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MoondrAm thiruvandhAdhi avathArikai (Introduction)-1

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*Sri Parthasarathi thunai*


*Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha*


*Srimad Vara Vara MunayE Namaha*


*Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha*




*AvathArikai - Introduction***


* **Ubhayavibhooti nAthan-nArayanan-Sriya:pathi **(Narayana who is the head

of the two worlds: Leela Vibhuti and Nitya Vibhuti. Narayana, also known as



* **"PoigaiyAr BhoothathAr pEyAr" – are the first three azhvars namely

poigaiazhvar, bhoothatAzhvar and pEyAzhvar. Each of them gave 100 paasurams

namely mudal, irandAm and moondrAm thiruvandhAdhi. These three works are

considered like trimunivyAkarna (The grammar of the Vedas given by three

rishis) and collectively called as ekashAstra (One shastra) by our

poorvacharyas. The introduction to the commentary of periya vachan pillai

talks about the way in which the three works go hand in hand to express the

divine meanings of Srivaishnava sampradaya or VishistAdvaita philosophy.***


*Mudal thiruvandhAdhi – 'vaiyam thagaliya…'- portrays sarvEshvaran (the

supreme lord) to be ubhaya vibhoothi nathan (as the head of two worlds the

leela vibhoothi and the nithya vibhoothi)***


*ErandhAm thiruvandhAdhi – 'naranarkku jnAna thamizh purindha nAn' – further

says who that sarvEshvaran is – what is his name? – nArAyanan***


*MoondrAm thiruvandhAdhi – 'ThirukkandEn' – What is special only to

narAyanan – He is sriya:pathi, one who is always accompanied by 'Sri'-

Lakshmi sambhandam is talked about thereby concluding Sriman Narayana to be

the paratattvam (The ultimate reality). ***


*Nammazhvar on the same lines sang his divine thiruvaimozhi,***


*Mudal thiruvaimozhi – 'vuyarvara' – ubhaya vibhoothi Nathan***


*irandAm thiruvaimozhi – 'van pugazh nAranan' – nArayana sabdham***


*moondrAm thiruvaimozhi – 'thiruvudaiyadikal' – Lakshmi sambhandam***


*Is there anything amazing if we call the azhvars as 'pEsittrE pEsum

EkakandarGal' (those who repeat the same-different bodies but the same

throat). What synchronization!*


*Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam*


*Adiyen ramanuja dAsan*











* *

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