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MoondrAm thiruvandhAdhi-1

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*Sri Parthasarathi thunai*


*Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha*


*Srimad Vara Vara MunayE Namaha*


*Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha*


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*One person asked, "A Christian's holy book is Bible, for a muslim it is The

Quran and what is it for the Hindus?" Immediately, as a response to this

question our thought dvelves around the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad

geetha. The said three are categorized as "prastAnastrayam" by the elderly

scholars. Having said that, the immediate question follows: What about for

the humans in the common masses? Our acharyas got everyone into a common

group called as thondar kulam – servants of the supreme lord. One who

realizes the supremacy of Sriman Narayana is called a Srivaishnava and the

holy books for Srivaishnavas are dual in nature ("ubhayavedantham")

namely 'prastAnatrayam'

(restricted to scholarly people, with knowledge of Sanskrit and also born

with the eligibility to learn and propagate them) and 'nAlAyira divya

prabhandam'(divine works of azhvars in sweet and easy tamil language which

is easy to learn even for smaller children with the same depth in meanings)..

Anyone can read, enjoy and practice this holy text. To make it clear that

it is common to all, emperuman gave these divine texts from the divine mouth

of the divya sooris (the azhvars) born in different caste and creed.


the prapanna jana koodastar (head of prapannas, Srivaishnavas who have

surrendered to the divine feet of Sriman Narayana) was not born in the so

called high caste!*


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* The first among the azhvars are called as mudal azhvars and they were not

born from a womb of a mother but they appeared from a flower. Though the

first paasurams to touch this world were done by these 3 first azhvars still

while ordering the works of azhvars the mudal, erandhAm and moondrAm

thiruvandhAdhi's find place only in the 3rd thousand-Iyarpa. *


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*Due to the divine grace of Godha sametha Sri Parthasarathi emperuman we

will try to dwell in the divine anubhavams of the third among the mudal

azhvar, peyAzhvar's moondrAm thiruvandhAdhi. We will go through the

meanings of each and every paasuram in this prabhandam as given by the great

commentators Sri Periyavachan pillai and Sri Appillai and with the help of

the vivaram by Sri Puttur krishnaswamy Iyengar and divyarthadeepikai of Sri

Kanchi prathivAdhibayankaram mahAmahimOpAdhyAya annangarAchAryar swamy.*


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*Though whatever written will be from the words of our poorvacharyas the

level of understanding and reproduction in English will of course be

restricted to adiyen's ignorance. Hence adiyen in advance begs the pardon

of all bhagavatas for any knowingly or unknowingly committed mistakes. If

there is some good outcome due to this adiyen's daring effort, all the

credits are due, to the divine feet of adiyen's acharya HH Sri Kaliyan

vanamamalai Ramanuja Jeeyer swamy who has made even a mud clay like adiyen

to get involved in such a divine kainkaryam "poruallAla ennai porulAkki

adimai kondai"*


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*Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam*


*Adiyen ramanuja dAsan*



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