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Proof Obama is a Pro-Islamic Agent

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Please read this and investigate it yourself. The rise of Obama is very very bad news for India and Israel. Please forward and expose this conspiracy. It is a travesty of the hope of Black Americans and the goodwill of all Americans.

"Reflecting its mission statement, Sabeel is active in promoting an extreme anti-Israel agenda in Protestant churches in both North America and Europe. Sabeel's efforts have promoted the campaign to isolate and delegitimize Israel through the divestment campaign, which have recently been adopted by the World Council of Churches, the Anglican Church in Britain, the Presbyterian Church, and others. Many of these Church statements reflect and quote from Sabeel's publications."

"As a fledgling Christian, Obama didn't join just any

church. He joined the United Church of Christ.The United

Church of Christ is very anti-Israel and supports

divestment. It also sponsors speeches at its many functions

by the Arab "Christian" pro-terror religious organization,

Sabeel. Sabeel holds some of its biggest meetings in

Chicago., (www.scoop.,co,nz/stories/HL0510/500139.htm) "

(As Usual link has been removed.)

"It is deeply troubling that the United Church of Christ=Obama's Church leadership has taken such an aggressive stance against Israel by analogizing the occupation to violence and calling on Israel to "tear down the Wall." That kind of overheated rhetoric unfairly demonizes Israel while significantly downplaying the four-year campaign of Palestinian terrorism that goes to the heart of Israel's security measures in the West Bank and Gaza."


Based in Jerusalem, the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center is an NGO, founded in 1989 and directed by Naim Ateek, former Canon of St. George's Cathedral in Jerusalem. Sabeel describes itself as "an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians", which "hopes to connect the true meaning of Christian faith with the daily lives of all those who suffer under occupation, violence, discrimination, and human rights violations" and " encourages Christians from around the world to work for justice and to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people." Reliable funding information is unavailable, but support is apparently provided by church-based groups in North America and Europe, including the Mennonite Central Committee.

Reflecting its mission statement, Sabeel is active in promoting an extreme anti-Israel agenda in Protestant churches in both North America and Europe. Sabeel's efforts have promoted the campaign to isolate and delegitimize Israel through the divestment campaign, which have recently been adopted by the World Council of Churches, the Anglican Church in Britain, the Presbyterian Church, and others. Many of these Church statements reflect and quote from Sabeel's publications. Rev. John Gladwin, Bishop of Chelmsford and Chair of Christian Aid's Board of Trustees is a patron of Sabeel's UK branch. Paul Dean, another member of Christian Aid's Executive Committee, also participates in Sabeel's activities. In addition, Afif Safieh, the PLO representative in London, is a major supporter of Sabeel and its ideology.

As noted in a detailed study by Robert Everett and Dexter Van Zile, and cited in their Jerusalem Post article of July 10, 2005 "Reawakening the teachings of contempt", Sabeel is a major factor in extremist Christian anti-Israel activism. Sabeel's statements consistently highlight Palestinian suffering and place blame on Israel, while ignoring such issues as corruption within the Palestinian Authority, violence perpetrated against Israelis and Palestinians alike by armed Palestinian militias, and attacks against Christian Arabs.

Ateek's extreme positions are stated in a number of publications, such as Justice and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation (New York: Orbis 1989) and Suicide Bombers, A Palestinian Christian Perspective (Cornerstone 2002). In the latter, Ateek uses the rhetoric of demonization, claiming that "Israel is creating Bantustans (homelands, reservations) for the Palestinians and an Israeli form of apartheid that is much worse than what was practiced in South Africa" and that "the occupation…continues to be the root cause of the violence and terror."

Ateek employs classical antisemitic theological themes, as reflected in the 2001 Sabeel "Easter message": "it seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him. […] The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily." In similar messages, such as a February 2001 sermon, Ateek accuses Israel of killing Jesus (the Palestinians) as infant, prophet and messiah: "Israel has placed a large boulder, a big stone that has metaphorically shut off the Palestinians in a tomb. It is similar to the stone placed on the entrance of Jesus' tomb…"

While Ateek often rejects Israel's legitimacy, he acknowledges its "need" to exist, justifying that "the elimination of Israel would mean greater injustice to millions of innocent people who know no home except Israel." (Justice and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation, p164.)

On this basis, Ateek supports a "one-state solution" to the Arab-Israeli conflict, demanding that Israel dismantle itself as a Jewish state. "I still believe that this solution is feasible. It is the best and easiest to implement. […However,] Israel insists above all on being a Jewish state. As part of a democratic, binational Palestine, the Jews would eventually become a minority in the country." (Justice, p166) This theme, which is thinly disguised example of policide - the call for the elimination of the State of Israel -- is echoed by several Protestant leaders active in the divestment campaign. For example, Victor Makari, a leader of the Presbyterian Church (USA), told the Jerusalem Report on Sept. 6, 2004 that "his preferred solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a 'shared democratic state' - a solution he later admits is a non-starter because of Israeli concerns that the one-state solution is tantamount to demographic suicide." This and other examples of

direct repetition of Ateek's rhetoric reflect his role in propelling the church-based anti-Israel divestment campaign in America.

Nevertheless, Ateek has been able to garner considerable international support for his activities. In 2002, the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Laureate, signed on informally as an international patron for Sabeel, in order to "assist the Palestinian Christian organization in its outreach and development work with Christian Churches around the world." Likewise, Ateek himself has been referred to as "Palestine's Desmond Tutu" in Sojourners magazine, the publication of a self-described "social justice" Christian ministry.

Ateek's influence has been further amplified in the US and Canada by the Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) network of chapters that disseminate Ateek's rhetoric. It is also assisted by a broader and looser network of supporters in mainstream Protestant churches across America, who in turn reach the broader public audience through their own considerable individual and collective influence.

The result, as is now clear, is displayed in the divestment campaign, which is the latest form of political warfare against Israel and the Jewish people, and as far removed as possible from the claimed ecumenical objective.


NGO Leadership in Anti-Israel Boycott and Divestment Campaigns The NGOs involved in the 2001 Durban conference articulated the strategy of using boycotts and divestment campaigns to de-legitimize Israel. Many of the NGOs using the rhetoric of human rights and humanitarian aid have pursued different forms of boycotts. In this process, their reports on Israel policy are increasingly aimed at justifying the individual boycotts that support the wider effort. For example, HRW's allegations regarding Israeli military activities in Gaza (November 2004) provided the springboard for subsequent participation in the boycott campaign focusing on the Caterpillar Corporation. Amnesty International has also used its public relations and political organization to press Caterpillar to end sales to Israel . In Britain, many of the major NGOs, such as "Christian Aid" and "War on Want" contributed directly and indirectly in creating the foundation used in the attempt to justify the academic

boycott. And the numerous Palestinian NGOs that are often financed by European governments and church groups provided the language and faulty rationales that propelled the AUT boycott and the church divestment campaigns. This section focuses on sources linking the NGO network to the anti-Israel boycott strategy.


Homepage » Resources » NGO News Reports "United Church of Christ's Israel Divestment Action "Troubling" Contravenes Months of Interfaith Dialogue" July 06, 2005

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)


New York, NY, July 6, 2005 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is troubled and dismayed that the leadership of the United Church of Christ (UCC) has adopted an "economic leverage" resolution against Israel, while at the same time calling on Israel to "tear down" its West Bank security barrier.


Despite months of discussions with Jewish leaders concerned about the implications of any divestment vote against Israel, the Church's General Synod nevertheless adopted resolutions yesterday in Atlanta to support such action.


Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, and Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, ADL Director of Interfaith Affairs issued the following statement:

We are dismayed because what we are hearing on the ground from the people in the pews is that they were seeking a more balanced approach that would not single out Israel, but also include the Palestinian Authority. The United Church of Christ leadership has chosen to ignore these voices and put forth a resolution that broadens economic leverage to specifically include divestment, while calling on their individual churches and members to consider divestment tactics.

It is deeply troubling that the UCC leadership has taken such an aggressive stance against Israel by analogizing the occupation to violence and calling on Israel to "tear down the Wall." That kind of overheated rhetoric unfairly demonizes Israel while significantly downplaying the four-year campaign of Palestinian terrorism that goes to the heart of Israel's security measures in the West Bank and Gaza.


It is disappointing and disturbing that while assuring us of the importance of interfaith dialogue, the UCC leadership has taken actions that ignore the primary concerns of the Jewish community, especially at a time when the Israelis are taking painful steps toward peace, including disengagement from Gaza.


We acknowledge that the UCC has spoken out against anti-Semitism and recognized Israel's right to safe and secure existence.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

Sabeel continues to promote the Durban agenda.

Sabeel and the Joint Advocacy Initiative of theYMCA East Jerusalem (link has expired) and YWCA of Palestine will launch the World Council of Churches' "global advocacy week concerning the situation in Palestine and Israel." The Conference (12-19 March 2006) program is endorsed by a number of NGOs including Caritas Jerusalem and EAPPI, and includes "solidarity visits with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron," a "settlement tour with ICAHD" and an opportunity to "witnes the destruction in Jenin Refugee Camp".

The campaign publicity flyer reflects the extreme political agenda of the conference. It includes two pictures of the " Nativity Church under attack", one with an Israeli tank in the foreground and the other with the church partly concealed by smoke. The flyer "appeals to the World's church leaders to pray and act to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians as a consequence of the extremely harsh measures and policies imposed by the Israeli occupying forces" and "urges all national leaders to take action and pressure Israel to abide by international humanitarian law." There is no mention of terrorism.

Sabeel is also sponsoring a conference in Pittsburgh on February 24th and 25th 2006. Entitled, "Towards a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel," co-sponsors include ICAHD-USA and the Middle East Peace Forum. Among the speakers are Naim Ateek (head of Sabeel) and Jeff Halper of ICAHD.


Sabeel and its connections with the UCC have recently been criticized in a letter sent to the President of the United Church of Christ by Dexter Van Zile, Christian Outreach Director of David Project Center for Jewish Leadership, Boston, Massachusetts .


"At this point, I feel compelled along with many others to ask that you rethink your unqualified support for Naim Ateek, founder and director of Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center. His repeated use of deicide imagery is clearly intended to evoke feelings of contempt for Israel as a Jewish state. It is not, as he and his defenders assert, merely an attempt to portray Palestinian suffering in the "Language of the Cross." It is important to note these statements were offered at the height of the Second Intifada, which killed thousands of Israelis and Palestinians. The use of this imagery did not calm the flames of hostility and fear, but fueled them...

It should be noted that Ateek has, on numerous occasions, stated that he does not acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state in the Middle East and has even repeated the canard that Israel should have been created in Europe. Sadly, on this score, Ateek's words have been echoed by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, who you laudably condemned for calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. This echo should be cause for concern amongst those who would defend Ateek and the group he leads as peacemakers."

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