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Mount Kailash. -Somy

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like you i read this group to learn more about honoring Siva from all

learned souls here. it is said that Religion can be compared to

swimming in the ocean while Spirituality is like diving. Siva is about

the diving deep. i think that Siva, being the unattached Yogi he is,

would destroy any and/or all external symbols, including mountains, if

that is what it took to get us to dive deep. as a generalization

Religion in the world today is stuck on the surface, which is causing

many conflicts. a quote that made me think of this ongoing discussion

from Swami Vivekananda, "He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak,

and in the diseased, really worships Siva." may we see Siva not in

the temples, but in the downtrodden that we pass on our way to the

temple. we know the ocean's treasures are always on the floor while

garbage tends to float on its surface. may the world strive to dive.




, "somybist"

<somybist wrote:


> Aum Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamaH


> Aum Namah Sivaye


> Dear brothers and sisters,


> I think we are losing our focus. I have been following mails

> after mails but I see no spiritual sense now in this topic.


> Therefore, may I suggest to respected brothers and sisters

> to close this chapter. Earlier when I came to this forum, the

> topics were very, very focussed and having loads of spiritual

> sense, value, substance, and quite practical some of which I am

> trying to imbibe, but this particular topic "Mount Kaislash" leads

> us to nowhere at this point in time.


> For example, some of us say we have to bring Kailasa back or we talk

> about china vs india being mighter, but does this lead us anywhere.


> In reality who from us is taking any intitative to bring it back?


> Are we doing something about it?


> If not then lets make ourselves stronger to do so spiritually and let

> the country become stronger military-wise.


> I have heard about Brahmastra and my Bhagwadpad Gurudev has the power

> also, but this power is not used from time immemorial. Why? This

> answer is not with us. This is something we are not at the level to

> know about. We see the world and things from the plane we are in,

> but all those great Rishis of this 'paavan bhoomi' those who have

> immeasureable powers they are on a higher plane and we cannot

> understand many of their acts.


> So lets get on to higher planes for what is in front of us is just

> not even 50% of the world. The hidden part is more than what our

> senses can perceive.


> Please do not mind my explaining this again "plane" thing by the way

> of an example.


> When I was a child one particular day I was suffereing from could,

> cough and seeing the ice-cream wala i wanted to have ice-cream and

> cried for it. My mohter did not leve me have it though i cried and

> rolled on the ground, but i couldn't have it. Because mother knew

> what would happen if I had it and i though O! mom you are so bad

> didn't let me have my favorite thing.


> So I say lets go to a higer plane and understand things. I am eager

> to know more about Siva, Bhairava, and Shakti and since quite long I

> am not able to find much in mails.


> There are many learned personalities in this forum who could

> share some knowledge about Siva vis a vis how we can come closer to

> Him, how can i seek His darshan? How can i see Him in my dream.


> Lately since Sivaratri i have been doing one mala of Maha-Mritunjaye

> mantra and I feel lost in Kailasa every now and then. I feel truly

> hungry to know more about Trilok Guru Mahadeva.


> I want to see Gurudev/Mahadev but I know not how to go about it.


> Please help me out.


> With love and regards,


> somy


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