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Prakriti and Creation process Part-I

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Dear Advaitins,


With respect to the above captioned subject please find below the

excerpts from the book Vedanta-Sara of Sadananda Translated by Swami

Nikhilananda. I have selected the portions, which explain the creation

process, which is depicted in the chart. I have opted not to quote

form Swami Tapasyanandaji's book because he has followed sankhyan

methodology, which differs, slightly from the vedantic explanation.


We should note here that the explanation of creation is the part of

the superimposition and de-superimposition methodology followed by

Advaita Vedanta with the sole intention of diverting the aspirant's

mind to the Brahman, which is his true nature.

With the sole purpose to make the aspirant realize his true nature

these distinctions are made and finally negated too. If these things

are not granted, we shall logically have got to take the shelter in a

philosophy of acosmism (ajAtivada), which is an ungraspable

theoretical position. The author has provided lot of notes and

explanation and it will be easy to comprehend the subject under

discussion with the help of the depiction in the chart.




The Extensions of Ignorance.


51. This ignorance has two powers, viz. the power of concealment1 and

the power of projection. (This and the following paragraphs explain

how Pure Consciousness which is really one and indivisible appears as

the multiple universe.


1Concealment-Because this power conceals the real nature of Brahman

which is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute.


2 Projection-This power gives rise to the illusion of name and form.


52.Just as a small patch of cloud, by obstructing the vision of the

observer, 1 conceals as it were, 2 the solar disc extending over many

miles, similarly ignorance, 3 though limited by nature, yet

obstructing the intellect 4 of the observer, conceals as it were, the

Self which is unlimited and not subject to transmigration. Such a

power is this power of concealment. It is thus said: " As the sun

appears covered by a cloud and bedimmed to a very ignorant person

whose vision is obscured by the cloud, so also That which to the

unenlightened appears to be in bondage is my real nature-the

Self-Eternal Knowledge" (Hastamalaka 10)


1. Observer-The unenlightened observer.

2. As it were-The sun as a matter of fact, can never be covered by a


3. Ignorance-Maya which is neither gross nor subtle on account of its

being indescribable, is here said to be limited. This comparison is

made only in relation to the Atman, which it seems to envelop for the

time being.

4. Intellect- It means consciousness associated with the intellect.

Intellect itself being a product of ignorance cannot be covered by it.


Even when a man thinks himself bound, he is in reality the blissful

Atman. He has only forgotten his real nature and this is due to mAyA.

The aim of all sAdhanA (spiritual practice) is to realize the identity

of Paramatman and Jivatman. The concealing power of mAyA makes a man

forget his real nature like the small patch of cloud which obscures

the mighty sun from the vision of the observer.


53. The self covered by this (concealing power of ignorance may become

subject to samsAra i.e. relative existence) characterized by one's

feeling as agent, 1 the experiencing subject, happy, miserable etc.,

just as a rope may become a snake due to the concealing power of one's

own ignorance.


1 Agents etc., which one really is not.


54. Just as ignorance regarding a rope, by its inherent power, gives

rise to the illusion of a snake etc. in the rope1 covered by it, so

also ignorance,2 by its own power creates in the Self covered by it,

such phenomena as AkASha etc. Such power3 is called the power of

projection. It is thus said:" The power of projection creates all from

the subtle bodies to the cosmos" (vAkyasudhA)


1 Rope etc.- Consciousness inhering in the rope when covered by

ignorance. Ignorance must have consciousness for its substratum. It

cannot rest on `nothingness'. When we mistake the rope for the snake,

the process of illusion is this: The all-pervading consciousness, here

limited by the rope is covered by ignorance and therefore we mistake

the rope for the snake.


2 Ignorance- The original and primordial mAyA.


3 Such a power- the creative power of ignorance.


Ignorance endowed with these powers of concealment and projection is

the cause which transformation, as it were, the Pure Self, immutable,

unattached and indivisible, into the Jiva and the world. As ignorance

regarding the rope gives rise to the illusion of the snake, similarly

ignorance regarding the Self, by its power of projection, brings

before our mind the illusion of the phenomenal universe.

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