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Paki come home - Message to British Muslims (Koenraad article)

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*Paki Come Home !


Message to the British Muslims of South-Asian origin *


Dr Koenraad Elst


After the timely folding of yet another Islamic terror plot, the public's

attention is focused once more on the "Paki problem". Over twenty Muslims

have been arrested in connection with the alleged discovery of preparations

to blow up a set of airplanes on trans-Atlantic flights starting from London

Heathrow. They are mostly holders of British citizenship, born in Britain

though of South-Asian origin, and from well-settled families. To their

British neighbours, fellow students or colleagues, they must have looked

like success stories in terms of integration into British society. And yet,

they secretly wanted to terminate the lives of hundreds of anonymous

Britons, not excluding those same unsuspecting neighbours.


This is only one incident, though apparently a very sizable one. We may even

concede that the incriminating evidence is not fully in yet, so we shouldn't

judge in haste. But then, it is only one incident among many. The German

police have just folded a Muslim plot to blow up trains, and worse than the

failed terror attacks are all those that have succeeded. Remember the trains

blown up in Madrid, the tourist centres blown up in Bali, the murder of Theo

van Gogh in Amsterdam, and so many others. Specifically Pakistani

connections were in evidence in the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the WTC in New

York, on the public transport system of London on 7-7-2005, and in the

endless series of terror attacks in India: buses stopped and all non-Muslims

shot every other month in Jammu & Kashmir; repeated bomb attacks on trains

and public buildings in Mumbai, from the big international trend-setter of

12-3-1993 (many synchronous explosions) to the latest one on 11-7-2006; on a

political meeting in Coimbatore 1998; on Parliament buildings in Srinagar

and Delhi in 2001; on temples in Gandhinagar, Ayodhya and Varanasi (the

details of the latest temple attack in Imphal remain to be discovered); on a

Diwali shopping crowd in Delhi, and so on.


**Yes, we know your excuses: that you are millions while the terrorists are

counted in dozens, so most of you are innocent and unrelated to terrorism.

Still, outsiders will wonder just how many of you are in the know when these

"unrepresentative" and "isolated" young men make their preparations for acts

of terror. How many of you shield suspects when the police comes looking for

them? Just a question.


And then the big excuse: that "this isn't real Islam", that "this great

peaceful religion condemns terrorism", that "terrorists have no religion".

We don't believe this convenient plea, but we would still welcome it if it

could actually dissuade would-be terrorists from their project. Why do you

always address us, the non-Muslims, with those rosy stories about peaceful

Islam? Why not go to the centres of militancy and repeat those sermons

there? We don't mean some perfunctory "open letter" meant for non-Muslim

consumption, but an earnest effort to persuade the militant Muslims, one

that doesn't stop until the goal is reached. We suspect you have so far

never tried this because in your heart of hearts, you are perfectly aware

that Islam does condone these acts. Because you expect the militants to

quote chapter and verse from your own Quran to justify their methods,

reminding you of how Mohammed's career mainly consisted in armed struggle

against the infidels, and leaving you speechless.


The consequence is that only an extremely gullible fringe of British society

can now remain unsuspecting. After this, what Muslim will they trust? Every

time the problem of Islamic terrorism raises its head anywhere in the

Western world, the public is treated to assurances that "this isn't the real

Islam" and that "the vast majority of Muslims abhor this terrorism". Each

time the politicians accompanied by camera crews pay visits to mosques to

assure Muslims of their lasting confidence in Islam's peaceful intentions,

which alas leaves them no time to go and comfort the victims of Islamic

terror. Each time, ordinary people including the non-Muslim immigrants force

themselves to keep in mind that "not all Muslims are terrorists", in

particular this one and that one with whom they try to stay friends.


But there is a limit to all this patience and goodwill. If Muslims who could

be showpieces of multicultural integration turn out to be discreet fanatics

and murderers, who says the friendly Paki news agent around the corner isn't

plotting your death? This time around, Paki Britons will notice how the

looks in people's eyes have become icy. Their mouths may not yet voice it,

but their eyes are completely eloquent about it: "Paki, go home!" Indeed, if

I hadn't studied Islamic doctrine and history, I too would by now have

renounced all hope of a harmonious outcome and concluded: "Paki, go home!"


Fortunately, there is an alternative and simpler solution. You must have

noticed that natives are far less prone to "Hinduphobia" or "Sikhphobia" or

"Parsiphobia" than to what politicians like to call "Islamophobia". Indeed,

non-Muslim South-Asian immigrants have authoritatively been praised as

Britain's "model minority". If they too sometimes suffer harassment, it is

very largely from natives who don't know the difference between all these

exotic religions, between a Sikh and a bearded and turbaned Osama bin Laden.

This way, you Pakis have made them the indirect victims of the sinister

reputation that you yourselves have earned. Still, the performance in

education and professional life of the non-Muslim South-Asians must be a

matter of envy to you.


**So, why not become one of them? You live in a country with unfettered

religious freedom, quite a different situation from the religious oppression

in Pakistan. Overnight, you can shed the burden of your Muslim identity and

embrace Anglican Christianity, Methodism or Roman Catholicism. You can

become an atheist or agnostic or go and congregate with the Druids and

New-Agers in Stonehenge. Better still, you can return to your roots.


Every South-Asian Muslim knows that his ancestors were Zoroastrians or

Kalash Kafirs, Buddhists or Hindus. In dramatic circumstances, they

converted to Islam as the lesser evil in preference to death or

impoverishment or third-class citizenship. Out of inertia or brainwashing,

you yourselves have so far chosen to remain in Islam and not to undo their

shame. Now that you are facing the consequences of being Muslims, viz. the

hostility provoked by never-ending Islamic arrogance and aggression, you

have a good occasion to reconsider your religious identity. Drop this

erroneous belief system that was forced upon you and come home to your

ancestral community, where you belong.



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advaitin, "bharata desha" <bharatadesha wrote:


> *Paki Come Home !


> Message to the British Muslims of South-Asian origin *


> Dr Koenraad Elst


This message seriously contravenes the guidelines of the group.

Regardless of the rights or wrongs of the matter, such topics are not

permitted and further discussion will not be allowed. Any future posts

of this nature may be penalised by a yellow card without further warning.



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