Guest guest Posted February 18, 2007 Report Share Posted February 18, 2007 Post 32 Dear Sri vaishnava perunthagaiyeer, In the previous 31 posts, we saw 'lakshmaNa' donning 10 roles. The 10th role as a great warrior is continuing. We are at the stage of 'indhrajith vadham'. Once this is over the warrior's contribution is less and our study on that 'role' will get completed. Raama and lakshmaNa, were tied by brahmaasthram by indhrajith when he fought the war in 'invisible' mode. [Perhaps some filmmaker of yester years took the idea from raamaayaNam? – recall that famous film - invisible man]. This indhrajith fighting is second time - after 'kumbakarNan vadham' and other few ravaNaa's army leaders following kumbakarna's steps later. Our hero, lakshmaNa said to raama 'I will send the brahmaasthram to kill all raakshasaas' when he could not locate indhrajith. He was stopped by raama. [That is what we saw in previous post.] What raama said -- see slokam ayudhyamaanam prachchhannam praanjalim saraNaagatham | palaayantham pramaththam vaa na thvam hanthum iha arhasi || 6- 80 - 40 *meaning:* hey lakshmaNa, the following do not deserve to be killed · one who is not fighting here in the arena · one who has hidden himself · one who has done anjali – [kooppina kai] [ modern version of this is raised hands – so that that fellow is no more attacked by enemies, for he has expressed himself as accepting defeat or surrender at the hands of the other side] · one who has taken refuge, or surrender or asylum · one who is running away · one who is careless in the arena Raama also added just for one's sake [just to kill one indhrajith] the whole raakshasaas in the world should not be killed [in 6-80-39] – which implies what is written towards the end in previous post – includes vibheeshaNa and his 4 deputies. *Point:* Dear readers, see the 'yudhdha dharmam' is being taught by raama even at that stage – that too – to nobody else other than his own brother. Is lakshmaNa so bad in not knowing these? Or is it necessary for raama to tell all these to his deputy at that stage? No sirs, may be that is a gentle reminder to lakshmaNa. But the major factor is – it is kavi chaathuryam – to place that at that stage for us to learn – the people living today – and for those living in future also. *Continuation:* Since tasted a bit of success through his tricky steps, indhrajith then brought a 'maayaa seethaa' an illusory image of seethaa to the war front and held seethaa by her hair. Hanumaan and a team of vaanaraas saw this. In front of them indhrajith killed that fake seethaa. Then hanumaan fought with indhrajith for some time but retreated saying, 'what is the use of fighting – for whose sake all these fighting takes place, that seethaa is now dead – so why to fight – let us inform raama and king sugreeva and decide what to do next'. *Point:* Why I bring that 'holding seethaa by her' to your notice is - even though it is seethaa's image or 'maaya seethaa' only – when he held her by her hair, indhrajith's death is announced -killing is just round the corner.. In bhaaratham, after holding the hair of dhroupathy, dhuryodhana and others had 13 years of life. But here it is just 3 days. So anybody denigrating a women by pulling / holding her hair has to meet the death penalty – may be timewise sooner or later. That is an important lesson. [in a lighter vein, perhaps that is why the ladies of present day do not give that chance to men – to meet their own death. With lot of kaaruNyam on the male population, they have short hair – so that there is no chance to pull them or hold them by their hair. If at all touched, then the damage is also less - no capital damage]. *Continuation:* Raama was very unhappy to hear this news of death of seethaa from hanumaan and team. Raama even fainted and lakshmaNa held raama's head in lap and talked a lot of dharma to console raama. *Note:* lakshmaNa talked a lot – kindly recall what I stated in post 1 "lakshmaNa talking dharma to raama – to that raamO vigrahavaan dharma:" – a surprise – Yes. That is at this stage of war. [What he taught and all we will see in role of 'lakshmaNa as a wise counsel – or minister' - for few more such instances are there]. *Continuation:* Meanwhile vibheeshaNa hearing this [about killing of seethaa] concluded it as a trick and informed raama about indhrajith's homam [or yagnam] in nikumbila and requested lakshmaNa to be sent to kill indhrajith with hanumaan and himself. Also he gave the clue that indhrajith can be killed only before he concludes the yaagam at nigumbila and not later. [For that is the curse on indhrajith – whoever interrupts indhrajith in the midst of a yagnam and calls him to fight, and makes him to fight, he will be indhrajith's killer. Otherwise indhrajith cannot be killed]. Raama agreed, sent lakshmaNa and the army under leadership of hanumaan, with jaambavaan as co-commander, and an advisor cum supporter in vibheeshana [of course vibheeshaNa wherever he goes, he goes along with his ministers – those 4 persons who took asylum in raama on the other shore]. Please note in this fight with indhrajith only, vibheeshana also touches weapons to kill some from his own clan. [similar to karna touching weapons only after fall of bheeshma] so far no. Raama sends lakshmaNa, and gives a send off note to lakshmaNa reading – 'jahi tham raakshasa sutham maayaa bala vi*s*aaradham || 6- 85 –25' lakshmaNa, meet success with that raakshasa, who is a wizard in tricky war. *Point:* So the great warrior role is specifically assigned to lakshmaNa now by raama himself in front of others. LakshmaNa is commissioned - that too to kill a very formidable enemy in indhrajith. At this stage vaalmeeki's description of lakshmaNa is simply glorious – says "on hearing raama's words that *athi adhbhutha paraakrama: lakshmaNa *– that wonderfully valourous lakshmaNa - took the best of the bows [and left] with vibheeshaNa". Vaalmeeki says -- raaghavasya vacha: sruthvaa lakshmaNa: sa vibheeshaNa: | jagraaha kaarmuka srEshtam *athi adhbhutha paraakrama:* || - 6-85- 27 *continuation:* before leaving lakshmaNa paid praNaamams to raama and done pradhakshiNam – namaskaarams to raama and circumambulation of raama - to his elder brother raama and left on the mission. *Point:* Why I highlight this is – as the dhaasaas or servants of the supreme lord, when we undertake a major task or work, it is a good practice to do praNaamams [namaskaarams] to perumaaL and elders in our house and then start on the mission. See here lakshmaNa doing that – that is why vaalmeeki specifically adds even such small acts without omission - that too in much serious situations like a serious war – for us to learn. *Time duration *of* *war with indhrajith: When lakshmaNa returned successfully after killing indhrajith – raama says – aho raathrai thribhi veera: kathamchith vinipaathitha: | 6- 92- 18 meaning: oh that valiant [indhrajith] have been killed after three nights by you. This gives information to us that this 'war between indhrajith and lakshmaNa' was stretching for 3 nights and intervening two days. *Continuation:* After reaching the place where indhrajith was doing the yagnam - at nikumbila – lakshmaNa started hitting the raakshasaas with arrows as advised by vibheeshaNa. When his army was tattered and battered indhrajith left the yagnam incomplete and came to fight. Then he started fighting with hanumaan. Meanwhile vibheeshaNa showed a banyan tree to lakshmaNa under which indhrajith usually gives bali - offering to different bhoothaas - demigods for his success – [bali to please bhooth gaNaas, demigods] and wanted lakshmaNa to prevent indhrajith from nearing this place, which lakshmaNa also noted. *Point:* Please note that point 'dhEsa kaala vibhaagam' in the other post – in that 'panchadhaa yOgam' said by kumbakarNan. This is one such important aspect – suitable and unsuitable place - for one suitable - unsuitable place for the other – between the 2 enemies engaged in war. Also a caution on the time aspect – indhrajith should always be engaged - in time without gaps – even if you allow a little interval time for him – he will come here and carryout his offering - in between two engagements in war – so that he ensures his success – so lakshmaNa be careful not to allow him to come to this banyan tree point or he having a time gap. Again it may appear a small point – perhaps you may think why vaalmeeki takes pains to describe this minor point. See it is a strategic one for lakshmaNa – in ensuring victory. Also that again is a lesson to us – not to miss out minor points or leave minor loopholes open, while undertaking major strategic tasks. *Coninuation:* This act of vibheeshaNa was noticed by indhrajith. He scolded his uncle. LakshmaNa sitting on shoulders of hanumaan intervened and said you start fighting with me and not with your uncle. Then they both fought bitterly. LakshmaNa was looking like a smoky fire - says vaalmeeki - after hit by arrows of indhrajith. susubhE lakshmaNa: sreemaan vidhooma iva paavaka: | 6-88-20 YuyudhaathE thadhaa veerou grahaaviva nabhOgathou | 6-88 -37 Meaning: The two fought like two warring planets in the sky. LakshmaNa reacted at one stage saying, 'hey, indhrajith your arrows are light and gives comfort to me, a victory seeker in war will not fight like this' – see slokam laghava*s*cha alpa veeryaa*s*cha sukhaa hi imE *s*araasthava | naivam *s*ooraasthu yudhyanthE samarE jaya kaankshiNa: || 6- 89 -19 After certain time when vibheeshaNa observed lakshmaNa is getting tired, he motivated the army in the fighting saying, "it is not proper for uncle [me - vibheeshaNa] to kill his brother's son [indhrajith] - but for raama's sake I will do it [6-90-17] but now let lakshmaNa do that, you all please fight with the enemy's army". *Point:* Dear readers – see the strong motivation comes in the form of a statement – with love on one side – with duty on the other side, – with dharma on one side, – with hesitation and sympathy on the other side but main intention is to motivate all on his own side – raama's side. oh – a mixture of all emotions – in the yudhdha kaaNdam. A classic description – that is why perhaps vaalmeeki took 25% of slokams for 14 days affair whereas 10 to 11 years of aaraNya vaasam in just one or two slokams. Perhaps, indhrajith vadham can be a 'classic case study' for the present day management schools. They can analyse and find out what are the different management points they can propose and learn from vaalmeeki. That is for them, but we will continue our study in next post, Dhasan -- Vasudevan MG Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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