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Mount Kailash.

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Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.

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Excellent Mr. Subramani,

I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being seized by Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian forces pulled out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development to Tibet it is widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China, they are looked upon as secondary citizens and people of other ethnicity have been artfically relocated to China to demolish and disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The countries arount the world have stopped talking about it due to trade relations with China.

I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give up Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should through measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are not charged a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.

As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in Bhavishya Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was known as Yuz Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The lost years of Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ" and "Bhavishya Purana Islam" you will find sone interesting material.

You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana picked up from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.

Best Regards,


[ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

Texts 17 - 21


pitr-rajyam grhitavan

jitva sakanduradharsams




tesam kosan-grhitva ca


sthapita tena maryada

mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

sindhusthanam iti jneyam

rastramaryasya cottamam

mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

krtam tena mahatmana

ekada tu sakadiso

himatungam samayayau


"Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the grandson of Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He defeated the Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas, the people from Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at will. He also defeated the people from Rome and the descendants of Khuru, who were deceitful and wicked. He punished them severely and took their wealth. Salivahana thus established the boundaries dividing the separate countries of the Mlecchas and the Aryans. In this way Sindusthan came to be known as the greatest country. That personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas beyond the Sindhu River and to the west."

Text 22

ekadaa tu shakadhisho

himatungari samaayayau

hunadeshasya madhye vai

giristhan purusam shubhano

dadarsha balaram raajaa

Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga and in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near Manasa Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful king saw an auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's complexion was golden and his clothes were white.

Text 23

ko bharam iti tam praaha

su hovacha mudanvitah

iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

kumaarigarbha sambhavam

"The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of a virgin.' "

Text 24

mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

satyavata paraayanam

iti srutva nrpa praaha

dharmah ko bhavato matah

" 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king enquired, 'What are religious principles according to you opinion?'

Texts 25 - 26

shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

praapte satyasya samkshaye

nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

masiiho 'ham samagatah

iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

taamaham mlecchataah praapya

masiihatva mupaagatah

"Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king, when the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet, came to this country of degraded people where there are no rules and regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to prophethood'."

Texts 27 - 29

mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

maanasam nirmalam krtva

malam dehe subhaasbham


naiganam apamasthaya

japeta nirmalam param

nyayena satyavacasaa

manasyai kena manavah


dhyayena pujayedisham


acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

athaa suuryacalah sada

"Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the holy names one attains the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings, the Lord of the solar region, who is fixed and all-attractive, attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following rules, speaking truthful words, by mental harmony and by meditation, Oh descendant of Manu, one should worship that immovable Lord'."

Text 30

isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

nityashuddha sivamkari

ishamasihah iti ca

mama nama pratishthitam

"Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the Supreme Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus my name became 'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

Text 31

iti shrutra sa bhuupale

natraa tam mlecchapujaam

sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

mlecchasthaane hi daarune

"After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person who is worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to stay there in the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

Text 32

svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

hayamedhan ciikirat

raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

svarga lokamu paayayau

"King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven. Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara" of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.






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Hello Shiv Bhakts

I do agree that govt of India should be considering consessions and subsidies for holy trip to Mt Kailash but do not concur with siezing territory from China.

I dont think Lord Shiva will be happy if we wage War for accession of his abode as China is still maintaing the sancitity of Mt Kaislash by refusing Intl trekkers to trek the Holy abode.

With question of other religions, we should take into account that Jesus did visit Mt Kailash (as per said quotings )


Mecca is believed to be enshrining Shiv lingam, so if a muslim does perform Haj, we should be contented that they are bowing in front of Lingam and dont forget words by King Abdullah of Emirates that India is his second home (he probbably knows the truth)

So in conclusion respect all religions as they do refer to Lord Shiva in their texts in some form.


Kapil Jaiswal

"P. Subramani" <subramani6912 > wrote:

Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.





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It is so heartening to see how easily everyone is willing to concede that other cultures are bowing to Lord Shiva, when in truth they would even care to spit on Lord Shiva ! ( as hurtful as this sentiment is it is the truth ). Thus it is all a figment of your vivid imaginations.


Fact is that Hindus need to be aggressive in defending what is theirs and stop this fantasy they live in and deal with the realities of the situation. But fear not, I had a chat with Lord Shiva and I think he has some really interesting plans for Kashmir/ Mount Kailash, remember the "little" earthquake last year ?.....


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


Jay Munshi <jaymunshi > wrote:

Excellent Mr. Subramani,

I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being seized by Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian forces pulled out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development to Tibet it is widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China, they are looked upon as secondary citizens and people of other ethnicity have been artfically relocated to China to demolish and disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The countries arount the world have stopped talking about it due to trade relations with China.

I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give up Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should through measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are not charged a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.

As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in Bhavishya Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was known as Yuz Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The lost years of Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ" and "Bhavishya Purana Islam" you will find sone interesting material.

You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana picked up from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.

Best Regards,


[ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

Texts 17 - 21


pitr-rajyam grhitavan

jitva sakanduradharsams




tesam kosan-grhitva ca


sthapita tena maryada

mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

sindhusthanam iti jneyam

rastramaryasya cottamam

mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

krtam tena mahatmana

ekada tu sakadiso

himatungam samayayau


"Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the grandson of Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He defeated the Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas, the people from Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at will. He also defeated the people from Rome and the descendants of Khuru, who were deceitful and wicked. He punished them severely and took their wealth. Salivahana thus established the boundaries dividing the separate countries of the Mlecchas and the Aryans. In this way Sindusthan came to be known as the greatest country. That personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas beyond the Sindhu River and to the west."

Text 22

ekadaa tu shakadhisho

himatungari samaayayau

hunadeshasya madhye vai

giristhan purusam shubhano

dadarsha balaram raajaa

Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga and in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near Manasa Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful king saw an auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's complexion was golden and his clothes were white.

Text 23

ko bharam iti tam praaha

su hovacha mudanvitah

iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

kumaarigarbha sambhavam

"The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of a virgin.' "

Text 24

mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

satyavata paraayanam

iti srutva nrpa praaha

dharmah ko bhavato matah

" 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king enquired, 'What are religious principles according to you opinion?'

Texts 25 - 26

shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

praapte satyasya samkshaye

nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

masiiho 'ham samagatah

iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

taamaham mlecchataah praapya

masiihatva mupaagatah

"Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king, when the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet, came to this country of degraded people where there are no rules and regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to prophethood'."

Texts 27 - 29

mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

maanasam nirmalam krtva

malam dehe subhaasbham


naiganam apamasthaya

japeta nirmalam param

nyayena satyavacasaa

manasyai kena manavah


dhyayena pujayedisham


acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

athaa suuryacalah sada

"Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the holy names one attains the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings, the Lord of the solar region, who is fixed and all-attractive, attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following rules, speaking truthful words, by mental harmony and by meditation, Oh descendant of Manu, one should worship that immovable Lord'."

Text 30

isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

nityashuddha sivamkari

ishamasihah iti ca

mama nama pratishthitam

"Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the Supreme Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus my name became 'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

Text 31

iti shrutra sa bhuupale

natraa tam mlecchapujaam

sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

mlecchasthaane hi daarune

"After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person who is worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to stay there in the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

Text 32

svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

hayamedhan ciikirat

raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

svarga lokamu paayayau

"King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven. Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara" of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.





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Namaste Pundit Ji,


You had a chat with Siva? Could you possibly elaborate?







, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:


> Namaskaar


> It is so heartening to see how easily everyone is willing to concede

that other cultures are bowing to Lord Shiva, when in truth they would

even care to spit on Lord Shiva ! ( as hurtful as this sentiment is it

is the truth ). Thus it is all a figment of your vivid imaginations.


> Fact is that Hindus need to be aggressive in defending what is theirs

and stop this fantasy they live in and deal with the realities of the

situation. But fear not, I had a chat with Lord Shiva and I think he has

some really interesting plans for Kashmir/ Mount Kailash, remember the

"little" earthquake last year ?.....


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj


> Jay Munshi jaymunshi wrote:

> Excellent Mr. Subramani,


> I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being seized by

Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian forces pulled

out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development to Tibet it is

widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China, they are looked upon

as secondary citizens and people of other ethnicity have been artfically

relocated to China to demolish and disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The

countries arount the world have stopped talking about it due to trade

relations with China.


> I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give up

Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian

governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of

India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should through

measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are not charged

a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.


> As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in Bhavishya

Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was known as Yuz

Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The lost years of

Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ" and "Bhavishya Purana

Islam" you will find sone interesting material.


> You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana picked up

from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.


> Best Regards,


> Jay





> [ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda

Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

> Texts 17 - 21

> vikramaditya-pautrasca

> pitr-rajyam grhitavan

> jitva sakanduradharsams

> cina-taittiridesajan

> bahlikankamarupasca

> romajankhurajanchhatan

> tesam kosan-grhitva ca

> danda-yogyanakarayat

> sthapita tena maryada

> mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

> sindhusthanam iti jneyam

> rastramaryasya cottamam

> mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

> krtam tena mahatmana

> ekada tu sakadiso

> himatungam samayayau


> "Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the grandson of

Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He defeated the

Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas, the people from

Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at will. He also defeated

the people from Rome and the descendants of Khuru, who were deceitful

and wicked. He punished them severely and took their wealth. Salivahana

thus established the boundaries dividing the separate countries of the

Mlecchas and the Aryans. In this way Sindusthan came to be known as the

greatest country. That personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas

beyond the Sindhu River and to the west."

> Text 22

> ekadaa tu shakadhisho

> himatungari samaayayau

> hunadeshasya madhye vai

> giristhan purusam shubhano

> dadarsha balaram raajaa

> Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga and

in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near Manasa

Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful king saw an

auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's complexion was

golden and his clothes were white.

> Text 23

> ko bharam iti tam praaha

> su hovacha mudanvitah

> iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

> kumaarigarbha sambhavam

> "The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha

Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of a

virgin.' "

> Text 24

> mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

> satyavata paraayanam

> iti srutva nrpa praaha

> dharmah ko bhavato matah

> " 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I strictly

adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king enquired, 'What are

religious principles according to you opinion?'

> Texts 25 - 26

> shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

> praapte satyasya samkshaye

> nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

> masiiho 'ham samagatah

> iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

> praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

> taamaham mlecchataah praapya

> masiihatva mupaagatah

> "Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king, when

the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet, came to

this country of degraded people where there are no rules and

regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the

barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to prophethood'."

> Texts 27 - 29

> mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

> mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

> maanasam nirmalam krtva

> malam dehe subhaasbham


> naiganam apamasthaya

> japeta nirmalam param

> nyayena satyavacasaa

> manasyai kena manavah


> dhyayena pujayedisham

> suurya-mandala-samsthitam

> acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

> athaa suuryacalah sada

> "Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have established

among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good and bad

contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking recourse of proper

conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the holy names one attains

the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun attracts, from all

directions, the elements of all living beings, the Lord of the solar

region, who is fixed and all-attractive, attracts the hearts of all

living creatures. Thus by following rules, speaking truthful words, by

mental harmony and by meditation, Oh descendant of Manu, one should

worship that immovable Lord'."

> Text 30

> isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

> nityashuddha sivamkari

> ishamasihah iti ca

> mama nama pratishthitam

> "Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the Supreme

Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these

principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus my name became

'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

> Text 31

> iti shrutra sa bhuupale

> natraa tam mlecchapujaam

> sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

> mlecchasthaane hi daarune

> "After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person who is

worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to stay there in

the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

> Text 32

> svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

> hayamedhan ciikirat

> raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

> svarga lokamu paayayau

> "King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an asvamedha

yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven. Now please hear

what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

> Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara" of the

story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called pratisarga-parva

of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.






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Namaskaar Bhupendra


Usually when I meditate I offer my lower self as sacrifice to my higher self, so when Lord Siva wants to communicate things to me, I either get visions or direct verbal messages. I think the questions I want to ask and I get the responses if I am allowed to see. This is kind of a one way process as I cannot compel a response it only happens at his will. This is our conversation.


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj



b_jamnadas <b_jamnadas (AT) (DOT) ca> wrote:

Namaste Pundit Ji,

You had a chat with Siva? Could you possibly elaborate?



, Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote:


> Namaskaar


> It is so heartening to see how easily everyone is willing to concede that other cultures are bowing to Lord Shiva, when in truth they would even care to spit on Lord Shiva ! ( as hurtful as this sentiment is it is the truth ). Thus it is all a figment of your vivid imaginations.


> Fact is that Hindus need to be aggressive in defending what is theirs and stop this fantasy they live in and deal with the realities of the situation. But fear not, I had a chat with Lord Shiva and I think he has some really interesting plans for Kashmir/ Mount Kailash, remember the "little" earthquake last year ?.....


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj


> Jay Munshi jaymunshi wrote:

> Excellent Mr. Subramani,


> I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being seized by Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian forces pulled out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development to Tibet it is widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China, they are looked upon as secondary citizens and people of other ethnicity have been artfically relocated to China to demolish and disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The countries arount the world have stopped talking about it due to trade relations with China.


> I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give up Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should through measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are not charged a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.


> As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in Bhavishya Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was known as Yuz Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The lost years of Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ" and "Bhavishya Purana Islam" you will find sone interesting material.


> You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana picked up from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.


> Best Regards,


> Jay





> [ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

> Texts 17 - 21

> vikramaditya-pautrasca

> pitr-rajyam grhitavan

> jitva sakanduradharsams

> cina-taittiridesajan

> bahlikankamarupasca

> romajankhurajanchhatan

> tesam kosan-grhitva ca

> danda-yogyanakarayat

> sthapita tena maryada

> mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

> sindhusthanam iti jneyam

> rastramaryasya cottamam

> mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

> krtam tena mahatmana

> ekada tu sakadiso

> himatungam samayayau


> "Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the grandson of Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He defeated the Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas, the people from Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at will. He also defeated the people from Rome and the descendants of Khuru, who were deceitful and wicked. He punished them severely and took their wealth. Salivahana thus established the boundaries dividing the separate countries of the Mlecchas and the Aryans. In this way Sindusthan came to be known as the greatest country. That personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas beyond the Sindhu River and to the west."

> Text 22

> ekadaa tu shakadhisho

> himatungari samaayayau

> hunadeshasya madhye vai

> giristhan purusam shubhano

> dadarsha balaram raajaa

> Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga and in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near Manasa Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful king saw an auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's complexion was golden and his clothes were white.

> Text 23

> ko bharam iti tam praaha

> su hovacha mudanvitah

> iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

> kumaarigarbha sambhavam

> "The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of a virgin.' "

> Text 24

> mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

> satyavata paraayanam

> iti srutva nrpa praaha

> dharmah ko bhavato matah

> " 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king enquired, 'What are religious principles according to you opinion?'

> Texts 25 - 26

> shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

> praapte satyasya samkshaye

> nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

> masiiho 'ham samagatah

> iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

> praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

> taamaham mlecchataah praapya

> masiihatva mupaagatah

> "Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king, when the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet, came to this country of degraded people where there are no rules and regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to prophethood'."

> Texts 27 - 29

> mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

> mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

> maanasam nirmalam krtva

> malam dehe subhaasbham


> naiganam apamasthaya

> japeta nirmalam param

> nyayena satyavacasaa

> manasyai kena manavah


> dhyayena pujayedisham

> suurya-mandala-samsthitam

> acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

> athaa suuryacalah sada

> "Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the holy names one attains the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings, the Lord of the solar region, who is fixed and all-attractive, attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following rules, speaking truthful words, by mental harmony and by meditation, Oh descendant of Manu, one should worship that immovable Lord'."

> Text 30

> isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

> nityashuddha sivamkari

> ishamasihah iti ca

> mama nama pratishthitam

> "Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the Supreme Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus my name became 'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

> Text 31

> iti shrutra sa bhuupale

> natraa tam mlecchapujaam

> sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

> mlecchasthaane hi daarune

> "After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person who is worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to stay there in the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

> Text 32

> svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

> hayamedhan ciikirat

> raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

> svarga lokamu paayayau

> "King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven. Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

> Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara" of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.






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Sarvam Sivam,

Dear friend subramani,

Don't be so very angry and loose ur temper. Nothing we, the holy blessed devotees of our father could loose. A small piece of land never holds the un measurable holyness.

HE, the lord of lords is within all of us, all beings and things in this world are his abode. What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?

My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.

Sivaya namaha,

Punith Balu


"P. Subramani" <subramani6912 > wrote:


Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.




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Dear Sri Pandit Devindra Maharaj ji,

I would be glad if you could guide us on how to do fasting on Maha

Sivaratri and simple pooja on lord Shiva. And what are things we

should keep in mind on his holy day. I hope members from abroad would

benefit from your guidance.

Best wishes

Shiva Shankara

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I see, why don't you give all of your belongs, your job, your land, your house, your wife and all other belongs to others ? It all belongs to God and after you pass it will belong to someone else so why do you have to have these to start with? You have no need of wealth of food or of anything else too, it all belongs to God what right do you have to any of these ?.


What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?


My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.


So what ? Lord Shiva from time to time gets a little annoyed, remember Ananga ?

You are expressing your (apathy/cowardice/lack of care - I'm not sure which ? )

Remaining focused on God does not mean that you have to allow others to take

your possessions or exercise their will and power over you.


I AM ENCOURAGING Hindus to get up and be assertive in protecting their

Culture, heritage, Family and possessions as these are all under attack and

will be taken away by others if they are not careful. Religion has to be practical,

in case you haven't noticed - these days when people go begging for alms in

most cases they are turned away !


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


sumi balu <mymy062004 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Sarvam Sivam,

Dear friend subramani,

Don't be so very angry and loose ur temper. Nothing we, the holy blessed devotees of our father could loose. A small piece of land never holds the un measurable holyness.

HE, the lord of lords is within all of us, all beings and things in this world are his abode. What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?

My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.

Sivaya namaha,

Punith Balu


"P. Subramani" <subramani6912 > wrote:


Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.






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Namaste Pundit Ji,


I understand. I hope HE does have some interesting plans just as you

say. For now though, I only see a sharp moral decline amongst most

Hindus though, politically as well as at the society level and

individual level. At this rate if something is not done, Vedic

heritage will be wiped out completely.


And yes, it would be wrong for any Hindu to concede that other

cultures are bowing to Siva when they show the most disrespect to

any vedic symbols of HIM. Conceding in this manner is nothing short

of cowardice is guise of sprituality.





, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:


> Namaskaar Bhupendra


> Usually when I meditate I offer my lower self as sacrifice to my

higher self, so when Lord Siva wants to communicate things to me, I

either get visions or direct verbal messages. I think the questions

I want to ask and I get the responses if I am allowed to see. This

is kind of a one way process as I cannot compel a response it only

happens at his will. This is our conversation.


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj



> b_jamnadas <b_jamna>


> Namaste Pundit Ji,

> You had a chat with Siva? Could you possibly elaborate?


> Bhupendra


> , Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaskaar

> >

> > It is so heartening to see how easily everyone is willing to

concede that other cultures are bowing to Lord Shiva, when in truth

they would even care to spit on Lord Shiva ! ( as hurtful as this

sentiment is it is the truth ). Thus it is all a figment of your

vivid imaginations.

> >

> > Fact is that Hindus need to be aggressive in defending what is

theirs and stop this fantasy they live in and deal with the

realities of the situation. But fear not, I had a chat with Lord

Shiva and I think he has some really interesting plans for Kashmir/

Mount Kailash, remember the "little" earthquake last year ?.....

> >

> > Namah Sivaya

> > Best Regards

> > Pandit Devindra Maharaj

> >

> > Jay Munshi jaymunshi@ wrote:

> > Excellent Mr. Subramani,

> >

> > I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being

seized by Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian

forces pulled out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development

to Tibet it is widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China,

they are looked upon as secondary citizens and people of other

ethnicity have been artfically relocated to China to demolish and

disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The countries arount the world have

stopped talking about it due to trade relations with China.

> >

> > I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give

up Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian

governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of

India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should

through measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are

not charged a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.

> >

> > As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in

Bhavishya Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was

known as Yuz Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The

lost years of Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ"

and "Bhavishya Purana Islam" you will find sone interesting material.

> >

> > You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana

picked up from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > Jay

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda

Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

> > Texts 17 - 21

> > vikramaditya-pautrasca

> > pitr-rajyam grhitavan

> > jitva sakanduradharsams

> > cina-taittiridesajan

> > bahlikankamarupasca

> > romajankhurajanchhatan

> > tesam kosan-grhitva ca

> > danda-yogyanakarayat

> > sthapita tena maryada

> > mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

> > sindhusthanam iti jneyam

> > rastramaryasya cottamam

> > mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

> > krtam tena mahatmana

> > ekada tu sakadiso

> > himatungam samayayau

> >

> > "Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the

grandson of Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He

defeated the Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas,

the people from Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at

will. He also defeated the people from Rome and the descendants of

Khuru, who were deceitful and wicked. He punished them severely and

took their wealth. Salivahana thus established the boundaries

dividing the separate countries of the Mlecchas and the Aryans. In

this way Sindusthan came to be known as the greatest country. That

personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas beyond the Sindhu

River and to the west."

> > Text 22

> > ekadaa tu shakadhisho

> > himatungari samaayayau

> > hunadeshasya madhye vai

> > giristhan purusam shubhano

> > dadarsha balaram raajaa

> > Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga

and in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near

Manasa Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful

king saw an auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's

complexion was golden and his clothes were white.

> > Text 23

> > ko bharam iti tam praaha

> > su hovacha mudanvitah

> > iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

> > kumaarigarbha sambhavam

> > "The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am

Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of

a virgin.' "

> > Text 24

> > mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

> > satyavata paraayanam

> > iti srutva nrpa praaha

> > dharmah ko bhavato matah

> > " 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I

strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king

enquired, 'What are religious principles according to you opinion?'

> > Texts 25 - 26

> > shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

> > praapte satyasya samkshaye

> > nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

> > masiiho 'ham samagatah

> > iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

> > praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

> > taamaham mlecchataah praapya

> > masiihatva mupaagatah

> > "Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king,

when the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet,

came to this country of degraded people where there are no rules and

regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the

barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to


> > Texts 27 - 29

> > mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

> > mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

> > maanasam nirmalam krtva

> > malam dehe subhaasbham

> >

> > naiganam apamasthaya

> > japeta nirmalam param

> > nyayena satyavacasaa

> > manasyai kena manavah

> >

> > dhyayena pujayedisham

> > suurya-mandala-samsthitam

> > acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

> > athaa suuryacalah sada

> > "Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have

established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good

and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking

recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the

holy names one attains the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun

attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings,

the Lord of the solar region, who is fixed and all-attractive,

attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following

rules, speaking truthful words, by mental harmony and by meditation,

Oh descendant of Manu, one should worship that immovable Lord'."

> > Text 30

> > isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

> > nityashuddha sivamkari

> > ishamasihah iti ca

> > mama nama pratishthitam

> > "Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the

Supreme Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I

preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus

my name became 'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

> > Text 31

> > iti shrutra sa bhuupale

> > natraa tam mlecchapujaam

> > sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

> > mlecchasthaane hi daarune

> > "After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person

who is worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to

stay there in the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

> > Text 32

> > svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

> > hayamedhan ciikirat

> > raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

> > svarga lokamu paayayau

> > "King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an

asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven.

Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

> > Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara"

of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called

pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful

email and get things done faster.

> >








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Such talks and arguments are nothing but "intellectual

dissipation". We have to first remove the blockades in our own mind

and intellect through Siva Sakthi. Then all artificial man made

barriers as mine and thine, including that of India, China,

Pakistan, etc. etc. will break down on its own and there shall be an

indivisible and in explainable one in all of us.



Let us utilize Siva Rathri festivities, fasting and prayers for

breaking the artificial man made barriers through first of all

removing the blockades in our mind by getting stuck to the past.


Om Namah Shivaya.



, "P. Subramani"

<subramani6912 wrote:


> Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the

Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required

and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt

doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our

holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims

are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj

Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit.

Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that

they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just

keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save

ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling

errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance.

Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus

was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.


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Dearest Dev Maharaj,




What do you mean by controversies ?? Is there are any doubts in the mind that Mt Kailash is not associated with LORD SHIVA's.





Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: Namaskaar


I see, why don't you give all of your belongs, your job, your land, your house, your wife and all other belongs to others ? It all belongs to God and after you pass it will belong to someone else so why do you have to have these to start with? You have no need of wealth of food or of anything else too, it all belongs to God what right do you have to any of these ?.


What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?



My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.


So what ? Lord Shiva from time to time gets a little annoyed, remember Ananga ?

You are expressing your (apathy/cowardice/lack of care - I'm not sure which ? )

Remaining focused on God does not mean that you have to allow others to take

your possessions or exercise their will and power over you.


I AM ENCOURAGING Hindus to get up and be assertive in protecting their

Culture, heritage, Family and possessions as these are all under attack and

will be taken away by others if they are not careful. Religion has to be practical,

in case you haven't noticed - these days when people go begging for alms in

most cases they are turned away !


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


sumi balu <mymy062004 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Sarvam Sivam,

Dear friend subramani,

Don't be so very angry and loose ur temper. Nothing we, the holy blessed devotees of our father could loose. A small piece of land never holds the un measurable holyness.

HE, the lord of lords is within all of us, all beings and things in this world are his abode. What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?

My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.

Sivaya namaha,

Punith Balu


"P. Subramani" <subramani6912 > wrote:


Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.






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I would not rely too much on Bhavishya Purana, from what I have come

to know, it has been greatly compromised by invaders into India to

try and win converts


, Jay Munshi

<jaymunshi wrote:


> Excellent Mr. Subramani,


> I on all counts agree with you on the aspects of Tibet being

seized by Chinese. It was a breach of trust and Dharma when Indian

forces pulled out. Though Chinese have brought a lot of development

to Tibet it is widely known about persecution of Tibtans in China,

they are looked upon as secondary citizens and people of other

ethnicity have been artfically relocated to China to demolish and

disintegrate Tibetan Culture. The countries arount the world have

stopped talking about it due to trade relations with China.


> I am not of the opinion that the Chinese government should give

up Tibet for India but atleast there should be a more humanitarian

governing of the Chinese province. As to if Tibet ever was a part of

India. No. It never was is my belief. The Indian Govt. should

through measures of Bilateral Agreements see to it that Indians are

not charged a excessive toll for Mansarovar trip.


> As to the Christ coming to India. This is commented upon in

Bhavishya Purana. After his reserruction he retired to India and was

known as Yuz Asaf. His grave is in Kashmir and if you google up "The

lost years of Christ", "Yuz Asaf", "Bhavishya Purana Christ"

and "Bhavishya Purana Islam" you will find sone interesting material.


> You will find in the post script extract of Bhavishya Purana

picked up from the web. Hope it is an Interesting reading.


> Best Regards,


> Jay




> [ Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda

Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32 ]

> Texts 17 - 21

> vikramaditya-pautrasca

> pitr-rajyam grhitavan

> jitva sakanduradharsams

> cina-taittiridesajan

> bahlikankamarupasca

> romajankhurajanchhatan

> tesam kosan-grhitva ca

> danda-yogyanakarayat

> sthapita tena maryada

> mleccharyanam prthak-prthak

> sindhusthanam iti jneyam

> rastramaryasya cottamam

> mlecchasthanam param sindhoh

> krtam tena mahatmana

> ekada tu sakadiso

> himatungam samayayau


> "Ruling over the Aryans was a king called Salivahana, the

grandson of Vikramaditya, who occupied the throne of his father. He

defeated the Shakas who were very difficult to subdue, the Cinas,

the people from Tittiri and Bahikaus who could assume any form at

will. He also defeated the people from Rome and the descendants of

Khuru, who were deceitful and wicked. He punished them severely and

took their wealth. Salivahana thus established the boundaries

dividing the separate countries of the Mlecchas and the Aryans. In

this way Sindusthan came to be known as the greatest country. That

personality appointed the abode of the Mlecchas beyond the Sindhu

River and to the west."

> Text 22

> ekadaa tu shakadhisho

> himatungari samaayayau

> hunadeshasya madhye vai

> giristhan purusam shubhano

> dadarsha balaram raajaa

> Once upon a time the subduer of the Sakas went towards Himatunga

and in the middle of the Huna country (Hunadesh - the area near

Manasa Sarovara or Kailash mountain in Western Tibet), the powerful

king saw an auspicious man who was living on a mountain. The man's

complexion was golden and his clothes were white.

> Text 23

> ko bharam iti tam praaha

> su hovacha mudanvitah

> iishaa purtagm maam viddhi

> kumaarigarbha sambhavam

> "The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am

Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of

a virgin.' "

> Text 24

> mleccha dharmasya vaktaram

> satyavata paraayanam

> iti srutva nrpa praaha

> dharmah ko bhavato matah

> " 'I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas and I

strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king

enquired, 'What are religious principles according to you opinion?'

> Texts 25 - 26

> shruto vaaca mahaaraaja

> praapte satyasya samkshaye

> nirmaaryaade mlechadeshe

> masiiho 'ham samagatah

> iishaamasii ca dasyuunaa

> praadurbhuutaa bhayankarii

> taamaham mlecchataah praapya

> masiihatva mupaagatah

> "Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king,

when the destruction of the truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet,

came to this country of degraded people where there are no rules and

regulations. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the

barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to


> Texts 27 - 29

> mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo

> mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate

> maanasam nirmalam krtva

> malam dehe subhaasbham


> naiganam apamasthaya

> japeta nirmalam param

> nyayena satyavacasaa

> manasyai kena manavah


> dhyayena pujayedisham

> suurya-mandala-samsthitam

> acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-

> athaa suuryacalah sada

> "Please hear Oh king which religious principles I have

established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good

and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified by taking

recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa. By chanting the

holy names one attains the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun

attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings,

the Lord of the solar region, who is fixed and all-attractive,

attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following

rules, speaking truthful words, by mental harmony and by meditation,

Oh descendant of Manu, one should worship that immovable Lord'."

> Text 30

> isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa

> nityashuddha sivamkari

> ishamasihah iti ca

> mama nama pratishthitam

> "Having placed the eternally pure and auspicious form of the

Supreme Lord in my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I

preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith and thus

my name became 'isha-masiha' (Jesus the Messiah)."

> Text 31

> iti shrutra sa bhuupale

> natraa tam mlecchapujaam

> sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra

> mlecchasthaane hi daarune

> "After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person

who is worshipped by the wicked, the king humbly requested him to

stay there in the dreadful land of Mlecchas."

> Text 32

> svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa

> hayamedhan ciikirat

> raajyam kriitvaa sa shashthyabdam

> svarga lokamu paayayau

> "King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an

asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven.

Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."

> Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "the age of Salivahara"

of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called

pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana.






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If you read the original email from Sumi Balu, the section containing the word "controversies" was taken from that email, maybe Sumi could explain to you.


I only responded to these sections


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards Pandit Devindra Maharaj


anil sharma <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dearest Dev Maharaj,




What do you mean by controversies ?? Is there are any doubts in the mind that Mt Kailash is not associated with LORD SHIVA's.





Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote:



I see, why don't you give all of your belongs, your job, your land, your house, your wife and all other belongs to others ? It all belongs to God and after you pass it will belong to someone else so why do you have to have these to start with? You have no need of wealth of food or of anything else too, it all belongs to God what right do you have to any of these ?.


What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?



My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.


So what ? Lord Shiva from time to time gets a little annoyed, remember Ananga ?

You are expressing your (apathy/cowardice/lack of care - I'm not sure which ? )

Remaining focused on God does not mean that you have to allow others to take

your possessions or exercise their will and power over you.


I AM ENCOURAGING Hindus to get up and be assertive in protecting their

Culture, heritage, Family and possessions as these are all under attack and

will be taken away by others if they are not careful. Religion has to be practical,

in case you haven't noticed - these days when people go begging for alms in

most cases they are turned away !


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


sumi balu <mymy062004 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Sarvam Sivam,

Dear friend subramani,

Don't be so very angry and loose ur temper. Nothing we, the holy blessed devotees of our father could loose. A small piece of land never holds the un measurable holyness.

HE, the lord of lords is within all of us, all beings and things in this world are his abode. What right we have to criticise other people's actions/deeds and stand there accusing them?

My dear learned friend, we should Never go for narrowing our mind even in thoughts. It only leaves us in unhappy and self-loathing. Find peace in the lord in urself. Excuse me, if I found to be offhand/rude.

I wish and pray, the group owner, should be careful about posting these types of controversies. They give the members nothing but a sheer anger and thoughtless wandering.

Sivaya namaha,

Punith Balu


"P. Subramani" <subramani6912 > wrote:


Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when required and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit. Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance. Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.






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Sarvam Sivam

Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....

As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).

We people in Tamil have a dear quote

Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

Which means

my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.

Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.

I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.

I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.

If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.

Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.

Sivaya namaha.

With love,

Punith balu.



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Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have

mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all

and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also

.....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if

something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is

happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are

responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if

everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls

note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a

responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do

whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation



What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those

millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to

give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace

since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that

they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to

happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that

selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can


INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need

to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we

can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain

his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu

<mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care

I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I

gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self,

if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy,

I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please

correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the

great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only

to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all

the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole



> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be

having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in

this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in

the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our

father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do

stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is

our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting

the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember,

Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to

him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm

rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude.

Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing

is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in

your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy

to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir,

though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always

likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He



> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu

<mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care

I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I

gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self,

if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy,

I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please

correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the

great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only

to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all

the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole



> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be

having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in

this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in

the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our

father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do

stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is

our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting

the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember,

Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to

him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm

rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude.

Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing

is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in

your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy

to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir,

though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always

likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He



> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers


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Some of the Man-made boundaries that you are talking baout such as

boundaries that define a nation or kingdom has existed for time

immorial. Such boundaries are necessary as well as it helps the

governing body identify their subjects, and this helps the kingdom

better serve the people. Even mahabharata was a war about such

boundary and Sri Krishna participated in that war. The war was a

fight against injustice, we are talking about the kind of injustice

where deception is used to take over someonce land, humilate them



At a more personal level, we define our own boundaries in terms of

the houses that we leave in. Do we allow anybody and everybody to

come and leave in our house? Do we not put a door at the entrance to

hout house and thereafter, put a lock on that door?


It is very easy to talk about when it comes to society or the nation

at large, but when it comes to a more personal level, we do our best

to safeguard our interest. And that is the problem in India, most

people think so much about themselves that anything happens to the

nation is fine and OK becuase we are a peace loving people, but mind

you, if someone break into your house you will call the police.


, "R. Ramachandran

Nair" <cancercrusader wrote:


> Such talks and arguments are nothing but "intellectual

> dissipation". We have to first remove the blockades in our own


> and intellect through Siva Sakthi. Then all artificial man made

> barriers as mine and thine, including that of India, China,

> Pakistan, etc. etc. will break down on its own and there shall be


> indivisible and in explainable one in all of us.



> Let us utilize Siva Rathri festivities, fasting and prayers for

> breaking the artificial man made barriers through first of all

> removing the blockades in our mind by getting stuck to the past.


> Om Namah Shivaya.



> , "P. Subramani"

> <subramani6912@> wrote:

> >

> > Definitely, we Indians must seize the holiest place from the

> Chinese. That stupid and fool Nehru didn't help Tibet when


> and so the Chinese occupied. another thing is that the Indian govt

> doesn't give subsidies to the Hindus to visit Mount Kailash, our

> holiest place, whereas, because of the vote bank politics, Muslims

> are given 80 percent subsidy to perform the useless and futile Haj

> Yatra even the economically well-off Muslims do get the benefit.

> Some of our group members are so unattached to our religion, that

> they simply watch the happenings of destruction on Hindus and just

> keep silent. No god will ever come and save us. We have to save

> ourselves. Dharmo Rakshathey, Rakshita sorry for the spelling

> errors. It was said that Jesus had come to india and made penance.

> Which books/texts speaks about this fact? I have heard that Jesus

> was in india for ten years and he was a follower of Buddha.

> >


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I am very sorry that you have missed my point entirely, where did I say you should not have love or respect for your fellow being. This is an admirable trait. Now please tell me how you have arrived at this. An armed force of people have occupied a territory that belongs to you and you want to show respect and love to them ?


Have you been sipping Bhang ?


It is an IDEAL that is written in Scripture, the problem here is that you are not being practical at all. Kindly show me where Lord Siva has ever suggested to anyone that this is the behaviour of a Shaivite...


By this same logic, let's assume that Russians, Americans, British decide to occupy ALL of India and kick you out of your ancestral home .... will you show them love and respect too.. I do not think you are thinking about this practically but from a very universal perspective which is NOT practical to apply in a personal sense. The very reason that God gave you a Muladhara, Svadhistan and Manipurak Chakra is for the reason of personal survival. God intended you to be a selfish being. HYou always start with your personal survival and then when you are in a position to be of assistance to another, you act. But you don't start of by assisting others especially those who are bullying you or using force to take your possessions.


Seems to me that you are using Vaishnava philosophy in Shaiva worship. I am most curious, have you ever heard of Kapalikas ( the wearers of skulls) or seen the worship of Rudra and Kali Ma ? - Rudra - the one who makes one weep when you meditate on him you will understand why precisely..............


When you come in contact with Aaghora, the sheer terror of his countenance is enough to send you off a little, if you can't handle it.


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj




sumi balu <mymy062004 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Sarvam Sivam

Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....

As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).

We people in Tamil have a dear quote

Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

Which means

my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.

Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.

I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.

I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.

If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.

Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.

Sivaya namaha.

With love,

Punith balu.



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What are the Muladhara,Svadhistan and Manipurak Chakras?.


Is Aaghora Lord Shiva?.




Joy Sarah

, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:

.. The very reason that God gave you a Muladhara, Svadhistan and

Manipurak Chakra is for the reason of personal survival.

> When you come in contact with Aaghora, the sheer terror of his

countenance is enough to send you off a little, if you can't handle



> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




> sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:

> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and

care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of

yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only

about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or

philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-

possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I

brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians

or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do

people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole



> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be

having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in

this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese

in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for

our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I

do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu,

it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?.

Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others.

Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga

presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm

rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude.

Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the

fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted

in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just

happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected

sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins,

always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give




> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers






> No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go

> with Mail for Mobile. Get started.


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I want to ask all a very simple question

India has the largest collection of spiritual traditions on the face of the planet, despite having the most Gods (lol) and the greatest wisdom ( approximately 2500 texts classified as scripture ) and the largest collection of gurus and an assortment of Holy men. How come God allows India to be ruled by invaders and murderers for 1000 years ? Allowing an estimated 100,000,000 Hindus to be tortured,raped, robbed and murdered - Is the omnisicent God sleeping ? What spiritual benefit is there to this ? How has this made any one a better Hindu ?


If it is karma, I would like for someone with the necessary knowledge to explain what 100,000,000 could have done that was so evil as to deserve this ?


The answer is manifold but the short answer is that there is an incorrect understanding of what is learned and practiced. What has mushroomed to become mass ignorance!


Anyone is welcome to criticize what I say, but the truth stares you in the face daily. Cowardice is not being spiritual, far from it, it is weakness. We can invent all sorts of foolish intellectual gynmastics to justify it but we can never hide from the truth.


The first thing about being spiritual is learning to be honest as you can lie to others but you can't lie to yourself, only delude yourself into believing a truth that never existed.


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


asharm02 <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: PunithJi,


Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also ....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation there.


What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can also PRAY TO GOD to give RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO CHINESE, PAKISTANIS TO NOT INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers





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This is the beauty of MAYA. You take for real, what is not. If enlightened people of the group have this thought process, what will be the condition of ordinary people. No doubt, peace has no chance to survive in the universe.


asharm02 <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: PunithJi,


Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also ....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation there.


What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can also PRAY TO GOD to give RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO CHINESE, PAKISTANIS TO NOT INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers







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Om Namo Narayana,

Perhaps we can reason why did Sri Prahlad have to suffer so endlessly and then eventually get liberated, why did the Pandavas inspite of being so close to Sri Krishna himself have to live through some of the worst moments of life one can imagine and then get eventually liberated, why did Sri Kannappa Nayanar have to blind himself to get Lord Siva's mercy, even the gods and goddesses are not free from suffering!!!

Perhaps for humans, certain sufferings and torments may be the purification needed to come closer and eventually seek our Lord himself.

This may be an "intellectual stunt" but I guess certain sufferings are inevitable and beyond our control and could be happening for reasons best known to HIM only.


Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote:


I want to ask all a very simple question

India has the largest collection of spiritual traditions on the face of the planet, despite having the most Gods (lol) and the greatest wisdom ( approximately 2500 texts classified as scripture ) and the largest collection of gurus and an assortment of Holy men. How come God allows India to be ruled by invaders and murderers for 1000 years ? Allowing an estimated 100,000,000 Hindus to be tortured,raped, robbed and murdered - Is the omnisicent God sleeping ? What spiritual benefit is there to this ? How has this made any one a better Hindu ?


If it is karma, I would like for someone with the necessary knowledge to explain what 100,000,000 could have done that was so evil as to deserve this ?


The answer is manifold but the short answer is that there is an incorrect understanding of what is learned and practiced. What has mushroomed to become mass ignorance!


Anyone is welcome to criticize what I say, but the truth stares you in the face daily. Cowardice is not being spiritual, far from it, it is weakness. We can invent all sorts of foolish intellectual gynmastics to justify it but we can never hide from the truth.


The first thing about being spiritual is learning to be honest as you can lie to others but you can't lie to yourself, only delude yourself into believing a truth that never existed.


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


asharm02 <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: PunithJi,


Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also ....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation there.


What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can also PRAY TO GOD to give RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO CHINESE, PAKISTANIS TO NOT INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers






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Namaskaar Joy


What are the Muladhara,Svadhistan and Manipurak Chakras?.

These are the first three of seven major chakras located in your body


please visit this link to get an idea of where they are located in your body


Is Aaghora Lord Shiva?.



Yes this is the fierce form of Lord Shiva



Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj


joysarahghillie <joysarahghillie (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: Hi


What are the Muladhara,Svadhistan and Manipurak Chakras?.


Is Aaghora Lord Shiva?.




Joy Sarah

, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:

. The very reason that God gave you a Muladhara, Svadhistan and

Manipurak Chakra is for the reason of personal survival.

> When you come in contact with Aaghora, the sheer terror of his

countenance is enough to send you off a little, if you can't handle



> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




> sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:

> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and

care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of

yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only

about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or

philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-

possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I

brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians

or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do

people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole



> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be

having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in

this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese

in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for

our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I

do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu,

it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?.

Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others.

Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga

presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm

rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude.

Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the

fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted

in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just

happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected

sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins,

always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give




> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers






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Namaskaar Rajeeva

Let me ask you, what is this peace that you desire ?


According to our teaching Brahman manifests as Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra for the purpose of creation, preservation and destruction. Shakti manifests as the energy in the forms of Gyan (knowledge), Iccha (will) and Kriya (action) sakti

This process is going on perpetually throughout the universe, it is going on in your body even as you are reading this.


These are the the very principles that you worship on the Lingam !


Now for someting to be destroyed it must first be created and for something to be

created there must first be destruction, as there is one quantum of energy that changes states. Preservation is only in the middle, it is not infinite. This validates the truth that - Change is the only constant.


Peace is only a temporary state and never had a chance to survive because it cannot be according to the law of GOD.


The dances of Lord Shiva are

Srishti - Creation

Sthiti - maintenance

Samsara - Manifestation

Raudra - Anger

Samsara Pralaya - Annihiliation of the Universe by Cosmic Fire


Therefore what is created must also be destroyed.

Now Mt.Kailash

is Siva's abode, what better place for samsara pralaya of the Chinese ?

Of course, the cowards will contend that Siva doesn't really reside here, if it means having to get confrontational..... lol


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj



rajeeva ranjaheren <rajeeva_ranjan2002 > wrote: This is the beauty of MAYA. You take for real, what is not. If enlightened people of the group have this thought process, what will be the condition of ordinary people. No doubt, peace has no chance to survive in the universe.


asharm02 <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:



Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also ....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation there.


What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can also PRAY TO GOD to give RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO CHINESE, PAKISTANIS TO NOT INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




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Namaskar Dev Maharaj Jee,

For me, peace means living in harmony with your fellow human beings and nature, if not the entire universe.

The physical and mental boundaries have been made by men and not God. He/She made everything equal. As per our conditioning, we became separated as individuals, religions, castes, countries, beliefs etc, and we took that for reality. The reality is - nothing exists, except our thought, which is fuelled by ego and tends to divide. Our life is just a memory of our past, and the expectation of the future. What is that we call our LIFE? The life is recreating everything, and we are trying to claim the action. Does the so called "I" exist other than in thought? Please go honestly and deeply in this.

God's creation, Maya has put the three modes of guna - sata, rajas and tamas, and unless we cross that we don't know the truth. And for crossing that , we have to understand ourselves honestly - how do we feel the way we feel, till we know the truth, which is God. Till we find excuses in others and their actions, there is no change in self. It lives in its own created truth, which may not be the ultimate finding.



Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote:

Namaskaar Rajeeva

Let me ask you, what is this peace that you desire ?


According to our teaching Brahman manifests as Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra for the purpose of creation, preservation and destruction. Shakti manifests as the energy in the forms of Gyan (knowledge), Iccha (will) and Kriya (action) sakti

This process is going on perpetually throughout the universe, it is going on in your body even as you are reading this.


These are the the very principles that you worship on the Lingam !


Now for someting to be destroyed it must first be created and for something to be

created there must first be destruction, as there is one quantum of energy that changes states. Preservation is only in the middle, it is not infinite. This validates the truth that - Change is the only constant.


Peace is only a temporary state and never had a chance to survive because it cannot be according to the law of GOD.


The dances of Lord Shiva are

Srishti - Creation

Sthiti - maintenance

Samsara - Manifestation

Raudra - Anger

Samsara Pralaya - Annihiliation of the Universe by Cosmic Fire


Therefore what is created must also be destroyed.

Now Mt.Kailash

is Siva's abode, what better place for samsara pralaya of the Chinese ?

Of course, the cowards will contend that Siva doesn't really reside here, if it means having to get confrontational..... lol


Namah Sivaya

Best Regards

Pandit Devindra Maharaj



rajeeva ranjaheren <rajeeva_ranjan2002 > wrote: This is the beauty of MAYA. You take for real, what is not. If enlightened people of the group have this thought process, what will be the condition of ordinary people. No doubt, peace has no chance to survive in the universe.


asharm02 <asharm02 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:



Everything is Brahman ...its one soul and one energy and we shall have mutual respect, love for everything in this universe as GOD consist all and nothing outside GOD.

Another parallel reality is that you, me and Panditji are Hindus also ....atleast in our mind, body we identify with being Hindus and if something wrong to Hindus had happened in the past, something wrong is happening currently....then its our responsibility to see that. We are responsible - for acting - to save in whatever way we can. And if everything is an illusion this saving part is also an illusion - but pls note we cant escape from this act - because inaction is also a responsibility of ours.


Today's karma is asking us to act. If we are chinese in next birth - do whatever is appropriate at that time. We will act according to situation there.


What can be done: atleast we can pray to GOD to give peace to all those millions who were killed. We can conduct mass hawans to bring peace, to give strength to our culture we can do JAPAS, we can ask for world peace since GOD is everywhere, we can sponsor vedic education for kids so that they will be our future pundits. But unless asked nothing is going to happen on its own. If someone is selfish at national level that selfishness is not as bad as being selfish at personal level. We can also PRAY TO GOD to give RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO CHINESE, PAKISTANIS TO NOT INFLUENCE US. I am sure our sincere prayers will reach GOD. But we need to admit first that something wrong happened and can happen and then we can react in whatever way we can.


To criticize Pundit Maharaj is very easy but please try to feel the pain his heart feels. Only a man of highest purity can feel that way.


As a bonus pls read this posting today on Rediff:









, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



, sumi balu <mymy062004 wrote:


> Sarvam Sivam


> Dear Shri. Pandit Devindra Maharaj,


> Vanakkam


> I did post that comment as a token of respect and care I feel for my fellowbeing. From the confronting comment of yours, I gather, one should be very selfish, he should think only about him-self, if more, about his family, kith and kins. BRAVO....


> As I have very limited knowledge in vedas or philosophy, I could not find anything/anybody insisting self-possessive. Please correct me if I am wrong. By your statement, I brought to believe, the great Karuna Sagar is limited only to Indians or may I say limited only to people like you/us. Well, then why we do people call him god of all the world (swarga, hell and all).


> We people in Tamil have a dear quote

> Thennadu Udaiya Sivaney Potri

> Ennatravarkkum Arase Potri

> Which means

> my lord, you rule us, your devotees, and more you rule the whole world.


> Tell me dear learned friend, As a hindu, u might be having faith in rebirth and reincarnations. You are a hindu/Indian in this birth, what will you do if you were an American or well, Chinese in the following births?.


> I do understand, out of your overpowering love for our father u wish to save or recapture one of his holy abode. Well I do stand with you and support your view for liberation, as a hindu, it is our duty and responsibility. But how we are going to do this?. Fighting the Chinese?, confronting and stand there accusing others. Remember, Ravaneswar lost his holy blessing and the holy sivalinga presented to him because of his state of possessiveness in his mind.


> I did noticed and felt bad, when the plea for alm rejected by people, that shows the passion-dry, and selfish attitude. Religion is important, it is our identity, but love for the fellowbeing is most important, it is life itself.


> If patience and love for fellowbeings is interpreted in your dictionary as cowardice/lack of care/ apathy), then I am just happy to be the one u said.


> Finally I would remind you one thing, my respected sir, though our great father, the destroyer of all evils and sins, always likes to be loved and to give love / to be cared or to give care. He showed us ONLY THROUGH LOVE AND HUMILITY ONE COULD REACH HIM.


> Sivaya namaha.


> With love,

> Punith balu.




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