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MoondrAm thiruvandhAdhi avathArikai (Introduction)-3

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*Sri Parthasarathi thunai*


*Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha*


*Srimad Vara Vara MunayE Namaha*


*Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha*


*Parabhakthi- ParajnAnam – Paramabhakthi*


*Para bhakthi – The master of the 2 vibhoothis (leela and nithya) due to his

unconditional grace showed his svaroopa (characteristic), roopa (form),

svaroopagunas (character) and roopa gunas (attributes) through a flourishing

knowledge injected into azhvar (parabhakthi). Poigai azhvar cherished the

divine grace and enjoyed the intelligence and appropriately narrated the

same in the form of poems (paasurams) starting with 'vaiyam thagaliya' and

talked elaborately about the lord with amazing roopa, guna, vibhoothi and

also about the characteristics of a jeevatma through 'vAy avanai alladhu'

'thirumAlai alladhu EththEn' paasurams that explain the ananyArhasEshatva

svaroopathvam (the characteristic of being a servant only to the supreme

master forever). And the end result of this ananyArha sEshatvam is ever

tirelessly doing nithya kainkaryam to the divine feet of emperuman (supreme

master) ["voozhiyAn pAdham maruvA dhArkkuNdAmOvAn", "Oradiyum sAdudaiththa"]



* That end result can be given to us, again only by his divine feet. Thereby

the goal and means is the same – His divine feet – concluded poigai azhvar

in his mudal thiruvandhAdhi.*


* Next, BhoodhatAzhvar continued in the same way to enjoy the roopa guna

vibhoothis of the supreme master, but due to the lord's unconditional grace

his parabhakthi developed into parajnanam (Devotion with love), thereby he

enjoyed deeply the kalyana gunas (divine qualities) of the lord. Not

wanting to stop with self enjoyment he gave the same to the world through

his irandAm thiruvandhAdhi.*


* Next, pEyAzhvar who enjoyed the divine anubhavams of the first two through

their paasurams, was further enhanced with parama bhakthi again due to the

unconditional grace of the supreme master and landed up having the

sAkshAtkaram (divine darshan) of the supreme lord. Like a person who has

dived into an ocean seeing the corals and pearls scattered throughout,

pEyAzhvar enjoyed each and every part of the supreme lord starting with



* Though all 3 azhvars underwent all 3 stages of development the way it was

showed to the world was successive due to the divine sankalpa (wish) of



*Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam*


*Adiyen ramanuja dAsan*



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