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SRS Vol.8.14 dated 02.14.07

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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //

SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//

KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /

SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//


SRI RANGA SRI VOL.08 / ISSUE # 14 dated 02.14.07



We are glad to feature the following article paying tribute to Asmad

Achaaryan on the occasion of Rajat Jayanti of his Sannyaasa

Sweekaranam being celebrated in Srirangam today. This is written by

Sri Vijai Srinivas, son of our Co- Moderator, Sri Madhava kannan

Swamiand Dr, Brintha Jayanthi of Singapore. Sri Vijai Srinivas is 18

years old, has just finished his 12th grade (called as Cambridge 'A'

level in Singapore) awaiting for the University admission. He is a

Sishya of His Holiness Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram Swami

Asramam, Srirangam.


Hope you will enjoy his experiences of this budding writer.



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30 Issues of Vol. 6

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14 Issues of Vol. 8 (including this)


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(Sri Vijai Srinivas, Singapore)


(Anbil Ramaswamy)



(Anbil Ramaswamy)






Srivaasa Ranga Parakaala Munitrayaabda

Lakshmaatma Rakshana Yathitva Yugaaga Maantham

Achaarya Bhakthi Pari bhootham Anargha Seelam

Gopaala Desika Munim Gurum Aasrayaamah


For those who may not know, I wish to inform that the 25th sannyaasa

sweekaranam anniversary of my Acharyan Paravakottai Srimad Andavan,

Sri Gopala Desika Mahaa Desikan, Poundarikapuram Swami Ashramam,

Srirangam falls on the 14th of this month. I only feel it is right

for me to talk a little about my Achaarya as this event approaches.


There is a popular saying in Srirangam that Swami has "many more

admirers than even Sishyas". It is quite obvious why so many admire

him. In today's modern and fast-changing world of various `Baba's

and `Nanda's plaguing our religion, there are very few spiritual

leaders who still have the Vairaghyam needed to follow the

restrictions placed upon a Sannyaasin. And, in that aspect I can

proudly say that my Acharyan is THE BEST in upholding the traditions

of our Samparadaaya. He knows that there is a reason why each

ceremony, like Bhara Nyaasam and Pancha Samskaaram etc, that is to be

conducted under his guidance has a specific method and rigor that

must be followed (even though some of us may have ignorantly scoffed

at such practices as archaic and irrelevant ceremonies) and that

compromising on this will only lead to the non fulfillment of the

goal desired.


Having said that, it still surprises me as to how well he assesses

the necessity for exceptions in each case. For example, I still

remember the day my parents took a quick and sudden decision just

before the Nov-Dec school holidays to have me undergo Pancha

Samskaaram and Bhara Nyaasam (the latter of which I underwent

together with my sister) during the vacation. Generally, Swami would

require anyone who wanted to perform Bhara Nyaasam under him to

travel from Srirangam to Thirupallani (near Rameswaram) to do Samudra

Snaanam (bath in the ocean) so as to do Prayaschittham for his/her

past sins. Our vacation was very short (due to a dearth of office

leave for my parents) and we were wondering as to what would happen

if Swami were to ask this of me. Surprisingly, as if he could

understand our problems, he didn't even breathe a word about it. I

shudder to think what would have happened otherwise. My Bhara Nyaasam

would have probably been postponed and who knows, it may not even



Many say that when one performs Achaarya Nishtai, the responsibility

for the Prapatti is placed on the shoulders of the Acharyan and his

Mahaa Viswaasam and other qualities as more important than ours in

the context of the Sishya's role. Needless to say that it is obvious

that Swami possesses such qualities from first sight: some have even

said that he is almost a modern-day Ramanuja given his height and

Tejas. But the transformation that my family underwent after our

Prapattis gives proof of what an astounding success our Prapattis

were and lends credence to his greatness.


One last note as to how much a well-wisher Swami has been to my

family. We go to visit him every year during the Dec holidays.

Usually, he inquires us about our general well-being, financial

affairs, etc. But the Dec before I gave my O-levels, (a British

public exam similar to the CBSE 10th exam) he surprisingly inquired

about my grades (with not a word of mention or prompting from us

about my exams) during our annual visit. And that too, he

specifically asked whether I was used to getting `A' grades. (A small

note: the alphabetical grading system was only implemented in India

in the last decade or so. It goes to show how well-informed Swami is)

The next year was, to cut a long story short, a huge triumph for me

academically. I must confess that I was not used to getting `A's

during my middle school years and I am definitely sure that Swami's

subtle hint /

Kataaksham had something to do with my performance.


Acharyan thiruvadigalae charanam


Vijai Srinivas



(Anbil Ramaswamy)



An "Ithihasa" is required to depict the nine types of emotions; and

Srimad Ramayanam does full justice in this regard.

- Sringaaram: (Conjugal happiness) Joy experienced by Sri Rama

and Sri Sita when they were together and misery when they were apart,

called SambOga and Vipralamba Sringaram respectively.

- Haasyam: (Humor) Case of Soorpanakha whose amoral advances

were repelled by Sri Rama and Sri LakshmaNa.

- KaaruNyam: (Mercy) Dasaratha's wailing after sending Sri Rama

to exile; the story of how the cruel crow was saved.

- Veeram: (Heroism) In the breaking of Siva Dhanus

- Roudram: (Anger): The decimation of RavaNa and his ilk.

- Bhayaankam: (Fear) Maareecha who saw Sri Rama in every tree!

- Bheebatsam: (Horror): Kabandhan, Viraadan and Raakshasis

surrounding Sita.

- * Adbhutam: Hanuman's feet in jumping over to Lanka, Rama

building a bridge across the ocean, the terrific fight of Sri Rama

with RavaNa.

- Saantham: (Tranquility) Sabari, Rishis of DaNDakaaraNya.



To appreciate how Valmiki portrayed all these in his RamayaNam, we

have to have a flashback of the life of the Aadikavi himself.


A little known fact about this well known Poet is that he was born in

Tiru Anbil, my native village where a lot of stone inscriptions stand

as testimony to this fact. He was known as "Rikshan". Later, he moved

to North India where due to bad company, he became a highway robber

whose only avocation was to waylay pilgrims passing through the dense

forest where he lived. Once, he stripped the belongings of a group of

seven Rishis (Saptarishis). The leader of the group asked Rikshan why

he was indulging in this sinful act. He replied that he did this in

order to feed his huge family. The leader asked him to go back home

to ascertain if the family members who enjoyed his booty were

prepared to partake in his sin as well. Rikshan headed home to

consult his family members. They said that it was his duty to feed

them and they would not share in his sin.


Frustrated, he returned to the Rishis and narrated the incident and

wished to know how he could expiate his sins. He was an unlettered

person. The leader showed him a tree and asked him to tell the name

of the tree. He said that it was called "Maraa maram". The leader

asked him to concentrate on repeating the name of the tree. He

replied: "Maraamara". They asked him to repeat the same incessantly.

"Ekaagra manasaa atraiva marEti japa sarvadaa" – Adhyaatma Ramayanam

As he did this, automatically, "Maraamara" turned into "Ramarama".

Unmindful of his

surroundings, and forgetting food and sleep, he went on repeating the

words without any let up. In course of time, a huge anthill formed

and covered him fully. The rain god showered rains and the mud

surrounding Rikshan slowly got dissolved. Rikshan emerged out. He

came to be known as Valmiki meaning – "one who emerged from an

anthill. "



When Naarada appeared before him, Valmiki asked him whether there was

anyone living in the world that possessed all the 16 Qualities

enumerated by him.


1. kOne asmin saampradam lOkE 1.guNavaan kas cha 2.veeryavaan/

3.dharmagjnas cha 4. kritagjnas cha 5. sathyvaakhyO 6. driDavratah//

7. chaaritrENa cha kO yuktah 8. sarva bhootEshu kO hitah/

9. vidwaan kah kah 10. samarthas cha 11. kaschaika priya Darsana: //

12. aatmavaan kO 13. jitakrOda:14. dhyutimaan kO 15. anasooyaka: /

16. kasya bibhyati dEvaas cha jaatarOshasya samyugE//

Etad ichchaami aham srOtum param koutoohalam hi mE/

maharshE tvam samarthOsi jnaatum Evam vidham naram//


Narada was dumbstruck for a while, not because he did not know Sri

Rama as the only one who possessed all the qualities together but he

was mulling within his mind which of these qualities stood supreme!

Finally, he replied that it was indeed Sri Rama who possessed all the

qualities and that he was ruling in AyOdhya. Then, he proceeded to

narrate the life story of Sri Rama. This imprinted an indelible

impression in Valmiki's mind. He was so moved by the episodes,

especially of pangs of separation of Tara from her husband Vaali,

MaNDOdari from her husband RaavaNa, Sita from her husband Rama etc.

that he was mulling the incidents in his mind. This incident also

points to an important message that one should learn the esoteric

from a "Qualified" Guru.



Padma Samhitai Chaaryaa Paadam 23-31 warns that acquisition of

knowledge by chance, by overhearing, by deceit, or from books is

sheer waste.

yadruchayaa srutO mantra: channEna chalEna vaa/

patrEkshitO vaa vyartha: syaat pratyuta anarthatO bhavEt//



At that time he saw a hunter shooting down the male of the twin

Krouncha birds (which are known to be always together). The male bird

fell down with blood spluttering all over and the female bird was

crying in anguish. Involuntarily, came out from the lips of the

unlettered Valmiki, a curse on the hunter.

"maa nishaada! pratishTaam tvam agama: saaswatee

samaa/ yath krouncha

mitunaad Ekam avadhee; kaama


"Oh! Cruel hunter! How come you shot at and killed one of the two

krouncha birds even as they were in love-play? You can never be happy

and you will be wandering aimlessly for the rest of your life"

No sooner than he uttered this than he realized that it was not his

business to curse somebody and felt sad for doing so. Lord Brahma

appeared before him and told him that what he had uttered was not a

curse but read differently it turned out to be an auspicious Slokam,

with which he should commence writing his Ramayana.



**It was indeed an instance of SOkam giving birth to


* * Do you know that there is a "SlOkam" that dispels "SOKam"?


He also blessed him -

- That all that happened in private or in public between the various

characters would be known to him in every detail - as if he were

actually witnessing them personally –

rahasyam cha prakaasam cha yad vritham tasya dheemata: –

- That there would not be single untruth in his work;-

na tE vaag anrutaa kaavyE kaaschid atra


Kuru Raama kathaam puNyaam slOka baddhaam

manOramaam //

- That this work would stand forever, so long the hills and dales

stood on


Yaavat sthaasyanti giraya: saritas cha


Taavat RaamaayaNa katha lOkEshu prachalishyati//


Soon, Saraswati appeared and endorsed Brahma's boon and offered to

shower her grace in the composition. No wonder, Grammar, syntax and

Prosody, word and meaning - all vied with each other in seeking a

place in his


"Tad upagata Sammasa Sandhi


Sama madhura artha vaakhya


Raghuvara charitam Muni praNeetam//


Gaayatri appeared and said that her Mantra consisted of 24 letters

and the each letter would preside over every 1000 slOkas of the

24,000 SlOkas in his Ramayana.


Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam is blessed with so many boons which other

Ramayanams cannot boast of. It is the one epic that has caught the

imagination of poets over the ages, that all other Ramayanas were at

best a derivative of this original Kaavya with twists and turns

improvised to suit their pet imagination.



There is a slOka which says:


praatah dhyoota prasangEna madhyaahnE stree prasangata: /

raatrou chOra prasangEna kaalO gachchati sreemataam//


A superficial reading would suggest that we should engage in reading

stories about gambling in the mornings, about women during daytime

and at night about thieving!


But, the real intent is that we should read Mahabharata (in which

gambling forms the turning point in the lives of the personalities)

in the mornings, Srimad RamayaNam (that centers around the

tribulations of a woman, Sri Sita - "Sitaayaa: charitam mahat")

during midday and at night, Srimad Bhaagavatam (that shows how we are

guilty of stealing our soul that belongs to God and how we should

surrender it back unto him).



Kamban answers:


venri sEr ilangaiyaanai venra maal veeram Oda

ninra, ramaayaNathin nigazhndiDu kathaigaL tammil

onrinaip paDithOr taamum uraithiDak kETTOr taamum

nanru idu enrOr taamum naragamadu eidiDaarE (Kappup PaTalam)


Even if one of the several stories in Ramayana is studied or heard or

appreciated, such a person would not face any misfortune in life.



naaDiya poruL kai kooDum jnaanamum pugazhum uNDaam

veeDu iyal vazhi athu aakkum vEri am kamalai nOkkum (Noor Payan)


Ramayana PaaraayaNam will bestow whatever is desired, like wealth,

health etc besides true knowledge, fame and the grace of Sri

Mahaalakshmi who is the prime mover in granting these.


At the end of the epic, Valmiki assures in no uncertain terms:

aayushyam aarOghyakaram yasayam, soubraatrukam buddhikaram subam cha/

srOtavyam yEtat niyamEna sadbhi: aakhyaanam Ojaskaram Vriddhi

kaamai: // (Yuddha khaaNdam 127)


The Sage commands that those desirous of enjoying unlimited happiness

like long life, health, fame, fraternal love, knowledge, generations

of virtuous progenies, un-diminishing wealth of all kinds and finally

mOksham itself should read / listen to this story of Rama



Valmiki taught Lava and Kusa the story of Ramayana. They are known to

have sung Srimad Ramayanam so melodiously that the entire audience

was enthralled and Sri Rama himself leaving his throne moved to mix

with the audience entranced by the sweetness of their musical

rendering without his being aware of his doing so!


28. TWO WAYS OF LISTENING! Sideways or Up and down!

Sideways in appreciation; Up and down will indicate that the listener

is dozing!

"While everyone in the audience was shaking heads in appreciation,

there was one who did not do so. Do you know who it was? It was none

other than AdisEsha because he heard not through his ears but by his

eyes and also as he is believed to bear the burden of the entire

universe, he could not afford to do so lest it should result in a

virtual earthquake!" humorously remarks Asmad Acharyan.






(Anbil Ramaswamy)



There are several yaagas performed by Kings in the olden days. Some

of them are-

1. Soma Yaagam: SOmam means "amritam" i.e. "prolonged life" -

almost being deathless.

2. VaajapEyam: for wealth

3. Raajasooyam: for control over other kingdoms

4. Purusha mEdam: Human Sacrifice (vide Purusha Sooktam)To

understand the mysteries of creation

5. Sarva mEdam: To understand the relationship between different


6. SouthramaNi: To conquer and get back lost kingdom

7. Pravarghyam: for strength, health and vitality

8. AswamEdham: Covers all the above including pleasing the

presiding deities of Earth (Bhuvi), fire (Anala), wind (Anila), Sun

(JyOti) and waters (VaruNa) and many others.

The AswamEdha Yaagam is one of the grandest sacrifices that could be

performed with great pomp and circumstance only by Emperors and

powerful kings.



The Vedas themselves in their infinite mercy prescribe that those

who are not able to perform this Yaagam can obtain the same fruits as

performing by just reciting / listening the Mantras involved as

listed in Paragraph 7 above.

" Yam yam kritmadheeyatE tEna tEna asya ishTam Bhavati".



This PaaraayaNam is usually made on Ekaadasi day and is followed

by "KaaTakam PaaraayaNam" on the following Dwaadasi day. Ekaadasi is

a special day because it is a day of "Upavaasa" (fasting day) and

Dwaadasi is a follow up of the same when the fast is broken

(PaaraNai). "Upa" means "Together" and "Vaasa" means ""residing"

Together, it means these are days when the Saadaka is deemed

to "reside with the Lord" mentally in meditation. Therefore, it

has "special effects" on these days and bestows "special benefits" to

the already beneficial effects of the PaaraayaNam.



Brahmaa was the first to perform this in Kaanchi KshEtram. Ikshvaaku

kings before Dasaratha, Dasaratha himself and Rama are known to have

performed the Yaagam in their times. In our own days, Srimad Azhagiya

Singhar arranged for the PaaraayaNam on Ekaadasi and Dwaadasi as soon

as he took over the ascetic order. We know, how within a short time,

he was able to raise the status and the finances of the AhObila MaTam

from a stark minus to a staggering plus.



The sonorous rendering of the Mantras with the intonation and Svaram

by authentic Vedic scholars has a mesmerizing effect. It should be

seen to be believed. Thus, the very listening is a reward in itself

apart from the other benefits it is credited to confer.



1. Mainly Agni (Fire God): He is known as "Havya-vaahana" - "Courier

of the offerings to the respective other deities He is also known

as "jaata-vEdas"- "One who knows all that happens". He is the nearest

deity capable of being sighted with our eyes (unlike Indra and

others). He is propitiated in 3 forms Aaahavaneeyam (90, 294),

Gaarhaapatyam (91) and Vaiswaanaram (93)

2. Hayagreeva

3. Indra: (93 and 107)

4. Soma (119)

5. VaruNa (93, 121)

6. Maruths (93)

7. Dadigraava (93)

8. Brihaspati (96)

9. Prajaapati (98)

10. Agnipureeshyam (174)

11. Garutmaan (178)

12. Hamsa Bhagavaan (185)

13. Purusheeyaagni (189)

14. Vanaspati (Not Dalda!) (190)

15. Vaiswaanaran

16. Ekaadasa Rudras (220, 316-327, 354, 368)

17. Viswakarma (233)

18. VaiswEdEvas (254)

19. Vaastasapati (164)

20. PoorNima (166)

21. Manu (160)

22. Parjanya dEvata and Aryamaan (132)

23. AswinidEvas (127)

24. Yagjna Samrakshaka Mahaa VishNu (127)

25. SwashTikrit (126)

26. Asvam (May be, this refers to the apocalyptic Kalki who rides on

horseback to bring the golden age of Krita Yuga again)

It will thus be seen that after Agni as Havya-vaahana, the first

deity propitiated is the Horse faced Haya-greeva and the last one is

Horse itself. That is why, it is known as "Aswa-mEDha Yaagam"



1. Welfare of humanity (LOka kshEmaatham)

2. IshTapraapti and

3. an-ishTa nivritti

4. Dheergha aayu: (sarata: satam) (90 AND 127 Yagjna Rakshaka Mahaa


5. Sons and Daughters, Cattle, House and other properties (91


6. All round Happiness in life (95)

7. Success in all undertakings (96 an 97 Brihaspati)

8. Vanquishing enemies (Satru naasanam) (98 Prajaapati and 185 Hamsa


9. Satru DvEsha Nivrutti (185 Garutmaan)

10. To secure undiminishing prosperity (174 Agni purusheeyam)

11. Dhaanya Samriddhi (plenty of grains) 189 Purushayaagni)

12. Securing herbs (Oshadis) (190 Vanaspati)

13. Attaining the heavens (Svargam) (99)

14. Securing war horses (102)

15. Increasing virility and strength (104)

16. Leadership (93 and 107 Indra)

17 To secure pardon for sins committed (109)

18, Recognition through Royal honors (110)

19. To shine with royal regalia (121)

20. To secure the blessings of fore-fathers (111)

21. To acquire wealth like KubEra (119 Soman)

22. To secure amity and peace (126 SvashTakrit)

23. To secure the confidence of dEvas (132 Parjanya dEvta and


24. Securing cattle wealth (140 Pasupati Rudra)

25. Becoming a law maker like Manu (160 Manu)

26 Freedom from disease (164 VaastOshpati)

27. Valor (166).

What more can any one hope for?

May the Divya Dampathis shower their choicest blessings on all of us.




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