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lakshmaNa 35

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Post 35


Dear Sri vaishnava perunthagaiyeer,




In the previous 34 posts, we saw 'lakshmaNa' donning 11 roles. The study on

the 11th role of the 'minister' has started and we saw Lakshmana giving his

mind at two places.




Before proceeding further, here is a point of clarification. When vaalmeeki

stated lakshmaNa is 'samathaam guNai: = equal in virtues to raama', perhaps

some one may raise a point, "this speaks only about guNaas - characteristics

and does not inlcude about his education and his knowledge on saasthraas".

In baala kaaNdam vaalmeeki has said about all the 4 children of dhasaratha,





sarvE vEdha vidha: sooraa: sarvE lOkahithE rathaa: || 1-18-25


sarvE j~naana upasampannaa: sarvE samudhithaa guNai: |




Meaning: All the princes are scholars in VEdhaas, valiant ones, all are

interested in the welfare of the world, all are intellectuals and all of

them possess an air of probity.




Further lakshmaNa is also the same 'vasishta sishya' like raama and as such

no more elaboration required.




*Continuation:* What lakshmaNa said about the nonexistent type of deer like

that maareecha maan has created impression on raama. See his reaction after

hitting maareecha.




tham dhrushTvaa pathitham bhoomou raakshasam bheema dhar*s*anam || 3-44-21


raamO rudhira siktha angam chEshTamaanam maheethalE |


jagaama manasaa seethaam lakshmaNasya vacha: smaran || 3-44-22




Meaning: On seeing that demon with a fiendish look, who has fallen on earth

with limbs steeped in blood, and who is weltering on the surface of earth,

Raama emotionally took flight to Seethaa reminiscing LakshmaNa's words.




maareechasya thu maaya Eshaa poorva uktham lakshmaNEna thu |


thath thadhaa hi abhavath cha adhya maareechO ayam mayaa hatha: || 3-44-23




Meaning: This is the trickery of Maareecha, which LakshmaNa vouchsafed

earlier, that has indeed happened in that way alone, and now the one whom I

have killed is none other than Maareecha.




*Point:* Dear readers, that proverb "manthrikku azhagu varum poruL

uraiththal" has been proved correct. Raama himself certifies, as per

vaalmeeki, that what minister lakshmaNa said has happened. LakshmaNa, as a

minister, is so 'effective' and 'correct' in his premonitions and advices at

this stage.




Also we must note lakshmaNa's deep knowledge in knowing different types of

deer in the world - and to say so forcefully that this type of gem-studded

deer is a nonexistent type and as such must be maareecha in disguise. This

also points out that a minister to be effective must be an allrounder in

different subjects.so that word – saasthragna – knower – does not mean only

vEdhaas and connected saasthras but also other subjects like geography

biology etc.






* *


haa seethE lakshmaNa ithi Evam aakrushya thu mahaa svanam |


mamaara raakshasa: sO~ayam *s*ruthvaa seethaa katham bhavEth || 3-44-24


lakshmaNa: cha mahaabaahu: kaam avasthaam gamishyathi |


ithi samchinthya dharmaaathmaa raamO hrushTa thanooruha: || 3-44-25




meaning: This demon died while crying out with a blatant voice 'ha,

Seethaa... ha, LakshmaNaa...' And on hearing this, how Seethaa will react?

And what will be the plight of dexterous LakshmaNa?" Thus on thinking over

them that righteous-souled Raama remained in a hair-raising predicament.




Now the king raama worries about the consequences, since he is away from

seethaa and lakshmaNa. Again the minister lakshmaNa suggests to seethaa

'raama can never be overpowered by anybody in the world' as reply, when she

said "raama is in distress and why you are not going, when I say you go".

And then she lashed lakshmaNa with her tongue so much.




[since the tongue-lashing is not relevant to our topic on hand, I am

covering only the minister lakshmaNa's words to the queen seethaa].




Evam bruvaaNam vaidhEheem baashpa *s*Oka samanvitham || 3-45-9


abraveeth lakshmaNa: thrasthaam seethaam mruga vadhoom iva |




meaning: LakshmaNa spoke to Seethaa, the princess from VidhEha kingdom, who

is talking deluged under tears and anguished in that way, as she is fretful

like a she-deer.




pannaga asura gandharva dhEva dhaanava raakshasai: || 3-45-10


a*s*akya: thava vaidhEhee bharthaa jEthum na sam*s*aya: |


dhEvi dhEva manushyEshu gandharveshu pathathrishu || 3-45-11


raakshasEshu pi*s*aachEshu kinnarEshu mrugEshu cha |


dhaanavEshu cha ghOrEshu na sa vidhyEtha *s*ObhanE || 3-45-12


yO raamam prathiyudhyEtha samarE vaasava upamam |




meaning: lakshmaNa says, "Oh, VaidhEhi, your husband is invincible by

serpents, asura-s, gandharva-s, gods, fiends, demons, no doubt about it. Oh,

auspicious one, unmarked is some combatant, who can counter attack Raama

from among gods, humans, gandharva-s, birds, ogres, kinnaraa-s, beasts, or

oh, lady, even from horrendous demons, as Raama vies with Indhra in any

given war.




*Point:* see the assertion of lakshmaNa on raama, for he is so convinced

about the capacity of raama to say to his wife, in the process trying to

convince her also. Only a forceful minister who weilds considerable

influence on and with the king, only can say such things to his queen. That

is what lakshmaNa is doing here.




Further see how he addresses seethaa – as vaidhEhee – for vidhEha king

janaka is well known for his great knowledge - so lakshmaNa indirectly says,

"hey seethaa being the daughter of that 'knowledgeable king of vidhEha', use

your brain – just don't be emotional or reactional alone".




avadhya: samarE raamO na Evam thvam vakthum arhasi || 3-45-13


na thvaam asmin vanE haathum uthsahE raaghavam vinaa |




meaning: lakshmaNa to seethaa - It is inapt of you to talk that way as Raama

can be terminated in a given war, and as for me, I do not venture to abandon

you in this forest in the absence of Raaghava.




*Point:* See now the minister is also becoming a security guard. Again a

self appointed role? No sirs, while raama went he instructed – be a security

to guard maithily safely. Incidentally one more role of lakshmaNa comes into

play here. See that slokam of appointment as security -




iha thvam bhava sannadhdhO yanthrithO raksha maithiliim || 3-43-46


asyaam aayaththam asmaakam yath kruthyam raghunandhana |




meaning: Oh, LakshmaNa, the descendent of Raghu, you stay here in all

preparedness and guard Maithili steadfastly, whatever enterprise of ours is

there, that is founded in her.




*Point:* on this 'asmaakam yath kruthyam asyaam aayaththam' – the website

has a big note. That note indicates that raama knows well that something

like 'seethaa being snatched away' has to happen and through which his

enterprise of coming into this world has to be fulfilled. So raama asks

lakshmaNa to be a witness to that by way of 'guarding [?]' maithily. But she

later commanded the guard to go, and thereby her security got punctured. As

such there is no dereliction of duty on part of lakshmaNa.




*Continuation:* Minister [and security guard also now] lakshmaNa continues

on raama's capacity –




anivaaryam balam thasya balai: balavathaam api || 3-45-14


thribhi: lOkai: samudhithai: sa ee*s*varai: sa amarai: api |


hrudhayam nirhvrutham thE asthu santhaapa: thyajyathaam thava || 3-45-15


aagamishyathi thE bharthaa *s*eeghram hathvaa mrugOththamam |




meaning: lakshmaNa continues his advice to seethaa, "Let the most forceful

Crowns with all their military forces, or, all of the gods together with

their heads, why they, let all the three worlds put together come

mutinously, whether jointly or severally, Raama's prowess is irrestrainable..

Hence, let your heart be diverted and anxiety divested, as your husband will

be returning soon on killing that extraordinary deer.




*Point:* now comes the minister's reasoning why he is so convinced about

raama's coming back with success -


na sa: thasya svarO vyaktham na ka*s*chit api dhaivatha: || 3-45-16


gandharva nagara prakhyaa maayaa thasya cha rakshasa: |




meaning: Evidently it is not the voice of Raama, nor that of any other god,

but someone mimicked that voice for chicanery, and that must be the illusory

voice of that demon Maareecha, similar in effect to the magical city of

gandharva-s usually created by magicians.




*Point:* now the security guard's assertion –




nyaasa bhoothaa asi vaidhEhi nyasthaa mayi mahaathmanaa || 3-45-17


raamENa thvam varaarOhE na thvaam thyakthum iha uthsahE |




meaning: And you are entrusted in my custody and my security, oh, best lady

VaidhEhi, by the great-souled Raama, as such I do not dare to leave you off





*Point:* again the minister lakshmaNa is just shining – in uttering another

beautiful point --




raakshasaa vividhaa vaachO vyavaharanthi mahaavanE || 3-45-19


himsaa vihaaraa vaidhEhi na chinthayithum arhasi |




meaning: The demons are the swaggerers in violence in great forests and they

will be employing various voices. Therefore VaidhEhi, just do not bother

about it" thus LakshmaNa advised Seethaa.




The minister's suggestions and assertions on queen seethaa became a little

ineffective for she did not heed to the advices. Thereby the course of the

story had changed drastically. Let us continue on counsel lakshmaNa in next

post also.








Vasudevan MG

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