonged. We do not know where the

> suffering ends. It

> does not end, however, by one's changing his body.

> The change of body

> is taking place at every moment, but that does not

> mean that we are

> improving from the fetal condition of life to a more

> comfortable

> condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop

> Krishna

> consciousness. Here it is stated,

> upasädita-viñëu-pädaù. This means

> realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is

> intelligent, by the

> grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna

> consciousness, is successful

> in his life because simply by keeping himself in

> Krishna

> consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition

> of birth and death.

> > [On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana

> Maharaja returned to

> Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur

> and Delhi, he

> received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva

> Dharma by Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he

> had translated Jaiva

> Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and

> then recently, under

> his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi

> version into English.

> Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja

> held a ceremony

> inaugurating the new publication. During the

> ceremony he spoke about

> the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked

> and blessed the

> devotees who assisted in its publication, and after

> expressing his

> appreciation to them individually, presented each of

> them with a copy.

> > Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said

> in September 23,

> 1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura,

> "Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the

> acaryas, and he has

> left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and

> Jaiva Dharma are

> very important books. They are in Bengali and

> Sanskrit. And he has

> prepared many books of songs. We are trying to

> present Bhaktivinoda

> Thakura's books in English, and gradually you will

> get them. So our

> adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura

> today so that he may

> bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna

> consciousness.

> Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the

> acaryas we can make

> very rapid progress."

> >

> > Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in

> general, a

> conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13,

> 1975:

> > "Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I

> heard a tape

> where you told us that we should not try to read the

> books of the

> previous acaryas.

> > Amogha: That we should not try to read

> Bhaktivinoda's books or

> earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just

> wondering…

> > Prabhupada: I never said that.

> > Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.

> > Prabhupada: How is that?

> > Amogha: I thought you said that we should not

> read the previous

> acarya's books.

> > Prabhupada: No, you should read.

> > Amogha: We should.

> > Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are

> following the

> previous acaryas. I never said that."

> >

> > The following is a transcription of the

> inauguration speech given

> by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of

> Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed

> in English. It

> has come from my Hindi translation, and this

> translation was approved

> by my Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami

> Maharaja. It was

> also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja,

> all my

> God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila

> Bhaktisiddhanta

> Sarasvati Thakura.

> >

> > Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja

> ordered me to

> translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order

> to read and

> understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and

> language. Later,

> when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a

> preface, and in that

> preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me.

> > Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for

> understanding tattva

> (established philosophical truths), sadhana (the

> process to attain the

> perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna-

> prema). Those who will

> read it under the guidance of any well-trained and

> qualified Vaisnava

> will know its glories. When I first published it in

> Hindi, I thought

> that it must also be translated into English for the

> benefit of the

> entire world, for it will bring about a revolution.

> Surely now, when


=== message truncated ===






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I want to know more about how to order the book jaiva dharma. please provide contact details .



Raghu Rajagopal <raghur_62 > wrote:

dear sir,

i am also interested.pl contact 98401 45944.


--- vseshadri47 <vseshadri47 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:



> Dear Sir,


> Is it available at Chennai and if so Could you

> please provide me the

> address.


> If it is sent I shall pay the amount of Rs.99 plus

> postal charges.My

> address at chennai is as under:

> V.Seshadri

> Plot 82

> Third Street

> Ashtalakshmi Nagar

> Valasaravakkam

> Chennai 600087

> Tamil Nadu

> India

> 044 24765367


> Regards

> V.Seshadri


> Regards



> , Vishnu Daivata

> Svami

> <vishnudaivata wrote:

> >


> > Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on

> spirituality that has

> been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify

> this book fully.

> > Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on

> Vedic culture. It

> contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas,

> Mahabharata,

> Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is

> like the ocean in

> a small jar. It will answer your every single

> question about Spiritual

> Life and Meditation.

> > Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 99 or $

> 5.99 + Shipping)


> > Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of

> Jaiva Dharma

> >

> >

> >


> > Lord Kapila said:

> > "Therefore, without being agitated any more, I

> shall deliver myself

> from the darkness of nescience with the help of my

> friend, clear

> consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of

> Lord Vishnu in my

> mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs

> of many mothers

> for repeated birth and death."

> > The miseries of material existence begin from the

> very day when the

> spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of

> the mother and

> father, they continue after he is born from the

> womb, and then they

> are further prolonged. We do not know where the

> suffering ends. It

> does not end, however, by one's changing his body.

> The change of body

> is taking place at every moment, but that does not

> mean that we are

> improving from the fetal condition of life to a more

> comfortable

> condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop

> Krishna

> consciousness. Here it is stated,

> upasädita-viñëu-pädaù. This means

> realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is

> intelligent, by the

> grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna

> consciousness, is successful

> in his life because simply by keeping himself in

> Krishna

> consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition

> of birth and death.

> > [On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana

> Maharaja returned to

> Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur

> and Delhi, he

> received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva

> Dharma by Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he

> had translated Jaiva

> Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and

> then recently, under

> his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi

> version into English.

> Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja

> held a ceremony

> inaugurating the new publication. During the

> ceremony he spoke about

> the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked

> and blessed the

> devotees who assisted in its publication, and after

> expressing his

> appreciation to them individually, presented each of

> them with a copy.

> > Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said

> in September 23,

> 1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura,

> "Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the

> acaryas, and he has

> left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and

> Jaiva Dharma are

> very important books. They are in Bengali and

> Sanskrit. And he has

> prepared many books of songs. We are trying to

> present Bhaktivinoda

> Thakura's books in English, and gradually you will

> get them. So our

> adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura

> today so that he may

> bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna

> consciousness.

> Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the

> acaryas we can make

> very rapid progress."

> >

> > Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in

> general, a

> conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13,

> 1975:

> > "Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I

> heard a tape

> where you told us that we should not try to read the

> books of the

> previous acaryas.

> > Amogha: That we should not try to read

> Bhaktivinoda's books or

> earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just

> wondering…

> > Prabhupada: I never said that.

> > Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.

> > Prabhupada: How is that?

> > Amogha: I thought you said that we should not

> read the previous

> acarya's books.

> > Prabhupada: No, you should read.

> > Amogha: We should.

> > Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are

> following the

> previous acaryas. I never said that."

> >

> > The following is a transcription of the

> inauguration speech given

> by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of

> Srila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed

> in English. It

> has come from my Hindi translation, and this

> translation was approved

> by my Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami

> Maharaja. It was

> also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja,

> all my

> God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila

> Bhaktisiddhanta

> Sarasvati Thakura.

> >

> > Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja

> ordered me to

> translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order

> to read and

> understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and

> language. Later,

> when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a

> preface, and in that

> preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me.

> > Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for

> understanding tattva

> (established philosophical truths), sadhana (the

> process to attain the

> perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna-

> prema). Those who will

> read it under the guidance of any well-trained and

> qualified Vaisnava

> will know its glories. When I first published it in

> Hindi, I thought

> that it must also be translated into English for the

> benefit of the

> entire world, for it will bring about a revolution.

> Surely now, when


=== message truncated ===



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I am intersted to get the Book. Please let me know where to get it?

Adiyen Chinmaya Dasan





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'Keshavam' Crystal Kasthuri Apts., Flat No.:'E' Third Floor

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From: rswamyk (AT) (DOT) co.ukDate: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:56:30 +0000Re: Re: ATTENTION ALL THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!!

I want to know more about how to order the book jaiva dharma. please provide contact details .


RAMASWAMYRaghu Rajagopal <raghur_62 > wrote:



dear sir,i am also interested.pl contact 98401 45944.RAGHU.R--- vseshadri47 <vseshadri47 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> > Dear Sir,> > Is it available at Chennai and if so Could you> please provide me the> address.> > If it is sent I shall pay the amount of Rs.99 plus> postal charges.My> address at chennai is as under:> V.Seshadri> Plot 82> Third Street> Ashtalakshmi Nagar> Valasaravakkam> Chennai 600087> Tamil Nadu> India> 044 24765367> > Regards> V.Seshadri> > Regards> > > , Vishnu Daivata> Svami> <vishnudaivata wrote:> >> > ATTENTION ALL THE SPIRITUALISTS!!!!> > Jaiva Dharma is the most wonderful book on> spirituality that has> been ever written. It would be impossible to glorify> this book fully.> > Jaiva Dharma (800+ pages) is the best book on> Vedic culture. It> contains the essence of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas,> Mahabharata,> Ramayana, Agamas, Nigamas, Itihasas and so on. It is> like the ocean in> a small jar. It will answer your every single> question about Spiritual> Life and Meditation.> > Please order your copy right now. (Rs. 99 or $> 5.99 + Shipping)> > JAIVA DHARMA – NOW AVAILABLE!> > Please email vishnudaivata for your copy of> Jaiva Dharma> > > > > > > > YOU CANOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.> > Lord Kapila said:> > "Therefore, without being agitated any more, I> shall deliver myself> from the darkness of nescience with the help of my> friend, clear> consciousness. Simply by keeping the lotus feet of> Lord Vishnu in my> mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs> of many mothers> for repeated birth and death."> > The miseries of material existence begin from the> very day when the> spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of> the mother and> father, they continue after he is born from the> womb, and then they> are further prolonged. We do not know where the> suffering ends. It> does not end, however, by one's changing his body.> The change of body> is taking place at every moment, but that does not> mean that we are> improving from the fetal condition of life to a more> comfortable> condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop> Krishna> consciousness. Here it is stated,> upasädita-viñëu-pädaù. This means> realization of Krishna consciousness. One who is> intelligent, by the> grace of the Lord, and develops Krishna> consciousness, is successful> in his life because simply by keeping himself in> Krishna> consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition> of birth and death.> > [On September 21, 2001, when Srila Narayana> Maharaja returned to> Mathura after his two-week preaching tour in Jaipur> and Delhi, he> received 5,000 newly published copies of Jaiva> Dharma by Srila> Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Over forty years earlier he> had translated Jaiva> Dharma from the original Bengali into Hindi, and> then recently, under> his guidance, his disciples translated his Hindi> version into English.> Now, on the evening after his return, Srila Maharaja> held a ceremony> inaugurating the new publication. During the> ceremony he spoke about> the significance and glory of Jaiva Dharma, thanked> and blessed the> devotees who assisted in its publication, and after> expressing his> appreciation to them individually, presented each of> them with a copy. > > Regarding Jaiva Dharma, our Srila Prabhupada said> in September 23,> 1969, on the divine appearance day of Srila> Bhaktivinoda Thakura, > "Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be one of the> acaryas, and he has> left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta and> Jaiva Dharma are> very important books. They are in Bengali and> Sanskrit. And he has> prepared many books of songs. We are trying to> present Bhaktivinoda> Thakura's books in English, and gradually you will> get them. So our> adoration, our worship is to Bhaktivinoda Thakura> today so that he may> bless us to peacefully make progress in Krsna> consciousness.> Acarya-upasana. Simply by the blessings of the> acaryas we can make> very rapid progress."> > > > Regarding Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books in> general, a> conversation took place with Prabhupada on May 13,> 1975:> > "Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I> heard a tape> where you told us that we should not try to read the> books of the> previous acaryas.> > Amogha: That we should not try to read> Bhaktivinoda's books or> earlier books of other acaryas. So I was just> wondering…> > Prabhupada: I never said that.> > Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.> > Prabhupada: How is that?> > Amogha: I thought you said that we should not> read the previous> acarya's books.> > Prabhupada: No, you should read. > > Amogha: We should.> > Prabhupada: It is a misunderstanding…..we are> following the> previous acaryas. I never said that."> > > > The following is a transcription of the> inauguration speech given> by Srila Narayana Maharaja on September 21, 2001:]> > > > > > > > I'm very happy and satisfied that Jaiva Dharma of> Srila> Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been published and printed> in English. It> has come from my Hindi translation, and this> translation was approved> by my Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami> Maharaja. It was> also approved by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja,> all my> God-brothers, and several senior disciples of Srila> Bhaktisiddhanta> Sarasvati Thakura. > > > > Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja> ordered me to> translate this book into Hindi. Therefore, in order> to read and> understand it well, I studied Bengali grammar and> language. Later,> when Guru Maharaja saw my translation, he wrote a> preface, and in that> preface he sprinkled his causeless mercy upon me. > > Jaiva Dharma is a very authentic book for> understanding tattva> (established philosophical truths), sadhana (the> process to attain the> perfection of krsna-prema), and sadhya (krsna-> prema). Those who will> read it under the guidance of any well-trained and> qualified Vaisnava> will know its glories. When I first published it in> Hindi, I thought> that it must also be translated into English for the> benefit of the> entire world, for it will bring about a revolution. > Surely now, when> === message truncated ===________Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Games.http://videogames./platform?platform=120121



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