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The Secret

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I watched "The Secret" and was rather disturbed by it. I think that perhaps people should examine the message within this movie a bit more thoroughly for themselves. The movie seems to have some good intentions- it is important people realize the power of the law of attraction: that the energy one projects out to the universe has a definite effect on what one recieves from the universe. I find this to be very true for myself, more specifically, the way in which I perceive the world directly influences the way in which I experience the world and the way in which the world will respond to me - whether it be emotional, spiritual, physical, material, or subtle. However I found fault, first of all, with the testaments given, i.e. I have a beautiful home and beautiful wife and all this money because I willed it, I changed my perspective, direction, and thus got the results I desired. Not only is this wrapped up in entirely superficial stuff, which makes me skeptical

right off the bat, but it also seems extremely simplified, even in the more spiritual testaments. I believe that it is harmful to preach to people that one can get whatever it is they want - health, money, fame, love- by simply thinking positive thoughts. There are many other factors involved in such acheivements. If we all were able to move the world so easily and swiftly in such large ways simply for what we wanted (what the little "I" wanted or thought it needed) wouldn't all of our intentions be criss crossing and cancelling one another out all the time? I believe it could also be rather detrimental, or rather overwhelming for a person to believe that every circumstance in their life is controllable, that they are responsible. It is important to recognize the large part you play, but not everything is under your control - thank goodness and good grief! Lasly, should we not also learn to be accepting and content within our current circumstances - I am by no

means saying to not strive or evolve, but when we cannot obtain what we want in the outside world, whatever it is we believe we need, to strive inwards, use that inability to control and weild power over, to surrender and help us to evolve inward?





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I can appreciate your point of view about the secret but I must add a couple

of thoughts. First they do say in the movie that it is not about positive

thinking but more about the feelings and the visualizing. This is not a

completely new idea but the premise is that you must really believe it. Another

point about cancelling each other's intentions out is that the universe may have

another way of getting what you want and it may not be in the time frame that

we would like but you will be closer to your intention. When you talk about

superficial stuff well I agree what is important to one isn't important to

another. You will not have me wishing I lived in a multimillion dollar mansion but

I would like to have my house look the way I want it to look so in that

respect I do believe it works. I will give you a brief example of something that

happened to me last summer: My husband and I were always struggling to make

ends meet, basically living paycheck to paycheck and praying no unexpected bill

comes up. When I was at a really low point (300+ overdrawn at the bank) I

prayed desperately for a solution. I left it in God's hands and just prayed.

Well to make a long story short within the day circumstances started to change

etc etc etc. We found out we had alot more equity in our house than we

thought, refinanced and now we are doing our kitchen over (which it desperately

needed). Also I hated my job for awhile but knew I needed it for insurance etc and

the pay and hours were good. I kept saying affirmations the I loved my job

and my job loved me etc etc. Now I actually do enjoy my job and my boss does

love me (most of the time). The obstacles that I disliked seemed to just move

away as they did in the movie for the comedian.

Well the point of my stories is that I believe what they say in the movie. I

believe that some people don't think they deserve more or to be more happy.

I do think that if you focus on what you don't want you will get more of it.

Well anyway. Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in. Namaste Harnam Kaur

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Thank you Cerridwen

Being outspoken , I think it hogwash to feel we can get everything we want by

using the secret. If we look at it, it is something we already know and you

are right that not all things are within our control and sometimes we are

saved from deleterious things by that so-called lack. You put it so well,

better than I as I tend to get bombastic. A calm intelligent approach to these

matters is so much wiser.


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Dear Heather:


On Oprah they clarified some of your concerns. They reminded the

viewers that the road is that of self discovery. They also mentioned

that one cannot change without first feeling truly grateful for what

one already has (not a simple thought or affirmation) . (I had come to

the experience in my life that I could not move on without loving my

current situation, and it amounts to the same thing).


You are right, they do simplify! Yet I am pretty sure that on a one to

one counseling session where the situation occurs they would be able

to be more precise.


For instance imagine discussing the ideas from "the secret" and then

ask the question: "OK... how does this apply in Christ's life?" or

"Now explain why Yogi Bhajan died of kidney failure... Did he create

that in his life?"


The answers here are a little more complicated than the scope of

discussion in "the Secret". And it has to do with the kind of life one

lives in service to humanity. It has to do with how one sees one's

life. Yogi Bhajan did not judge his kidney failure as a negative thing

that needed to be corrected in any other way than what he did. Christ

did not choose to override the life that came to him. So it is about

being content with life as it is. But we can only get there after

exhausting all our material desires and all our restlessness about the

way things are going in our life. Otherwise we could be complacent and

just accept laziness or any other way we avoid to live our purpose. We

have to get to a place of Knowledge where we understand (or trust)

that we are moved by a deeper purpose that serves humanity. That only

comes through living (accepting the material experience of life on

Earth). The movie "The Secret" does not need to go there. The ideas

still apply, even as the way one looks at life changes with each stage

of spiritual growth.




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Sat Nam,


The idea I liked expressed on Oprah Thursday was


To bring something new in your life, you have to be grateful for what you have.


Interesting that this year I bought a journal just for Gratitudes and Accomplishments. Everyday, I write what I am grateful for for that day and what I accomplished. It feels good to me. I like to feel good, so this technique works for me.


People will discuss endlessly the ideas in this movie. What I consider important for myself is what works for me. Within the universal law of cause and effect, there are an infinite number of ways to be and act. We are each searching how to best dance our own dance.


The best way to find out what works for us is to experiment. Life is one big alchemical experience. When you get a formula that works for you, let us know. It is fun to compare notes.


Of course, there are all those universal energies, unconscious programs, mass consciousness and everything else we are unaware of that we are unaware of. One way to help cover ourselves in the unknown domain is to do our daily sadhana or spiritutal practice. Everyday I feel I cover myself by aligning with the unknown with Kundalini yoga and meditation. This works for me too.


BTW, I will be out of town and off line for a couple of weeks. I will not be responding to emails during this time.





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Beautiful to see the varied responses from you all including


Guru Rattana wrote:


>"Of course, there are all those universal energies, unconscious programs, mass consciousness and everything else we are unaware of that we are unaware of. One way to help cover ourselves in the unknown domain is to do our daily sadhana or spiritual practice. Everyday I feel I cover myself by aligning with the unknown with Kundalini yoga and meditation. This works for me too."



with the absolute kingpin of it being Gratitude


yogahs (Avtar Singh) wrote:


Dear Heather:


"On Oprah they clarified some of your concerns. They reminded the

viewers that the road is that of self discovery. They also mentioned

that one cannot change without first feeling truly grateful for what

one already has (not a simple thought or affirmation) . (I had come to

the experience in my life that I could not move on without loving my

current situation, and it amounts to the same thing)"


On Oprah and in the film the point was made that if you can't look back

at a situation and give thanks for whatever happened, and appreciate the

fruit that was borne of it then you're not really in a place of

Gratitude. This, for me, is the secret and believe me it takes going

real, real deep to come out feeling that way. Tratakam meditation was

kicker that really allowed this deeper process (

http://doiop.com/tratakam ), and it didn't take much time at all. Yogiji

had said many years ago something to the effect "give me all your pain".

Well, thanks for the invite because that's what I did.

Praises, Praises, Praises!

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh


Videos of the Oprah segments are available on Youtube


"The Secret" on Oprah!


Part 1-1: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jayleppe


Part 1-2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaEBWBw-kKE


Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDIzzc6JKks


Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLWb3Te8Tuc


Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukm6LMBb_LQ


Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VipqbxpaAHA


View it on one page here: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jayleppe

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