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how to conquer anger?

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There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag

of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a

nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails

into the fence! It gradually dwindled down as he discovered it was

easier to hold temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He

told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now

pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father

that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and

led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look

at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you

say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.


You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how

many times you say "I'm sorry", the wound is still there.


A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare

jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They

lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to

open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care. Dont

kill them with your angry outbursts. You will lament later. Imagine

how many friends you have already lost because of little things.


ANGER is like nuclear energy. It can be lethal to you if you misuse

it. All explosive things can be made to be useful by proper

management. Anger is a great form of super energy. The ideal is to

harness energy out of anger, which can work to eliminate the cause of

your anger. Angry person is the loser always. Don't play with anger.

Try from now on, to blame yourself for all your anger - NEVER to

others as you are the ONLY one who suffers not the third parties to

whom you blame.


How to deal with Anger


The question still remains in one's mind HOW To express anger. Should

we SUPPRESS it or should we programme our mind to train it to use

that extra fuel created by energy to do something more creative ?


Even if somebody provokes you zillion times, if you knew deep down in

your heart, that ANGER is like opening the lid of a living volcano,

you will for sure think several times.


Because if you remove the lid of the volcano, the lava will flow and

guess who is going to get the sensation of BURNING ?


The person who provoked you or YOU? If you review it carefully you

will see that lava will flow in yourself. The smoke of this lava will

keep your mind polluted and the feeling of burn will keep hurting you

for days.


While you are burning, in reality, you are burning in the fire of

repentence. WE all feel very foolish once the lava of anger has

finally flown away, drained out.


The AFTERMATH of anger is the assessment of loss, the calculation of

damage we have done to ourselves.


In all this process, you will notice that, the person who provoked

you is NEVER there to suffer an iota of what you suffered.


WE ARE THE ONLY victims of our own anger. Nobody else.


WHO PAYS for the anger?


If we connect a 100 watt light bulb with a 4000 voltage source, it

would instantly burn the bulb. Similarly the nervous system is not

made to withstand the destructive and powerful force of anger - an

intense emotion - which does drain away our energy.


Dont just take it easy. It is proven that each episode of anger can

take our life energy, pran shakti, the divine life energy, out of us.

In fact if I told you, that each angry scene cost you 30 days of your

life, and if you calculate each time you have gone nuts with anger,

many people will have lost many years already. Do your calculation

now for yourself and see how much of your life is already gone.


Please take note that ANGER is not a force in itself nor it has any

shape of its own, but IT is a powerful invisible, earthquake like

phenomenon which shakes and stirs the life energy, inherent in your

body and soul - which is the real source of force - and in reality

drains it out. So in other words, anger is your own life energy which

is converted by anger into a negative force. By practice and exercise

you can re-convert this negative force into positive energy again. It

does work.


So we do lose a lot by anger?


Suffering ourselves from this enormous loss, is actually diminishing

our life energy and consequently reducing our life's duration and

stay on this planet with our present name.


How do we deal with it?


First of all write down on a piece of paper, who makes you angry,

what is it that makes you angry, what words and actions, in which

way, make you angry. Then meditate and think deeply, about the

reasons why you get upset for those words and actions.


Each time you get angry, think about and go through the above

practice of quick analysis.


Think how damaging it is and how much you are going to lose by

letting your precious life force go waste as if it was useless.

Remember your life force, in question, is in reality a certain

fraction of LIFE.


If i told you that each time you get angry, you are going to lose 40%

of your monthly income, will you not stop and think seriously the

causes of anger. Likewise or probably in more ways, you are losing

much more than that. You are losing your life force, which is divine

and a gift of Nature. Keep it in your life reserve. It is LIFE



You will never get back that lost essential life energy. REMEMBER! We

are actually forfeiting and losing a part of our LIFE.


If you have friends who make you angry, try not to see these friends.

If you have anyone around you who is so cruel that he or she is

unknowingly robbing of your life force, will you continue to be a

victim of their tactic or tantrums and kill yourself gradually just

to keep their ego uninflated.


If you were smart and alert, you will stop seeing these people or

change your attitude. DO NOT Expect THEM To change or amend their

ways. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE even if you lose all you have.


DO NOT have a head on collision with these people who make you upset.

JUST do not get in their way. Take another route. DONT TELL ME there

are not many alternate routes always. Find them out. There is always

a way out.....


Change yourself and save yourself.




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